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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@kimnana41 Oh @deandraluv I can only continue watching because I categorized the characters.  JR is the town crier.  And JE, for me, is opposite day.  Whatever he says he's gonna do, he does the opposite..:)

That's why he should follow HG's advice to check his mental health to the hospital or he could be indeed bipolar.:)  

On more serious note:

For me, other characters also have problems with keeping their words (and so do we).  HG said one thing to BS in the hospital and did another to JE. I see it as an ongoing battle within.  Sometimes the mind says something, the heart says another.  Sometimes the mind wins, sometimes the heart wins.  It is obvious when HG went to JE's office, actually she hesitated to enter but she entered anyway.  Our minds and hearts are very complex indeed.  Wouldn't it be nice if our mind and feelings are in sync? 

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Before I have sign out of Soompi tonight -- I just want to make one more post as we look forward to Saturday and a new episode.

Just my observation 

This is a very basic post and  -- no big back history, 

There have been only two significant women in JE life's --HK and SR -- that is woman he either married (HK) or spent a significant amount time with (SR).

HK when he first met her was a young innocent women.

SR when he first met her was a young, at least basically, innocent women.

HK over time became a ruthless unprincipled company lawyer - nicknamed the executioner.

SR very quickly became a scheming obsessive woman.

There could and for sure there our 1000s of reason why this happens -- but happened it did - 



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I think JE extreme  reaction to the frame up was because it was after the suicide attempt.  He thinking hey maybe she changed a little but  nope she out to in his eye destroy another person publicly.  HK  lost a daughter and husband and will just continue on her path of sowing discord.  Also he had learned how she was maneuvering his work which was another mark of her not changing.  

Both SR and JR played on his fears, grief and rage.   The did not want him to reconsider. He wanted to be free and rid of her. 

That why he had no regrets   she had become  a label and no matter what she did every thing was viewed as bad.    She also fully capable  so he felt she could take care of herself.  

Seeing her as patient transformed her from caricature to person.  Now it time for him to really grieve and be remorseful.  


After re-watching the scenes.  The will sound kind of gross.  But  I think JE viewed SR  as his girl.  That is almost fatherly he wanted to take care of her.  The reading stories, the game play and when he see HK out to destroy someone else he over re-acts.     

I also wonder why BS has such tremendous burdens placed on him by the viewers.  He worked full time turning his start up law practice into a thriving one (notice the nicer office space).  He helped his dad raise the kids, even cooking after work.  And he stayed up nights listening for HK's whimpers and staying by her side coaching her through her nightmares. When does he get to rest? Where does he have the time to devote to seeking out her hidden past (TS wiped out her electronic history).  For someone who didn't create the scars HK carries, it would be doubly cruel to make him the scapegoat and JE a hero.  But after watching a few weekend drama's I won't be surprised it this is what happens. Just disappointed. :rolleyes:


How successful  BS is now  he attributes to YK.  Also   YK does her fair share around the house also.  Bs was the one to take on the job of helping YK find her past.  The fact that he hides aspects from her is the issue. (I thought TS wiped HK electronic history because HK is dead not YK.)

BS is good guy and he is selfish.  He cares about YK but is not her man.  

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JE is Grand Master of the school of Grief Crying.  With 9th degree black belt in wailing and weeping.

 One of the bones of contention was HK not  even going for her white belt in crying over their daughters death.

JE liked to cry in the garden, and at Charnel houses.  He even asked HK to cry along with  the cicada, at which point she talked about killing them with poison.   The executioner at her best. 


[wanted to respond last night but soompi decided I need to go to bed. kekeke...]

if JE is grand master, then can BS be the student leader? so far, the men seem to be ready to cry than the women in this drama -- SR, HK, YK don't cry unless really pushed and even then, only small drops come out;.. guess they don't drink as much water eh? :phew:

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@DelroyB: --- I like your point about the similarity between a Father's actions to a daughter: reading books, rough-housing type of playing,  very protective of her, for ex. when her precious cardboard box was ruined in the APT. flood (by HK)--- I thought he was going to cry!

A really fresh new way to look at him, how he treats her, how he feels about SR, who also younger than he is.   A  darned good explanation of why he has avoided marrying her for 4 years.   Hmmm......You may be on to a subconscious issue. at work here!                                 .

Incidentally, he's seems to be very naive.  As an accomplished  researcher he doesn't often question or investigate  events that happen outside the lab.  He believes most anything his scheming half-sister tells him.  OOPS....I forgot she does have that gift for bluntly "tell it like it is"  and is usually right with her appraisals of people and events.

OH Well. It's 1:00 A.M. here now.  ONLY 8 MORE HOURS until Episode 19 rolls out live online from South Korea!

And we'll have new things to talk about!   B)




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Just my 2 cents....

The whole idea for JE to believe his wife HK is dead is to make him lives in regrets & despair. Especially now he realized the only person who can awaken his feelings is someone who looks like his ex whom he thought was his ex wife. 

4 years ago JE truly believe he hated HK. The hatred is so strong that he can't even look at her,  that all he wanted to do is to hurt her. And I guess the reason is becos he feels she doesn't love him enuf nor care much abt their daughter as the fruit & evidence of their love, especially when she seems to have moved on & eager to have another child.  I think he cant accept HK was so readily to replace Eun Sol with another child. Guess he thought she just pretend to love him because of his background & wanting to have a child to secure her position.

However now its too late for him to even ask HK for her forgiveness.  He mess up with the only woman he ever loves. He might not realised it back then but after 4 years living without HK, thinking he might come to feel more SR, his feelings becomes passive & numb, to the point it didn't bother him at all when SR decided to go to London for 2 years. And like what SR has been whining,  he didn't even miss her. After meeting YK2, all his passive emotions awaken again. And that's when he knew he has never stop loving HK, that he remembers every little details abt her, also  remembers & regret all the pain he inflicted on her but now thinking she's dead he must have been devastated because there's no way he can make it up to her. Only now he knows his feelings for HK was very strong & raw but everything is too late. 

And I hope when YK2 get back her memory, she won't loose the 4 years she's been with BS & looking at JE as an outsider, seeing how much blow it was to him when he finds out HK was dead. 

For me, thus far BS isn't an evil guy, only a kind guy who's trying so hard to win the heart of the woman he loves. And becos of her vulnerable condition,  he became overly protective where YK2 is concern. Before I hope that he will fall for the real YK as her grandma wud have hoped but now I feel it wud be unfair to both BS & YK. How can YK be with a man who's in love with her twin sister,  while BS has to be with YK2 substitute, same but not the same. Also I wish for YK to tame that haughty doctor. Imagine how horrified TS wud if he knows his brother is in love with the woman he tried to kill !

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'I Have A Lover' OST 's 'Barefoot Diva' Lee Eun Mi due to appear as special guest in JTBC's 'Hidden Singer 4' on Sat 10/31/15 at 2300 hours KST.

(This broadcast on JTBC will be right after IHAL Ep 19 on SBS. For LOVERS who would like to watch the LIVE STREAM broadcast, go HERE)


Teaser and images (CR: JTBC and HS FB):

Lee Eun Mi with host of Hidden Singer series




JOYNEWS article: 'I HAVE A LOVER' OST has become the national song, sparking public renewed interest.

This song 'IHAL' was released by Lee Eun Mi in 2005. She suffered a bout of 'Burnout Syndrome' depression for years. She was approached to sing OST for IHAL drama, and now this song has sparked renewed public interest.Wow! and the drama is also getting more love from viewers. :P



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 he is doing something to investigate pudoxin called an epidemiological study and this is certainly not done out of love for HK. it is generally done after a disease outbreak or some complaint like this to identify properly cause and effect. in this case, to certify for sure that the drug caused fractures and it wasn't a result of some other per-existing condition. generally, companies don't voluntarily do this for a drug already in the marketplace because it can create loss of faith if people found out and also it is expensive -- this is why JE's friend asked why are we doing this when we are not ordered by the health regulator to do? and JE's answer was what HK said about powerful people stamping on poor people and the truth being hidden (or something like that)... so it is not love that prompted him to order that study but her passion and sense of righteousness that he agreed with. he is basically going through the entire study to see what happened and that happens only when a company truly wonders if something could be potentially wrong. he knows his brother-in-law is shady and so is combing through the study to see if something went amiss. the thing he does out of love is put bodyguards out there to ensure that her protest (which she got legal permission for) is not disturbed and she is not harmed.

both HK and JE have very clinical attitudes where they easily separate their work from their personal space. thats what makes them good lawyer and good researcher -- she files a case against pudoxin despite knowing that SR is marrying into the family and he is investigating the drug of his own company even though they might potentially lose sales if it came out.


@Lmangla    Thank you so much for these illuminations on the nature of JE's investigation. I love reading about the background of what it is.The last paragraph of what you wrote reminded me of the time HK implored with  JE to work with her in the company, and as a team they can be doing good.  If anything, this now, shows that she was correct. Maybe, (I hope) it is also foreshadowing of the future.

@Lo2015 Thank you for the video of HK vs SR. Sure gives the feelings as if the tables were turned and they exchanged places. Well done.

I'm with you. At this point, I don't see him as a controlling manipulator and hope the writer don't make him out to be that way. If the writer does, it will be very disappointing for a man who has lost many nights of sleep to help the woman he love in her moments of crisis and did so patiently; while the man who claims to have always loved her, abandoned her for 4 years. Instead of having a highhanded attitude when he brought HK back to BS' house, JE should have been grateful that BS was there to help protect her. If not, someone could have picked her up and taken her to another town and city and who knows what


Is that not what BS did?

He has woman he taken care with the thought that she will be his.   As he said husband, child past it matters not to him he just wants her.

He keeps things to himself.  he knows that she might not be his middle school YK.  Otherwise he would not have asked JE how do you know she has an seafood allergy.  BS  care of Yk2 is not selfless it is completely selfish.  He truly cared he would have looked into everything.  

The highhanded one is BS.  She is not his woman though he tells every body that she is.  She has not chosen him after 4 years.    

From JE view this  is his ex-wife and you have convinced  her she is someone else.  You denied her family, friends, and the career that would make her self sufficient.   Then you find out that BS lied about them being together.    YK is not his gf, wife, lover, sister.  She a recovering patient that lives and works in his house as such what claim does he have over a 40yr woman to attack anyone for something that is the woman's choice. 


In truth as guy, i would have moved her away from that guy or punched BS lights out.       


@DelroyB I agree with you.  On the one hand, thank God HK ran into BS that night - someone who took her and gave her shelter. On the other hand - he has done that because he thinks she is YK, the love of his life. Was staying in that household good for YK2? I'd say, absolutely yes, for the most part. It had put her in touch with a side of her that is bright and cheerful that had been lost to her. It makes me curious what was the background of YK1 and BS. Did she leave him, while he kept harboring his love for her?  And of course - as others pointed out - what will be his reaction when he sees the real YK - the one who will also remember him.

Will he lie for the sake of SR?

So far, what seemed to be jolting HK memories is anything to do with her baby (as we know she has that ring tone on her phone too,, without even realizing why) but also her mom, who cried out to her at the hospital. I hope she gets to see her mom soon again.

@nearsea  I agree with you that BS is hurting. But so is SR. Does the fact they are hurting justify them holding their love subjects hostage?

@mdj101  I hope once HK regains her memory - she can also work together with her sister, real YK about the company and their deceptions - possibly even with JE. YK for sure can fill in some of the blanks about the accident too. (at least - she knew she was followed, etc.)

@my2centsworth   I tend to agree with your take on BS as a lawyer. I have actually asked myself several times, if he is benefiting from HK being there at the office - aside from her obvious help - that maybe with her viewpoints on issues - there is some access of memory to her past experience and knowledge of the law.  Also about his one sided love for YK2.  In that - he is somewhat similar to his sister SR (so far he does not have her nastiness, quite yet), but we can see she already is teaming with him to not allow JE into YK2 life. My hope is that he will regain his senses when he meets YK1.

Telling the truth i confess if i were HG ,or in HG shoes i wouldn't be able to go back to JE or the man that cheated me...once a cheater, always a cheater i agree!!!

@andy78 chingu, only addressing the JE part. I hope that is not the case with him of once a cheater always a cheater. He had been with HK for 15 years and did not cheat on her. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt that if they are back, they both will have learned their lessons, (they were both very cruel to each other) and he will not cheat on her again.  He was not an habitual going with women to bars etc. He has never eyed another woman through all these years, until his marriage fell apart.

@jadecloud  Love your beautiful cheer on for HK-YK sign!     Thank you for the pole. I voted for the doctor to see her first. I have access to all episodes on Viki. I just click on show all, and I see all the episodes, and click to watch #1 with no problems.

I also agree with you about BS. I love your take: 

No doubt he started out being compassionate, but his compassion then took a wrong turn into lalaland and now, he is no longer compassionate, no longer nice. BS is annoying!

I may cry for JE since the actor acts very well... BS most likely no. Idk why I just don't like him. He is just meh. SR. NEVER EVER. EVER. SHE IS A CHEATER  PLUS CALLING YK2 TRASH IS A HUGE NO. hate-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif I remember the scene where she said that she will not kill herself since the one that survive will win. If she does she will die take others with her. That was really creepy and foreshadowing (I hope it is not foreshadowing), but I have a feeling she will try to kill YK2 and/or YK. 

I took the poll. Even though I chose the doctor, I have a feeling that the writer will end an episode showing YK2 and YK seeing each other and END OF EPISODE. Those cliffhanger endings... sigh-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif  

- I don't think YK like BS when they were young or else they would have been close and possibly married by now. YK even have a child with someone else. BS is on his own with the one sided love for both twins. I guess I pity him a bit.......... dunno-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif 

@chubbychub1966 , love your post. and feeling similarly, certainly aboaut JE  and the wonderful actor who portrays him. Not Bs, and for sure not the horrible SR. I just want her to disappear and get punished already.  hate onion head

I also do not think there was passionate history with YK2 and BS. That is why I wondering if we will be so lucky as to get an insight into their past together

@DelroyB I love your insights. I agree that YK has helped BS not only at home with the kids, but also at the office -
As I said earlier, I wonder if some of her law knowledge is still working for her. I love this observation you made:

But  I think JE viewed SR  as his girl.  That is almost fatherly he wanted to take care of her.  The reading stories, the game play and when he see HK out to destroy someone else he over re-acts.     

@jadecloud  u m Thank you for the information about Lee Eun-Mi on JTBC. I see that JTBC already has a preview of it.






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Thanks to @irilight In the preview, there is a scene when JE cried while holding their family pic.  There a sad woman's voice said some thing like "HG went with ES to take care of her".  Who do you think said it?  It think it's HG's mom.  So, perhaps JE will visit and meet with his ex mother in law? 

Can't wait!!!

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In the preview, there is a scene when JE cried while holding their family pic.  There a sad woman's voice said some thing like "HG went with ES to take care of her".  Who do you think said it?  It think it's HG's mom.  So, perhaps JE will visit and meet with his ex mother in law? 

Can't wait!!!

that scene; is his study room  where they live together as couple before; and the voice over i think is  his mother in law.

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In the preview, there is a scene when JE cried while holding their family pic.  There a sad woman's voice said some thing like "HG went with ES to take care of her".  Who do you think said it?  It think it's HG's mom.  So, perhaps JE will visit and meet with his ex mother in law? 

Can't wait!!!

that scene; is his study room  where they live together as couple before; and the voice over i think is  his mother in law.

Many times, in the previews the scene and the voice over don't take place at the same time.  JE was alone in the room, so the voice came from another scene.  Yes, I agree, it's the mother in law's.

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The Real Yong Ki Emerged. Will The True ID of Hae Kang Be Revealed Via Twin Sister's Appearance?

4 years ago, a pregnant YK had to flee SK to protect herself and her unborn baby. YK was in danger for being a whistle blower who spilled the beans about MPC and the harmful side effects from Pudoxin. Due to YK trying to flee for her life, and baby's, a swap of cars between YK and HK happened, and HK got 'hit' instead.

YK has been living in China with her daughter Woo Joo. However, Woo Joo is sick and YK reached out to Doc GS for help, by email and telephone call. But GS did not believe YK and hung up on her. Hence, YK brought daughter to SK to get medical consultation with Doc GS. But GS is the younger brother of TS who drove YK and HK into this crisis. 



@Deandraluv @trust71 Yes, that voiceover about Eun Seol is indeed GN's voice. When JE is looking at ES' pic and hearing that voice prob his recall of what GN said to him earlier. In the scene, as @trust71 stated, he's back at his old marital home, where GN now lives in. So I guess JE has already seen his ex-MIL and spoken to her about HK's 'death'.

@irilight Love reading your collective responses, and your updates. :w00t:

@lxands Love your take on JE and his grief, and YK2 seeing him grief over HK's 'death'. I believe YK2 will somehow recall this grief when she regains her memories, and while likely loathing JE, she will factor in his grieving and remorse. HK Fighting!  


PS: Good night LOVERS. Hopefully will be able to LIVE STREAM together. 


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Guest my2centsworth

Thanks to @irilight In the preview, there is a scene when JE cried while holding their family pic.  There a sad woman's voice said some thing like "HG went with ES to take care of her".  Who do you think said it?  It think it's HG's mom.  So, perhaps JE will visit and meet with his ex mother in law? 

Can't wait!!!

With the upcoming new esps it is going to be so difficult not to come into this forum and read all your comments before the subs for these esps are up. Torn....do I wait for the subs and come in here and read all your comments. Can't wait either!

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Guest my2centsworth


The Real Yong Ki Emerged. Will The True ID of Hae Kang Be Revealed Via Twin Sister's Appearance?

4 years ago, a pregnant YK had to flee SK to protect herself and her unborn baby. YK was in danger for being a whistle blower who spilled the beans about MPC and the harmful side effects from Pudoxin. Due to YK trying to flee for her life, and baby's, a swap of cars between YK and HK happened, and HK got 'hit' instead.

YK has been living in China with her daughter Woo Joo. However, Woo Joo is sick and YK reached out to Doc GS for help, by email and telephone call. But GS did not believe YK and hung up on her. Hence, YK brought daughter to SK to get medical consultation with Doc GS. But GS is the younger brother of TS who drove YK and HK into this crisis. 



@Deandraluv @trust71 Yes, that voiceover about Eun Seol is indeed GN's voice. When JE is looking at ES' pic and hearing that voice prob his recall of what GN said to him earlier. In the scene, as @trust71 stated, he's back at his old marital home, where GN now lives in. So I guess JE has already seen his ex-MIL and spoken to her about HK's 'death'.

@irilight Love reading your collective responses, and your updates. :w00t:

@lxands Love your take on JE and his grief, and YK2 seeing him grief over HK's 'death'. I believe YK2 will somehow recall this grief when she regains her memories, and while likely loathing JE, she will factor in his grieving and remorse. HK Fighting!  


PS: Good night LOVERS. Hopefully will be able to LIVE STREAM together. 


This weekends esps are going to be mind blowing! Can't wait! But knowing this writer, we will probably be left in an even more exciting cliffhanger. Are we addicts to Kdrama? Lol

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Hi Lovers :)...is there an episode today?...there is right?

Just before start link broke :(...hope won't repeat often :crazy:

At HK supose rest place...

Little sister talks with HK...she's sorry for oppa is think:(...and HK wil go...they huged...i think HK is promising something to girl...from now on and so on...hmmm...she's speeding... 

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