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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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My second thought on who first met or saw YK when she got back to S.K. is Chairman Manho or his PI.  It's because the chairman went to china to look for the twin sister of HK.  He convinced YK ( YK didn't knew that she still had a family left, her mother  in fact)  to go back to Korea for her mother wants to see her. and besides her daughter needs to be medically treated . Maybe CMH unknowingly, that the whistle blower of their drugs was actually YK whom his son-in-law tried to kill her but it was HK instead. I think CMH  did not instruct his SIL to kill the whistle blower but rather said to him, only to silence her.(maybe bribing her money)

CMH has to know that the real YK was a whistleblower. He may have not known it was HK's twin. Maybe after the brother-in-law told him that he killed HK by accident that CMH realized that that is how YK got into China and HK was in the wrong car. I don't think CMH would have ordered YK's accident if he had know her true identity. CMH's people may meet her (YK) as she returns to Korea with her daughter, but I don't think so. CMH will probably have her watched and reported back to him. If she is pick up at the airport by CMH or his men, she could run back to China or know that she and her daughter are still not safe and go into hiding.


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Guest my2centsworth

My second thought on who first met or saw YK when she got back to S.K. is Chairman Manho or his PI.  It's because the chairman went to china to look for the twin sister of HK.  He convinced YK ( YK didn't knew that she still had a family left, her mother  in fact)  to go back to Korea for her mother wants to see her. and besides her daughter needs to be medically treated . Maybe CMH unknowingly, that the whistle blower of their drugs was actually YK whom his son-in-law tried to kill her but it was HK instead. I think CMH  did not instruct his SIL to kill the whistle blower but rather said to him, only to silence her.(maybe bribing her money)

CMH has to know that the real YK was a whistleblower. He may have not known it was HK's twin. Maybe after the brother-in-law told him that he killed HK by accident that CMH realized that that is how YK got into China and HK was in the wrong car. I don't think CMH would have ordered YK's accident if he had know her true identity. CMH's people may meet her (YK) as she returns to Korea with her daughter, but I don't think so. CMH will probably have her watched and reported back to him. If she is pick up at the airport by CMH or his men, she could run back to China or know that she and her daughter are still not safe and go into hiding.


Sorry. Can you clarify? BIL? FIL? Maybe I'm just tired. 

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Guest my2centsworth

@deandraluz thanks for information on upcoming episode.

@nearsea Great post on pg 169 where you discuss BS -- while some have written off BS as a controlling manipulator --I still cling (albeit now by my finger nails) to the hope that the writer will not turn him evil -- BUT, rather to continue to show him as a flawed, but basically good person -- eagerly await upcoming episodes.

I too sincerely hope BS stays to be a nice guy. But I do feel he is going to be hurt. Maybe by both HK and YK after the dust settles with them. BS inside seems to be a very caring guy, after all he has love the same woman (YK) since middle school. It does seem a little weird that he has felt this way for so long, but I'm sure it is possible.

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My POV, IMO on JE based on episodes thru 18 and what is projected/previewed for Episode 19.

Is JE a great, upstanding, guy who firmly stands by the commitments that he has had made to the woman in his life --- NOT, NO WAY.

--Married HK- Marriage vows-- for better or worse -- But problems occurred, so throw HK away, divorced her in a very harsh manner.

-- SR -- JE commits to her, that we will walk this road together to the end -- but then dumps her because now he wants someone else (HK/YK2 the ex wife he now sees as the good sweet, no problems, HK he first met.

-- HK/YK2 -- When she clearly expresses to him to see me, love me, as the women in front of you now and not as your ex wife or I will leave now -- JE holds her back with his smooth words and they continue on together to spend the night -- I feel that HK/YK2 feels he (JE) has now committed to her as a woman and not an ex wife.  But no, once he finds out and at least for now accepts that his ex wife is dead, he basically dumps her (at least based on what EP 19 is supposed to show us).

To me this continues to show JE as a selfish, self centered person who wants what he wants, when he wants it and does not care how this makes others feel.

Additional note -- therefore, IMO when HK does her get full memory of past back she will know that her great love has dumped her twice.  If after all this she still in the end wishes to be with JE, then so be it, it is of course her choice that must be honored.

Many more episodes and twists - writer will, as she has to this point, continue to show more information, which will of course then update and likely change how we feel, see things at this point -- great drama, great writer, look forward to seeing future episodes.

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Regarding how BS may have reacted if he had been in JE's shoes (married to the cold calculating HK and their child having been killed by someone that was trying to kill her).  I think that's hard to say. Look at how he reacted when he thinks he's losing YK2 to JE,  "I really  hated you today" or how he attacked JE when he came home with YK2 who willingly went to JE, or how he chose a family dinner to announce to one and all that HK was his. It's hard to say how he would have reacted in the same situation. My understanding (not from personal experience but just from the couple of Psychology course I took in college) is that the death of a child under any circumstances is a huge strain on a marriage and often times leads to divorce.

I do think it's been made clear that he's in denial about YK2 reciprocating his feeling for her.  He senses it, it just doesn't want to admit it.

I don't see him as evil at this point but he certainly isn't a saint either.  We've yet to see him YK2 with her memory back or YK2 who confirms that she doesn't feel the same way for him that he feels for her.  It'll be interesting to see how his character develops.


You make a good point and the other reason that JE did not like HK  legal methods of the past.  He perceived that her methods were the cause of  their child's death.    Her continuing to act the same way to him shows she did not care.  However, I think she had to act the same because if she changed that  means she was completely responsible.  It also i feel why she could not cry because it was too much guilt and she might feel like a hypocrite.  

Losing a child is hard but to loose one through the perceived actions of your wife  or to think that your  actions  resulted in their death.  It just hard to deal with.   

Edited by DelroyB
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My POV, IMO on JE based on episodes thru 18 and what is projected/previewed for Episode 19.

Is JE a great, upstanding, guy who firmly stands by the commitments that he has had made to the woman in his life --- NOT, NO WAY.

--Married HK- Marriage vows-- for better or worse -- But problems occurred, so throw HK away, divorced her in a very harsh manner.

-- SR -- JE commits to her, that we will walk this road together to the end -- but then dumps her because now he wants someone else (HK/YK2 the ex wife he now sees as the good sweet, no problems, HK he first met.

-- HK/YK2 -- When she clearly expresses to him to see me, love me, as the women in front of you now and not as your ex wife or I will leave now -- JE holds her back with his smooth words and they continue on together to spend the night -- I feel that HK/YK2 feels he (JE) has now committed to her as a woman and not an ex wife.  But no, once he finds out and at least for now accepts that his ex wife is dead, he basically dumps her (at least based on what EP 19 is supposed to show us).

To me this continues to show JE as a selfish, self centered person who wants what he wants, when he wants it and does not care how this makes others feel.

Additional note -- therefore, IMO when HK does her get full memory of past back she will know that her great love has dumped her twice.  If after all this she still in the end wishes to be with JE, then so be it, it is of course her choice that must be honored.

Many more episodes and twists - writer will, as she has to this point, continue to show more information, which will of course then update and likely change how we feel, see things at this point -- great drama, great writer, look forward to seeing future e


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My POV, IMO on JE based on episodes thru 18 and what is projected/previewed for Episode 19.

Is JE a great, upstanding, guy who firmly stands by the commitments that he has had made to the woman in his life --- NOT, NO WAY.

--Married HK- Marriage vows-- for better or worse -- But problems occurred, so throw HK away, divorced her in a very harsh manner.

-- SR -- JE commits to her, that we will walk this road together to the end -- but then dumps her because now he wants someone else (HK/YK2 the ex wife he now sees as the good sweet, no problems, HK he first met.

-- HK/YK2 -- When she clearly expresses to him to see me, love me, as the women in front of you now and not as your ex wife or I will leave now -- JE holds her back with his smooth words and they continue on together to spend the night -- I feel that HK/YK2 feels he (JE) has now committed to her as a woman and not an ex wife.  But no, once he finds out and at least for now accepts that his ex wife is dead, he basically dumps her (at least based on what EP 19 is supposed to show us).

To me this continues to show JE as a selfish, self centered person who wants what he wants, when he wants it and does not care how this makes others feel.

Additional note -- therefore, IMO when HK does her get full memory of past back she will know that her great love has dumped her twice.  If after all this she still in the end wishes to be with JE, then so be it, it is of course her choice that must be honored.

Many more episodes and twists - writer will, as she has to this point, continue to show more information, which will of course then update and likely change how we feel, see things at this point -- great drama, great writer, look forward to seeing future e


IMO - In My Opinion

POV - Point Of View

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I do not  think BS could handle HK of the past for several reasons.  The primary one being JE and HK relationship and issue were complex and simple humor could not deal with it.   

I was not actually comparing BS to JE or rather what would happen in presence of je..I think if BS was in HK's life in place of je ...he'd be able to bring her back from her hard shell...

JE loved his wife, however the person he saw before him he was cold, calculating.  She saw him as overly emotional and not ambitious enough to enter the, company ,  neither could fully grasp the pain of each other.     It was very complex issue for both of them with many factors.     However to a degree all of those things were a front.  The questions be behind the questions were how do we deal with our daughters loss?  How are you dealing with it?   Help me deal.  The biggest issue was neither could bridge that gap and none had the support or sought it to deal.  

"Also JE issue was really not that she was great lawyer but how she did her job as a company lawyer. 

I remember this one scene when hk's brother in law keeps asking her question about some case to deal with..and even if she had something else going on in mind..she answered all his inquiries perfectly without any glitch..or taking any pause.Even when BS asks her about some law rules...she answered all of that..HK is a rather smart woman I think who does not only use her brain for her work but also in her personal life..Look how she dealt with SR during the affair period.I think she was rather coolly handling the situation..rather than creating a mess.

HK was known  as the executioner,  not just because of how ruthless she was but that her crosses brought literal deaths. In episode 1 to protect the company she made sure to destroy any hope of that women staying married by implying that she used the drug to have an abortion, rather than the drug having the side affect.   The girl then kills herself and we learn this not the first occurrence.       

With a dead woman lying in front of her she has no reaction.   Which brings us back to the morning  encounter where the husband is asking her to cry show some emotions.  Her response was  ask for sex by talking about the elders.

If as husband you were not concerned that your wife is driving people to suicide, furthermore for the sake of your father company.


Heck even YK2 would have a problem with the Lawyer HK who wield a double edge flaming sword to utterly and completely decimate her opponents."

I think JE did not have concern with the fact that hk was being ruthless..IF he did he'd try to make hk understand..to become honest and logical with her works.Not leave her behind and hate her..

'I' m not sure about je's work ethics either.He's  aware of how his father's company works..That's why he dint get into the dirty politics of that business.But somehow he lets hk to do all that share of work and stays himself clean,blameless of any weight of that work and remains carefree.

Even in present time,one thing that bothered me,is when hk is protesting in front of their company office,and je tells her to wear warm clothes..not bothered about her protest.That she's there to speak against the harmful effect of the drug their company produces,he gets to know it and still remains calm and unmoved about this.If being honest bothered him that much,he'd rather do something about it.Yes he's now working to find out the bad effect of pudoxin,but it is for the sake of love that he's found out again for his wife lol..not for the fact that he's upright about work and ideals.'

YK2 and HK are both  tenacious characters but levels and who and what they use that for are are completely different.      

I would bet if Yk2 read the trail transcripts of HK she would be disgusted with that lawyer even more so than JE. 

Also BS wants HK fully devoted to him and really I don't think he could handle it if she put job and her FIL before his desires.   BS and YK2 are not in relationship of equals YK2 depends on him for now.  If she  started showing signs of being her own woman, like liking other men, or going out on her own would BS be able to deal with it, telling his friends he views her as friend and brother would he take?

I'm not sure about that though. HK is basically running BS's office with him.They share half of the works ...She is having her own way to deal with her share of jobs.Did not she follow that unfaithful husband in the middle of night to get her money  back or something? As far yet in the series,yk II is shown as a strong independent woman who does not depend on anyone for anything..She's protesting against pudoxin in JE's office and  BS's words could not stop her from going there.Also,after the accident wasn't hk yet a cold woman? Then after staying with BS,his ways affected her and changed her into a more outgoing and friendly person.

 BS just would not have been considerate enough to endure marriage.   I say this because of the awkward situation he keeps putting YK2 in.

Popping the question  3 times day, telling friends and everyone they meet about marriage,  Does he not think about her feelings at all?   

Popping the question was done rather whimsically at all times..Again he didnot actually tell everyone that they're getting married as far as I remember...It was just one time on je's engagement night that he addressed hk as his fiance in front of everyone.I think he gave her respect by wanting to marry her before je came into the picture.There is society and people that we face.Also,before je,hk was rather happy with bs,even if that was not love. And if we talk about feelings,I think je also constantly asked hk for coming to him...I don't know if he was being considerate of her feelings.As she still has got amnesia...for a woman who does not know anything about herself yet..I think it was wrong of him to insert his own thinking onto her..He needs to take it slow.

Finally as bad as JE was to HK, she still loved him enough to go to a foreign land and wait for him.  Therefore BS could not affect or effect her as much as JE.

I just think if a man loves a woman then should we ask why does he love her..or have feelings for her? Feelings have no limits.Even if yong ki is the one that is real hk,but what if she was yong ki for real...and what if je started to  love her because of his feelings..or the similarity to hk.We try to justify different thing in different situation depending on our attachment.


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I think JE did not have concern with the fact that hk was being ruthless..IF he did he'd try to make hk understand..to become honest and logical with her works.Not leave her behind and hate her..

'I' m not sure about je's work ethics either.He'sare of how his father's company works..That's why he dint get into the dirty politics of that business.But somehow he lets hk to do all that share of work and stays himself clean,blameless of any weight of that work and remains carefree.

Even in present time,one thing that bothered me,is when hk is protesting in front of their company office,and je tells her to wear warm clothes..not bothered about her protest.That she's there to speak against the harmful effect of the drug their company produces,he gets to know it and still remains calm and unmoved about this.If being honest bothered him that much,he'd rather do something about it.Yes he's now working to find out the bad effect of pudoxin,but it is for the sake of love that he's found out again for his wife lol..not for the fact that he's upright about work and ideals.'


actually @nearsea ~ he is doing something to investigate pudoxin called an epidemiological study and this is certainly not done out of love for HK. it is generally done after a disease outbreak or some complaint like this to identify properly cause and effect. in this case, to certify for sure that the drug caused fractures and it wasn't a result of some other per-existing condition. generally, companies don't voluntarily do this for a drug already in the marketplace because it can create loss of faith if people found out and also it is expensive -- this is why JE's friend asked why are we doing this when we are not ordered by the health regulator to do? and JE's answer was what HK said about powerful people stamping on poor people and the truth being hidden (or something like that)... so it is not love that prompted him to order that study but her passion and sense of righteousness that he agreed with. he is basically going through the entire study to see what happened and that happens only when a company truly wonders if something could be potentially wrong. he knows his brother-in-law is shady and so is combing through the study to see if something went amiss. the thing he does out of love is put bodyguards out there to ensure that her protest (which she got legal permission for) is not disturbed and she is not harmed.

both HK and JE have very clinical attitudes where they easily separate their work from their personal space. thats what makes them good lawyer and good researcher -- she files a case against pudoxin despite knowing that SR is marrying into the family and he is investigating the drug of his own company even though they might potentially lose sales if it came out.

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@Lmangla Yes he does seem to take his work seriously...but I just thought his way of blaming hk for her work unfair.She definitely had to take his share of work and responsibility for her father in law's business.He judged her from far away and failed to understand what was going under that face of hers.But now he has other faith in mind,and to be honest..somehow hk did make him to take his work seriously right? Which hk in her previous state could not.But yes,I do not have doubt about 'the work' they do in their field.I was thinking about the motivations behind the works.

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Well in looking at his phone, it seems he took care to take a picture of SR so that it shows with her text messages--it took time to set her up in his phone.  Also, the interesting things about the picture SR took of JE, it showed that he was living his life "happily" outside of his home. HK saw that his behavior at home was not the same when he was at work and everywhere else. Seeing the pictures, she saw his smiling while working on his laptop, enjoying a cup of coffee and meal (few of these pictures looked like he was regular customer at SR's place of work at the cafe), playing a game of basketball, playing with a dog. SR realized that he treated her "less than a dog".

So, again IMO, JE wasn't surprised to hear about SR's feelings--she even told him when JE's coworker told her to marry him. An experienced man such as JE is not that blind to know when a woman is coming on to him. He could see it very easily when HK was coming on to him--he even predicted her actions, and SR was just as obvious. That's why I think he hesitated to open her text message because he knew his own interest and hers and had a moment of conscience. It's apparent that SR had been sending him messages for a long time. I think when HK confronted him with SR's feelings, which he knew already, it was probably the surprise that HK noticed so quickly which would have also made her question him (he knows that she knows him--and he's right because she said to herself that he was treating SR the same way he treated her in the beginning). I think knowing that HK knew just made him realize that he didn't care what HK thought. Let's not forget that before HK even talked to him, he was running in the ran to take SR an umbrella and his shoes to wear. That doesn't sound like the actions of a man who had no interest in a woman. He was already acting towards SR before HK said anything to him.

It was his actions that caused HK to say something to JE. It was SR's actions towards him that caused JE to act towards SR.

For me, episodes 1 through 10 is filled with so many hateful JE moments that were directed at HK and she seemingly had frozen her emotions to let some of this roll off of her--though his actions were cutting her deeply which is part of the reason she has supressed memory amensia. To think that someone is treating you less than a dog roaming the street, that's pretty low and painful.


1) That was her profile picture on KakaoTalk account.

2) Exactly because they were both unhappy at home/in their marriage, and neither was able to hear the other, Jin-eon wanted to get divorced.

3) When Jin-eon's co-worker told Seol-ri to marry him, she replied: "Go sunbae won't do. Choi sunbae,..", which the co-worker took as she was saying she preferred Jin-eon (which she undoubtedly implied), but Seol-ri continued her phrase saying: "You forgot your phone at home, and I got a call from someone"...

4) I think it is easier to notice someone's coming on to you when you are focused on that very person, which wasn't the case with Seol-ri, as he'd never noticed her advances before Hae-gang "formally notified" him of such.

5) IMO, he hesitated to open the message  because he was in no mood, given the fact that he'd previously been shown crying while looking at Eun-seol's photos at the columbarium.

6) I believe Jin-eon would have been more than happy if Hae-gang had questioned him about Seol-ri, his feelings etc., which she didn't. She just provided him with the "formal notification" that someone was in love with him. No anger, no concern, no jealousy.

In a very arrogant and self-confident manner, she just told him to make sure that no gossip would go arround campus and affect his position.

If she had spoken to him in the way she'd done in her imaginative conversation, getting mad and upset, showing anxiety because she loved him and feared to lose him, she might have seen different Jin-eon as well as different attitude...

7) We can only assume why he did that. It could also have been out of mere compassion. There is no way we can know what he had in his mind at the moment. Yet I believe he got attracted to her later, which he also admitted while talking to both Seol-ri and Hae-gang.

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Good Morning, everyone!

Lots of interesting posts to catch up. Thanks to @chubbychub1966 and to Lo2015 for those great videos. Loved the one       with funny commentary , wish I understood it, but got the general idea --- filled in my own version mentally!

Well, I was awake all night going over more of the "back-story" episodes.  Simply can not resist.  My plan is to be finished  with them before the the next episodes!  I don't intend to do the same intense reviewing of the remaining 40 episodes. But I'm finding so much "background stuff the Writer inserted--- so much that I somehow never saw the first time.

For example, Episode 7 --- and I'm only at the 30 minute mark.  I know the big suicide scenes are about to happen but let me tell you some things I thought were interesting so far.

1)      My biggest discovery: --- poor but sincere Baek Seok is determined to save terminally ill Grandma's apartment for her. Or to at least get an extension until her "granddaughter, Yong Ki delivers her baby and recovers well. And he "throws away" the chance for a lawsuit of the century in the process.   See 23:00 to 30:00 mins --- very funny, in light of the past 4 years BS & HK/YK2 have lived together.  

         Short version:...... Grandma gave him the original Patent paperwork for the Ssangwangsan,  the million dollar drug developed by the twins' father, but he doesn't know what he's got in his hands!  He marches into TS's office and threatens him with the patent as his bargaining chip to save the old ladies' apartment!  Of course we see the TS eyes light up as he figures out how best to take advantage of this legal bumpkin!  BS opening gambit, "About Ssangwangsan, are you sure CNP developed it first?"   He had even checked the dates and saw that the rights were "transferred", BUT did not know what he had in his hands!  BUNGLED IT BIG TIME.  Also, Hae Kang was there, and we see many funny incidents between the two, pre-amnesia, and a very funny scene in the elevator!

2)     A longer look at "the good times" of HK/JE marriage.  Sitting all night in the rain (while the lovebird share their first night together in the cute, traditional cottage JE rented --- HK checked his credit card history!), HK recalls the happiest times with JE.  She hears him recite all the promises he made when he proposed. Then a scene with JE as they spent an afternoon in the yard painting some furniture for the baby they were expecting.  It was so beautiful!   (see 00:27 to 06:10 mins.).

       NOTE:... From.01:18 to 02:22 min., a brief scene with SR/JE gives some insight into their 4 years together. And see 17:17 to 18:22 mins. for the much abbreviated, but still quite lyrical promises JE made to SR for their future! 


SUMMARY:....... I've recently learned that a lot of answers to questions I have about characters are all right there in those episodes covering the three months leading up to Hae Kang's accident. Mostly insights as to "what were they really like?"

And checking facts I let slide past me the first time --- for example, I've tried to pinpoint the location of the crash. Maybe there is something to use as evidence of attempted murder by TS.  Those guys may have missed something, because it got dark before they were done.  Maybe they got careless!   And YK1 will testify that they must have had HER phone to read the message about where she was waiting for HK, who's name card she used for the calls!

A Random Thought:------- I think I am hoping that JE will reveal some of what he was thinking or feeling  before the divorce and during those 4 years in the States. At leastthe Writer can show us viewers via  JE recalling scenes from the past or the people in his life, and what he was thinking or feeling at that time. I want to know more about his perceptions about the whole process.  OK, men are not known to be big talkers, but the Writer is a woman!  Give us a look into that man's mind, please?



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@ayselluna  Are you taking that words literally? I remember vaguely the scene you're mentioning..I hope someone kindly points out which scene was that from..or which episode..As far as I remember it has something to do with her spending time with je or something..probably after that night when they listened song from the same earphone..maybe.

But I was talking about how BS could be the one who'd appreciate HK's gut..if he met the hk when she had her memory intact..He'd not be demeaning to her because of how tough she is ..or because she prioritized her job as much as her private life...JE was always the one who criticized her because of how she is...I think BS would be more positive and supportive of her.If Bs was the one who was there when hk was mourning and not expressing her self ..BS could actually be the one who'd quietly sit beside her and wait for her to break down ...not demand from her to show how she feels...not ask her to cry on her own.BS being the nice man that he is..good for strong women like hk who are somewhat mistreated because of their guts and strong attitude..at times.Because,even if SR has done some really stupid,and evil things in her past..BS has been somewhat kind to her..and has endured her attitude. He was not harsh to her.

The way BS is reacting now..could be perceived more..if we understand this guy's situation.He has been living this woman for the past four years..when JE was not in the equation..when JE dint bother to ask for her at all.She possessed a good amount of space in his heart lol..and he's been literally taking care of her all this time.BS though knows where hk is coming from ..is having a hard time because of his own sufferings.I'd still be a bit patient to know where he ends up..till now they've not shown what BS is thinking..or how he functions..And BS being the way he is...I'm sure he'd make the right decision..even if it hurts him.It would be still wrong to judge him by his present behavior..considering he's also been present in the scenario..For past four years he's invested his mind to hk..so it's hard for him to let go of her..

Episode 17

Sad Yong-gi2 returned to Baek-seok's office, after having just been told by Jin-ri that she was a whistleblower.

Upon seeing her, Baek-seok recalled Seol-ri's words about her having seen Yong-gi2 and Jin-eon holding hands, listening to music, etc.

No matter how we interpret his words, the fact is that Baek-seok is mad at Yong-gi2 for her having fallen for someone who's not him, thus, for her not reciprocating his feelings.

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If JE and HK had the fake life of BS and YK2 now they would be not issues.   They really have no conflicts.   However if we introduced those conflicts one at at time could BS do better than JE?

I just do not see it.  I love you, let get married.  You did something i do not like I really hate you.

I view BS as selfish manipulator.  He doing things for his own benefit.   Is he malicious with intent nope.   Does he love YK2 .  I do think one side crush is real love.  We love someone warts and all when we really know them and as close as BS is to YK2 he does not really know here yet.  He know a middle schooler. 

JE has always been serious about his work in the past and present.  He has also  been one to seek out the truth, which is why is BIL has him closely watched. 


At this point we shall have to wait and see how BS act to YK2 as she start to assert herself or can he handle HK when she comes out full.  YK2  office manager vs HK Lawyer are not comparable to me. 

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@Lmangla Yes he does seem to take his work seriously...but I just thought his way of blaming hk for her work unfair.She definitely had to take his share of work and responsibility for her father in law's business.He judged her from far away and failed to understand what was going under that face of hers.But now he has other faith in mind,and to be honest..somehow hk did make him to take his work seriously right? Which hk in her previous state could not.But yes,I do not have doubt about 'the work' they do in their field.I was thinking about the motivations behind the works.

Jin-eon wasn't a lawyer, he couldn't do Hae-gang's job, neither was Hae-gang a researcher to do his. Each of them was stick to their own business. 

And as was stated earlier, he didn't have any issue with what she did, but rather with how she did it (her job as the company lawyer).


Edited by ayselluna
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@DelroyB:   For a look at HK, super lawyer, and BS, goofy nerd   ---- check out  Episode 7 from 23:00 to 30:00 minutes.!  It is hilarious!  They pass each other when BS went to see TS about saving Yong Ki and Grandma 's apartment. He only met Grandma.  His behavior is  outrageous and silly and HK can hardly stand him!     :lol:

                    Not to mention that he is giving away to TS Grandma's original Patent papers on the drug MH stole from his best friend, the twins' father.  BS has no idea of the value of that Patent certificate!    :o

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Is great to read so many points of view...telling the truth i had enough with both BS and JE...I'm in HK team...hope she will heal face her past,that joker , his awfull familly and start a new life  with her mom sister and nice ,her real familly...

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