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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@ymiss LOL hihi chingu. So, you stepped onto this landmine too? Now it's going to blow up in your face and make your minds go awry....like it did to many of us. BUT, the plot thickens and it's pretty intriguing. The writing/directing is awesome and the cast, esp main 4, have been superb so far. It's going to be a pretty melo ride, but thought provoking and interesting as well. 

Hang in there and keep on posting...this thread discussion is what binds and illuminates us all IHAL lovers. 

Welcome aboard :) and to all other newbies, welcome :) We love a merry crowd. And the more the merrier :) 

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Many of the main castcasts are somehow intertwined with one another. Just cannot figure out how the twins will fit in after HK looses her memory? Halmoni and BS will soon discover the twins.

Are they going to work hand in hand to attack the greedy fellas? Are they going to switch their roles? BS with be their main saviour yes?

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I wonder if JE ever looked at his family, his mother, his father, sister and brother in law and at himself?

@zenya22,    Good question I can only imagine he has how else would he learn such behavior like adultry and thinks it's okay for your mistress to disrepect your wife allowing her to come to your home that's going to come back and hit the both of them hard

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@jadecloud,   oh, I was glad to read your post. Loving your screencaps and quotes from Ms.Korea 75!  Her "area of expertise..!"  laugh leaf

@LHRCN          Thank you for the OST video

@lclarakl     said:    Most definitely, HK is not a woman to put on a pedestal, but I find myself rooting for her because despite being a strong woman, she seems to be the underdog.  AT THIS POINT:  HK is unethical in business, but appears to be moral in her marriage (not talking about the get even). JE is ethical in business, but immoral in his marriage.  SR is immoral and greedy for seducing a married may and wanting something that is not hers. 

Yes, I agree.  I thought it very interesting - these seemingly contradictions...!

@andy78, Thank you much for the recaps, chingu.



@irilight. I understand about HK and how you feel about her. But my thoughts with regards to the highlighted are: in the case of her husband, she trusts him professionally and she knows his work ethics. I don't think she would do anything to hurt him professionally. I think that when it comes to JE she would be very meticulous in keeping it clean. I don't think she would ever want her husband implicated in any wrong doing. She is competitive but I think with JE it will be in a good way, of course that was before the cheating. That is only how I feel and I am not saying that you should feel the same. I am just expressing my thoughts understanding how you feel about her. I understand her, she is fighting for her life. She is doing it the way she learned how from her husband's family. She could have learned to survive in a very morally approved way but that is not how she is. Still I understand.

(Personally, I have an allergy to the word immoral or moral. Somehow, I get the hives and the shivers. It has nothing to do with anyone it is just what it personally depicts for me a fanatic religious text shover.)

As for the court case I have to go back and look at it but I thought that HK said that every one knew that the drug causes abortion and that is how she won the case. She brought up the woman's three previous abortions and that she used the drug to cause her abortion and abortion I think is illegal in SK. As an aside and nothing to do with the case every drug has a side effect, there is no drug that is one hundred percent safe. I don't know about SK but there is always a governing body assigned to oversee the drug industry. In the case of the abortion causing drug, that would never made it to the public, it would never have been approved or at least recalled. The governing body usually will fight for compensation for the little guys. If there were complaints about the drug the agency would have to investigate and recall and seek compensation and recommend legal action for the consumer. That is such an extreme side effect. Also most pharmacies and prescribing health professionals are required to discuss about the drug and disclose the side effects and warned about what to do if the side effects happen. Again, I am not sure about the practices in SK. 


@zenya22,  I agree with you on the highlighted statement. That makes sense to me, if they remained a couple.  In regards to your description of HK and what may have made her the way she is, I think you are making lots of assumptions based on material that has not been covered for us in the drama, and yet - you may be correct.

In regards to the court case, I thought she insinuated that the girl wanted to have an abortion and that is why she took the drug, and she supported her statement with revelation of past abortion by that girl. The look between the girl and her husband when that was going on, was so sad in my mind. She was pleading with him to believe in her, I felt - while he lost his belief in her.

Those bodies, such as the FDA -  that are supposed to protect the public, in drugs and in food - they do not do that. They do a better job protecting the multinationals and "Big Pharma."  Even in real life, there was  a drug that was popular in the 50's that caused horrible birth defects, but it was legal and prescribed to many women. It was called Thalidomide. You can read more about it HERE

There are plenty more recent cases too, but it will take more time, to see the effect in hindsight  (i.e. Genetically modified foods - we already know quite a bit... but it is being suppressed by the government and these Agencies.)  I can bring plenty more examples, but this is not the place for it.

@nearsea    said:   .Also,this drama has so many people with mix of good and bad shades that there is no one who we can call a 'typical' good character of drama land.

Indeed. That is one of the powerful aspects of this drama for me, and one of the strengths of this scriptwriter, in my opinion. I also like your onion analogy, and I think it also fits JE.

Also:   Also,I think like the way Jin Eon is emotionally closed , same goes for HK. She's seeing how she's ill treating the people for the sake of success in her case,she ignores when the woman commits suicide because of the way she forces her to say things which made her husband misunderstand her.

yep... I agree to that as well.... I think HK is a pretty cruel woman, based on that. But I am willing to change my mind, if I see evidence to the contrary.

just my thought, is it possible SR has something to do with the explosion? she planned everything to make hk look worst to je family and the family will force her to sign the divorce paper. SR is good in playing a victim in front of ppl specially infront of je she just an ordinary girl caring ang loving wait til they are together , I believe she has darkside yet to come out.....this drama is 50 episodes right?   2 episode a week is too cruel why not 5 episode huhuhuhu.....,

@kiefshi1056  I highly doubt that SR is behind it.  I do not think she will put JE in that kind of danger, and her other co-workers too.

I think it is more likely that JE's nasty half sister is behind it.


More tomorrow...



"I loved '/ SBS' I loved '



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I have to wonder why JE is going to jump into marriage so soon after his divorce from HK. Will he do it because of family pressure? Will SR be pregnant? Because he's in love with SR? I don't see him rushing into marriage so quickly on his own after HK without a reason; but then again he rushed into this affair and bed like lightening.

 I'm sorry, but if I were HK, after the way the 'family' turned on her, I would have to get my revenge by taking away their power.  JE and SR would receive slow torture. Once a cheater, always a cheater appears from the character description will be JE's MO.... I hope HK will not get back with him and that family.



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I have to wonder why JE is going to jump into marriage so soon after his divorce from HK. Will he do it because of family pressure? Will SR be pregnant? Because he's in love with SR? I don't see him rushing into marriage so quickly on his own after HK without a reason; but then again he rushed into this affair and bed like lightening.

 I'm sorry, but if I were HK, after the way the 'family' turned on her, I would have to get my revenge by taking away their power.  JE and SR would receive slow torture. Once a cheater, always a cheater appears from the character description will be JE's MO.... I hope HK will not get back with him and that family.

So far, there's no sign of SR being pregnant, and some of us think SR may be/become infertile cos she's one of the trial users of the drug 'which supposedly caused infertility/miscarriages'.  I think JE may have been trying to repay SR's bravery for saving him from the claws of death in that explosion. And no doubt with much encouragement from mom SH.

Later on, though HK will fall for JE all over again in her amnesiac state, and they become an immoral pair of lovers, I think (and hope) once she recovers from amnesia and regains all her lost memories, and also knowing what chairman Choi did to her dad and the patent, she may continue to 'pretend' to be in love with JE, pretend to 'work with the Choi fam', cause SR to break up with JE, and also take her revenge on the Choi family. Finally dumping JE and getting her last laugh. Hopefully reuniting with twin YK and being happy.

One twist in JE's character may be - having pretended to force the divorce with HK in order to protect her, we may be shown another side to JE that perhaps may be his redemption. I don't know but I feel something brewing beneath JE cos he obviously still loves HK, if not consciously than it's subliminally in his heart and mind. We saw how in his weak moment lying on the hosp bed, his dream was about HK and late dd ES, and how HK almost died from jumping into the lake. But besides love for HK, there's also hatred for HK cos JE mistakenly believed HK was the one who sent the 'affair' photos to the univ. 

Can't wait to find out more ...aish, is it only Monday?

Have a great week everyone :)  

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...tell us more about the patent and grandmother story about girls parents ...

recap/my take on ep 8...including your queries @andy78  :)

Pt 1 Ep 8 recap/my thots

HK talks to JE's professor boss about letting SR go. Millennium Pharmaceutical will sponsor $500M every year till 2015. JE has hidden his true ID from his boss/univ workplace. It seems SR is also unaware of his true ID (or is she pretending in front of JR?)

Everything and (almost) everyone seem to be working against HK's favor.  Even the explosion, the time she's present inside the lab and at the lab area. JR records HK using her cell phone during the explosion, shows it to SH and drives a wedge between SH and HK, making their otherwise harmonious and good relationship into one of hostility. 

  • Who caused the explosion?
  • Was it accidental?
  • Who sent the 'affair' photos to the univ? Was it HK? Or TS/JR? Or SR? (EDIT: It was JR who did it. But to chairman dad and SH, framed HK for doing it. What a schemer! She's dead serious about breaking up JE and HK's marriage, and having HK kicked out of the Choi fam and the Choi company, to serve her own purposes. Geez)

JR while being shocked at the explosion, is also seemingly silently rejoicing, rather than being fearful for her bro JE's safety. This change of expression on her face is pricelessly hilarious!


TS looking into chairman Choi's past. Found the news about the hiking incident back in May 1981. News reported a hiker fell to his death on the 15th. TS recalled the patent rights transfer was processed on the 16th. Now MS knows about chairman's secret! (smell a fishy blackmail or overthrow of power coming)

TS reading up on news about that fateful hiking day of accident/murder.

News report stated one hiker fell from high up to his death.  Date was 1981-5-15.



Agreement To Transfer Rights of Patent. Dated 1981-5-16. 



TS, while waiting in his car for his minion to snatch the USB from YK, wonders...

  • if people were to look at the trail of Fu Dok Xin (drug/meds - sounding name), it will lead to chairman Choi, not him.
  • if he should hand over to chairman an alive YK or a dead one.

TS considers YK 'a stupid ajumma'.

  • Haha, even if so, YK is smart enough to carry a pepper spray around and use it at the right moment.
  • Haha, and even take away the 'assailant's dark glasses as evidence'.  YK hands it over to PD who believes the finger prints on it will connect this assailant to the one who carjacked him. Smart YK!.
  • Haha another smart thinking, YK knows the assailant may be a bad man, but above him there are other bad men. And all baddies have to be caught by the hands of the law for her baby, herself and PD to be really safe.

Also,  YK sure is a tough preggy ajumma. For all the hardship she has undergone in her preggy state, it's surprising that her baby is still safe and sound. This has gotta be a 'miracle' baby in the making. Will this baby grow up to take revenge for late dad? and mom(if YK were to be killed. NO! Hope not)?

So sad...seeing HK's anguish over her beloved JE who's lying in the hosp bed in a VIP room. 

What is this? You...why become like this? We...why did we become like this? If I hold on to you like this, if one hand isn't enougn, I'll use both hands, then it should be fine. Why do I do this? Because I feel sorry. Sorry to you, and sorry to our (late) Eun Seo. I pretended to be ignorant. I pretended not to feel pain. I'm bad. I was wrong, my dear. So please wake up. Please wake up my dear hubby.


Ahh (my earlier spec was wrong)...so MIL did not think HK caused the explosion. MIL slaps HK in JE's hosp room cos she is mad (mistakenly, cos HK was trying to call JE, and find out if JE is at the scene of the explosion) at HK for talking on her cell phone and watching the burning post-explosion scene, instead of rushing in to try and rescue JE.  The incident being phone-recorded by JR and shown to MIL earlier. MIL calls HK 'cold. ruthless. arrogant'. MIL says she never did like her. But because son JE loves her very much, so she agrees to take her in as DIL, and tries to love her. MIL chases HK out of the hosp room, and tells her from now on, she will take care of her son, she will protect her son herself.

HK sees SIL JR coming out from the adjacent hosp VIP room and asks her why. JR tells HK she has transferred SR to it since she rescued JE from the fire. They had a spat at each other. HK asks if JR was the one who showed SH the ivd of her standing at the univ and making a call, JR says yes cos she's avenging HK's ruthless tricks in getting her dethroned and facing the music from chairman dad. HK tells her it's no use to try and fight and muddied her up in the hope of making MS take over the vice prez position. Because FIL has already offered it to her.  HK says she's not like someone who gets to that position from a silver-spoon background, but  'worked like a bull, fought like the devil, and had to listen to orders from the monster' to get to where she is now. HK also warns JR that she will be not be weak and be defeated just because SIL wields the 'knife' now. JR tells her that's impossible. Once HK is divorced, the game is over for HK. A HK without JE, it's the end of the road for her.

JR says...

What's the point of flying high? From now on, you will no longer be able to fly. I have recorded the incident cos I know SIL will be in shame-faced denial like this. I will show it to JE and dad too. Let them see the difference between SR and the real HK.

HK shouts out to SIL JR as she prepares to walk away...

'Fu Dok Xin'. If you want to let BIL TS be destroyed together with it, then do as SIL pleases. First, go ask BIL what did he do wrong with Fu Dok Xin (HK's referring to the falsification of clinical trial results, which enables the drug to be approved for the marketplace). Did you forget that I'm the expert at fighting a battle, SIL?

Love the contrast between the twin sisters. A strong, ruthless and smart Hk vs a weak, kind and simple YK. YK tells PD she's caving in and wants to stop for the sake of her baby.

YK says...

I may live a longer life and get to a mid-level strata if I just mind my own biz. Since 'good vs righteous' is what this world considers important.

Love the reply from PD... 

That's why it's important to get to the truth. If our stuff is stolen, then our children's stuff is stolen too. If we want to see the rainbow, of course we'll have to get drenched by the rain first.

In the end, PD agrees YK should step back, and he will let her know once the investigation is over. YK seems somewhat relieved from the burden of seeking the truth and protecting baby and self from danger.

---to be cont'd---

Edited by jadecloud
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Pt 2 Ep 8 recap/my thots

TS visits halmoni. While helping halmoni in peeling chestnut and garlic, he says it reminds him of his late mom whom he never did help to peel garlic even once. YK comes home, hears halmoni talking to someone, and stands outside the room to listen. TS says it's not the kimchi season, why need to peel so many garlic? Halmoni laments in her 80 years of living, how can she work like a bull and not get sick once? Says the kimchi prepared early can last for a year, or two or three. All she can leave behind for her child is kinchi. TS asks if her son left anything behind? Halmoni says yes he did but she has forgotten all about it till it's too late. Now she can't even tell her child about it. TS asks is there something special left behind? Something related to work and partnership? Halmoni says he is not her bio son. They were renters and became like mom-and-son. There is no blood ties but they've been eating and living together. TS asks if YK isn't halmoni's bio grand-daughter?

Yes, she isn't and she knows it too. Since her dad's death, we were both alone and lived together. What does a 5 yo know? Since her father died, she's just toughing it out. Doesn't look for her mother, doesn't look for her father, just living. Only when I put her to sleep and sings her lullaby will she grabs onto me, hugs me and cries out for her parents. I have to  reluctantly leave her in an orphanage, so I did that at night time, and  left her behind without turning my head to look at her.  

(Hmm, so halmoni did leave lil YK at the orphanage? When did she claim her back? Could it be the BPS' house of adoption? Could it be where they all grew up? BS and YK? Interesting. Which means YK perhaps also grew up with SR?... more intrigue waiting for us)

TS asks on...What about her mother? Halmoni says...

I told her she's dead cos I'm afraid she'll go and look for her, I'm afraid her mother will snatch 'my child' from me. That's why now the heavens is punishing me. I should tell her the truth. Now I should. But I couldn't bring myself to utter it.

YK who listens in to the whole convo, is shocked to hear that her bio mom is still alive.

In the kitchen, halmoni is cooking chicken soup. This is yummy chicken soup. (gotta cook this soon. now all I think about is this ...LOL)


Halmoni stammers as she talks to YK, who comes out to get some water for TS. YK teases halmoni and stammers her reply. Cute! YK then tells halmoni she loves her and without halmoni, she cannot live. Halmoni gets worked up and tearingly tells YK she has to live on, live better and for a long long time. YK hugs halmoni and tells her she loves and respects her, and is the one she's most proud of in the whole world. And hopes that halmoni has been happy because of her. Kind and sweet YK. Another moving scene.


TS tries in vain to search for the USB in YK's room/bag while YK gets him some water. When YK gets back, he shows YK a briefcase of cash, tells YK this is her late fiance Kim Sun Yeon's retirement benefits and compensation money. TS asks is $200M enough? TS goes on to say he has promised her he'll restore and protect KSY's namesake, even though it's a little late, and that he wasn't able to protect KSY. TS then kneels down and apologizes to YK, and says the $600M compensation (not sure what this is about) due to the company can be waived now. YK says she will hand the money over to KSY's parents, but MS tells her it is for her, the baby and halmoni. The company will separately compensate his parents. TS asks YK to promise not to get voice up anymore in public, and that he may not be able to protect her in future. TS asks YK to drop the 'whistle-blowing' matter, quit her job, and he will ensure the company stop harassing her.

HK stays outside JE's hosp room, having been shooed outside by MIL SH. SR comes by to visit JE, and meets HK outside JE's hosp room. They have a lil verbal exchange ...

SR: I don't think I'm stealing from someone else. It's just that love finds me, that's all. Even though it's coming is a little cold, it's taken a big step to come to me. The feeling of this  love, I cannot forgo. 

HK: Even so, it's still immoral.

SR: What's immoral? Is it something that happened which shouldn't happen? Someone who has love but doesn't love. Shouldn't that be immoral instead? When I can love, I want to love. Without regret. Without a care for the world's views. What's important to me is the views of the person I love.


HK lets go after hearing SR's reasoning. It's warped, and HK is hapless to counter such warped behavior. (awesome and very imaginative script. Aish, more warped nonsense from SR. But then again, such characters do exist in this world.)

SR walks into the VIP room and SH greets her with open arms. 

Thank you. If not for you, my son will not be here. You saved JE. You saved my whole family. I understand your heart. I'm moved beyond words. I find you pretty, and reliable. Just be patient. I'll make sure both of your wishes come true.

And that must be a big push by SH to get JE and SR married, as we will see in ep 9 and onwards.

---to be cont'd----

(PS: Gotta go into a meeting...more later chingus)


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Thanks so much @jadecloud!!!Very interesting...I hope the one day HK and YK will be reunited and make the Choi familly pay for what they did!!!Most of us hate the thought that HK will fall in love with that jerk again !!!Her life was miserable! 'worked like a bull, fought like the devil, and had to listen to orders from the monster(HER FATHER IN LAW)'!!!I can't wait for JE to work under his father orders i bet he will finally realise how his wife felt and why she changed so much...i have zero sympathy for JE...He failed to protect HK!!!

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HK is telling JE :I don't regret meeting you.Marrying you, I don't regret it....

Heartbreaking...her love for him is immense...

And finally HK VS SR scene:
Do you think it's all over?Do you think you've won?What? - Make sure you take care of it.Don't have it all taken away, like me

HK is awesome!!!Love her!!!Soon or later SR will pay!!!Someday JE will find about SR meeting with his evil sister...maybe will even realise it was not his wife who sent the photos and wasn't the one who asked SR to be punished...


Edited by andy78
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Oh wow! JE and BS both spotting fresh new look. Handsome! :) esp BS, what a change into a sleeker-looking suit-wearing lawyer. Now I can imagine HK with BS looking good together...hehe. But I still think BS and YK will go better together, personality-wise, although HK and BS are compatible work-wise. And I can't wait for YK to get a new look post-delivery.

Good morning Lovers...

ep. 8 is now 98% subbed on Viki

https://www.viki.com/tv/28227c-i-have-a-lover?q=I have a lov

@irilight Thanks for the info. In this case, I will stop recapping further. Ep 8's pretty interesting episode. But we all want more, right? hehe


HK is telling JE :I don't regret meeting you.Marrying you, I don't regret it....

Heartbreaking...her love for him is immense...

And finally HK VS SR scene:
Do you think it's all over?Do you think you've won?What? - Make sure you take care of it.Don'te it all taken away, like me

HK is awesome!!!Love her!!!Soon or later SR will pay!!!Someday JE will find about SR meeting with his evil sister...maybe will even realise it was not his wife who sent the photos and wasn't the one who asked SR to be punished...

@andy78 I agree. I too love HK for her fighting spirit. The divorce obviously did not break her down. Instead, she is more than determined to fight back. I love how she springs back and confronts SR. I'm glad she reiterates to JE how she never regrets loving him and marrying him. Those words will haunt JE for saying he made a mistake in marrying her even though she was against it. (And I can't wait to find out why HK was hesitant in marrying JE)

I wonder why she want JE back after the cruel and disrespectful way JE has treated her and their marriage. There must be more than mere deep love for JE, if love still exists in her for JE. Perhaps there's more to their history together, and more to why HK needs JE in her life. And I'm not thinking in terms of just JE's family background i.e. money and power. Perhaps there's something else beneath the surface that we don't know about yet. 

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Hi guys!!! This is my first time writing a review. So just finish to see ep 8 with sub and I have a theory (sorry if somebody put something similar) but when JE friend was speaking with him in the hospital he says something about that the director of the research group says that he's gonna recommend SR again to Stanford, and at the end of the episode when JE was speaking with his father he told him that he's gonna back to the company when he finish his doctorate at Stanford so my theory is that JE married with SR and the day that HK has the accident they go to Stanford together and nobody tell them about HK "death" and we have the time jump and when they back to Korea JE found out about HK "death". So people what do you think maybe I'm not wrong??? :blink::blink::blink:

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I wonder if JE ever looked at his family, his mother, his father, sister and brother in law and at himself?

@zenya22,    Good question I can only imagine he has how else would he learn such behavior like adultry and thinks it's okay for your mistress to disrepect your wife allowing her to come to your home that's going to come back and hit the both of them hard

Yes, both parents are adulterers and Dad maybe a thief and a killer. 

I would bet on and trust HK any day because she will fight for the one she cares for and JE is someone I will stay a long, long distance away from, he will throw you under the bus just like he did his wife. It is ok, HK is a tough cookie she will get over this. You know what they say, point your finger and 3 fingers are pointing back at you. One day HK will be so thankful for the divorce. Let it stay that way.

Edited by zenya22
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HK is telling JE :I don't regret meeting you.Marrying you, I don't regret it....

Heartbreaking...her love for him is immense...

And finally HK VS SR scene:
Do you think it's all over?Do you think you've won?What? - Make sure you take care of it.Don'te it all taken away, like me

HK is awesome!!!Love her!!!Soon or later SR will pay!!!Someday JE will find about SR meeting with his evil sister...maybe will even realise it was not his wife who sent the photos and wasn't the one who asked SR to be punished...


I agree. HK is awesome. Yes, SR can have it all the whole horrid family.

In the drama "Scandal" which was written y the same writer of this drama and it was 34 or 36 episodes if I remember, the story differed from the original synopsis. Many things were added and new characters were added too. This drama is 50 episodes so I am not relying on the synopsis. The leads don't have to end up with each other. So, l am hopeful that JE will not end with HK. 

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HK goes to the Dean of the school and offers a grant of 5mil won per year for and in return the Dean has to get  SR out of the school and out of JE's life and offer her the Stanford Scholarship again. That is one generous offer. Anyone else with money would destroy that twit but HK instead offers scholarship. The dean though tells the other professor in the lab that SR will be taken out of the project and she was offered a scholarship to Stanford. So that professor goes blabbing it to JE and now everyone knows that JE is the son ot the Cheon Neon Pharmaceuticals. JE goes to kneel before his father in front of HK and says that he will go finish his doctorate at Stanford and then come back to work for his father. My heart broke so many times for HK in this episode but that scene was shattering.=. JE suspects that the removal of SR and the offer of Stanford scholarship To SR was engineered by HK. Of the many accusations thrown at SK in this episode, this was the only one that was true. Too bad that JE chose to believe his sister who hated him and afraid of SK, , and his mother who hated HK.

So does that mean that while the wuss and his child love thing will be  in Stanford, HK and BS work together? and what about YK, does she go and hide somewhere to have her baby? What about KGN. I am hoping for a Dokgo family reunion because the twins working together to find the truth and bring down the family of Choi has such a delicious ring to it.

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So upon learning this drama as 50 episodes I decided to watch 10 episode intervals for the sake of my health and blood pressure lol. But, it manages to pull me in every week. That thumb print that HK put on the divorce papers was worth a standing ovation:wub:

JE's character can summed up in that one scene of episode 8 where his down on his knees begging his dad to solve his marital problems for him, daddy please help me, get out of her you richard simmons bag. No surprise there, I agree with his father JE is completely weak, hypocritical,constantly victimizing himself and never taking responsibility nor is he ever held accountable for his actions. HK looked at him, as if she realized for the first time what a waste her husband was, epic. 

I agree it takes two to keep a happy marriage but it also takes two to destroy it. JE is constantly pointing the finger at HK. So his solution to his wife being a cold workaholic was cheating on her? with one of his extremely young students??? okay there buddy. So now that he essentially found his replacement whom resembles his wife in characteristics when they were younger, lets get a divorce? yeah okay JE because that sounds like a long lasting healthy relationship. The ink on the divorce papers isn't even dry yet and this A***hole is already planning his new life and start at Stanford with SR?. HK should count her blessings that she didn't waste any further time and her life on that waste of a man.

SR is so pathetic but almost to a point of being psychotic. I like that now that its over HK is really being classy about it, leaving him with her integrity in tact "I don't regret marrying you, I don't regret loving you"  and giving SR a friendly reminder that karma will soon be there to exact revenge. 

I am also looking forward to the twin story and now finding about about their father and all the patent talk, its really getting interesting. I hope everything picks up soon at a faster pace and keep us guessing every week. 

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