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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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SR is being rude with Hk mom...it seems she not even tries to hide her feelings for sunbae...Hk mom can't belive it WHAT???she said...HK mom is awesome...she POURED water on SR...but she pretended did not saw her...HK said to SR that parents are like this ...HK remembers her husband and SR ,..They talk...preview scene she said sorry i love my husband ...she knelt in front of her rival...talked about her feelings for him

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HK on her knees to the S-K-A-N-K SMH she should have been telling her to kick cans if she love her life because she free to live it now while she's being nice or spend it in a pine box 6ft under.. What is it with women like HK you can't be nice to a person like SR threaten he life a few time she'll get the message  

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Taxi arrived SR just left ...HK and JE ...she slapps him ...she looks so sad asking herself what to do next...can't stand his betrayal...Je wakes up Hk is sleeping ...Je sister  reads some articles ...she seems angry ...JE mom writes something at pc...Je brother in law mentioned YK name to HK...SHE PAYS NO ATENTION ...he almost showed her photo ...JE sister arrived ...worried about the article...

Father in law is also angry...HK said something ...that monster agrees...the article was about JE sister...something bad...she got fired...in office her Husband looked so happy...HK and her father in law talk...was HK promoted?Her happiness ended when she remembered Je asking for divorce...YK and that dirty manager...the man asked her if she has prove...it seems her colegue won't testify....Tae-seok minion is in YK house...grandmother talks to a man more bad news...

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Baek Seok playing...YK grandmother calls him for help...she went home and meet Tae-seok minion...their house is mess...YK and her colegue talk...she is a coward ...won't help said yk she is sorry...grandmother calls tells her what happened ...Yk and her grandmother ...YK realised they took everything...she has no prove ...Tae-seok IS WATCHING THE VIDEO ...Destroyed everything...YK meets the reporter...won't be eassy without prove ...the man said there is still hope they need to find the blackbox of lawyer Kim car ...minion is listening....

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Minion hits the reporter near his car and stole his bagg...grandmother is looking for something ...found a envelope...Hk mom remembers JE dad giving her the credit card...and Je mom being rude ...HK is watching

Baek Seok...she got  adress from SR file...grandmother arrived ...Baek Seok is happy to see her...they go inside...HK wanted to speak with Baek Seok dad...but was not able to do it...the man left the house without seeing her ...JE parents boring scene...HK meets her mother in law ...asks for help...Hk mom and Baek Seok dad funny scene she is dressed like a princess...omg she wants to be MISS KOREA???




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OH my god, Do Hae Kang GO GO, love the ending of ep 5. I am not married not I couldnt stand it when a husband cheats his wife for anothe young girl. Does JE really love SR??

And the preview of ep 6, Do Hae Kang is playing dirty, love her. The woman is so smart in every move of her to take her husband back. Cant wait for her revenge when she lives as YG.

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it has been a long Ive seen KHJ acting like this, she is really a good actress. BTW is JE married in real life? is KHJ seeing someone? love to see them together again after the ms. kim series......

Yes Ji Jin hee is married and has a child. Kim Hyun Joo is not seeing anyone right now? i think. There are a lot of rumors in the past of her loveline with her co-stars but i dont know if she has someone right now, But She is the best, her acting is justtt WOWWW. I really HK's character, a strong woman with ambition.

behind the scene

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it has been a long Ive seen KHJ acting like this, she is really a good actress. BTW is JE married in real life? is KHJ seeing someone? love to see them together again after the ms. kim series......

Yes Ji Jin hee is married and has a child. Kim Hyun Joo is not seeing anyone right now? i think. There are a lot of rumors in the past of her loveline with her co-stars but i dont know if she has someone right now, But She is the best, her acting is justtt WOWWW. I really HK's character, a strong woman with ambition.


Ji Jin-hee is married and has two children...

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finally got around to catching up to ep 4 and really disliking the character of Seol Ri, especially because she acts so fake innocent. ugh! so it will be fun to see her downfall later.. both HK and JE are tearing each other apart and don't know how to deal with the grief.. it is funny that we see HK as cold because she is so logical but we can see the effort that it takes to rein her emotions in whereas Seol Ri seems so flippant that she cleans out crime scenes etc and seems more like a narcissist who is all about themselves. Seol Ri seems like the really cold scary fish actually and it will be interesting to see how JE reacts once he realizes that he just switched one warm fridge fish to a really really really scary cold frozen freezer fish...  it almost feels like she was fishing and he was perfect for picking because he was so miserable -- anyone could have shown him some sympathy, made him smile a little and he would have probably gone running towards them. so it will be interesting to see Seol Ri's reaction once she realizes that she wasn't someone special that he picked...won't be surprised if Seol Ri turns into some murdering psycho later on in the series....

Edited by Lmangla
am a zombie!
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OK and wow wow wowX1000. I absolutely love HK and how shes confronting this affair and mistress head on and not behind the scenes. I love her sincerity and pleading with SR to stop, giving her a good foreshadowing and warning, although she does not seem to be interested in either. That double slap was Amazing, I love how she didn't just stop at slapping SR but went for her husband too:lol:. I think his using the affair as a way to get a reaction out of his wife whom he hasn't been able to shake any feelings from for a long time. His using SR to hurt HK without a doubt. How can he not see how much she loves him? She is not being herself even going as far as to get down on her knees and beg the mistress. JE's character is weak, and I can see why his wife does not respect him, he is indecisive and obviously makes poor choices. HK's desperation to hold on to her husband is something i think most women can sympathize with, although while watching we might be like  "forget him and forget her too" we know relationships are often not that black and white. As a married women of almost 12 years, I like that the writers stay true to the reality and ups and downs of relationships, although cheating is a NO to the hell NO in my book. Can't wait to see how his character is redeem if at all. Looking forward to episode 5. 



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Wonder why HK jumping into the river in the preview of ep 6? she wants to warn them? she wants to die? she wants to test JE's love??? 


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Something I did not catch from watching the drama, but was brought up in the First Impression article that @Misstwilightfan1416 posted above (thank you for that, and the videos!), is that the child died because of HK. (and it does not give us details) - but just with this additional piece of  information - I look at both HK and JE differently,, as this new information (for me) better explains their individual reactions.

It is nowhere mentioned that Hae-gang was responsible for the child's death, so I guess the above is just the author's assumption based on Jin-eon's condemnatory treatment of his wife, while there may have been quite other causes for it.

Likewise, and I thought I'd missed something. 

Also, the wordpresser stated JE's mom Se Hee snatched chairman Choi from Hae Kang's mom, Gyu Nam. I don't think that was mentioned either, and I also don't think that was the case  since Choi seemingly still has a soft spot for GN - I think GN chose to marry the man who fathered the twin sisters, but got into an adulteress relationship with Choi after marriage (not sure if Choi and Se Hee were already married then).

If my memory serves me rightly, during Choi's visit to Gyu Nam at her dorm rental room, GN did admit she was a very bad woman in her younger days, to her husband, HK's and YK's dad (I believe she was referring to her affair with Choi, who's probably chairman Choi's buddy/work partner). As for Se Hee, I believe she is aware that Choi's flame for GN hasn't died, that's why she revered in torturing GN in front of Choi and HK.

As to what actually happened to the lil girl and to the two sets of parents(Choi/Se Hee, Gyu Nam and HK's dad)? I guess we'll soon find out. 

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Wonder why HK jumping into the river in the preview of ep 6? she wants to warn them? she wants to die? she wants to test JE's love??? 

I'm actually not truly watching the drama, but reading the thread. I hope that HK's not jumping in the river as a means of threatening him to stay with her; it only makes for an empty reunion and builds resentment. There is no doubt from what I've read that she's desperate to hold on to her husband. I'm sure it's also taking a lot for her not to cave into her pain of betrayal.  From the synopsis, HK is supposed to get into a mysterious accident and lose her memory and fall back in love with her husband (probably after developing hatred for him cheating on her).  In order for her to fall back in love with him, he will probably start treating her better--because now I just think he's downright disrespectful.  However, I hope as this story progresses that the writer have her value herself more and have her realize that her life doesn't revolve around him--at the moment she seems codependent on him. I truly hope they make her secure in her own strength, "The Fierce Wife" type strong. The fact that SR has no regards to the fact that he's married with a wife, tells a lot about the type of person she is--there is no conscience. I hope by the end of this drama she receives back some of what she's dished out.

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finally got around to catching up to ep 4 and really disliking the character of Seol Ri, especially because she acts so fake innocent. ugh! so it will be fun to see her downfall later.. both HK and JE are tearing each other apart and don't know how to deal with the grief.. it is funny that we see HK as cold because she is so logical but we can see the effort that it takes to rein her emotions in whereas Seol Ri seems so flippant that she cleans out crime scenes etc and seems more like a narcissist who is all about themselves. Seol Ri seems like the really cold scary fish actually and it will be interesting to see how JE reacts once he realizes that he just switched one warm fridge fish to a really really really scary cold frozen freezer fish...  it almost feels like she was fishing and he was perfect for picking because he was so miserable -- anyone could have shown him some sympathy, made him smile a little and he would have probably gone running towards them. so it will be interesting to see Seol Ri's reaction once she realizes that she wasn't someone special that he picked...won't be surprised if Seol Ri turns into some murdering psycho later on in the series....

@Lmangla Thank you, thank you. thank you!! You said it better than me. That is what I have been saying all along about Seol RI !!!! There is something unhinged in her noggin. A very normal young woman who is offered a scholarship at Stanford U will jump at the chance of a lifetime. Not only for the scholarship but the adventure of being abroad, seeing the world new experience even if they had a crush on their professor. They would think twice about throwing their life away for an older married man. And any normal man with a dose of common sense or woman for that matter will think twice about anyone who says  " I will stay with you even when you are in hell". Warning sign!!!! fatal attraction coming up..... run!!!! Unless of course it is JE who himself is in the dumps and needs a"comforter." Like I said two needy people. Wait until she wants more and more because her needs are like a bottomless pit which she has not dealt with herself. She thinks someone else should fill that void. No honey, it does not work that way.

OK and wow wow wowX1000. I absolutely love HK and how shes confronting this affair and mistress head on and not behind the scenes. I love her sincerity and pleading with SR to stop, giving her a good foreshadowing and warning, although she does not seem to be interested in either. That double slap was Amazing, I love how she didn't just stop at slapping SR but went for her husband too:lol:. I think his using the affair as a way to get a reaction out of his wife whom he hasn't been able to shake any feelings from for a long time. His using SR to hurt HK without a doubt. How can he not see how much she loves him? She is not being herself even going as far as to get down on her knees and beg the mistress. JE's character is weak, and I can see why his wife does not respect him, he is indecisive and obviously makes poor choices. HK's desperation to hold on to her husband is something i think most women can sympathize with, although while watching we might be like  "forget him and forget her too" we know relationships are often not that black and white. As a married women of almost 12 years, I like that the writers stay true to the reality and ups and downs of relationships, although cheating is a NO to the hell NO in my book. Can't wait to see how his character is redeem if at all. Looking forward to episode 5. 



Yes the woman has a plan.

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I love ep 5! It's full of awesome script lines, and of course, the acting was superb! My random thots/highlight:

HK is one smart and foxy woman! And humble too. (or is it pretend humbleness i,e, being insincere and sarcastic?)

  • First, she sarcastically stands up for JE and SR in front of her mom, GN: Every word she utters is like a stab to the adulteress two, who surely knows exactly what HK has said, or indirectly meant to say.


I'm the one who asked her to bring the docs JE left behind in his office. Don't censure a good person. Mom, you know what kind of person your son-in-law JE is. Why make my house into a sleazy, dirty and immoral 'crime scene'? Not someone who's a wrecker, esp not a hoobae who has a bright future ahead of her, who wouldn't even entertain such a thought. So, mom, don't casually use your kind of logic to make your  judgement.


  • Second, HK's invitation to mom to move in with her and JE. Another smart move! HK's real intention  besides offering her mom a better place to live in, and besides being aware of how ruthless her mom can be to stand up against cheaters for her daughter's sake i.e. in other words, HK wants to use her mom GN to do her 'dirty' work (Wow! Smart move!)), but also, more shrewdly, to make JE move back into their bedroom, instead of continuing to live separately - her in bedroom and he in study. (Wow! another smart move! JJANG!)


  • Third, HK tries to appeal to SR's kind and sweet nature to let go of JE. That's both a smart and a big-hearted attempt to save her marriage and retain her cheating husband.

Yet, it pains me to have to watch her, the wifey, kneel down and beg SR, the third party, the adulterer, to let go of JE. This scene is so moving, the acting is so good and the script lines are so good. One thing strikes me - it's a fortunate thing for HK to be able to know the ID of person her husband's cheating with, and also fortunate that she is able to confront and converse with. Often, the wife is ignorant of the 'other party' either because she's beyond reach, beyond knowledge or beyond revelation. 

At the park, after SR has changed into dry clothings, HK kneels down in front of SR, to beg her to let go of JE:

I know I made the wrong first move. I'm sure you felt your pride was hurt, and  you were insulted. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I shouldn't have done that. I was too much. I... I love my husband, to an extent that even he couldn't imagine how much I like  him. Even though it's not as passionate as it was during our younger days, it is still very warm and graceful. When I'm with that person, I don't fear anything. Not pain. Not growing old. Those will not matter. Even if he's lacking, has no future, is bad, those don't matter. I always look at his sleeping form and pray that I'd be the one to die one day earlier than him. I don't want to live another day in this world if the world is without that person. Please don't make my husband waver. I'm begging you like this, please don't make our husband-and-wife relationship waver. The crisis we are facing now, please let us handle it on our own, between both of us. We will find a way to resolve it. So please let go. A couple who has lost a child, we need to mire in a hell of our own, mutually blaming, mutually in pain. This is the only way to overcome our crisis. There's no other way. In a struggle like this, he needs me, and I too need him. This is not something that someone else can help with.

(SR is spared having to respond when the on-call taxi arrives.)

CR: SBSdrama

Writernim, you're Awesome! JJANG!

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