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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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One talks of Romeo & Juliet.  I prefer Mark Twain's version where the couple runs away and the families kill themselves.

However, would R&J last?  They were Were they in love or were they in love with being in love was it a deep abiding passion or just heady infatuation .

Of the two men in HG life I think BS is more the Romeo.

He liked YK dated her and they went separate ways.   During that time they dated what did learn of her?  How deep did he truly know that person?

He knew nothing of her visible marks.  He knew nothing of her allergies. In fact as we see the true YK he really knew nothing of the person she would become.  For all the work he did he never talk to any person that knew her post middle school. She was in danger but really it was to keep her isolated. 

She was his fantasy the woman he would marry. The on he propose to everyday for 4 years.  The one who keeps vital secrets  from like her child.Yet for all his flower phrase in 4 years he never moves HG heart.  She trebles and aches for JE.   BS on seeing the woman that rejected his proposals come home and is escorted by JE.  Is not happy that his friend found someone?  He bitter and jealous and throws fist first and then does his best hurt JE mentally.

He does not  stop there, but locks HG out and tells her how much he hates her.

Why does he over react?  His fantasy is broken.  Yet he does not give up. As truths are relieved he ignores them.  Then when HG is doing her best to seek justice and in order to protect JE pushes him away. He gets to once again play her BF and even purpose a fake wedding.  Tries to spend the night at her place.  He is still in fantasy land. If his reaction was violent and over the top when they were friends.  How would he react to HG as his fake wife  seeing JE again.  He would not  have confidence and may do something tragic. Would it just be limited to JE?  Knowing she does not love him would he not  grow jealous and worry about  other men?

The unrealistic fantasy couple is  BS and HG.

Will OTP be together t the end?  I hope so.  If not I think they will forgive each other and move on.  



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6 hours ago, jadecloud said:

@sweetpeaga Welcome or welcome back! More voices, more viewers, all the merrier. :grin: I feel differently on many fronts. Allow me to share my POV from a different angle... :) 

The thing is, it wasn't ONLY because of ES' death that HK became COLD. HK was cold and ruthless at work before ES' death. HK and JE were married for over 15+ years, ES was in their world for almost 4 years. HK's 'executioner' persona at work was stuck to her even when she's home, and it was this 'executioner' style in court that resulted in 'ES' killer Shin' seeking revenge. There was no 'drastic emotional change' post ES' death that I have seen, there was no emotional expression cos HK was akin to a 'dead woman walking' then. Also, HK wanted to gloss over ES' loss and have another kid to hold on to CNP's heirship. You're right that there was 'suffering' within HK, and it was either internalized or ignored with intent. And which unfortunately, JE wasn't able to see in his own 'teary-grief-filled' eyes. 

While I agree JE is self-centered and selfish, I'd insert 'sometimes'. But aren't we all too? at one time or another? Well, perhaps you may not be, but I was (and likely will in future), some of the time, sometimes consciously and other times, unconsciously till told. 

About JE...

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  • Can't see beyond his emotional pains?...To me, JE did see beyond his own emotional pain. The most recent instance was when he knelt and begged HK for forgiveness in her hotel room. At that time of begging, JE did express his fault at not understanding she was also hurting back then. But he realized he was mistaken soon as he settled down in US, and it was made clearer to him at HK's near-death-bed moments.
  • Can't see beyond his wants and needs? Doesn't care what's good for the other person?... To me, he could and has. If not ...
    • Why would he take on multiple jobs just to put HK through law school?
    • Why did he help GN deal with the nasty loansharks and pay off her debts?
    • Why did JE, who's the only son in the Choi bloodline, move out and establish a marital home away from his family? away from his familial responsibilities as the only son? away from luxury and abundance from a chaebol's lifestyle of comfort and nil financial worries?
    • Why would JE, on a knee-jerk-reflex, jump into the lake to rescue HK, to rescue her from drowning?
    • Why would JE not give up when the doctor pronounced HK was dead, but shook and shouted, to revive her from the brink of death? (This scene may be so unbelievable, but it was what writernim meant to convey, that JE would do anything to protect HK)
    • Why would he be doing BTS investigations with HW?
    • Why would JE shield HK and get himself beaten up by MTJ's mom at the hospital waiting area?
    • Why would JE bring HK an umbrella when she was protesting in the rain outside CNP corp building?
    • Why would JE give HK his own coat when HK was protesting in the cold winter?
    • Why would JE get hit on his forehead by that the cheater husband whom HK was a PI for his wife, who made money from 'illegal gambling round tables'?
    • Why would JE stop seafood-allergic HK from eating lobsters, offered her cheap rice rolls instead, and ended up getting HK's misunderstanding of keeping her from good food?
    • Why would he not give up on HK even before he found out hers was a pseudo-revenge? a psuedo-declaration of not loving him?
  • And there are more...


All these go to show that JE is and was able to see beyond his own wants and needs, and tending towards the other person's good. And in fact, is and was able to draw on love to help the people he loves. Esp HK. In the end, all these work for his own good as well, and they make him a better man, a happier man too up till 4 years ago. Going forward, the verdict is still out there. But I believe we will undoubtedly be shown or informed of HK and JE both being happy eventually, because they understood and accepted each other, warts and all, and they will likely have each other by their side. 


I don't know about this ...if like you said, 'this ship has passed'...

  • why are both HK and JE turning to pseudo-revenge or charade to protect each other? to show their 'BTS love' for each other? yet to hurt each other in the open?


I don't think their relationship is done. I clearly don't see how their love is over. Not with each declaring their love for each other to third party(HK to BS, JE to SR), in their minds or in solitude. Esp not when HK(in ep 33) on auto-pilot during a time of fear, called out 'yeobo' to JE, and an expressively stunned and moved JE reacted with a nod, and a micro-facial expression of gratitude.



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First, JE's hatred wasn't built post ES' death. It probably had been simmering beneath the surface of their existence while HK was pushing towards her goal to be among the top 1%. It was post ES' death, and after attempts at 'reaching within' HK in vain that culminated to JE's hatred, and subsequent grasping at straw behavior. (NOT condoning JE's cheating, just wanna put it in context)

I think 'time when she needed him most' = ES' death, is debatable, perhaps based on each POV and relativity. I see several instances of time where HK needed JE. And I agree JE wasn't there for HK post ES' death, he was there for her in other instances.

  • In my mind, the time of expectancy of a child, if not more important, is at least just as important, than the time of the child's demise.
  • when HK was pregnant, as we've seen in ep 33, they were expectant parents awaiting the birth of their precious girl, even tummy-training alr. JE was there for HK.   
  • when she was busy burying her head in her law books, JE was there to see her through law school
  • when GN was in monetary hellhole because of her incompetence in running her restaurant biz, and ended up with debts, JE was there to take the headaches and the debts off of HK so she can push on with her law studies, and where JE took care of GN's problems himself. Because GN was and is HK's family, and the only one she knows and is responsible for back then, having GN's problems taken off her hands by JE, is indirectly JE being there for HK.
  • when ES was hit by MIDO Pharm's Shin, JE was there at the time of the accident too (from what we've been told, forgot which ep). JE was also a victim of the intended hit job by Shin. JE lost his beloved daughter too. Also, JE could have been the one hurt/killed by Shin, instead of ES being hit and ending dead, if JE had time to react. JE was there for HK. 


On the other hand...

  • when HK was involved in that accident, JE wasn't aware or told about it, prob because his mom SH really wanted JE to focus on SR, or SR has requested SH not to update JE on anything regarding HK. Mostly, I think it was because JE and HK were by then already divorced.
  • hence, while HK was being mistaken as YK2 and lived her life at the Baek's home for 4 years, JE knew none of what's happening in her life.
  • but we know, from JE's kneel-down-plea, that he had realized his mistake and was mistaken about HK's behavior re ES, that he'd intended to return and beg for her forgiveness not long after settling down in US, but was afraid, for several reasons.
  • so 4 years gone by, and JE attained his PHD like he promised his dad MH, and he returned to SK.


I don't think we have been shown or told what exactly HK had done 4 years ago in her corporate capacity as CNP's lawyer. So, I'd hold back comments on 'falsifying info' because I don't know yet. I think HK has already crossed the 'ethics and moral line' but I'm still waiting to find out if HK did cross the legal line, and will indeed be wearing handcuffs as well (as TS and other baddies). 

If the 'falsifying' you are referring to is pertaining to the Pudoxin suit that the young lady who later jumped to her death has filed and was in court for, then I don't believe 'falsify' was accurate to describe what HK had done. Manipulation and inference, of available factual info was what she had skillfully done to win the court case for her employer. Rightly so, just as her ethics and obligations as a lawyer so demanded of her - give of her best to her client/CNP and protect the namesake of CNP, in other words, win court cases.

I believe many lawyers are doing this, and many more had to do this - win their court cases - to excel as lawyers. I have several friends who are lawyers, good ones, and they do not seem unhappy. Although deeply happy or not, I can't say I know. 

Just one instance of similarity and your conclusion is HK and SR are the same? If you've watched all 33 eps thus far, and still come to this conclusion, then I wonder if we have been watching the same drama by writernim Bae. Perhaps, I'm mistaken and it's time for me to rewatch from the beginning...

It is obvious that HK is different from SR. And for disclosure's sake, in case you haven't read, I'm in HK's camp. HK is the one and only character I'm rooting for. So if she loves JE after some run arounds and detours in life, and after some pseudo-pushes, but still loves JE and wants JE back in her life, I'd say 'go right ahead'!

I'd be the first to applaud HK for:

  • her courage to love again, 
  • her dare-to-love gusto,
  • her wisdom in giving JE a 2nd chance,
  • giving herself a 2nd chance at loving the one and only man she has been loving, and finally,
  • for their 2nd chance at marriage and life together',
  • But that's not all I'd applaud her for. In her professional life, I'd applaud her for acknowledging, admitting, confronting and taking actions to right the wrongs she has done. To what extent of wrongs has she been involved in? We still don't know but I hope she did not cross the lawful line. *fingers crossed* 


Why do I think HK is different from SR? 

HK had JE eating out of her hands since college days. JE was smittened by HK at first sight, and had been persistent in pursuing HK and finally made her his wife.

SR was not noticed by JE for a long time, until his marriage was on the rocks and HK warned him of SR's crush on him, and SR confessed her feelings to him first, offered herself to him first, and competed against HK for JE's attention and affection..HK was and is loved by JE, but SR was not, never was, and we also know now, JE has made it clear to SR, how he was wrong to 'mistakenly see' SR as young HK, that he could start life over without HK, that HK is the only woman he loves, and that he wants to win her back. 

HK has an intrinsic 'warmth' in her since way back. Not just from the name she was born with 'On Ki', but with her 'unspoken' acts, for one, which we just only recently were shown. HK, since 4 years ago, was concerned about SR and the Pudoxin clinical trial SR participated  At that time, HK was dealing with a 'mistress' and a 'home/marriage-wrecker SR'. Because HK knew all about the harmful side effects in Pudoxin, because HK knew TS had forged and falsified the results from researches done on Pudoxin to gain the green go-ahead for bringing it to the marketplace, HK back then was already looking into SR's case file. But she got into an accident and suffered amnesia, suffered 'mistaken ID for 4 years' and hence her action to help SR was stalled. Lately, we saw how she has clued BS into this and asked BS to bring SR to the hospital for a thorough body checkup.

SR saw HK stabbed right in front of her, but instead of calling 119 for immediate medical help, SR ran into her house. SR prayed for HK to bleed to death. SR wanted HK dead so she could hold on to JE. SR didn't care for HK one bit, let alone lift a finger to help HK at that crucial life-and-death moment.

And there are more, but I'll stop here. To even begin to compare HK with SR and putting them on the same level, IMO, is unfair to HK for one, and also unfair to writernim's painstaking but remarkable penmanship. It perhaps also show your magnifying glass was afixed to what you want to see, and enlarged what you want to enlarge. I guess all of us tend to do that, at one time or another, for one reason or another.



Finally, again I agree with you too (but in a positive and constructive sense for JE and HK). They both need professional counseling to deal with ES' death, and deal with their lives, as individuals, parents or reconciled couple (their miscommunication and wrong perception of each other needed open discussion, and best done with a professional to mediate and guide them, IMO). In fact, they needed this counseling more than 4 years ago, when HK has transformed into a cold and ruthless corporate hacker for CNP, and 4 years ago post-ES' death when they both could not grief together and harbored ill and mistaken feelings over ES' death and post ES' death.

Gosh, this has become a long post without intention for it to be long, and least of all with any intent to change your POV. I just thought the overall big picture is not what your 'magnifying glass' has captured, and hopefully, LOVERS and LURKERS here could get another POV and make their own conclusion.

Ahhhh... what an excellently created script (thank you writernim Bae), produced visuals(thank you PDnim Choi and crew) and performed drama(thank you Kim Hyun Joo, Ji Jin Hee, Lee Gyu Han, Park Han Byul, and cast) this is! Please keep the pace and the awesome going to the end, chaebal! Sat please come soon :blush:



I guess here is my confusion and where I disagree (which is fine because it's all based on our perception/opinions):

1. In the clips back into Jin Uhn's and Hae Kang's past during pregnancy, this doesn't look like a man who held any resentment towards his wife..they both seemed very happy. In all the beautiful pictures of them as a family, they seemed cocooned in their own love. Their daughter was a few months shy of 3 years old. She had been dead less than a year before the affair.  All this tells me is that the pictures were taken very close before her death. We know that Hae Kang was already a cold and ruthless attorney because that's why the man tried to kill her.  

Within all the information provided through pictures and memories, I can only determine that Jin Uhn's hatred of Hae Kang started after the death of ES because there is nothing at this point to state otherwise.

2. Jin Uhn seeing beyond his own pain:   From how I see it, Jin Uhn has something in view that he wants. Even in expressing that he's sorry, it's only to achieve the goal that he wants Hae Kang. If he could truly see it from her point of view, he would have stepped back to give her time to make up her mind and digest his words and explore her own feelings and decide if she wants to forgive. To me it seems that he's always trying to force her decision and crowd her mind and space with only him whether she wants it or not. Everything Jin Uhn did in the past and future, it was to benefit his own goal to make him appear good in her eyes to impress her and to ease his on conscience.  I haven't seen any of his good works outside of Hae Kang's involvement.  I haven't seen him do anything good for other people out of the goodness of his heart that wasn't linked to getting Hae Kang back.  I also thought the debt was something her mother accumulated. I must have missed the part where he paid for her college. I don't recall hearing that.

Some of the things Jin Uhn did, he would have done them for anyone so there is nothing exceptional about his actions.

3. I agree in this drama the writer is depicting the undying love between Hae Kang and Jin Uhn. My folly is I'm trying to apply real emotions to an overly romanticized drama. I say that ship has sailed because the biggest event of her life when she needed him most, he deserted her. Not only did he desert her, he layered on additional pain and did it intentionally. I don't know what human would be able to realistically forget that brutal desertion and pain. Hae Kang is suffering from guilt to both him and her daughter, but he was never there to help her before or after the death of their daughter. When I say that ship has sailed, there is nothing Jin Uhn can do now to make up for that, even if he sticks to her like glue.

I'm only reading praise for the writer of this drama and she has done a good job, but I would have to turn a blind eye to the number of inconsistancies within the story which makes it lose some of the depth and exploring of real emotions that JiJin Hee's last drama evoked (One Warm Word).

In this drama there is the assured expectation that Hae Kang and Jin Uhn will reunite as a couple and I can foresee the writer giving them another child. I could almost picture them sleeping together in the next couple of episodes and she becomes pregnant. She goes to jail, delivers the baby and 3 years later as she's leaving prison, Jin Uhn and the baby are waiting for her. They pick up their lives where it left off when their daughter died.


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@sweetpeagaAny resemblance between OWW and IHAL is very superficial. The real connection in OWW is between JJH's character and the younger woman whose name I cannot remember. JJH's character is very committed to the marriage and does not want to hurt his wife who has been nothing but good to him but till the end the woman he loves is the younger woman. So to me OWW explores what happens when your duty is in one place and you love the wrong person. 

IHAL is primarily about what happens when you discover the ugly side of the person you love with all your heart. If you watch carefully there are several pointers that JE was not happy with HG's moral lapses as much as he knew them before ES's death. He was turning a deliberate blind eye to them since he loved her so much until ES' s death made it impossible for him to do so. 

When faced with what is true ruthlessness in HG's character - this is a trait, neither good nor bad, depends on how you use it, - and fooled by her pretence to be getting over their child, he wants to hurt her back and latches onto the first thing that gets a reaction out of her, that is, KS. He  then is brutal to her. He runs away physically. She runs away mentally into amnesia. They have both tried to love other people. Even now the reasons why they should not get together are enumerated by several people in the play. BS to JE in epi 32, SH to KS in epi 32, and JR to JE in episode 31 or 32. But the point of the play I think is that some connections refuse to be severed. 

IHAL explores how tragedy or difficult times expose fault lines in people and relationships that otherwise are compensated.  

JE is kind to pretty much everyone who crosses his path. KS, Baek Ji, Woo Joo, YK, the secretary he knows is in MTS's pay, his mother who is silly and even JR. Look at what JR does to him and he is always either silent or noncommittal. ( except epi 31 where you have to give him a pass. He was beat and JR was unstoppable). He is someone who has grown up in a household where his father has given in to ambition, his sister and BIL  are corrupt to the core and mother is sort of nice but not influential. The fact that he has a moral compass is a credit to him not his parents. He used to be impulsive and OTT. He is learning to be more measured. HG was the original ice queen, weighing and measuring everything she did. She is learning to be more in the moment. Thus the evolution of the characters goes on. 

We rarely see a bond like the one depicted in IHAL between HG and JE in real life but it exists for some lucky people and thank God for that since barter trading as love is dime a dozen and we see too many plays about that. 

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1 hour ago, sweetpeaga said:

I haven't seen any of his good works outside of Hae Kang's involvement.  I haven't seen him do anything good for other people out of the goodness of his heart that wasn't linked to getting Hae Kang back.  I also thought the debt was something her mother accumulated. I must have missed the part where he paid for her college. I don't recall hearing that.


JE did indeed pay for HG college and help to pay off her mothers debt.  In fact he worked as labor to do it and moved in GF mother's house when his family opposed him.  He gave up all the creature comforts, wealth and power to provide for HG and her mother.   This is one the reason SH dislikes HG.  It because JE would do anything for her.  Knowing how much he cared for her is the reason non of the family let him know of her passing.  Even HG mom knows this.  He did horrible things to her daughter be she also know for many years JE( As HG says it ) loved HG to death. That why she rather him believe that she was alive somewhere with someone that believe her dead.

While JE was engaged in his own suffering he tried for months to get HG to do the right thing and that was to grieve.  In the past we believe she was doing it.  Overtime it has become clear that she was not.  Recently she admitted she can not grieve ES before JE. My reasoning is that if she does the guilt and self loathing would be painful but not as much as her fear of JE looking at her with accusing eyes for playing a role in their daughter death.   However I believe that JE knows this and does not care.  He wanted her to release.   Again since did not grieve but acted like ES did not matter all the doubts became fear and turned into hate.  HG knew this and did not address the core issue, I think it was self punishment and mistaken belief that JE could endure the thought of HG not caring for there daughter.  That they would overcome that. That by avoiding the issue it would go away.JE main issue was he was too emotionally involved with HG.  He could make objective judgments.   They both made bad moves and hurt each other.  HG thought HG need a strong woman.  He need his wife to confide and trust in him.  Without that he wanted to escape to flee from what he most feared an HG that would reject him like she did ES. 

JE reaction was to ask to break up, ask for a divorce, have an affair to get HG to leave him. (The person who has an affair cannot sue for divorce it the victim that has to request it) 

The person who tells us about JE being kind to others is HG.  She told it to SR.   Also when JE comes back he looks for drugs that will help the most people not bring in the most profits. That why he wanted to work with Dr. JE is caring and sensitive.  

JE words to HG after the divorce is done.  At this time he still thinks she has thrown ES away, has found out about her trying to get SR removed from the country, and thinks she has spread photos all over the place.  His parting word could have been harsh.

Yet what does he tell her?  What advice does he give.  Be healthy and learn to live with people that her ambition will get her to the top but it will be lonely.

JE has know what HG has need before she knew it.

1) Release all the emotions about ES death

2) Tamper your ambition and live with people.

Her amnesia allowed for number 2  and slowly she will reach number 1.  

  The context of JE cheating is important not as an excuse but it helps to define him.  He was not the guy looking for easy women, he did not have string of mindless affairs, he was not the guy who leaves home takes off his wedding ring and goes to the bar. He was a guy who thought his marriage was over, someone hurting.  He made a bad decision and choice.  One which he regrets and has expressed it.

More over he more than just a cheater.  He done various things.  Some of them without HG knowledge so it not look good to her. Just like HG was just not only the executioner JE is also just not the cheater.  Both of them need to do things to clear up their past mistakes.  I also believe HG and JE can forgive each other and then HG can forgive herself.  



There was drama where the guy cheats on his GF. Then breaks up and gets married. He separates from the wife has dozen other GF. Laments about how his first girl was special and goes back to Korea for her.  Oh BTW we find out he was not divorced.

Now if JE was that guy. Hell yeah HG should kick him to the curb.  However he is not that kind of person.  That person is not worthy of consideration because he never changes.


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1 hour ago, sweetpeaga said:

I'm only reading praise for the writer of this drama and she has done a good job, but I would have to turn a blind eye to the number of inconsistancies within the story which makes it lose some of the depth and exploring of real emotions that JiJin Hee's last drama evoked (One Warm Word).

..... but isn't there inconsistencies always in fiction? after all, we need to suspend a certain amount of disbelief in order to accept the story.. and even with real life stories, there are inconsistencies that can jump out at us no?? like when we hear someone tell a story and we think "what on earth is wrong with this person that they would do such a stupid thing??" :P

but it is kind of funny that you mentioned real emotions evoked by one warm word, guess you liked it. sadly for me, the only emotion that it evoked was sleep!!! it was such a snoozefest that I gave up watching.... so whether we like the writer really depends on whether we are enjoying the drama actually. then we simply ignore all the plot holes that every drama always has..... :)

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1 hour ago, Lmangla said:

..... but isn't there inconsistencies always in fiction? after all, we need to suspend a certain amount of disbelief in order to accept the story.. and even with real life stories, there are inconsistencies that can jump out at us no?? like when we hear someone tell a story and we think "what on earth is wrong with this person that they would do such a stupid thing??" :P

but it is kind of funny that you mentioned real emotions evoked by one warm word, guess you liked it. sadly for me, the only emotion that it evoked was sleep!!! it was such a snoozefest that I gave up watching.... so whether we like the writer really depends on whether we are enjoying the drama actually. then we simply ignore all the plot holes that every drama always has..... :)

 And sometimes we need to wait till the end.

This writer like to paint a picture in layers.  Each episode the layers grow and what we thought was happening we keep finding the texture has changed.  JE and HG keep growing and filling out.  HG and JE we met in 1-9 have changed.  They are not static but dynamic just like the story.  So I think when we reach the end of the road we might look back and have different perspective.  



When I was younger the American move Kiss the Girl  and The Usual  Suspects  did this.  In the end things were revealed that had one replay the whole movie in your head. 


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Well said @Jadecloud and @the rest of the insightful contributors here at the IHAL forum. If I may just add my twopence worth on the contributory factors that disrupted the once solid and harmonious marital dynamics of Jin Eun and Hae Kang.

While little Eun Sol was still alive, tiny cracks were already forming on the couple's foundation because of Hae Kang's relentless ambition, to the growing disappointment of Jin Eun; after their daughter's sudden and untimely demise, they gradually drifted apart from each other. As husband and wife, they should have observed their obligations of rendering mutual love and support esp. during difficult times particularly as when they lost their unica hija, however and unfortunately, this was not the case at hand. Hae Kang was not able to grieve properly because her sense of guilt over the circumstances surrounding Eun Sol's death clashed with her vicious Cheon Nyeon persona.

Hae Kang cannot have it both ways: that is, grieving for Eun Sol without first acknowledging that her actuations as Cheon Nyeon's hunting dog had been a contributory cause to Eun Sol's death since violation of higher values can only be remedied by ceasing the noxious behaviour and making the necessary amends, if possible. This has been illustrated well in the recent episodes wherein the reformed Hae Kang is seen displaying and/or has began to look again at her daughter's picture (sense of expression: positive sign in the grief process). Due to a combination of pursuance of ambition and the defence mechanisms she employed (specifically: displacement & compensation) to contain those feelings of worry and guilt, Jin Eun was left grieving alone. As a result, Jin Eun saw his wife as one nasty, unfeeling monster.

That being said, Jin Eun used defence mechanisms as well (specifically: sublimation & altruism) as a means to alleviating his grief. Unfortunately, his altruistic deeds paved the way for a smooth seduction by Seul Ri who sort of acted as a leeway to a sweet whiff of fresh air from the hellish miasma exuded by Hae Kang. Needless to say, Jin Eun committed a grievous mistake. He was selfish for having used Seul Ri and above all, he was an unfaithful husband as no amount of justification or rationalisation can be had if a married person decided to have eyes for another while still connected by the bonds of marriage. The admirable thing about Jin Eun is that he made no excuses for his wrongful behaviour while earnestly atoning for it. He has loved Hae Kang that much before and he still loves her that much now, perhaps even more. His perseverance and patience certainly paid off in the latest episode. Their interaction with each other while keeping up with their masquerade, has been titillating. I cannot hardly wait for the next episode. Thankfully, there is the awards ceremony tomorrow. Chingudeul, let us keep our toes and fingers crossed for IHAL actors' big win! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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watched ep 32 with subs and was laughing at the beginning scene when BS dramatically closes his eyes when HK said it was JE, not a woodpecker at the door. wait, JE hitting his forehead on the door is such a distinct sound that she can recognize it???? hahahahha.... this is one crazy love these two have!!! :w00t::w00t: this is not romeo and juliet -- those two were stupid and those two died because they couldn't tell when one died.... nope, these two (HK & JE) can probably hear each other heart beats miles away!! :P:lol:

and JR cracks me up ~ is she an HR personnel on some recruitment spree? she now offers mama choi to join forces with her to put down HK :lol:... or is JR just lonely and wants some connection with her family?

@Katrina Abdul Talib ~ thought of your comment of how weird JE is. when he pulled down her ponytail and rubbed off her lipstick, that seemed weird and over the top to me considering he is an ex-husband. it is bit stalkerish.... .but then later at the bar when he is talking to BS, it made me realize that it was the crazy mystery that was driving him nuts. he feels like something is terribly wrong, that HK is standing on the edge of the cliff, and he needs to do something. once he has done what he can, he can then leave if that is what she wants. till then, there is something terribly terribly wrong...... so it is a combination of researcher personality and a man's protective instincts.

and @ayselluna ~ HK is not only underestimating JE's capability but also his brain. in the end, he is asking a question, why is BS handling the case if they are dating... and pieces together what is going on, what a smart man!!!... why doesn't anyone realize that the man can actually think? he knows his wife? HK must be super stressed if she does not realize that it would look and smell fishy to people if BS was handling the case and dating her at the same time....


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36 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

watched ep 32 with subs and was laughing at the beginning scene when BS dramatically closes his eyes when HK said it was JE, not a woodpecker at the door. wait, JE hitting his forehead on the door is such a distinct sound that she can recognize it???? hahahahha.... this is one crazy love these two have!!! :w00t::w00t: this is not romeo and juliet -- those two were stupid and those two died because they couldn't tell when one died.... nope, these two (HK & JE) can probably hear each other heart beats miles away!! :P:lol:

and JR cracks me up ~ is she an HR personnel on some recruitment spree? she now offers mama choi to join forces with her to put down HK :lol:... or is JR just lonely and wants some connection with her family?

@Katrina Abdul Talib ~ thought of your comment of how weird JE is. when he pulled down her ponytail and rubbed off her lipstick, that seemed weird and over the top to me considering he is an ex-husband. it is bit stalkerish.... .but then later at the bar when he is talking to BS, it made me realize that it was the crazy mystery that was driving him nuts. he feels like something is terribly wrong, that HK is standing on the edge of the cliff, and he needs to do something. once he has done what he can, he can then leave if that is what she wants. till then, there is something terribly terribly wrong...... so it is a combination of researcher personality and a man's protective instincts.

and @ayselluna ~ HK is not only underestimating JE's capability but also his brain. in the end, he is asking a question, why is BS handling the case if they are dating... and pieces together what is going on, what a smart man!!!... why doesn't anyone realize that the man can actually think? he knows his wife? HK must be super stressed if she does not realize that it would look and smell fishy to people if BS was handling the case and dating her at the same time....




This is why I said he doesn't lack in intelligence, so he can defend himself; and her underestimating him is really annoying.

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56 minutes ago, ayselluna said:



This is why I said he doesn't lack in intelligence, so he can defend himself; and her underestimating him is really annoying.


I know!! it was then fun to see her get exactly what she wanted in ep 33 -- JE stopped calling or sticking to her like glue -- and she is upset to the point that she can't eat, is restless and is making up excuses to be in his company a little longer...

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Who will win the Daesang at ‘2015 SBS Drama Awards?’


The committee for the ‘2015 SBS Drama Awards’ announced earlier that Kim Rae Won, Kim Hyun Joo, Yoo Ah In, and Joo Won will compete for the Grand Prize (Daesang) this year, and competition is definitely intense due to the huge popularity of their dramas.

Kim Rae Won played a prosecutor in ‘PUNCH’ who had developed a malignant brain tumor, but fights on bravely against a corrupt prosecutor.

‘Yong Pal’ surpassed 20 percent in ratings after just six episodes thanks largely to an impressive showing from Joo Won, and it not only became one of the most popular dramas of the year, but also helped him to become one of the Daesang nominees.

The latter half of 2015 was definitely ‘Yoo Ah In’s era’ as he was not only active on the big screen, but is also currently anchoring popular drama series ‘Six Flying Dragons.’

Despite lackluster ratings, Kim Hyun Joo has emerged as a dark horse for the Daesang, thanks to her sterling performances in weekend drama ‘I Have a Lover.’

A SBS TV representative stated, “We would like to thank viewers for showering our dramas with so much love, and we really had much joy in choosing the nominees. Besides being able to see actors take the stage tomorrow (December 31st) to perform their OSTs, there will also be a performance from Korean traditional music singer Song So Hee, and a joint performance from the main cast of ‘Six Flying Dragons.’ Please look forward to it.”

The ‘2015 SBS Drama Awards’ will take place on December 31st, and will be jointly hosted by Yoo Jun Sang, Lim Ji Yeon, and Lee Hwi Jae.

By: Alvin


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in ep 32 ~ did anyone else think Dr was a little taken aback by HK offering to send WJ and YK to US? did he look like he got punched in the gut a bit??? awwww, will be miss them? but he defended himself saying that their only relationship is patient-guardian-doctor.... and how cute was WJ when she said Dr was sad because mom was sad and now they are both singing...

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8 hours ago, trust71 said:


BS SAY:  In the era of  100 yrs lifespan.You can do good from now on. Starting  now for the next sixty years, if you can do good it's okey.

WILL SHE(DHK) DO THE RIGHT THING?  Now  that she go  back to CNPHARMA moreover they want her again to defend the company against PUDOXIN case w/c she will fight with BS and YK case.

what BS said made me think of the famous hymn "amazing grace"


the songwriter John Newton who wrote the song, he was once a slave trader and later fought to abolish slave trade  if you have never heard the song, here's one version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoJz2SANTyo .

from wiki: "With the message that forgiveness and redemption are possible regardless of sins committed and that the soul can be delivered from despair through the mercy of God, "Amazing Grace" is one of the most recognizable songs in the English-speaking world."

... but it also prompted questions ~ does doing good for the next sixty years really make it okay? the first forty years cannot be undone. first forty years does not disappear. and those consequences cannot be erased. so how does it become okay? or is it a lie we tell ourselves? or perhaps, it simply means that just because we screw up the first forty years does not mean we need to keep doing bad. we can do better in the next sixty years. but in order to do good, who needs to forgive? ourselves or other people? or is it both? if we forget and others don't, can we still live the sixty years doing good? if others forget and we don't, can we still live with ourselves?

what do folks think?

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48 minutes ago, Lmangla said:


I know!! it was then fun to see her get exactly what she wanted in ep 33 -- JE stopped calling or sticking to her like glue -- and she is upset to the point that she can't eat, is restless and is making up excuses to be in his company a little longer...

I too find this fact (Everyone is underestimating JE) is annoying!!!! Even at the end of episode 33, JE stood in front of HK's chair and said,"Let me be inside of your head for once...,why gave the evidence to BiL not to lighthouse? Unless the evidence is NOT definitive or smth else ....". I thought that was very interesting why would he thinks that why.

In the next episode we will see more JE abilities that will surprise HK & everyone. I am also curious how JE will handle SR's case as clinical trial for pudoxin. I think BS will obviously use SR as witness for pudoxin case. What would JE do?

I think in the next few episode, JE & Hk will be force to deal w ES death together with the ES killer case. They both will help ES killer to live again, perhaps by returning his right to his research on his blood pressure meds that he developed & was stole by CNP. 

Also, I found it interesting why HK never apologize about ES death to the family & JE especially according to the MIL? And why HK is very confident about going back to the company and receive support from FIL? Perhaps, it is not HK's fault directly ... I personally think that ES death has smth to do with the FIL ... as for now, I think HK does not know about Sshanhwasan yet ...

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Some Thoughts 

On MH's mea culpa, in the end he was still in control of everything, he made HK vice chairman and his son, president. I failed to see any acknowledgement of wrongdoing with what he did, he carried out what he envisioned CNP should be and romanticized it as what was best for the company bouyed to success by Ji Hoon's Ssanghwasan. He probably was onto HK, especially after her very public declaration of being involved with BS, who in turn, was handling a class action lawsuit against Pudoxin. I don't know what to make of MH's decision to let HK handle the Pudoxin case for their company thereby pitting her against BS, he even said (or was it TS?) that it was to be her litmus test if she deserved the vice chairmanship or he was playing Cupid by causing a rift between HK and BS thereby giving JE a chance to woo her back? 

If SIS wasn't intent on murdering HK for revenge, then what did he want her to see/witness? So he isn't actually the big bad? We're left with MTS and his shenanigans. TBH, he's pretty much toothless at this point. JE has damning information on his secret stash at the Caymans and if the lawsuit on Pudoxin prospers, then he's done for good. Well of course he can always resort to a murder spree which would rather be anticlimactic if the writer would choose that path. Hmm, what about the trifecta of JR, SR and SH joining forces to completely crush HK? They all have their motivations - SH's motherly concern for JE's well being, SR's revenge at not having JE and JR's simmering rage at being continually kicked to the curve. Hell hath no fury than these three women scorned? 

There is a very wide gap between HK and YK right now. HK's secrecy and her stealing YK's precious documents further widened this gap. I wonder how these two would eventually learn to accept and trust each other? They obviously share a special bond as identical twins, I wonder if we'll see a scenario wherein the other would be acutely aware of the other using their twin senses? lol.

@Lmangla - JE crazed reaction which involved unpinning her hair and wiping her lipgloss was brought about by his intense jealousy. When he entered the hotel suite, he saw BS with his coat off, their coats on the couch, two empty wine glasses and HK primping by the vanity so he saw red. And yes, Dr. Min definitely looked taken aback by HK's take charge attitude but she did acknowledge his role in helping her sister and niece. In the end he understood where she was coming from and he regained his composure by telling her their relationship was strictly professional or so he'd like to remind himself of it. ;) 

@sweetpeaga You are asking JE's other acts of kindness not related to his quest to win HK back because? What a specific and distinct question. Does being a good father to ES or his refusal to be part of CNP as a reflection of his moral compass count? Anyway, I was also under the impression that JE worked odd jobs just to put HK to law school, I believe it was SH who mentioned that tidbit in a fit of anger at one of their anxiety wrought dinners. 

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1 hour ago, LHRCN_ said:

Who will win the Daesang at ‘2015 SBS Drama Awards?’

The committee for the ‘2015 SBS Drama Awards’ announced earlier that Kim Rae Won, Kim Hyun Joo, Yoo Ah In, and Joo Won will compete for the Grand Prize (Daesang) this year, and competition is definitely intense due to the huge popularity of their dramas.

Kim Rae Won played a prosecutor in ‘PUNCH’ who had developed a malignant brain tumor, but fights on bravely against a corrupt prosecutor.

‘Yong Pal’ surpassed 20 percent in ratings after just six episodes thanks largely to an impressive showing from Joo Won, and it not only became one of the most popular dramas of the year, but also helped him to become one of the Daesang nominees.

The latter half of 2015 was definitely ‘Yoo Ah In’s era’ as he was not only active on the big screen, but is also currently anchoring popular drama series ‘Six Flying Dragons.’

Despite lackluster ratings, Kim Hyun Joo has emerged as a dark horse for the Daesang, thanks to her sterling performances in weekend drama ‘I Have a Lover.’

A SBS TV representative stated, “We would like to thank viewers for showering our dramas with so much love, and we really had much joy in choosing the nominees. Besides being able to see actors take the stage tomorrow (December 31st) to perform their OSTs, there will also be a performance from Korean traditional music singer Song So Hee, and a joint performance from the main cast of ‘Six Flying Dragons.’ Please look forward to it.”

The ‘2015 SBS Drama Awards’ will take place on December 31st, and will be jointly hosted by Yoo Jun Sang, Lim Ji Yeon, and Lee Hwi Jae.

By: Alvin



I didn't watch the other dramas beside Yong Pal, but to me YP wasn't that good. Basically YP was running around most of the time while the main female lead was constantly being drugged. I have to say IHAL is the best drama I watched so far in 2015 and bravo to Kim Hyun Joo acting several different personalities. I really hope she wins Daesang even though the winner may be based off of popularity :(

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