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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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my gosh i hate the husband sooo much!! this kind of drama is too heavy for me...usually i drop it after 2-3 eps...weirdly i keep watching this drama, i can't help it...i need to know what will happen to this poor Hae Kang...seriously!:sweatingbullets:

@bmw277" We all would like to know what's going to happen to HG but in order for me to know, I'll have to continue watching and hoping it'll be a happy ending for her as well.

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Guys thank you for you very well welcoming lol, now I need that you explain me something JE and SR they sleep together but did something more happen than sleep??? Because in ep 6 when JE is sleep he ir using a shirt but in ep 7 we saw him shirtless ??? :crazy::o

I guess you got it right.

Those animals had more than mere sleep...

LOL The answer is so spot on hilarious! Where's the LOL buttion when I need it?

SR will prob get preggy from this (let's just call it) 'animal instinct interaction' and that will prob make both JE and SR reconsider their trip to Stanford.

So excited that we are nearing the accident time period and time jump period. Yes! move on already. No more torture for HK. Enough! Just let her be done with the Choi family and move over to BS' love and care.

HK and YK ...Fighting!


Finish ep 3.... I feel very angry about Seol Ri, i want to kill her. She taking Hea Kang husband but stills fake innocent. I hope she will not couple with Baek Seo, because he is a good man. Sedl Ri is a bad girl
I have a question, Yong Ki or Seol Ri will fall in love with Beak Soo?


@quockhanh45  Good question.  It seems possible that YK may reunite and rekindle feelings with BS since they were first loves. I'm wondering though how that can happen since HK post-accident will take on YK's ID. Perhaps after HK falls in love with JE and where BS will realize HK is not YK? And it may happen that later on, much later, when SR's marriage with JE turn sour, SR may turn to BS, and who knows, may fall for him. Just specs. We have to wait and see what will unfold.


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 Ew i really hope BS never falls for SR. He is clearly way too good for her. SR needs to suffer a lot in my book.

well instead of SR falling for BS, i think she would beg BS to marry HK so JE wouldnt dream of being with HK again. SR would hide the truth after knowing HK/YK's ID. I think SR in the future will do everything to get rid of HK, hoping BS will be there to project HK.

Right now, I am hating the most of TS, the snake is bloody and dangerous. I think JE would take over de vice president position after HK died. JR and TS would have plan B to get rid of JE and SR in the future. SR may get a position at their company as well. I think SR's relationship with BS's dad will be broken once she married JE ( BS's dad wouldnt allow SR to marry JE because JE is Kim Gyu Nam's son-in-law).

I am hoping for more fight between Kim Gyu Nam and SR, hope mommy will cut off of SR's hairs upon hearing their marriage. KGN doesnt have anything to lose anymore after HK's death. poor mommy. Hope HK's mom ends up with BS's dad.

My scenario of how the ending will be ,JE dies( after recueing HK out of some accident which created by SR, JR or TS), SR would become some psycho woman. The Choi's family get destroyed, the company is destroyed. HK ends up with BS and raising YK's baby after YK's death?. HK's mom and BS's dad open an orphanage.


소리내서 말할 수 없고
지울래도 지울 수 없는
그대, 왜 늦으셨나요 
다시 나를 찾아오는게 

정말 나는 괜찮았는데 
그럭저럭 웃어 왔는데 
이젠 난 온통 거짓말
내가 뭘 할 수 있나요

죽을만큼 미워했던 맘도
또 못된 욕심도
다 사랑이었다는 걸
눈부시게 사랑했다는 걸
믿을 수 있는 건
다 알고 있는 건
온 세상 속에 우리 두 사람

눈을 감고, 문을 닫았죠
그대밖에 보이지 않게
이젠 나를 꼭 안아줘
잠시 행복할 수 있게

죽을만큼 미워했던 맘도
또 못된 욕심도
다 사랑이었다는 걸 
그 누구도 알 수 없다 해도
믿지 않는대도
사랑이라는 걸

내 마지막 난 너였다는 걸
넌 나였다는 걸
우리가 기억하면 돼
그 누구도 몰라도 괜찮아
잊어도 괜찮아 우리의 사랑을 

알고 있잖아 
우리 두 사람 

오직 내 사람

credit to Music Farm@ youtube

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Thank you guys for the answer. You know something at the end I really want that JE/SR stay together. Why???? Because at the end SR and JE are the same, the both are a cheaters and for me the cheaters have to stay together because they never gonna be on peace always are gonna think if the other are with other person o no, so for me the worst nightmare for SR is stay with JE knowing that he always gonna love HK and she never gonna make him feel like HK do it to him. And HK should stay with BS like a couple and with YK and her niece with grandma of course and all be happy (hope that YK find somebody at the end). 

By the way, i'm the only one that every weekend say I'm not gonna keep looking this drama until it's already finish but when we finish the see the episode we can't stop watching because is so good???

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@jadecloud Ew i really hope BS never falls for SR. He is clearly way too good for her. SR needs to suffer a lot in my book.

@obessivecomplusive I doubt BS will fall for SR. I think he has always looked upon SR as a sister. I hope BS will get very mad at SR when he finds out she has broken up HK's marriage and snatched JE away from her. I think BS is more likely to fall for YK again if they were to meet again (and vice versa if YK is not killed off). Esp. when BS realizes that post-accident HK is not the YK he thought she is. .

I believe SR will suffer a lot after marriage. Not immediately but after she 'walks in the shoes of HK' and becomes a heartless workaholic. JE will change. And when JE and YK (post accident HK) gets into an affair, SR will be the one having to endure the cheating and to fight for him.

Wouldn't that be exciting? I can't wait. 


Hope HK's mom ends up with BS's dad.

@LHRCN That OST is beautiful. Can't stop listening to it. Thanks for the new vid. 

KGN and BJS, I don't think they can end up together cos if they do, then neither YK nor HK can end up with BS. Unless YK is killed off later, and HK is still only loving JE and not able to accept BS despite 4 years of them being together, then perhaps the two parents can be together. Unless, there's a twist - that BS isn't BJS' bio son, but another adopted kid.


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watched the last two episodes and had lots of questions.. @irilight ~ was thinking of what you wrote earlier; that just because HK is being cheated on does not make her an angel. was thinking about that as she gave up and fell into the river. was thinking of that girl in the beginning who lost all hope and jumped off the building because of the way HK handled the case and HK was so cold about it. the sis-in-law snarkily asked how many people she had killed so far. we don't know if that girl was the only one or if they were other questionable cases but if we look at it from the perspective of those people she had hurt through the cases, they would probably say, "you reap what you sow" right?

JE has such a love-hate relationship with HK that it is hard to understand what exactly it is about her that he is so mad. think he had some idealized vision of her and after their daughter died, that vision broke. when HK had that memory of them painting the bench, he was all romantic and she was all reserved. she wouldn't declare that she loved him and neither did she sprout any romantic dialogue and seemed more amused by his. it makes me wonder if he had put her on some pedestal and never really understood her at all. when HK asked her mom how she could stand him leaving and coming back and leaving again, was she referring to her own father? because if she was, it makes me think that she grew up in this atmosphere where she had to hold her emotions in all the time even as a child to protect herself. even miss korea, was she the mistress who became the second wife? does anyone know? because if he was the son of the mistress, then it makes sense why he wouldn't feel very guilty about the affair if he himself was the product of one. when he screamed at seeing the photos, he kept questioning in anguish if it wasn't her. think it wasn't about the affair coming out but rather not wanting to believe that the woman he loved once would stoop so low.

also with BS, does anyone know if he is the poet's real son? don't understand why BS is allowed to hang out at the house but SR got kicked out. was it something that SR did? if BS has to paired with someone, hope it is YK. she is so cute. HK needs to find herself first.

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it would be dumb of him to think that a young healthy woman wouldn't want a baby. There is always the possibility of pregnancy when you have sex with a woman--even with protection--not sure if they're using any. As some mentioned earlier, it wouldn't surprise me if SR is pregnant but miscarry due to the drugs she was taking. Since JE loved his daughter, I think he would also love this child. I don't think he wanted another child with HK.

As mentioned earlier that there doesn't appear to be a baseline for SR in knowing when wrong is wrong, I felt the same way about JE. He and SR both know wrong, but they don't care when it is something they want. JE was angry that the photos were sent, but doesn't see it was his own actions that caused this--not the photos. Seeing the clip from the last scene really makes me crave for some payback for HK; not just against SR & JE, but the rest of the family.

@lclarakl   I agree with you.   However, I would add that the highlighted statement holds true for many of the characters in this drama so far; In fact - most of them (either in a personal or a professional capacity). It is certainly hold true for HK professionally  (I would certainly not hold it against her, doing anything she could to hang on to her husband and her marriage, even when I know I would not personally act the way she did.)   And for sure holds true for JR, TS, and at least on occasion also both JE's parents.

I like that no one is "perfect" in this drama, so far. I think the writer is trying to convey characters with different shades. You have already pointed out earlier the "morality" of the 3 main characters - in their private lives and professional lives.

Hope HK's mom ends up with BS's dad.

KGN and BJS, I don't think they can end up together cos if they do, then neither YK nor HK can end up with BS. Unless YK is killed off later, and HK is still only loving JE and not able to accept BS despite 4 years of them being together, then perhaps the two parents can be together. Unless, there's a twist - that BS isn't BJS' bio son, but another adopted kid.

@jadecloud   oh.. I hope they don't kill off YK. I like her quite a bit so far.   Also, hopefully she will have a healthy baby to take care of.  I think it may be possible, that BS is also an adopted kid, but I wonder then - how is it that he is allowed to stay there, while others are to leave when they turn 20?

watched the last two episodes and had lots of questions.. @irilight ~ was thinking of what you wrote earlier; that just because HK is being cheated on does not make her an angel. was thinking about that as she gave up and fell into the river. was thinking of that girl in the beginning who lost all hope and jumped off the building because of the way HK handled the case and HK was so cold about it. the sis-in-law snarkily asked how many people she had killed so far. we don't know if that girl was the only one or if they were other questionable cases but if we look at it from the perspective of those people she had hurt through the cases, they would probably say, "you reap what you sow" right?

JE has such a love-hate relationship with HK that it is hard to understand what exactly it is about her that he is so mad. think he had some idealized vision of her and after their daughter died, that vision broke. when HK had that memory of them painting the bench, he was all romantic and she was all reserved. she wouldn't declare that she loved him and neither did she sprout any romantic dialogue and seemed more amused by his. it makes me wonder if he had put her on some pedestal and never really understood her at all. when HK asked her mom how she could stand him leaving and coming back and leaving again, was she referring to her own father? because if she was, it makes me think that she grew up in this atmosphere where she had to hold her emotions in all the time even as a child to protect herself. even miss korea, was she the mistress who became the second wife? does anyone know? because if he was the son of the mistress, then it makes sense why he wouldn't feel very guilty about the affair if he himself was the product of one. when he screamed at seeing the photos, he kept questioning in anguish if it wasn't her. think it wasn't about the affair coming out but rather not wanting to believe that the woman he loved once would stoop so low.

also with BS, does anyone know if he is the poet's real son? don't understand why BS is allowed to hang out at the house but SR got kicked out. was it something that SR did? if BS has to paired with someone, hope it is YK. she is so cute. HK needs to find herself first.

@lmangla,   Loving all your insights.. In fact, the last one, about BS I was also questioning above.

I sort of have a sense that HK started to change way before the child died, because when JE was making his statement how he loved her through the years, even as she got money hungry and status and position hungry - I got a sense that it was a longer period of time - and that was the beginning of the crack in their marriage. But at that time, JE still wanted to hang on to her, and hoped she will turn back to the woman he loved. SR right now,  most people here hate her because she went after married JE - but she does have a quality of innocent child about her, despite it all - and that is the quality that draws JE to her, and make him think of HK in the beginning.  That is why I think the idea of "power and money corrupts" may hold true for SR too, later on.  I also got a feeling that HK was pretty cold to him, and unresponsive to his love overtures when she was painting, and that was supposed to be when they were at their best, happy, while she was expecting?  I was surprised by that.

One of the aspects of HK that puzzles me, is the fact that in the last episodes we see her experiencing such deep level of pain (and the actress Kim Hyun-Joo does such a good job of portraying it too), that I wonder how is it that she could not relate to the pain she had caused others earlier. Usually people who can feel deep pain in themselves, can also feel it in others.  Maybe you are correct, and she was emotionally shut off since childhood, and only now, with the breakup of her marriage, this vast feeling of pain started coming out. The way she begged, both her MIL and SR for help, as she wanted to hang on to JE and her marriage - the HK of a few months earlier would not have dreamed of doing that. It was as if a dam has broken in her, and all the vast emotions were able to come out, love, pain, need, and even despair.  I also think it possible that HK when she was shut off emotionally in the earlier stages of their relationship was similar to SR as we see her now. She loves JE deeply, enough to jump into the fire to save him, and claim her love verbally, but she is somewhat reserved in her affections too.

I love also your observations about JE. Still somehow, I sense that there is more to that in JE. I think he knows cheating is immoral and bad, at least deep in his heart. I had a feeling that he allowed himself to be swept by SR for two main reasons. One was immense pain about the death of his baby, as well as mixed pain, anger and disappointment with HK. The other is his sense of wanting to protect the one who appears weaker to him.  SR appeared soft and innocent to him, and powerless against HK's mom physical attack, as well as HK indirect attack (flooding her apartment) .  That is why I had said earlier, when HK begged SR on her knees, she would have gotten better results if she had done it to JE (I think), because it would have shown him her vulnerability and pain, and rekindle his sense of wanting to protect her (maybe)






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@jadecloud Ew i really hope BS never falls for SR. He is clearly way too good for her. SR needs to suffer a lot in my book.

@ObessiveCompulsive, I couldn't agree more. The way she rationalizes her actions and by doing whatever she wants, regardless of how wrong her actions are and impact to others.....BS doesn't need a person like her in his life. 

I have this thought and trying to figure out on how the writer are going to make HG become and live as YK, will YK be killed off and what'll happen to her baby. The inquired mind would really like to know.

I want to know what makes JE thinks HK is dead. Did YK fake her death and she's alive somewhere?



Also, in regards to JE not feeling guilty about his affair if he's the son of the mistress is something I share a different opinion. I think it has nothing to do with being the son of a mistress.  Feeling guilty means you have to have a conscience. JE has a conscience, but at the moment it's only motivated by SR.  It bothered his conscience that HK slapped her and he left her without word or a phone call to check on her. The next day at work he kept thinking about SR being slapped, so he jumps up and runs to her. He's done this a number of times with her. At the moment he's hating everything about HK, but he doesn't want her death on his conscience and nor does he want her to die, he just doesn't care enough about her to stop pursuing a romance with SR. His conscience pricked him for a moment in his office while looking at his overnight bag, he remembered HK falling in the water and he hesitated, but then he just shook it off.  

At the moment, JE doesn't love HK romantically or even as a friend, but as something sentimentally that he's decided to let go. By no means am I calling or referring to HK or SR as dogs, but JE reminds me of someone who has a dog that he just loved in the beginning, but later the dog developed behavioral traits that just drove him crazy; never coming when called, potting on the floor or his favorite shirt, snapping at his hands.  As much as he liked the dog, he doesn't want to invest anymore time in trying to train the dog, so he wants to give it away; especially when he has found a new dog more suitable for his needs. He wants the dog to go to a nice home, just not his home. He wants to find it a good home because it will make his conscience feel better about it, but not enough to care about the impact it will have on the dog to adjust to new surroundings.

Again, I am not calling HK or SR dogs, but JE's actions always reminds me of a person trying to get rid of an unwanted pet. I think he doesn't feel guilty because he just doesn't care about the hurt he's causing HK--I actually think he wants to hurt her. When he was kneeling before his father and cried when HK signed the divorce, i thought they were tears for saying goodbye to a lifestyle he had for 20 years (maybe just me, but I thought he appeared a little shamed as well).


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@jadecloud Ew i really hope BS never falls for SR. He is clearly way too good for her. SR needs to suffer a lot in my book.

@ObessiveCompulsive, I couldn't agree more. The way she rationalizes her actions and by doing whatever she wants, regardless of how wrong her actions are and impact to others.....BS doesn't need a person like her in his life. 

I have this thought and trying to figure out on how the writer are going to make HG become and live as YK, will YK be killed off and what'll happen to her baby. The inquired mind would really like to know.

I want to know what makes JE thinks HK is dead. Did YK fake her death and she's alive somewhere?

@lclarakl" That was my assumption of YK maybe faking her death the time HG losing her memory and just start calling herself YK in the process. 

Edited by suchadiva42
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1) Jin-eon wanted to marry Hae-gang while she was against it...

2) Hae-gang openly stated she didn't love him at their supposedly happiest time (when lying together on the lawn and talking about feelings)...

She looked much more joyous on having been promised the position of Vice President though...

3) Later again she was immersed in her work, making her husband feel neglected...

So I wonder how comes she all of a sudden realized that she loves him? 

She didn't love him at his best, then what made her so desperately hold onto him at his worst?

Jin-eon is pig, Seol-ri is too, but Hae-gang is masochist.

It's natural for pigs to enjoy mud, but it's not normal for a person to tolerate humilation and mistreatment unless she/he derives pleasure from it.

I would definitely pity Hae-gang if it wasn't her own choice. 

But what's the point in aching for someone who doesn't mind being spat on?

To me, Hae-gang looks more psychotic than Seol-ri.  And the only rational explanation of her behaviour I can think of is her either doing it for wealth, power etc. or for her ego.

She is used to be first, be it in the court or in life, hence she can't lose to anyone, even if it requires to ignore the second party, who cries out that he can't breath and confesses that his heart is somewhere else, or kneeling down to someone she considers as filthy as toilet (Seol-ri).

As for love, I don't believe she loves Jin-eon (the incident with the toilet water is proof). She treated him the way no decent person would treat their enemy.

And I can't even blame it on a fit of passion, as she was coolly waiting for him to drink it.

 Love without respect? Not in my book.

The case with the fire at the lab was demonstrative to me too...

I believe that when you love someone, your first instict should be wanting to rescue them. As to Hae-gang, she was calculative again, trying to find out Jin-eon's whereabouts to see if it was worthy risking her life or not. At least this is how I saw it.

Now looking forward to the next episodes, which may still prove me wrong...

Edited by ayselluna
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Episode 8.  What a wild ride.  

The first time we see JE Do Something for the family business...its to kick his wife to the curb so that He doesn't have to see or hear about her anymore?  What a disgusting human being.  He just overheard HK plead with his father telling him how much she loves him, would wait for him indefinitely.  I almost thought the expression on his face meant he realized that HK was sincere....but....that only fueled his anger....too little too late?  

Why does he take it out on her?  Pictures of his affair sent to his office....shouldn't he be glad that he doesn't have to hide his love for SR?  Although HK didn't send them, he's angry about that?  I guess being a cheater in private is ok.

HK used money and influence to try to send SR to Stanford?  What's so bad about that?  They can go together now!  

HK tried to kill herself because she couldn't live without him.  He tells her they should live and die separately.  Why hate her when he doesn't care what happens to her?

Me thinks he protests too loudly and often.  He told HK in the hospital how much he tried to support her and got nowhere. Now its her turn to suffer and convincing himself that he has someone better is major payback time. 

Yessssss!  Stamp that divorce decree, HK and get as far away from that @sss of a husband and his family as you can. Hope the car accident happens next week since I am on the brink of not watching for a while just to keep my blood pressure down.

Wonder how HK takes over YK's identity.  What happens to the baby?  YK would need to give birth before the switch  and either be kidnapped or go into hiding....but she would never leave her baby behind.  The writer has a very tricky scenario that needs to make sense for the audience to continue watching.  I want a great future for HK, so don't disappoint me after having to endure so much heartache and finger pointing by so many cruel characters. 

All we can be sure of right now is that JE & SR will be together.  I'm ok with that.  They deserve each other.

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Remember: it's a melodrama, everybody. The ending could be unexpectedly sad, or unexpectedly happy, or unexpectedly surprising that wants to make you say "blech, what's with this ending???". When a kdrama's genre is melodrama, mostly the ending is a sad ending. So, I'm going to buy boxes of tissue toward the end of the series, which if I counted it correctly 50 episodes will end in February 2016. Hopefully writer-nim won't disappoint all of us. (cross my fingers).

Oh, I read the discussion about SR possibly could have a hard time to get pregnant because she is taking pills. What pills? Contraception pills? I didn't pay attention that SR is taking pills. Which ep did they show it? I'm sorry ... every time the scene gets into SR or JE/SR affairs, I press fast forward. My head hurts so bad watching those scenes.

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After watching ep 8,I'm thinking whether the writer is trying to make us see jin eon in a different light.As there were some scenes which showed jin eon going through some conflict of emotions...as if he wants to stay with HK but can't,and saying the worst possible things to her so she leave on her own.For the first time we see his turmoils ..ex: scene 1 when SR is talking to him in his sleep,and he's dreaming about his daughter and HK,second time when he's sleeping after the accident,rewinding the incident of HK trying to suicide and all,and third time,after kneeling down to his father begging for divorce,which make HK leave the scenario,there was this look of remorse on his face,which is kind of mysterious and questionable,is he doing all these for HK's own good? I dint get the whole part with HK going to the uni and sponsoring SR's study to stanford,when jin eon's colleague was describing the whole incident to him,there was some calculations going on inside his mind,and I would very much like to know what it is all about.Would we get to know other side of the story after the chaos is over? Maybe the writer does not want to make jin eon look all bad lol.But seriously,we get it.Jin eon is for now evil and all hateful towards HK,mother in law and the whole family wants her to go,and their marriage is irretrievable,can we go to the part where she loses memory and the story starts moving? This is becoming way too melodramatic and the plotting of sis and brother in law all the time is infuriating lol.Also,I wish HK keeps some dignity for herself,I can't believe she still gathers the courage to say to jin eon that she doesnot regret loving and getting married to him.After all that he sed to her,how can she not keep the little bit of self respect that was intact, for her ownself? I don't know if she wants to stay in that godforsaken family for the sake of love,or just she's become too numb to even let it go.

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@evea Hi, well in ep 2 when SR is in the coffee shop before HK goes there we saw SR taking a pills and writing something in a documents that she have, then in ep 6 when HK is in SR "house", "apartment" or whatever that place is, she found the documents and a little bag with the pills (is like a clinical trial I think that) and at the end HK took some pills.

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@irilight ~ was thinking about your observation on how HK is experiencing all this deep pain but we didn't see it earlier. it makes me wonder if it was the way the story was presented where we didn't get to see her point of view or if HK herself didn't let anyone in and now her pain is visible to all. normally with melos, we see characters falling apart with loads of tears and emotional breakdowns but here we see her pain in her eyes and the way her body loses its form but other than that, there are no outward reactions... very impressive acting no?

was thinking about what JE said in the hospital about how he wanted to protect her always even as she became harder as she climbed up because he remembered that she was vulnerable inside. it made me think of a weary traveler who walks up and finds a tree and basks in the shade. and the tree is happy to give warmth to this traveler. and then folks try to cut the tree down and in order to protect the tree, the traveler takes out his sword and cuts anyone who comes close and the tree despises the traveler as a terrible person not realizing the fights were to protect the tree. think JE was in essence her tree who protected her from the sun and she in turn protected him by refusing to let anyone, including his family, to cut him down. so she became harder to protect him and did questionable cases but he didn't realize that it was for him. think she got through the death of her child because her tree JE was still there in some form but now that she is losing her shade, we see the depth of her sorrow and attachment to JE..

the other thing I was thinking about was how HK's mom reacted in the morning. she is distraught to see her daughter lying outside all broken but she pulls herself together and greets her daughter in a cheerful voice and tells her to go to work. she attempts to have a normal conversation talking about breakfast and asking about where the chilli is. even when HK asks how she managed to get through, she gives an encouraging note that it was because of HK and the scene ends. there is no dramatic mourning and it is only when she is drunk with the poet that she lets out her pain...even in an earlier episode, when HK kicks the mom out of the car and tells her to jump off the bridge, the mom looks at the bridge for a long time and then picks up her massage equipment and walks to find the subway. even if we look at YongKi, she is an amazing woman of courage. she is pregnant, her husband was possibly murdered, her colleagues are morons but she fights to expose the truth behind her husband's death. her grandmother is sick and she found out that she does have a mom somewhere but her grandmother didn't tell her. what is her reaction? she just moves on cheerfully and continues on. this family of women basically are the kind who soldier on and take comfort in the routine of tasks.

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was thinking about what JE said in the hospital about how he wanted to protect her always even as she became harder as she climbed up because he remembered that she was vulnerable inside. it made me think of a weary traveler who walks up and finds a tree and basks in the shade. and the tree is happy to give warmth to this traveler. and then folks try to cut the tree down and in order to protect the tree, the traveler takes out his sword and cuts anyone who comes close and the tree despises the traveler as a terrible person not realizing the fights were to protect the tree. think JE was in essence her tree who protected her from the sun and she in turn protected him by refusing to let anyone, including his family, to cut him down. so she became harder to protect him and did questionable cases but he didn't realize that it was for him. think she got through the death of her child because her tree JE was still there in some form but now that she is losing her shade, we see the depth of her sorrow and attachment to JE..


Really like the analogy you drew between Jin-eon and Hae-gang and the relationship of a tree and a traveler. It's so heartwarming and touching.

But personally, I think you ennobled Hae-gang a bit too much...

In fact, she didn't have to protect Jin-eon as no-one wanted to 'cut him down'...

His father gave up on him long ago, considering him a wuss, so one may say Jin-eon was just nothing to him. 

His mother initially wanted to help Hae-gang save the marriage until she got frustrated at her regarding the fire accident.

Jin-ri despised her sister-in-law yet didn't take actions against her (and her marriage) till Hae-gang suggested that her father displace Jin-ri in the company.

As for Tae-seok, Hae-gang was in the same boat as him all along and he didn't see her as an overt opponent till recently either.

So, if further analogy with the tree and the traveler is continued, personally, I would say that the tree, which observed the traveler fighting his way, witnessed that he didn't hesitate to play dirty, and ruthlessly eliminated anyone who blocked his path up, which is why it started to dislike the latter...

 Yet since one of tree's ultimate objectives is to give shade, it was still ready to be there for him.

However, when the traveler took the death of the love fruit (Eun-sol), as cold-heartedly as he took the sufferings and deaths of the people he was used to remove, it turned out to be the last straw...

Edited by ayselluna
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1) Jin-eon wanted to marry Hae-gang while she was against it...

2) Hae-gang openly stated she didn't love him at their supposedly happiest time (when lying together on the lawn and talking about feelings)...

She looked much more joyous on having been promised the position of Vice President though...

3) Later again she was immersed in her work, making her husband feel neglected...

So I wonder how comes she all of a sudden realized that she loves him? 

She didn't love him at his best, then what made her so desperately hold onto him at his worst?

Jin-eon is pig, Seol-ri is too, but Hae-gang is masochist.

It's natural for pigs to enjoy mud, but it's not normal for a person to tolerate humilation and mistreatment unless she/he derives pleasure from it.

I would definitely pity Hae-gang if it wasn't her own choice. 

But what's the point in aching for someone who doesn't mind being spat on?

To me, Hae-gang looks more psychotic than Seol-ri.  And the only rational explanation of her behaviour I can think of is her either doing it for wealth, power etc. or for her ego.

She is used to be first, be it in the court or in life, hence she can't lose to anyone, even if it requires to ignore the second party, who cries out that he can't breath and confesses that his heart is somewhere else, or kneeling down to someone she considers as filthy as toilet (Seol-ri).

As for love, I don't believe she loves Jin-eon (the incident with the toilet water is proof). She treated him the way no decent person would treat their enemy.

And I can't even blame it on a fit of passion, as she was coolly waiting for him to drink it.

 Respect without love? Not in my book.

The case with the fire at the lab was demonstrative to me too...

I believe that when you love someone, your first instict should be wanting to rescue them. As to Hae-gang, she was calculative again, trying to find out Jin-eon's whereabouts to see if it was worth risking her life or not. At least this is how I saw it.

Now looking forward to the next episodes, which may still prove me wrong...

There is a thin line between love and hate. Years ago, a spouse could get away with killing their or wife if they caught them cheating......it was murder in the heat of passion. To find out your spouse is cheating on you is emotionally a very big deal. There are so many different emotions coursing through your body. I have to say that this drama is the first one I've seen where they are truly depicting a scorned woman.  HK is feeling anger, hurt, betrayal and pain. She's also feeling  confusion. Her wanting to strikeout at JE is understandable. When a woman  doesn't express any emotions of hurt or especially anger I think that is a false representation of true pain experienced by a woman who feels betrayed. Giving him a dose of toilet water is understandable to me. In One Warm Word, she tried to smother her husband with a pillow while he slept. In Give Them Something To Talk About, she feed him a family secret sauce used for cheating husband--made him sick. Wanting to retaliate is understandable to a certain degree. Some women/men retaliate by cheating themselves.

There  are many types of love Eros or romantic love is different from the love that we all have for our fellow man or woman.  We see daily, complete strangers risking their lives to save people they don't know. This is more reactive than actual knowing and loving the person personally (although it is a form of love). JE would have jumped in the water to save anyone that was drowning.  HK may have very well been testing him but this was a very poor test and stupid one for a very smart attorney considering he would have done the same thing for a complete stranger.  A part of me feel that at that moment HK truly wanted to die. She didn't have to take in water to prove a point. She has been with him for 20 years or so, so I'm sure she is feeling like she is losing everything.  I've said it before, I believe that she doesn't know what to do and is desperate. 

I think HK does love him, but doesn't really know how to express it. There are families that never tell one another that they love them because they were not raised that way. However, their bond of love is no different than the family that says it all the time--sometimes that love can be even deeper than those saying it. HK comes across as someone who is emotionally starved and doesn't know how to express love. HK didn't suddenly start loving him, I think she always has.

They both have major flaws, but when JE brought another person into their marriage instead of trying to talk to HK who made several comments about him not wanting to have a real conversation with her, he crossed a line. HK trying to be calculating also had a role in bring SR into her house, but JE kept her there.

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