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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Well I know fact a fact that me and my husband have had our ups and downs as to where I did leave him and took my 3 kids with me to mother's house, but when I got their my mother asked me where I was going and what's up with the suitcase, I said to her I'm staying with u and dad for awhile. Long story short, I explained the situation to my mother between me and hubby. Please" My mother told me I can't run away because we were arguing about me being tired as a housewife, and isn't seeing eye 2 eye as a husband and wife. But she also said to me and left my mind wandering is when we took vows, it stated we're husband/wife tru thick and thin until death due us part. So I've decided to go back and work things out with him and we've been together for 25 yrs including 22 yrs of being married in which my husband is indeed a good man who loves me and his childrens as well as being a family. Lastly" I'm looking forward to seeing the outcome in this drama, as it was mentioned that a new character Lee Jae Yoon is also being cast and hope he's another great guy to interact with HG or probably end up with YK.

@suchadiva42,  Girl you nuts your ,mom was right LMAO  we all do things that we get tired of doing but that's apart of marriage do you think your husband enjoy going to work everyday giving you his money..

@valsava" lol you're right as well I was nuts back then but learned how to become a better wife as I got older, which my husband does work hard and pays all the bills except the cable, now that's on me because I'm willing to pay for the internet just to watch my dramas ;)

@dramadilla" Welcome the More the Merrier and no u didn't offend me with your insights please keep um coming.

Lastly" I really couldn't see myself putting my husband's toothbrush in the toilet like HG did, to a fact that it was totally uncalled for and could've found another way to handle JE adultery. as to where I also agree with some here stating that HG should've been on her knees begging JE instead of his little mistress SR SMH.

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The written preview was posted for ep 10 on 9/20. Can someone translate it.

사고로 기억을 잃고 용기의 삶을 살아가는 해강! 해강은 매일 밤 똑같은 악몽을 꾸고, 그런 해강이 안쓰러운 백석은 따뜻하게 안아주며 그런 사고는 없었다고 다독인다. 한편 백지는 친구들에 의해 강제로 진언과 현우의 지갑을 훔치고, 지갑이 없어진 사실을 알게 된 진언은 지갑 안에 있는 사진을 꼭 찾아야 한다며 경찰에 신고하는데...


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here is a question for folks ~ so we have another couple in this drama where there is also cheating in the marriage. Jin Ri's husband (what is the guy's name? MS?) has one night stands and thinks of them as utterly harmless. while Jin Ri gets mad, she doesn't seem enraged enough to walk out or anything because she needs him to beat her brother at the company. so here is my question -- how come folks aren't bothered by that relationship dynamic? is it because they are side characters and not the main leads? is it because they are both stupid characters that don't inspire any feeling from us viewers to care about them? would love to hear your views on the dynamic on this marriage and why we viewers don't seem perturbed by these two...

I guess the reason why no-one is bothered by their relationship dynamic here is because those characters themselves aren't bothered by it.

I agree what joins them is keeping the position and what bothers them is losing it especially to HK. If I remember right MTS said "your father chose me" and so I think the marriage was arranged. For them HK is the irritant that keeps them together. And Jin Ri dislikes her stepmother because she was the mistress who had a son and whom she thinks made her mother suffer. She may also be bothered that  MTS will beget a child with another woman. She has been childless and she harps on HK not having another child. but it probably bothers her more that she is childless because if she had a son, the father's favor might turn her way. She is the legitimate child after all.

Based on what we've been offered so far, one can conclude that Jin-ri and Tae-seok aren't childless... It just seems that their children are somewhere abroad, maybe studying. 

In the scene where Tae-seok advised Jin-ri on how to behave at the press conference, he suggested that she go visit the kids - as a way to heal. And he also mentioned having a boy and a girl while speaking to Yong-gi's grandmother.

Thank you for your correction.Which makes Jin Ri's jealousy even worse, here is the outsider the daughter in law and yet the favored "son"

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Love the discussion that's going on in this thread. Peace to all and hope we'll all stay civil, agree to disagree if the case may be, and enjoy this thought-provoking and awesome drama till the end with no ill feelings whatsoever. This is a fiction which makes us all think and appreciate life/family/spouse/etc, and many of us bring to the table personal or known experiences as well. And like @Lmangla said, we will get to know and perhaps understand a lil of what each of us feel about certain issues, and hopefully appreciate each one of our individual POV.

Personally, I find 'words' and 'the intangible' 'the unseeable' more scary, more hurtful than actions. I believe my body can take the blows better than my heart and mind can take the emotional torture. Physical wounds and scars can heal in time. But emotional hurt, broken trust, forgone respect... I find those are almost impossible to be restored to it's usual state of being. Trust and respect, once broken, it's never the same again, like a broken mirror. In a marriage where they - trust and respect - are lacking, it can be salvaged, it can be endured, tolerated, what-have-you, but it will never be the same again. 

As much as I love KHJ, JJH and PHB as superb actor/actress, my take on infidelity will always be 'it is wrong, and while it can be forgiven and endured, it cannot, should not be justified'. 

Still, I applaud HK for trying against all odds, in spite of indignity, and when there is no kid involved, to hold on to her marriage, and her husband. While no one can couch her for personality goodness, for ruthless and unfeeling disposition, for cold and calculative means to achieve corporate goals, and no matter how poor and messed up her growing up environment may be. Similarly applicable to SR - being an orphan and growing up poor do not mean she gets a wild card to covet another woman's husband, to seduce another woman's husband into an adulterous relationship, to break up a family. Her warped thinking and values are misguided. While we can discount SR for being young, naive and immature, we cannot do the same for JE, a grown man/father/husband. A professor to boot.




in IHAL, JE is wrong. TS is wrong. Chairman is wrong. GN is wrong. SR is wrong...and so on.

in STTYO, WC is wrong, JY is wrong...and so on.

in MLED, JH is wrong. He's more than wrong. He's evil and deceptive to the core!

in Temptation, SH is wrong, SY is wrong...and so on..

...and so on.

The only time we can disregard infidelity is when marriage is no longer a sanctity to be upheld, that coveting someone else's spouse is fair game. The world has enough issues needing resolution, families and married couples have enough pressures to stay together. Whether a married couple stay together or not, that's of course up to their own individual choice. Any third party that comes between them, esp in the couple's moment of weakness and rockiness, is just wrong.  There's no IFs or BUTs. Infidelity cannot thrive or be overlooked. It has to be stamped out as best as any society can (with perhaps education of values, spotlighting the issue caused to broken families, the health issues caused to the victim spouse, and so on.) 

JE may have had it with HK, up to his forehead. Still, he should not resolve his issues with HK with infidelity. If his love has dissipated into hatred and disgust, he should divorce first. Getting into infidelity...that's illogical and counter-intuitive. IT's JUST WRONG!

PS: I may get flak for my take but it is IMO and my POV. Stamping out and not condoning infidelity is neither a thought or an act of 'righteous than thou' or 'holier than thou' approach. To me, it is (hopefully together with the public at large, and many of us here) just one small step we can take, in a concerted effort to protect marriage as a sanctity that it ought to be, and to protect family units and future generations.  

Edited by jadecloud
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so lesson #1 from this drama ~ if you are cheating or have an angry spouse, keep your toothbrush in a safe place! kekeke.... 


Or don't drink water or juice in the pitcher in the refrigerator, go buy bottled water to drink don't bring it home.

Edited by zenya22
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The written preview was posted for ep 10 on 9/20. Can someone translate it.

Losing your memory in an accident Haegang live a life of courage! Haegang are dreaming the same nightmare every night, Baekseok slippery Haegang is felt sorry that such incidents will gives a warm hug eopeotdago Indah extensive reading. The blank is forced to steal the purse of mantras and Hyunwoo by friends, find a lost wallet is in fact exactly the mantra to find a picture in the wallet, saying to call the police ...


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Omg, @dramadilla, I'm so glad to see you here! I was surprised when I saw you liked my post! Haha! Lol! It's been a while, hello and welcome!

I may be contradicting myself here but with my own personal experience, my problem with my husband was personal differences between us and I didn't like the way he and his family live their life style! If it was about infidelity, cheating and such, if I was Hae Gang, I wouldn't even fight for Jin Eun, for their marriage even though I see why Jin Eun did what he did, what led to why he did what he did! Nonetheless, I applauded Hae Gang for fighting until the end! She has a bigger heart than I do! I don't think I will be able to forgive my husband for cheating if it is to happen with me!

Yes, both Jin Eun and Hae Gang are not on the same level but they're still married, living in the same house so I totally agree with everything you said, @jadecloud! Again, I would of curse like no tomorrow at Jin Eun once that elevator door opens and slap the s h i t out of him if I was Hae Gang! And before that, how dare he was able to give his own shoes to another woman, not just gave her the shoes but he used his own two hands and f r e a k e n put the shoes on her feet! (Lmao!)

Also, he's a side character and maybe that's why it don't bother me much but no, I wouldn't want a husband like Tae Seok! Having one night stands with women is still cheating! If that's what he wants to continue doing then I'll divorce him!

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I'm actually pretty overwhelmed in life so I haven't been keeping up with the thread as much as I would like to. I want to say the stuff like HK did with the toothbrush and stuff is what I heard that workers in hotels (motels or whatever) do to the stuff in the room! Truly disgusting stuff. Don't use the coffee maker. Lock up your toothbrush.

I digress. I typed up a lot of different things but ended up deleting them all. I'm not even quite sure what I want to express. My main thing with JE and HK is that their family of origin plays a large role in how they turned out and how they approach their marriage. Neither have good role models. Also, these two are very "dirty fighters" andthey do not fight fairly. Many years ago, early on in my own marriage, we did PAIRS and they had a part that was "fair fight for change". While it all sounded like 'yeah, yeah, I know that..." it was really hard to put into practice for me. This concept of fighting fairly. These are just tools - each couple comes up with whatever "tools" work for them when it comes to conflict resolution etc. These are the type of things that JE and HK could have used a long time ago. It takes both sides to put in the effort. But now they are hanging by a thread and divorce is just a formality. At this point as I think I said before, amnesia for HK could not have come at a better time. Some people cannot appreciate what they had until they lose it. I think it's going to work out that way on both sides for HK and JE. Cheating aside, they both contributed to the demise of their marriage. Horrible inlaws don't help. They need space and time to reevaluate their own lives and figure out what is it that they really want

And really I need to see more time focusing on the non-cheating men in the show. There aren't that many... I love JJH but my blood boils seeing JE and SR. boils. Show me more BS and the new guy!! 

Edited by junkietiger14
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See, the thing I don't understand is, one is having problems, issues with their boyfriend/girlfriend, significant other, spouse at home yet at work, elsewhere, how could one still have a one night stand with another person, being attractive to another person and such!

I'll understand if one is just talking about one's problems with that another person, hang out with that another person for free time, stress release, for example like friends, coworkers and so forth but to be emotionally and/or physically attracted to that another person or just straight out having fun with that another person as something on the side, for example Tae Seok, seem so off, weird, confusing to me! How could some people use that, being attractive to another person, dating another person, sleeping with, having s e x with another person as something just for fun, something to get their mind off of their own personal problems and/or invest their time in another relationship when they are still in a current relationship!

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@suchadiva42, thank you for sharing your story. I think that if the partners fight together for the marriage, the marriage will be stronger. I remember I asked my aunt once what was the secret to her good marriage, and she said that they have made decisions before they got married, and one decision was that divorce will never be an option. Well, if that is your starting point, the only option after that, is to communicate and work on that marriage.

@dramadilla, hello, and welcome to the thread.  I also was sad about that wife in Temptation. He brought a new ring and an offer to work on their marriage and she left. I think many times viewers get very emotional because they imagine themselves in a similar situation.

@tunquat,    @ayselluna         thank you for the new screencaps...!

@valsava, Thank you for translation!




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I was wondering.....how come in the plot summary it is the wife in her amnesiac state is the one who falls in love again with the hated husband? When is is evident that from the actions of HK and from what she said to her father-in-law about loving her husband, it is obvious that she did love him in her own way. And basing it from the many  comments earlier regarding their analysis of HK's character/personality.  

And she also did let go. As the saying goes, if you love someone you set them free which she did. She is of no use anymore to the husband and she heard and saw him throw her away. It is useless to force her way into staying married to someone who does not love  or care for her anymore.

So my take on this is it should be the husband JE who should fall in love with the wife again. It was him who fell out of love. He hated her so much he could not even stand being near her. He even committed adultery just to put emphasis on the fact that he is done with HK. 

I would like to see him at the opposite side of the picture ( in the future, after four years) when he meets amnesiac HK once more and this time he is the usurper going between HK and BS relationship. He becomes the SR in the BS and HK relationship.And since HK"s biological clock is ticking and to make the story more realistic and chaotic, HK and BS at this moment in time   already have a child or 2 between them. They are not married since HK lost her memory and they instead agree to get married after she gets back her memory. 

This time ex husband meets ex wife once more and the girl looks so much like his ex wife and   falls in  love with her  and does his best to  get in between the two, HK and BS. HK and BS relationship is strong and does not crumble however the ex husband is crazy  and causes the problems plus comes along   SR at the sidelines trying to get back JE.  

This would make for an interesting story......... but of course only in my dreams because the writer has his/her own version.

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I'm so loving the pictures of BS and HK that I really hope the synopsis is wrong---HK please don't hurt BS.

Me 2!!!! just pictures yet they look good together with good chemistry.

Both JE and HK need growth in their life views and healing in their hearts and doing it separately is so good  for them. Maybe as the drama moves on they will find their bigger and kinder heart to forgive themselves and each other and their pasts. That way they are so free to love another and yeah, I agree I hope too that the synopsis is wrong.

BS fighting!!!! LOL

Edited by zenya22
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Actress Kim Bo-jeong appears in TV series 'I Have A Lover'


Actress Kim Bo-jeong poses for a photo prior to an interview with The Aju Business Daily newspaper at a cafe in Jung-gu, central Seoul. She plays Miae, an employee of a pharmaceutical company in SBS' drama "I Have A Lover," who, according to entertainment industry sources, breathes life into the television series. In the drama which began airing Aug. 22, actress Kim Hyun-joo stars as a woman who suffers memory loss and falls back in love with her husband




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cr. SBS

wah BS so handsome in here, I remember watching him in my name is kim sam soon I really hate him in that series

is there any possible to happen that yk will be mistaken as hk by je. maybe not seeing her for a year or 2, then accidentally met yk with a child and thought that hk hide it from him but kinda worry because yk does know him( btw does je knew hk has a twin). then je will take good care of her because he taught hk had suffer depression, pain etc and cause her lost of memory......haayyyyy im just to excited what will happen to the twin and how will je love hk back and ignoring sr:w00t:

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what will be the role of the new actor ? don't tell me he will fell in love with sr ? please director don't , don't, don't 1 je is enough to be fooled I rather want the new actor paired with yk or hk

Then again, it would show JE how HK felt because he doesn't have a clue and didn't care.

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I'm so loving the pictures of BS and HK that I really hope the synopsis is wrong---HK please don't hurt BS.

Me 2!!!! just pictures yet they look good together with good chemistry.

Both JE and HK need growth in their life views and healing in their hearts and doing it separately is so good  for them. Maybe as the drama moves on they will find their bigger and kinder heart to forgive themselves and each other and their pasts. That way they are so free to love another and yeah, I agree

BS fighting!!!! LOL

Me tooI hope that the synopsis is wrong...i hope the writer will change the sinopsis...HK deserves something better...i love BS and new YK photos ...seeing her smille ...happy...wow BS is the best medicine for her...he brought light in her life...

Edited by andy78
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