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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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wow side by side YK2 and YK1 !!! amazing 

wondering why YK1 has that slang or accent? wasn't chinese right? 

i also caught YK had an accent esp. in one scene.  No, I think it's Busan satoori.  Perhaps she and grandma lived there before. 

Right, I think real YK purposely used different accent to hide her true identity, I think it could be most Korean in China are illegal immigrant from N. Korea,( l learnt it from other K drama). Not sure I am right or wrong

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Come on @lclarakl don't run away chingu...i love your comments even if we do not agree...almost all of you think i'm insane for defending JE from the start...should  i left a long time ago?...why?...this topic is here to see different opinions

Anyway...if not here lets meet elsewhere...i'll be glad 

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wow side by side YK2 and YK1 !!! amazing 

wondering why YK1 has that slang or accent? wasn't chinese right? 

i also caught YK had an accent esp. in one scene.  No, I think it's Busan satoori.  Perhaps she and grandma lived there before. 

Right, I think real YK purposely used different accent to hide her true identity, I think it could be most Korean in China are illegal immigrant from N. Korea,( l learnt it from other K drama). Not sure I am right or wrong

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@Claudia Ximena

"wondering why YK1 has that slang or accent? wasn't chinese right?"

Although Mandarin is the official spoken language, the provinces of China each on its own have their own form of a spoken dialect which may be a total spoken language to that of Mandarin. It is not like in Korea where their dialect (saturi, 투리), you still can understand some form of Korean in them

I for one could speak 2 of the Chinese province dialect Hokkien (Fujian) & Cantonese....my grandparents will speak Chinese province dialect & no Mandarin

When I speak Mandarin, I too will carry my "Anglo-esque" accent onto my Mandarin

I was also in Shanghai for 2 years & had to tweet my Mandarin to localise

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yup english sub too slow.... :tears: I have to watch it again. Answered prayers, Yhey! YK1 is back and finally they met!... Now BS has to do the right thing...he better. Will he choose to be mum about it to help SR? I'm going to hate him if he does. I'm actually enjoying hunk doc & YK1, & kid. Hahaha.. He is annoyed because he felt he was fooled at first, he really think HG was YK1. Now he knows. Seems like mother & daughter will be around him these days. Gaaah! I hope HG/YK mother will meet one of them soon. I was hoping Doc hunk will bring them at his place that night...

I hated JE for what he did to HG but I never gave up on him. :) I'm for second chances. As for SR, I can see her & TS can be partners in crime. Both might end up blackmailing each other. 

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Guest zetutume

Just Squealing!!!! YK is BACK! BS saw her and that is one of the best twists that one could really hope for and yet.. I never expected it! 

I am going to watch it again once the subs are full on. 


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Guest Kara Gionino

wohooo, YK1 is back! I miss you so much YK1... and BS? OH NOOO.. I hope he will tell to HK.. HK deserves to know who she is....

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Come on @lclarakl don't run away chingu...i love your comments even if we do not agree...almost all of you think i'm insane for defending JE from the start...should  i left a long time ago?...why?...this topic is here to see different opinions

Anyway...if not here lets meet elsewhere...i'll be glad 

I agree stay express your point of view.   The great thing  about the writer is that the main  characters are not one dimensional .  They all have sides to them.  JE loved his wife, in his mind tried to help her open up and failed and wanted out of his marriage and cheated on her.  Yes he a cheater yes he was mean to her, yes he tried to help her,  yes he had an affair was he just one thing I think not but that my views.  You can have different views.   I view BS as good guy but selfish and a little delusional.  Is he evil not is he out to harm YK nope but he not really going to help her in anyway that moves her away from him. My view was that after the seafood incident he knew that there was very strong possibility that YK was not the person he thought she was and he also learned that he did not really know her all that well. That why the rush to claim her and get SR married.  You view of events might be different.  I did a short stint at law enforcement and 10 people seeing an accident happen all view it differently that reality this fiction.


SO let debate and look at each aspect and agree or agree to disagree.  As long as no one makes attacks on forum members I think it great to call characters names.   Defend or attack.  We do it watching tv and I view this as group chat were we can express views. 

We learn and enjoy together.


Edited by DelroyB
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This is just my observation;


There's this one scene before that HK is drunk; Baek Father bring her in their house. Isn't it amazing that during she's sleeping there nobody or BS didn't notice her.Now when he visit HK mother; HOW COME THEY DON'T RECOGNIZE IT'S OTHER? I think it's absurd!!!!!!!!!

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Guest my2centsworth


Do you think JE retured to climb the coprarate ladder or as man on mission to findout what the hell is really going on in the company?  

Reading it seem that JE has matured in his handling of grief.  In that he done it but now he wants to move on.  He is even willing to help YK2 do the thing she needs most and that find her memories.  Something she needs help with as she needs to be less depenant on BS.    I hope JE helps her to help herself.  I feel that he needs to make sure that she is not another grief rebound or HK subsitute. 

Another POV.

JE is well aware of the presaure to succeed.  

He was researcher and getting grants is at that level is as cut throat as any company.  Infact it maybe more so.  You need to present your ideas to get funding often times goin up against other professors.  Even with tenure not projets and you maybe asked to leave.  Also there alot of money for the IP that get produced and the rights to that.  That one of the reason that when HK was trying to bring JE back into the family fold she went and asked questions on what he was working on and if tey would give to the company.    I really hope by the time I land the subs are out. 


Just like x amount of times poping the question is selfish not  telling your partner your true feelings can be hurtful and lead to misunderstanding. (Though I wonder now if it was kinda  inetnstional on her part as way at getting back at her husband who thought she had some responsibity in her daughter death.)

Her treatment was becoming the cold person who was not honest with her feelings.  Though maybe unintentional she became a porcupine and every word, action and interaction was a barb.  JE was someone who grew up in viper nest.  Dad is distant and only see him as tool he can use.   JR and BIL seem him as the enemy they must step on to get ahead.     So his fmaily of 3 was his solace.  Lossing one member to death and seein wife who is cold and distanct and increasing sideing with the people he want to respise from was hard on him.  Worse he hearing about how rutheless his wife is as lawyer.  So ruthless to someone else who has just lost a child.     

The ones  on his side were to be his wife and daughter.    HK was actiong like the queen who came from an differnt faction to control the husband.   By not talking things out she lead to a great impass.  The armor which she protectected herself was like knves to JE. 

She needed to show honest emotions to him and they might have gotten threw it.   

Honey, I am husting hold me.  I feel empety inside, though I miss my daughter let try for another child to love like we ES.  I want you to hold.  I miss our chiild so much.



Let bring the elders into it.  let have child to gain their favor. 

I forgot that kid

She know he want to keep independent from dad and she basically strips him of that at work letting everyone know his background.

HK knew JE well and she had to know that she was husting him with how she talked.   This is why even before the affair he wanted a divorce.  HK the great communcator, his love of 15 years utter words that hurt his heart there is no way she could not know his reaction.

I think we know she just like him was blinded by grieif  and could not at that time see how cruel her actions were to him or how cold and uncaring she was to others.   I also think the reason that JE did not pick up the phone after visitng the his daughters grave is because HK may not have visited her at all and again  to JE showed she did not give 2 hoots about "That Kid"

Any how as YK2 who can empathise with a father that lost a child and put into words HK when comes back will have refeclt on how she was durring that time as both lawyer, mother and wife.  After that both JE and HK will do the thing that both need which having an honest dialog instead monolog with each other.

Sorry for the long answer but it a littel hard to put into words. 

As we all know HK a great communcator  


JE is definitely on a mission! A mission with sweet revenge. There is probably going to be no one that will not feel his wraith. One by one they will all fall!

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Guest my2centsworth

I think Baek Jo is like ES to YK2. YK2 cares for all the children, but BJ is closes to her. Mother-Daughter relationship :wub: 

I'm sure that even after YK2 regains her memories, she will still be close to the children. Maybe there will be a scene where YK2 goes to the Amusement Park with BJ??? She did promise :))) 


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If BS will spill the beans about the twins and telling YK2 that she is actually HK, I think I will change my attitude towards him. That means he chose TRUTH. If he instead hides the truth, I will hate him even more. He chose the path of LIES like what SR chose which is unforgivable :mellow:


I hope in good conscious that BS does the right thing in revealing to HK that she is indeed the real HK. I was really surprised that BS was the first to know about the twins. Then after he runs into the real YK at the hospital was a powerful ending to this esp. Now......BS has been in love with YK since middle school but now he a fallen for HK/YK2. He truly loves her. For the last 4 years they have shared everything but a bedroom. And of course a kiss. But he a fallen for the woman who has been in front of him all these years and now knows she is the real HK. He knows HK and YK and twins. He has seen YK up close and personal now! What ever will BS do???? He has to know that all the truth will soon come out. And how is his going to let HK go? WIll YK accept his heart? Will he be the one to tell HK that she is HK? Guess it's a good thing that we haven't reached the halfway point is this drama in the number of esps. There is so much to come!

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Guest my2centsworth

HATE BS RIGHT NOW….her mother telling him about the sad story and all he did was to keep the shock of having clarified his doubts if he had any and walk off… wish her mum knew he was SR brother then she would have kicked him out of there… ANNOYING!!!

I just have to say this, why in the world would BS say anything at this moment? After meeting HK's mother, from what I can tell, he now knows there are twins. He's shocked. But he doesn't know if it's HK or YK in his house. He also knows one thing for sure, YK didn't live knowing she had a mother so obviously HK's mother chose not to be a part of YK's life for a reason. He also knows that YK didn't know she had a twin. So it's nothing that BS needs to go blabbing about until he thinks through the right approach and that's what I hope he does.

As for throwing SR out the house, I still don't understand why the mother was more upset at SR than she was JE. That doesn't make sense to me. If my daughter died because she was living in another country after her husband divorced her for another woman, and my son-in-law (if I had one) told me to my face that he was choosing SR over my daughter, sorry but I think the writer missed the mark on the mother's reaction.

This mother was in so much pain after her daughter's death that she can't talk and yet she doesn't have any resentment towards JE--her daughter's husband who divorced her for another woman?  I don't think so. The same man that came back into the country with the woman and who she believes is in a solid relationship with that woman? No, again--not likely. I don't know any mother on the top side of this earth would have any sympathy for JE. Maybe if they had divorced without a woman being involved, but not with a woman in the picture.

I totally understand why BS didn't say anything to the mother after learning about the twins. His face told it all. He was in total shock! Imagine what was going thru his head! The main thing would be that he is in love with a woman who is not who he thought she was. And the real woman he is suppose to love is her twin sister! This guy has a heavy load on him now!

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Guest my2centsworth

Now preview thoughts...


Looks good but i think JE other reason for wanting to help supposedly YK2 regain her motorise is the fact that he heard the conversation between SNAKE SR and BIL …this meaning if she was the one meant to be killed she should still be in danger and also she should have known something that led his BIL to want to Kill her thus he is probably offer to help her regain her memories in order to find out what exactly happened and why…. obviously he is still drawn to her by their love but since he thinks his wife is dead he will most likely deny that for the time being… hope BS mentions to YK at least that she is a twin but i do not think he will…i can't guess his actions but not sure he will choose the truth just yet...


This will be when YK2 regains or finds the truth then he will apologise for not having told her bla bla… and also as some chingus have mentioned i also do not think she will change with the kids because not only she will have the memories back but she will still be the current self she was before she got married so i think she will stay in touch … perhaps the kids are the ones that will be mad at her if she does leave after regaining her memories...


One think i sometimes hate in Korean dramas is the link between the characters that always lead to a HAPPY or FORGIVING END even if murder is involved…. i would not fall for that!!  lol!!

My thoughts exactly!!!! I hate fairytale endings. This has been the first drama I have watched in a long time that hasn't already been completed. I watch a drama, The Woman Who Married 3 Times". Great story line. Great cast. But the ending should have gotten an award for being "The Most Stupid Ending Ever". It was a waste of good talent. Now I fast forward to see the ending and then decide whether or not to finish watching it. Now I'm hooked on this one, plus a few others. So worried about the endings. Someone tell the writers that life doesn't always have an happy ending, but it can leave a door open.

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 From the preview, what I think is shown (draft translation for now):

  • YK2 seems to say ...even if her memories come back, she's still happy to have met BS and her life is good
  • GS asks YK/ZM what's she doing, coming to seek him? For what?
  • YK2 looks into JE's car and asks him if he will eat together with her? (I think JE stays silent, and YK2 walks away)
  • it seems SH has gone full-on into dementia state, she's shouting at SR and telling her to 'get lost' and leave her and her son JE alone
  • JE asks YK2 what does she want?
  • YK2 says something about loving...
  • JE snaps out of his daze, and toots his car for YK2''s attention. YK2 turns around and looks at JE (LOVE YK2's styling here. So much like HK now, but softer and kinder, minus the mean and hard looks)
  • (voiceover of JE - your memories, let's find them together, shall we? YK2 looks surprised...

---end of preview---



Now that I've watched the csubbed vid...here's the accurate preview translation:

Ep 20 Preview Translation:

  • YK2: Even if I do this, and still can't regain my memories, but because I've met you, I feel that my life is/has been good.

(There's gratitude and more gratitude from HK. That's nice. But, not sure if you'd feel the same when you know more later. I hope you still feel this way, HK-ssi. But FIRST, I hope BS doesn't delay telling you the truth, and doesn't' delay uniting you with your mom GN. Today is his last chance before crossing deeper over to the dark side ... let's see)

  • GS: Are you Zhang Min or are you Dokgo Yong Ki? What's your reason for approaching me?

(Gahhh, this bickering duo, love them! Lil Woo Joo also has a new name...Zhang Yi...LOL. She's gonna be so good for you, GS-ssi...hehe)

  • YK2: If I ask you to have for a meal together, will you come with me?

(Haha...now it's HK's turn to ask JE out for a meal. Writernim loves parallels, doesn't she?)

  • SH: Get lost! Disappear from me and my son's sight/eyes, right now!

(why a 180 deg change in SH? either SH knows of something bad SR has done or she is having her moment of dementia)

  • JE: Why are you crying?

(poor HK...in tears...if only she would do that in front of JE 4 years ago....)

  • YK2: I'm afraid I will fall in love with you.

(OMO... already falling? wow!)

  • JE(voiceover): I hope you can regain your memories. Find them. Shall we find them together?

(YES! help HK find her memories FIRST! (I like this as a priority)

---end of preview/CR: X-ref:TSKS csubs----

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Guest my2centsworth


From the preview, that our friend @jadecloud translated for us

  • YK2 seems to say ...even if her memories come back, she's still happy to have met BS and her life is good


wow things won't be easy...so let's hope BS will do the right thing and tell the truth ...the 3 women will meet ...SHE WILL FINALLY KNOW IS THAT JOKER EX WIFE...Will she leave BS house and move with GN?i bet she won't!!!At least not  right away ...Her mother and sister are strangers for her...i think she will stay more with Baek familly until she'll have her memories back ...I'm not going i have nobody now without you guys...she said to Baek Jo...

I don't see HK going back to her Mom. At least not until she regains her memory. Right now, those children come first and they keep her sane. With all that is going on inside her head now and if she were to meet a mother she doesn't  remember can you imagine more stress for HK. She will turn to those kids. HK will always have a connection with that family.....with or without a memory.

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