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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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 I'm wondering what Hae Kang will do when her memory returns? 

She knows where "so many bodies" are buried!  How will the past 4 years affect her decisions?  I'm going to bet she will seek justice, as she has done in her "office manager" role.  And TS & his Podoxin lies will be her first on her list.  Next she may proceed against him for attempted murder.  How will she deal with TS blackmailing MH? And with the Patent fraud? And remember, BS knows about the original Patent, too.  And dear sister-in-law and her lies about the pictures, (HK knows she herself took no pictures) her conspiring with SR right before the explosion.

 Will she remember why she suddenly reversed direction and drove away from the airport and headed back to Seoul?

Just a partial list.  How will HK sort it all out. And what will she make of all JE's weeping and wailing, very much unlike his harsh treatment of her?

EDIT:---- Will the pain from his harshness and her heartbreak be as fresh as the day she headed out to the Airport?  Is it automatically dulled  because she knows 4 years have gone by?  Never heard this discussed anyplace.  But it does seem that it takes a while for the person to "catch up".

How did the Writer keep these things straight in her own head, I wonder?  I've finished going over most of the "back story".

Now to try and follow what's happening NOW.

COMMENT:---- I'm still curious about the location of the crash.  I'll bet there is a piece of evidence there somewhere. Tangible proof of an accident covered up!  And remember, YK1 knows that a Director of CNP, Do Hae Kang was driving HER car and TS checked the phone message and came for YK1 next.


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@jadecloud If my memory serves me correctly,  HK was going to toss the ring, then recalled the conversation where JE asked for it back, so he could "dispose" of it.  I've always believed she tuurned around to either return it personally or mail it before leaving the country.

@kimnana41 You may be right about HK and that ring. Thank you for prompting my recall of her winding down her car window and almost dumping the ring in its box, and changing her direction of travel.

I want to rewatch that scene, but funnily, Viki now only has eps 11 onwards. Wonder why...? Off to rewatch that ep with csubs, hopefully some other signs exist...

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@trust71:---- I do agree with you on that point.  Keeping quiet about her memory returning and observing  for a while would be really wise.   The shock of sudden awareness of what had happened and the flood of returning memories, strong feeling, etc.  would be terribly disorienting in itself.  

             A period of quiet in which she could compose herself and begin to sort it all out would be perfect, actually therapeutic! Observing with an open mind as opposed to "spying" on the people around her.  At least until she feels oriented to what's happening around her.  She will need time to bring herself up-to-date , too.  She has known a very limited world for 4 years.  She will want to get caught up on the world she lived & worked in before. And will want to decide what her plans and goals , "short range goals, at least will be.   

Love your suggestion!  Keep he news to yourself for now. Plus, she must remember pulling her bloodied self out of the water and up that long stone-covered wall to the road!  Someone means to do her harm!

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 I'm wondering what Hae Kang will do when her memory returns? 

She knows where "so many bodies" are buried!  How will the past 4 years affect her decisions?  I'm going to bet she will seek justice, as she has done in her "office manager" role.  And TS & his Podoxin lies will be her first on her list.  Next she may proceed against him for attempted murder.  How will she deal with TS blackmailing MH? And with the Patent fraud? And remember, BS knows about the original Patent, too.  And dear sister-in-law and her lies about the pictures, (HK knows she herself took no pictures) her conspiring with SR right before the explosion.

 Will she remember why she suddenly reversed direction and drove away from the airport and headed back to Seoul?

Just a partial list.  How will HK sort it all out. And what will she make of all JE's weeping and wailing, very much unlike his harsh treatment of her?

EDIT:---- Will the pain from his harshness and her heartbreak be as fresh as the day she headed out to the Airport?  Is it automatically dulled  because she knows 4 years have gone by?  Never heard this discussed anyplace.  But it does seem that it takes a while for the person to "catch up".

How did the Writer keep these things straight in her own head, I wonder?  I've finished going over most of the "back story".

Now to try and follow what's happening NOW.

COMMENT:---- I'm still curious about the location of the crash.  I'll bet there is a piece of evidence there somewhere. Tangible proof of an accident covered up!  And remember, YK1 knows that a Director of CNP, Do Hae Kang was driving HER car and TS checked the phone message and came for YK1 next.


I guess once the twins meet each other, then HK will find out why is she holding YK's ID and live as YK for the past 4 years, then HK will find out YK actually is her twin sister through her mom / DNA test?? 

It is wise that she still  pretend she still in amnesia and that could be much safer for her, but I want her to move out from BS's house, it is too danger cos I think the attitude and manner towards BS will be totally different once she regain her memory, and I think BS can tell the difference bcos he always keep an eye on her.  And the most I worried is that BS will discuss his observation on YK2 changes with his devil sister SR, then HK will be in danger.

I want her to move out from BS house first but still pretend she have amnesia and approach the Choi's family, and find out that JR framed her taking those pictures and expedite their divorce, TS is the one who tried to kill her and her twin sister and YK1 husband  but once she found out all the truth then she need to go back to her true identity Do Hae Kang, the smart, intelligent and cool lawyer to take her revenge and take the lawsuit against the Choi's family.

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I'm with you. At this point, I don't see him as a controlling manipulator and hope the writer don't make him out to be that way. If the writer does, it will be very disappointing for a man who has lost many nights of sleep to help the woman he love in her moments of crisis and did so patiently; while the man who claims to have always loved her, abandoned her for 4 years. Instead of having a highhanded attitude when he brought HK back to BS' house, JE should have been grateful that BS was there to help protect her. If not, someone could have picked her up and taken her to another town and city and who knows what


Is that not what BS did?

He has woman he taken care with the thought that she will be his.   As he said husband, child past it matters not to him he just wants her.

He keeps things to himself.  he knows that she might not be his middle school YK.  Otherwise he would not have asked JE how do you know she has an seafood allergy.  BS  care of Yk2 is not selfless it is completely selfish.  He truly cared he would have looked into everything.  

The highhanded one is BS.  She is not his woman though he tells every body that she is.  She has not chosen him after 4 years.    

From JE view this  is his ex-wife and you have convinced  her she is someone else.  You denied her family, friends, and the career that would make her self sufficient.   Then you find out that BS lied about them being together.    YK is not his gf, wife, lover, sister.  She a recovering patient that lives and works in his house as such what claim does he have over a 40yr woman to attack anyone for something that is the woman's choice. 


In truth as guy, i would have moved her away from that guy or punched BS lights out.       

You are assuming he didn't report this to the police. He took her to the hospital where she stayed for a few days, but that doesn't mean he didn't report the incident.  Also, please tell me what the police would have done when YK2 was found with a picture ID in her possession?  Not only that, what living relative would the police have contacted---HK's mother?  The Choi family? Who?  There was nothing to connect her with YK2 with HK. Not only that, it was not just BS who thought she was YK, but all their school friends did too. 

BS didn't deprive her of anyone and especially not of her ex-cheating husband who was busy making out with SR on the beach. He had already cut ties with HK and left the country shortly with his lover and not once checked on HK to see how she was doing--especially after he wanted his father to get rid of her.

BS didn't hide her away and nor did he ever try to do such a thing. I still say that JE is the highhanded one who chose his lover over his wife. He then brought this lover back who he was going to marry eventually until he found that he liked the "new" HK. Then he waltzes back on the scene and wants the woman he once kicked to the curb without putting forth any effort. BS is the one who spent 4 years caring and nurturing  HK--her own words, while JE was nurturing and caring for SR. 

The person who needed his lights punched out was JE.

Edited by lclarakl
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@jadecloud:--- Sometimes, really MOST of the time,  on Viki, If I plug the title into the "search box" , it will give me everything from #1 episode up to the most current one. Otherwise I get slammed down on or near the last episode I watched.  Then nothing I try will move me to a previous episode.  Like if I get pinged right on episode 6, maybe the last episode I saw on Viki, then no matter how many times I hit the "return" arrow, It won't take me back one or more previous episodes.     ^_^   So frustrating, until I figured out this system.  

Viki lets me  stop & start like a crazy person, go back and forth easily, and doesn't take away the screen and make me re-select the whole episode over and over!   (however, Viki will not let me go back to an earlier episode without re-inserting the title in "search".  But moving all over inside an episode is EASY.

Some sites show the entire list of already subbed episodes.  You just "click on" the ones you want to see.  Not Viki.  

Hope this is helpful for you.

PS:... see that scene in Episode 9  at  33:00 minutes.

How strange!  I just went on Viki and it's limiting me now, too----starting with Episode 11.  I'v been using the "system" I described for way more than12 consecutive hour , since last night, and had NO PROBLEMS!  I don't know what's going on!  Sorry!    :w00t::w00t:

Edited by mdj101
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@Kfan7172 wrote:  I feel that HK/YK2 feels he (JE) has now committed to her as a woman and not an ex wife.  But no, once he finds out and at least for now accepts that his ex wife is dead, he basically dumps her (at least based on what EP 19 is supposed to show us).  To me this continues to show JE as a selfish, self centered person who wants what he wants, when he wants it and does not care how this makes others feel.

IMO, JE has to 'dump' and distance himself from YK2 because he knows he doesn't have the right to be with YK2.  When BS asked JE to stay away from his woman, JE  said, "If it is DYK, I have no interest in her". In other words, now that is revealed that she is not his wife, he should keep his words to stay away from YK2.  JE perhaps knows his escapade with YK2 wiil result in bad and uncomfortable treatments from BS and SR.  Wouldn't he be blamed more if he continues to be with YK2 while knowing his wife is dead? It is not that JE does not care how this makes others feel, in fact JE perhaps considers others' feelings so much: esp. BS's and YK2's that he has to stay away from YK2.

Edited by deandraluv
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I'm sure, that one of villains will see YK first. It should be SR. She is very lucky in this kdrama.

OMG you are so right about guessing that SR will see YK first. SR is the luckiest person in the Klalala land. She could even buy a lottery ticket and win millions of dollars.... I should of voted for her instead aiiiigggggoooooo scratching-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif

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@nearsea Great post on pg 169 where you discuss BS -- while some have written off BS as a controlling manipulator --I still cling (albeit now by my finger nails) to the hope that the writer will not turn him evil -- BUT, rather to continue to show him as a flawed, but basically good person -- eagerly await upcoming episodes.

I'm with you. At this point, I don't see him as a controlling manipulator and hope the writer don't make him out to be that way. If the writer does, it will be very disappointing for a man who has lost many nights of sleep to help the woman he love in her moments of crisis and did so patiently; while the man who claims to have always loved her, abandoned her for 4 years. Instead of having a highhanded attitude when he brought HK back to BS' house, JE should have been grateful that BS was there to help protect her. If not, someone could have picked her up and taken her to another town and city and who knows what.

this is just my opinion.

he left HK YES! But He know that even though he left her; his father will take good care her;their mistake is that they never call or never give any message to JE when his away; if they tell him that HK died ;I for sure he will quickly come back;bec. she still his wife even though they are divorce; they shared good memories.

How is he supposed to know his father is taking good care of her when he BEGGED his father:

"Father get rid of HK. So that she is out of my sight, so that I don't have to see her any more and so that I don't even remember her anymore. Please. This person. Throw her away."

Yes, that sounds exactly like a man who thought his father was going to take good care of his ex-wife.

Also, what is the use of JE coming back if his wife is dead? Heck, this is the man who left to be with his lover after his wife attempted suicide. I got the impression that JE did talk to his family, especially his mother. She knew what was going on in his life and SR.

Edited by lclarakl
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@jadecloud about VIKI only EP 11 forward

Some one at Viki must be a strong HK/JE Shipper -- So much easier to accept without the first 10 episodes.


I just checked VIKI and still have access to all episodes ?????

@Kfan7172 LOL IKR! Maybe so...:lol:

I thot it was just me...I refreshed the screen several times, and tried again from the homepage... and this is what I get.... See 9 eps 2 trailers and no scrolling down option....OMO! IT IS JUST ME :crazy: crhYFmR.gifing me out now.


Thanks @mdj101 for the tips in Viki :) And also for all your 'recaps' and 'flashbacks'. Good for 'refreshers'. This writernim is very good at making us see stars once in a while LOL :)  

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The one thing the Police would have done without BS's involvement was investigate her work, interview her coworkers, and upon finding out she had been pregnant, would have given her an exam to see if she had given birth.  If the coworker she was close to went to see her at that time she would have know right away she was a look a like unless her hair grew overnight.  I believe she would have been identified as someone else at that time without BS's involvement...but then we would have a drama:)

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Guest my2centsworth

 I'm wondering what Hae Kang will do when her memory returns? 

She knows where "so many bodies" are buried!  How will the past 4 years affect her decisions?  I'm going to bet she will seek justice, as she has done in her "office manager" role.  And TS & his Podoxin lies will be her first on her list.  Next she may proceed against him for attempted murder.  How will she deal with TS blackmailing MH? And with the Patent fraud? And remember, BS knows about the original Patent, too.  And dear sister-in-law and her lies about the pictures, (HK knows she herself took no pictures) her conspiring with SR right before the explosion.

 Will she remember why she suddenly reversed direction and drove away from the airport and headed back to Seoul?

Just a partial list.  How will HK sort it all out. And what will she make of all JE's weeping and wailing, very much unlike his harsh treatment of her?

EDIT:---- Will the pain from his harshness and her heartbreak be as fresh as the day she headed out to the Airport?  Is it automatically dulled  because she knows 4 years have gone by?  Never heard this discussed anyplace.  But it does seem that it takes a while for the person to "catch up".

How did the Writer keep these things straight in her own head, I wonder?  I've finished going over most of the "back story".

Now to try and follow what's happening NOW.

COMMENT:---- I'm still curious about the location of the crash.  I'll bet there is a piece of evidence there somewhere. Tangible proof of an accident covered up!  And remember, YK1 knows that a Director of CNP, Do Hae Kang was driving HER car and TS checked the phone message and came for YK1 next.


If she pretends to not have her memory back when she actually does would be sweet revenge on certain people.....SR is first! Than comes her former father-in-law, sister-in-law and brother-in-law.

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I'm thinking over the many comments here today.. So very much "food for thought".  And a few have said how hard it is to look favorably on JE's "remorseful, redeemed"  character after seeing all those terrible scenes in the first  episodes.  And I was one of the people seeing him as matured, sincerely remorseful, and having truly reflected on his past behaviors.The characters speak of "lines that MUST NOT be crossed.   So immersed in the ugliness of the backstory, I'm wondering HOW does a person recover once they did "cross that line"?

"Sticks and stones may brake your bones, but words can never harm you."   I want to say 'Who the HECK came up with that piece of drivel?"  We have seen what words can do---No one was physically abusive in this drama.  Does a flooded apt. count?  

But JE more than "crossed lines" with words, IMO. Why did he think he was justified in doing that to someone?  Her suicide attempt came before JR framed HK, didn't it?  I suppose we can say his hateful speech in the hospital and on his knees to his father, were "driven" by his fury from the false information JR & SR fed him, his mother, best friend, co-workers, etc.   It's still not right!

I wondered how JE will react to finding out that  his noona, JR, planned and SR agreed to conspire against HK so she would  unwillingly sign the divorce papers.   But HK saw the pair with their heads together, deep in conversation prior to the picture scandal.   And JR all but admitted outright in the hosp. hallway that, "Yes" She took the pictures and spread them around!

Writer help me out here? Please show me how these folks can get out of this mess?

NOTE:... 12 hours to go, now! Hip, Hip, Hooray!  :D


Edited by mdj101
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wow, this thread is fast paced! And the discussions are interesting....


If anyone can give us a summary of what the article is saying that would be awesome :)


Thanks @chubbychub1966 for the pics. It is heartbreaking to see the scene. 

 As predicted, JE will distance himself from YK 2.  He said to BS, "If it is YK, I have no interest in her."  He would try to stay away from YK2 since he lost his confidence that YK2 was his wife.  I must provide a box of tissues or a bucket next to me tomorrow!

It's time to check the moles/beauty marks, I guess. 


@chubbychub1966, That was my first fear after the end of last episode - that now that they tell him that HK is dead, he'll believe it and distance himself from her (which of course, is what both BS and SR want).  Thank you for the gorgeous photos of them.  I have to say - I was cheering him on when he left the restaurant after announcing he has no intentions of marrying SR. (that witch actually had the nerve to order him to sit down!).

@deandraluv, pretty shocking. He actually did point out the beauty marks. And he also witnessed her allergic reaction to shellfish.. sigh.

@jadecloud Thank you so much for your illumination of 운명 unmyeong vs 숙명 sugmyeong . 

I wonder why SR even continues knowing and observing it all. She is not a stupid woman. What is her joy of being with a man who not only does not love her, but loves his x-wife?



@lxands     my fear, is that if JE believes that HK is really dad, he will allow himself to be pushed to marrying SR.

@nearsea  I wonder if YK2 would like HK if she had a vision of what she was like. The two seem so different from each other.  YK2 is certainly more sympathetic to people's pain and hurt than HK was. In fact, I like YK2 so much, I pray she does not revert to her old self once she re-gains her memory.

@Lmangla   I totally agree with you about the wife from Temptation. I have not seen "I summon you Gold."

@loujaie   I hope it is the doctor who will see YK first, as you predict. I also hope he realizes she is not the same person he thought was YK before.

Regarding how BS may have reacted if he had been in JE's shoes (married to the cold calculating HK and their child having been killed by someone that was trying to kill her).  I think that's hard to say. Look at how he reacted when he thinks he's losing YK2 to JE,  "I really  hated you today" or how he attacked JE when he came home with YK2 who willingly went to JE, or how he chose a family dinner to announce to one and all that HK was his. It's hard to say how he would have reacted in the same situation. My understanding (not from personal experience but just from the couple of Psychology course I took in college) is that the death of a child under any circumstances is a huge strain on a marriage and often times leads to divorce.

I do think it's been made clear that he's in denial about YK2 reciprocating his feeling for her.  He senses it, it just doesn't want to admit it.

I don't see him as evil at this point but he certainly isn't a saint either.  We've yet to see him YK2 with her memory back or YK2 who confirms that she doesn't feel the same way for him that he feels for her.  It'll be interesting to see how his character develops.

@thegoldbug  I tend to agree with you for the most part, about BS.I am beginning to see him not as evil per se, but he is certainly now on "team SR" and that team is evil in my mind. The both of them want to make sure that JE and YK2 do not get together. The both of them care more about their own feelings towards their "prospective mate" than about how their prospective mate feel about them, or about being with them. And in that - they are both selfish, in my opinion.




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@nearsea Great post on pg 169 where you discuss BS -- while some have written off BS as a controlling manipulator --I still cling (albeit now by my finger nails) to the hope that the writer will not turn him evil -- BUT, rather to continue to show him as a flawed, but basically good person -- eagerly await upcoming episodes.

I'm with you. At this point, I don't see him as a controlling manipulator and hope the writer don't make him out to be that way. If the writer does, it will be very disappointing for a man who has lost many nights of sleep to help the woman he love in her moments of crisis and did so patiently; while the man who claims to have always loved her, abandoned her for 4 years. Instead of having a highhanded attitude when he brought HK back to BS' house, JE should have been grateful that BS was there to help protect her. If not, someone could have picked her up and taken her to another town and city and who knows what.

this is just my opinion.

he left HK YES! But He know that even though he left her; his father will take good care her;their mistake is that they never call or never give any message to JE when his away; if they tell him that HK died ;I for sure he will quickly come back;bec. she still his wife even though they are divorce; they shared good memories.

How is he supposed to know his father is taking good care of her when he BEGGED his father:

"Father get rid of HK. So that she is out of my sight, so that I don't have to see her any more and so that I don't even remember her anymore. Please. This person. Throw her away."

Yes, that sounds exactly like a man he thought his father was going to take good care of his ex-wife.

Also, what is the use of JE coming back if his wife is dead? Heck, this is the man who left to be with his lover after his wife attempted suicide. I got the impression that JE did talk to his family, especially his mother. She knew what was going on in his life and SR.

@kfan7172, @lclarakl, @nearsea  I loved your posts regarding BS and also hope the writer doesn't darken his character.  

JE's words to his father were so disappointing. He despised his wife so much that he could only see the worst in her.  One scene that I replayed showed HK after the courthouse suicide go back to her office and call JE.  She witnessed another death, less than a year after watching her daughter die before her eyes.  She outreached her husband and he wouldn't take or return her call.  Why does it always seem like she's reaching out to him and he's rejecting her.

I also wonder why BS has such tremendous burdens placed on him by the viewers.  He worked full time turning his start up law practice into a thriving one (notice the nicer office space).  He helped his dad raise the kids, even cooking after work.  And he stayed up nights listening for HK's whimpers and staying by her side coaching her through her nightmares. When does he get to rest? Where does he have the time to devote to seeking out her hidden past (TS wiped out her electronic history).  For someone who didn't create the scars HK carries, it would be doubly cruel to make him the scapegoat and JE a hero.  But after watching a few weekend drama's I won't be surprised it this is what happens. Just disappointed. :rolleyes:

Edited by kimnana41
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@Kfan7172 wrote:  I feel that HK/YK2 feels he (JE) has now committed to her as a woman and not an ex wife.  But no, once he finds out and at least for now accepts that his ex wife is dead, he basically dumps her (at least based on what EP 19 is supposed to show us).  To me this continues to show JE as a selfish, self centered person who wants what he wants, when he wants it and does not care how this makes others feel.

IMO, JE has to 'dump' and distance himself from YK2 because he knows he doesn't have the right to be with YK2.  When BS asked JE to stay away from his woman, JE  said, "If it is DYK, I have no interest in her". In other words, now that is revealed that she is not his wife, he should keep his words to stay away from YK2.  JE perhaps knows his escapade with YK2 wiil result in bad and uncomfortable treatments from BS and SR.  Wouldn't he be blamed more if he continues to be with YK2 while knowing his wife is dead? It is not that JE does not care how this makes others feel, in fact JE perhaps considers others' feelings so much: esp. BS's and YK2's that he has to stay away from YK2.

Oh @deandraluv,  I can only continue watching because I categorized the characters.  JR is the town crier.  And JE, for me, is opposite day.  Whatever he says he's gonna do, he does the opposite..:)

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@Kfan7172 wrote:  I feel that HK/YK2 feels he (JE) has now committed to her as a woman and not an ex wife.  But no, once he finds out and at least for now accepts that his ex wife is dead, he basically dumps her (at least based on what EP 19 is supposed to show us).  To me this continues to show JE as a selfish, self centered person who wants what he wants, when he wants it and does not care how this makes others feel.

IMO, JE has to 'dump' and distance himself from YK2 because he knows he doesn't have the right to be with YK2.  When BS asked JE to stay away from his woman, JE  said, "If it is DYK, I have no interest in her". In other words, now that is revealed that she is not his wife, he should keep his words to stay away from YK2.  JE perhaps knows his escapade with YK2 wiil result in bad and uncomfortable treatments from BS and SR.  Wouldn't he be blamed more if he continues to be with YK2 while knowing his wife is dead? It is not that JE does not care how this makes others feel, in fact JE perhaps considers others' feelings so much: esp. BS's and YK2's that he has to stay away from YK2.

It's true; but it seem YK2 has feeling for JE already.You remember the scene when they go out  of town,she tell JE i come w/you not as stand as your wife.

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@nearsea Great post on pg 169 where you discuss BS -- while some have written off BS as a controlling manipulator --I still cling (albeit now by my finger nails) to the hope that the writer will not turn him evil -- BUT, rather to continue to show him as a flawed, but basically good person -- eagerly await upcoming episodes.

I'm with you. At this point, I don't see him as a controlling manipulator and hope the writer don't make him out to be that way. If the writer does, it will be very disappointing for a man who has lost many nights of sleep to help the woman he love in her moments of crisis and did so patiently; while the man who claims to have always loved her, abandoned her for 4 years. Instead of having a highhanded attitude when he brought HK back to BS' house, JE should have been grateful that BS was there to help protect her. If not, someone could have picked her up and taken her to another town and city and who knows what.

this is just my opinion.

he left HK YES! But He know that even though he left her; his father will take good care her;their mistake is that they never call or never give any message to JE when his away; if they tell him that HK died ;I for sure he will quickly come back;bec. she still his wife even though they are divorce; they shared good memories.

How is he supposed to know his father is taking good care of her when he BEGGED his father:

"Father get rid of HK. So that she is out of my sight, so that I don't have to see her any more and so that I don't even remember her anymore. Please. This person. Throw her away."

Yes, that sounds exactly like a man who he thought his father was going to take good care of his ex-wife.

Also, what is the use of JE coming back if his wife is dead? Heck, this is the man who left to be with his lover after his wife attempted suicide. I got the impression that JE did talk to his family, especially his mother. She knew what was going on in his life and SR.

your right he communicate w/his mother but the problem is they hide the truth about HK

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