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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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will je ask his MIL why did she say that HG happy and met someone? wil he tell her that he saw replica of her? will yk return on this coming episode? will je stupid enough not to do the dna test ? all the sign are already there the mole, allery to lobster, her enthusiast with law, the way  she calls his name, the looks.. etc

more stills please im so excited for the doctor to meet yk. I believe bs is no longer in love with yk its yks already :sweatingbullets:

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@ayselluna  Are you taking that words literally? I remember vaguely the scene you're mentioning..I hope someone kindly points out which scene was that from..or which episode..As far as I remember it has something to do with her spending time with je or something..probably after that night when they listened song from the same earphone..maybe.

But I was talking about how BS could be the one who'd appreciate HK's gut..if he met the hk when she had her memory intact..He'd not be demeaning to her because of how tough she is ..or because she prioritized her job as much as her private life...JE was always the one who criticized her because of how she is...I think BS would be more positive and supportive of her.If Bs was the one who was there when hk was mourning and not expressing her self ..BS could actually be the one who'd quietly sit beside her and wait for her to break down ...not demand from her to show how she feels...not ask her to cry on her own.BS being the nice man that he is..good for strong women like hk who are somewhat mistreated because of their guts and strong attitude..at times.Because,even if SR has done some really stupid,and evil things in her past..BS has been somewhat kind to her..and has endured her attitude. He was not harsh to her.

The way BS is reacting now..could be perceived more..if we understand this guy's situation.He has been living this woman for the past four years..when JE was not in the equation..when JE dint bother to ask for her at all.She possessed a good amount of space in his heart lol..and he's been literally taking care of her all this time.BS though knows where hk is coming from ..is having a hard time because of his own sufferings.I'd still be a bit patient to know where he ends up..till now they've not shown what BS is thinking..or how he functions..And BS being the way he is...I'm sure he'd make the right decision..even if it hurts him.It would be still wrong to judge him by his present behavior..considering he's also been present in the scenario..For past four years he's invested his mind to hk..so it's hard for him to let go of her..

Episode 17

Sad Yong-gi2 returned to Baek-seok's office, after having just been told by Jin-ri that she was a whistleblower.

Upon seeing her, Baek-seok recalled Seol-ri's words about her having seen Yong-gi2 and Jin-eon holding hands, listening to music, etc.

No matter how we interpret his words, the fact is that Baek-seok is mad at Yong-gi2 for her having fallen for someone who's not him, thus, for her not reciprocating his feelings.

Even if he's mad I don't know if it is wrong to be..because he's hurting too..I'm not just taking his words literally =]

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Episode 17

Sad Yong-gi2 returned to Baek-seok's office, after having just been told by Jin-ri that she was a whistleblower.

Upon seeing her, Baek-seok recalled Seol-ri's words about her having seen Yong-gi2 and Jin-eon holding hands, listening to music, etc.

No matter how we interpret his words, the fact is that Baek-seok is mad at Yong-gi2 for her having fallen for someone who's not him, thus, for her not reciprocating his feelings.

Even if he's mad I don't know if it is wrong to be..because he's hurting too..I'm not just taking his words literally =]

Then I guess you didn't take Jin-eon's words about hating Hae-gang, which was before the affair, literally either =)

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Episode 17

Sad Yong-gi2 returned to Baek-seok's office, after having just been told by Jin-ri that she was a whistleblower.

Upon seeing her, Baek-seok recalled Seol-ri's words about her having seen Yong-gi2 and Jin-eon holding hands, listening to music, etc.

No matter how we interpret his words, the fact is that Baek-seok is mad at Yong-gi2 for her having fallen for someone who's not him, thus, for her not reciprocating his feelings.

Even if he's mad I don't know if it is wrong to be..because he's hurting too..I'm not just taking his words literally =]

Then I guess you didn't take Jin-eon's words about hating Hae-gang, which was before the affair, literally either =)

Lol are these two incidents same? Are the reasons same? I think not.=]



If JE and HK had the fake life of BS and YK2 now they would be not issues.   They really have no conflicts.   However if we introduced those conflicts one at at time could BS do better than JE?

I just do not see it.  I love you, let get married.  You did something i do not like I really hate you.

I view BS as selfish manipulator.  He doing things for his own benefit.   Is he malicious with intent nope.   Does he love YK2 .  I do think one side crush is real love.  We love someone warts and all when we really know them and as close as BS is to YK2 he does not really know here yet.  He know a middle schooler. 

JE has always been serious about his work in the past and present.  He has also  been one to seek out the truth, which is why is BIL has him closely watched. 


At this point we shall have to wait and see how BS act to YK2 as she start to assert herself or can he handle HK when she comes out full.  YK2  office manager vs HK Lawyer are not comparable to me. 

These are rather strong words.I wont say BS is a selfish manipulator..that could be SR..What BS is right now..is possible for an average human to be that way.If I had been loving someone for four long years,and suddenly someone else took my position then I'd be mad too I guess...Now how does he handle the situation is yet to be seen.

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Episode 17

Sad Yong-gi2 returned to Baek-seok's office, after having just been told by Jin-ri that she was a whistleblower.

Upon seeing her, Baek-seok recalled Seol-ri's words about her having seen Yong-gi2 and Jin-eon holding hands, listening to music, etc.

No matter how we interpret his words, the fact is that Baek-seok is mad at Yong-gi2 for her having fallen for someone who's not him, thus, for her not reciprocating his feelings.

Even if he's mad I don't know if it is wrong to be..because he's hurting too..I'm not just taking his words literally =]

Then I guess you didn't take Jin-eon's words about hating Hae-gang, which was before the affair, literally either =)

Lol are these two incidents same? Are the reasons same? I think not.=]

Of course, they aren't.

The circumstances which made Jin-eon say those words were way more serious

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BS is manipulative he is trying very hard to manage Yk2.  He end goal is that she replays his kindness with love. 

Which I see as selfish.  If he were selfless his gaol would be for her to have her full memory back.  help her find a job or place to stay on her own.  

The the problem with BS is just as you said.  he thinks someone took his position.

What position is that?    

YK2 lover,  that not something that BS can decide on his own.  That something that YK2 has to give and she has not given it to him.

Let be honest if someone like a girl and punches out the boy friend she choice.  Most women would take that a warning sign to get away from that "friend"

it is precisely this behavior that tells one that all those proposals   and the way he states we are going to be married is not in jest.   

YK2 walking into her "home" after spending time with the man she choice is not BS business. 

JE would be in the wrong if YK2 had not accepted him.  

Again BS is not evil but rather selfish, he not out to hurt YK or do bad things to or for her, but her need are not what matter most to him.  He also want to  guide her in the direction of his choosing.  

Edited by DelroyB
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 I'm wondering what Hae Kang will do when her memory returns? 

She knows where "so many bodies" are buried!  How will the past 4 years affect her decisions?  I'm going to bet she will seek justice, as she has done in her "office manager" role.  And TS & his Podoxin lies will be her first on her list.  Next she may proceed against him for attempted murder.  How will she deal with TS blackmailing MH? And with the Patent fraud? And remember, BS knows about the original Patent, too.  And dear sister-in-law and her lies about the pictures, (HK knows she herself took no pictures) her conspiring with SR right before the explosion.

 Will she remember why she suddenly reversed direction and drove away from the airport and headed back to Seoul?

Just a partial list.  How will HK sort it all out. And what will she make of all JE's weeping and wailing, very much unlike his harsh treatment of her?

EDIT:---- Will the pain from his harshness and her heartbreak be as fresh as the day she headed out to the Airport?  Is it automatically dulled  because she knows 4 years have gone by?  Never heard this discussed anyplace.  But it does seem that it takes a while for the person to "catch up".

How did the Writer keep these things straight in her own head, I wonder?  I've finished going over most of the "back story".

Now to try and follow what's happening NOW.

COMMENT:---- I'm still curious about the location of the crash.  I'll bet there is a piece of evidence there somewhere. Tangible proof of an accident covered up!  And remember, YK1 knows that a Director of CNP, Do Hae Kang was driving HER car and TS checked the phone message and came for YK1 next.

Edited by mdj101
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These are rather strong words.I wont say BS is a selfish manipulator..that could be SR..What BS is right now..is possible for an average human to be that way.If I had been loving someone for four long years,and suddenly someone else took my position then I'd be mad too I guess...Now how does he handle the situation is yet to be seen.


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JE is Grand Master of the school of Grief Crying.  With 9th degree black belt in wailing and weeping.

 One of the bones of contention was HK not  even going for her white belt in crying over their daughters death.

JE liked to cry in the garden, and at Charnel houses.  He even asked HK to cry along with  the cicada, at which point she talked about killing them with poison.   The executioner at her best. 


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Episode 17

Sad Yong-gi2 returned to Baek-seok's office, after having just been told by Jin-ri that she was a whistleblower.

Upon seeing her, Baek-seok recalled Seol-ri's words about her having seen Yong-gi2 and Jin-eon holding hands, listening to music, etc.

No matter how we interpret his words, the fact is that Baek-seok is mad at Yong-gi2 for her having fallen for someone who's not him, thus, for her not reciprocating his feelings.

Even if he's mad I don't know if it is wrong to be..because he's hurting too..I'm not just taking his words literally =]

Then I guess you didn't take Jin-eon's words about hating Hae-gang, which was before the affair, literally either =)

Lol are these two incidents same? Are the reasons same? I think not.=]


Of course, they aren't.

The circumstances which made Jin-eon say those words were way more serious

Your question actually made me think back on these occasions.

JE hated hk because of the way she had been..cold and emotionless on the exterior..And for her ways of dealing work.

BS said he hated hk..which was what people do when they're hurt/distressed/disturbed/suffering inside.Sometimes,when people show their emotion with anger..The people in front of him/her think he's lashing back..but actually it's the pain that causes to reciprocate with anger..or harsh words or by shouting.I think for BS to know that hk shared her earphones with je was a rather intimate and shocking for him.So he lashes back at her..but he's hurting inside..which hk gets too.And to be honest,bs does not know je fully..as @andy78 sed ...to bs,je is the man who made both hir sister and JE's ex wife suffer.So..BS is still indecisive of the whole situation...So..I'm still waiting to give him the benefit of doubt.

As for JE,I reeally have some problem with what he did..with cheating and all..I'd have a hard time forgiving a person like that..And I would not be able to love him like way back..unlike hk here.Moreover, he likes to forsake his woman when she is not likable to him anymore..and wont help her or give her a chance/way out.But would be willing to come back when she laughs like before..or when he sees her as the way she was in her past..Love is to take someone in all condition..to understand what they go through..Like the way he take the inclination to SR because she was similar to hk ...and got interested in her..Same way,he's being attracted to hk now..and has become restless and impatient to get her back again..I'd not compare these two..


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I still have a problem with JE dragging YK2 against her will on an overnight trip, I know he wants her to remember him so she'll go back to him but the fact that they were once married (which he seems to have forgotten because he keeps calling her 'wife') doesn't give him any kind of ownership over her, I couldn't see that whole trip as romantic, like I'm sorry if someone did that to me I would be so pissed. How does he know she didn't have important plans for that day???? And besides keeps calling her Hae Kang-ah, Hae Kang-ah while she insists she's not Hae Kang, so frustrating, like are her words not important to you ffs

Also something I don't buy is YK2's reaction to BS and JE's confrontation, it just looks to me like the typical k-drama bad writing thing they do in which the female lead loses her ability to speak all of a sudden while the guys have a melodrama all by themselves. I want to know what she's thinking about BS dragging JE to his wife's grave, is she relieved? angry? or upset? I want to see more than the two guys playing a tug of war with her.



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I guess you and I are on the same ship! HK and YK (plus their family) shippers.  Preparing for departure! :D We need to come up with a name for our lovely ship;) BS and JE can be on their own ship NO TWINS  FOR BOTH OF YA :wub:

Is great to read so many points of view...telling the truth i had enough with both BS and JE...I'm in HK team...hope she will heal face her past,that joker , his awfull familly and start a new life  with her mom sister and nice ,her real familly...


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Episode 17

Sad Yong-gi2 returned to Baek-seok's office, after having just been told by Jin-ri that she was a whistleblower.

Upon seeing her, Baek-seok recalled Seol-ri's words about her having seen Yong-gi2 and Jin-eon holding hands, listening to music, etc.

No matter how we interpret his words, the fact is that Baek-seok is mad at Yong-gi2 for her having fallen for someone who's not him, thus, for her not reciprocating his feelings.

Even if he's mad I don't know if it is wrong to be..because he's hurting too..I'm not just taking his words literally =]

Then I guess you didn't take Jin-eon's words about hating Hae-gang, which was before the affair, literally either =)

Lol are these two incidents same? Are the reasons same? I think not.=]


Of course, they aren't.

The circumstances which made Jin-eon say those words were way more serious

Your question actually made me think back on these occasions.

JE hated hk because of the way she had been..cold and emotionless on the exterior..And for her ways of dealing work.

BS said he hated hk..which was what people do when they're hurt/distressed/disturbed/suffering inside.Sometimes,when people show their emotion with anger..The people in front of him/her think he's lashing back..but actually it's the pain that causes to reciprocate with anger..or harsh words or by shouting.I think for BS to know that hk shared her earphones with je was a rather intimate and shocking for him.So he lashes back at her..but he's hurting inside..which hk gets too.And to be honest,bs does not know je fully..as @andy78 sed ...to bs,je is the man who made both hir sister and JE's ex wife suffer.So..BS is still indecisive of the whole situation...So..I'm still waiting to give him the benefit of doubt.

As for JE,I reeally have some problem with what he did..with cheating and all..I'd have a hard time forgiving a person like that..And I would not be able to love him like way back..unlike hk here.Moreover, he likes to forsake his woman when she is not likable to him anymore..and wont help her or give her a chance/way out.But would be willing to come back when she laughs like before..or when he sees her as the way she was in her past..Love is to take someone in all condition..to understand what they go through..Like the way he take the inclination to SR because she was similar to hk ...and got interested in her..Same way,he's being attracted to hk now..and has become restless and impatient to get her back again..I'd not compare these two..



JE doe have the well earned cheater label.   However he was in a lot more pain than BS for a longer period of time.   BS love is superficial because it  is not acknowledged  or returned by HK.  

JE was his wife and mother to his daughter.  A daughter that died in place of the mother because of how the mother treated people as lawyer.   JE  is pleading begging HK to open up and show some grief in ep 1.  He is trying to get his wife to deal with the loss.  In what he feels is the best way.  This has been going on for awhile.   Also HK admits in there marriage he was always the one to give into her and she says this time let her try.  However she still not willing to let her emotions out.  

BS before even entering a real relationship is upset and use  hate freely.   He could have said disappointed but he goes for the jugular right away. 


Love is complex and couples can go through pain and separate and come back together.    

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@DelroyB Yeah couple can go through hatred ,mistreats,and still comeback.People go for second chances..Maybe I'm inserting my own POV in this and taking a different way.I wish JE would give hk a bit respect and understand where she's coming from.But,stories come from real life..and people like him do exist.Writers take inspiration from real life incidents.Also,we want our life to be perfect but we end up doing the most stupid things..But yeah as you sed..in same situation different people would handle the case in different way..Some would get back together..some would not..=].

BTW,I've not yet seen a kdrama where couple does not end up together[yeah there are some..but either people die or there are ambiguous ending]..in these type of stories.Intelligent,thoughtful and realistic stories are yet to happen for kdrama lol.

Edited by nearsea
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I don't think HK was unwilling at all in going with JE, he did grab her and pull her but she didn't she didn't really to fight it after her first half hearted attempt to pull away. She gave him her phone and didn't try to get it back.  She enjoyed herself and participated in all of their activities.

Just as JE made the decision to cheat on her with his own free will and SR chose to willingly start a relationship of some sort with JE while he was still married HK willingly chose to go on this date and enjoy herself.

Unwilling would be when she refused his kiss attempt or when she continues to choose not to accept the proposals from BS.

The date was impulsive on the part of both parties and the decision to "run out of gas" was "in the moment".  HK probably suspected that it was a ploy but also, I think, didn't want their time together to end.

I don't think it was her intent to hurt BS, rather once she made the decision to stay out all night with JE she wanted to confront the situation head on rather than avoiding it...of course this, like many things was actually much worse in reality then she probably thought it would be (because she probably just didn't think it through like we all occasionally do).

It appeared to me that rather than rubbing it in BS's face that he was bring HK home after a night out that he was trying to take ownership for the fact that he had done so and take brunt of the anger rather than having HK face it alone.  He took the punches like he felt he deserved them and made no attempt to fight back, deflect, or avoid the punches. I don't think it was an organized plan by either one, it was a series of spur of the moment decisions based on desire to spend time with one another and reluctance for that time to end. 

BS's reaction was not unexpected. I would imagine as well as being hurt, he's mad at a situation that he wasn't able to control.  He saw the signs - YK2's discomfort with physical intimacy, her refusal to accept his proposals, her changing the subject or deflecting whenever it was brought up, and her being drawn to JE.  He tried to help SR push the marriage to JE, tried to keep her away from JE, and announced at the family dinner that she was his intended wife...none of tis worked despite his best efforts.

I will be interested to see how he treat YK2 after this.  Just as JE's affair cannot be blamed entirely on SR JE and YK2's little interlude cannot be entirely blamed on JE...she was a willing participant and had she force the issue at any time the interlude would have been over.  They are both responsible but, as I previously stated, I don't think it was maliciously planned but rather impulsive and "in the moment" without thought given to the effect on others and the subsequent repercussions.


Edited by thegoldbug
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Guest airgelaal
Yes, spot on ;)

I watched it in youtube. I'm not mexicain, I'm brazilian :), but I can speak spanish.

I'm from eastern Europe (sorry for mistakes in advance. I learnt english years ago in school), but tried to learn spanish through soap operas. This soap opera I couldn't watch because if this husband/cheating plot. I take this theme very close to my heart. After watching first episodes of this k-drama (I watched 1-4 at once) I couldn't fall asleep whole night. That is why I would never re watch first 10 episodes.

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@DelroyB:--- I really appreciated your humor describing JE as the Grand Master of Grief Crying, etc.     :lol:     I really enjoyed some belly laughs at the pictures your post put into my mind!  Thank you.

PS: ---- Getting so close to "show time".....16 hours away in my part of the world!  (NE Coast of USA).  Can hardly contain my excitement.      :rolleyes:

Edited by mdj101
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