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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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HATE BS RIGHT NOW….her mother telling him about the sad story and all he did was to keep the shock of having clarified his doubts if he had any and walk off… wish her mum knew he was SR brother then she would have kicked him out of there… ANNOYING!!!

I just have to say this, why in the world would BS say anything at this moment? After meeting HK's mother, from what I can tell, he now knows there are twins. He's shocked. But he doesn't know if it's HK or YK in his house. He also knows one thing for sure, YK didn't live knowing she had a mother so obviously HK's mother chose not to be a part of YK's life for a reason. He also knows that YK didn't know she had a twin. So it's nothing that BS needs to go blabbing about until he thinks through the right approach and that's what I hope he does.

As for throwing SR out the house, I still don't understand why the mother was more upset at SR than she was JE. That doesn't make sense to me. If my daughter died because she was living in another country after her husband divorced her for another woman, and my son-in-law (if I had one) told me to my face that he was choosing SR over my daughter, sorry but I think the writer missed the mark on the mother's reaction.

This mother was in so much pain after her daughter's death that she can't talk and yet she doesn't have any resentment towards JE--her daughter's husband who divorced her for another woman?  I don't think so. The same man that came back into the country with the woman and who she believes is in a solid relationship with that woman? No, again--not likely. I don't know any mother on the top side of this earth would have any sympathy for JE. Maybe if they had divorced without a woman being involved, but not with a woman in the picture.

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Hi guys :)...you've been busy...me big like 

Now the drama starts to entangle but corners up JE once again unable him to see the truth. He truly believes HK's dead and starts mean towards YK2. I'm so sad for YK2 when she was crying painfully behind JE when he confessed his wrong and urged HK to call him "honey" in front of HK's mom's home. :( :(  :( 

I'm not that sorry...coz it was another one in a row of his proof how much he love HK don't you think?

I said i would go...why won't you let me guys ottokeeeeeeeeeeeee 

I am sad because YK2 cried and felt the pain without realizing it she is HK. She cried without any memory of HK; she felt her heart pain without knowing there's her husband deeply mourning for her. Instead she saw JE in the eyes of YK2 but her heart couldn't pretend who she doesn't suppose to. 

This is the most heartbreaking moment in the drama; greed, lust, and jealousy separates people's lives and one doesn't truly appreciate the other's values until he finds out he totally loses control over the situation. I feel for HK and cuz JE but he deserves this treatment since he is the one going blind acting lustful!

I do realize what's bothering HK...but that scene in front of their house and all JE told and how he behaved was by far the best love confession she'll ever get

I do not agree with you he did it coz of last...it was without thinking and stupid but not for last

EDIT:.... opening scene, Episode 19.... JJH how expressive is his face?!!..... Beyond being handsome (Yes! It does help!) he has the ability to use those looks so effectively in dramas, films, etc....... truly a rare gift/talent.  He conveys so much meaning without even saying one word!    :rolleyes:   :wub:    ^_^

Yeah...me like him too :wub:...even if he has soft, crying scenes he does it so damn manly :)

But thanks to great posts, Telling what happened in EP 19,  --- I have two major take always.

1 - I must agree that HK/YK2 seeing the grief, remorse, and hurt that JE is going through-- can only be a major factor in JE favor, when she regains full memory.

2 - BS wake up -- you have the next episode to tell HK/YK2 all you know and take her to her mothers house -- the writer is bumping BS to the dark side -- If he does not tell all in next episode to HK -- that will show that writer is in full shove mode of BS to the dark side.

Again thanks for your recaps.

1 . I said it already...she will be sad a bit angry maybe but she will remember all that happpend later as well...there're so many evil people around them that when they clean all the mess wonder will they even have energy to resent each other anything

2. I would like he reconsider...i don't want him to be bad as his sister

A bit off topic but its about true love and mistakes so read it only if you want...i remeber other drama where there was a big love but he had to lie to her...bad guys shoot  at him and he wounded fell in the river..they came to her and tells her he's dead..that he was a bad criminal that lied to her all the way and that all was a lie...she had very hard time, sad, angry at him and never really in a peace with idea that he's dead...and he wasn't...and when they met again, well it was hard, but she told her friend later...i'm full of many different emotions, but when i saw him i just wanted to hug him and tell him how much i missed him...at that point she still didn't know was he a criminal but she loved him to much...of course apart of a lie he was a good guy ;) 

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Min Tae-seok's minion, ex-reporter who used to help Yong-gi, isn't actually bad... 

Well..he was working with YK...wasn't TS threatened him?...he might turn his back to TS at some point


She loves children and they love her...she was there for them for 4 years...there is no need to cut ties with them even if she finds out the truth about her past

I was surprised that writer appears to have had JE snap back out of his grief for HK death so fast. ----- Yes I know that hearing JR and SR had something to do with sending JE back to find the truth.


I thought JE back to MPC office in full on work mode and telling others he is fine.

Isn't that just like HK handled her grief and guilt over her daughters death.

Is this the writer sending us another sign that HK/JE is the end game??????

Their game won't end trust me ;)

He get back that way to deceive the bad guys and he will start to dig

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@mdj101   She has few Drama and Films.  My personal fav is One well Raised daughter Hana.   Where she is a completely differnt  role.  So she not typecast  yet. 

@DelroyB  @mdj101  Agree. PHB hasn't been typecast yet. If I'm not wrong, this is just her second drama with a meatier role, and as a main cast. The OWRDH, she was good in the main cast, and as the female lead she did awesomely. But unfortunately for me, the plot did not sit too well with me. Quite baffling, still can't get over it :( 

I think SR is her first meaty evil biatchy role. I loathe the character SR. Hope there's some redeemable ground for her later. But I agree with some, PHB has too sweet and too kind of a face to convince me she's THAT EVIL. But, let's see.... Fighting PHB! NOT SR. Give up on JE and turn around and help instead BS get his mind right, and help JE and HK do the right thing against the baddies. NOW!


(PS: Agree with you re her RL 10+ years JERK BF. But poor her, from OWRDH, she ended up (on rebound?) with that male lead, and just after a few months, they split cos why? BUSY Schedule:blink:. She's a nice gal in RL. I like her:P)

Have a safe flight chingu. Flying hasn't been the same since 911. And all the terrorism goings-on. Sad!

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Now preview thoughts...


Looks good but i think JE other reason for wanting to help supposedly YK2 regain her motorise is the fact that he heard the conversation between SNAKE SR and BIL …this meaning if she was the one meant to be killed she should still be in danger and also she should have known something that led his BIL to want to Kill her thus he is probably offer to help her regain her memories in order to find out what exactly happened and why…. obviously he is still drawn to her by their love but since he thinks his wife is dead he will most likely deny that for the time being… hope BS mentions to YK at least that she is a twin but i do not think he will…i can't guess his actions but not sure he will choose the truth just yet...


This will be when YK2 regains or finds the truth then he will apologise for not having told her bla bla… and also as some chingus have mentioned i also do not think she will change with the kids because not only she will have the memories back but she will still be the current self she was before she got married so i think she will stay in touch … perhaps the kids are the ones that will be mad at her if she does leave after regaining her memories...


One think i sometimes hate in Korean dramas is the link between the characters that always lead to a HAPPY or FORGIVING END even if murder is involved…. i would not fall for that!!  lol!!

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@lclarkl agree with your posting page 183 --- "BS is  in shock"

My input --
As a result of both the information he received from HK YK mother and his meeting face to face with YK -- The world as he thought he knew it has just smashed to the ground.

@mdj101 your posting page 183 --liked your description of BS and how he views the world through "rose colored glasses".

My hope is that in EP 20 he will tell HK all he knows, and does NOT hold back because of fearing that it will bring pain and shock to her.
If this does not occur in EP 20- then an alternative I could see is that he go away by himself to process this information and think of a way to tell HK that would be best.

But in no way can he ignore or try to hide this information from HK.

We will have to see how writer moves BS charter forward.

Is he the smartest lawyer on the block -- no.  Is he a lawyer who believes in the rights of all -- yes.

My POV IMO of BS up to this point remains that he is a flawed, but basically good man and truly would like to do his best.

To me a prime example of that BS was his interactions with YK Grandmother.  Even the Patent paper issue was done by BS with the best intent, he truly felt that the transfer of rights was done legally and therefore best deal he could get was an extension for Grandmother to stay in her home.

Was this the best result, likely not, but it was done in true faith and perhaps  with an overly trustful nature-- but that was the BS shown.


Edited by Kfan7172
Had to word NOT
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I think BS does need to let HK know that she is HK and she has a mother.  Her mother that raised her and didn't speak for four years because she was so distraught over her death deserves to know she is still alive.  HK deserves to know who she is and be reunited with her mother, she obviously felt something when she heard her call her name.  If it was me I would want to know.

He knows who she is, he has talked to the actual YK who recognized him and told him who she was.  What good reason would he have for not telling her.  He doesn't have to tell her she has a twin, let her mother do it.  It's not protecting her not letting her know because he doesn't know that there is anything to protect her from...all he knows is she has a twin and he thought she was the twin.

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Anyone wonder (This is always dangerous with Kdrama)  What the title refers too?

I think that the two lovers are really JE and HK/YK2.  19 years he chased her and caught her.   They were married for 15 years till the death of a child put wedge in there marriage and the affair help separate them.  HK decided to wait for him.   No matter how "good" to her BS over 4 years it JE that make her heart not fluter butt shudder/  JE after 2 years cannot respond to SR and really he never wanted the divorce to go to SR.  He wanted out of his marriage to partner her could not understand.  However again the person he chases after is HK.   Even after finding out his wife is dead and is hurting he still seek YK.

Then again  the title might have been the mistress and I have it wrong.    

My ships



Since SR and BS are different gradients  of  the same, SR really wants to be apart of the family  for long time and is smart to BS fool.


Trick or Treat?

Finally the sibling and their significant others take down JR/TS.

Dad repents 

Edited by DelroyB
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Whatever other drama SR is in i do not intend to watch i think her character will work like a stamp and whenever i see her i will be put off the drama… there was some other actress having the same effect on me…didn't like the drama and whenever she was on one drama i just did not think she played the role as well to good or bad and thought she was not good actress …meaning the role i hated but admit she played well was the one that suited her the best...


SR plays cynical too well so if she is smiling in another happy type drama i will think she is not playing the role well LOL!!!

I think this is her break-through in dramas, she will be invited to play cynical EVIL again!!

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Hi guys :)...you've been busy...me big like 

Now the drama starts to entangle but corners up JE once again unable him to see the truth. He truly believes HK's dead and starts mean towards YK2. I'm so sad for YK2 when she was crying painfully behind JE when he confessed his wrong and urged HK to call him "honey" in front of HK's mom's home. :( :(  :( 

I'm not that sorry...coz it was another one in a row of his proof how much he love HK don't you think?

I said i would go...why won't you let me guys ottokeeeeeeeeeeeee 

I am sad because YK2 cried and felt the pain without realizing it she is HK. She cried without any memory of HK; she felt her heart pain without knowing there's her husband deeply mourning for her. Instead she saw JE in the eyes of YK2 but her heart couldn't pretend who she doesn't suppose to. 

This is the most heartbreaking moment in the drama; greed, lust, and jealousy separates people's lives and one doesn't truly appreciate the other's values until he finds out he totally loses control over the situation. I feel for HK and cuz JE but he deserves this treatment since he is the one going blind acting lustful!

I do realize what's bothering HK...but that scene in front of their house and all JE told and how he behaved was by far the best love confession she'll ever get

I do not agree with you he did it coz of last...it was without thinking and stupid but not for last

EDIT:.... opening scene, Episode 19.... JJH how expressive is his face?!!..... Beyond being handsome (Yes! It does help!) he has the ability to use those looks so effectively in dramas, films, etc....... truly a rare gift/talent.  He conveys so much meaning without even saying one word!    :rolleyes:   :wub:    ^_^

Yeah...me like him too :wub:...even if he has soft, crying scenes he does it so damn manly :)

But thanks to great posts, Telling what happened in EP 19,  --- I have two major take always.

1 - I must agree that HK/YK2 seeing the grief, remorse, and hurt that JE is going through-- can only be a major factor in JE favor, when she regains full memory.

2 - BS wake up -- you have the next episode to tell HK/YK2 all you know and take her to her mothers house -- the writer is bumping BS to the dark side -- If he does not tell all in next episode to HK -- that will show that writer is in full shove mode of BS to the dark side.

Again thanks for your recaps.

1 . I said it already...she will be sad a bit angry maybe but she will remember all that happpend later as well...there're so many evil people around them that when they clean all the mess wonder will they even have energy to resent each other anything

2. I would like he reconsider...i don't want him to be bad as his sister

A bit off topic but its about true love and mistakes so read it only if you want...i remeber other drama where there was a big love but he had to lie to her...bad guys shoot  at him and he wounded fell in the river..they came to her and tells her he's dead..that he was a bad criminal that lied to her all the way and that all was a lie...she had very hard time, sad, angry at him and never really in a peace with idea that he's dead...and he wasn't...and when they met again, well it was hard, but she told her friend later...i'm full of many different emotions, but when i saw him i just wanted to hug him and tell him how much i missed him...at that point she still didn't know was he a criminal but she loved him to much...of course apart of a lie he was a good guy ;) 

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Min Tae-seok's minion, ex-reporter who used to help Yong-gi, isn't actually bad... 

Well..he was working with YK...wasn't TS threatened him?...he might turn his back to TS at some point


She loves children and they love her...she was there for them for 4 years...there is no need to cut ties with them even if she finds out the truth about her past

I was surprised that writer appears to have had JE snap back out of his grief for HK death so fast. ----- Yes I know that hearing JR and SR had something to do with sending JE back to find the truth.


I thought JE back to MPC office in full on work mode and telling others he is fine.

Isn't that just like HK handled her grief and guilt over her daughters death.

Is this the writer sending us another sign that HK/JE is the end game??????

Their game won't end trust me ;)

He get back that way to deceive the bad guys and he will start to dig

 That was how JE handled the pain over his daughter.   He let his emotions out at home or when he visited his daugher.  At work he was the professional and laughed.   This confused HK at the time.  However, I think it shows that JE only could be himslef aroung his wife and when she could not be herself it hurt him.  

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Exactly he will be further selfish if he doesn't tell her… THE IDIOT!! …:P!! Also yes she does not belong to him she has a mother and a sister, if he loves her he should tell her she is not alone after all but if he is selfish regardless of what he now knows he does not deserve the sympathy that i already do not have for him and his past and worse his current behaviour !!


Anyone would be happy to find out that the mother they thought died or such is actually there and alive and on top of that she also has a sister…her twin and now a cute little niece!! FOR GOD SAKE BS WAKE UP this women is not yours and will be gone in no time when she finds out and will hate you when she finds out you kept that from her!!

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From the preview, that our friend @jadecloud translated for us

  • YK2 seems to say ...even if her memories come back, she's still happy to have met BS and her life is good


wow things won't be easy...so let's hope BS will do the right thing and tell the truth ...the 3 women will meet ...SHE WILL FINALLY KNOW IS THAT JOKER EX WIFE...Will she leave BS house and move with GN?i bet she won't!!!At least not  right away ...Her mother and sister are strangers for her...i think she will stay more with Baek familly until she'll have her memories back ...I'm not going i have nobody now without you guys...she said to Baek Jo...

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BS DOES know it's HK in his house...he met YK at the hospital, she remembered him from school.  He knows for a fact that it's HK in his house.

He did not know who was in his house after he met her mother (to which I was referring in m comment). It caused him to doubt who was in his house and who was dead. He knows now that he has ran into YK at the hospital. 

Edited by lclarakl
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Thanks to all the recappers today. I didn't get a chance to watch it live so it's nice to be able to read a summary. 

HATE BS RIGHT NOW….her mother telling him about the sad story and all he did was to keep the shock of having clarified his doubts if he had any and walk off… wish her mum knew he was SR brother then she would have kicked him out of there… ANNOYING!!!

I just have to say this, why in the world would BS say anything at this moment? After meeting HK's mother, from what I can tell, he now knows there are twins. He's shocked. But he doesn't know if it's HK or YK in his house. He also knows one thing for sure, YK didn't live knowing she had a mother so obviously HK's mother chose not to be a part of YK's life for a reason. He also knows that YK didn't know she had a twin. So it's nothing that BS needs to go blabbing about until he thinks through the right approach and that's what I hope he does.

As for throwing SR out the house, I still don't understand why the mother was more upset at SR than she was JE. That doesn't make sense to me. If my daughter died because she was living in another country after her husband divorced her for another woman, and my son-in-law (if I had one) told me to my face that he was choosing SR over my daughter, sorry but I think the writer missed the mark on the mother's reaction.

This mother was in so much pain after her daughter's death that she can't talk and yet she doesn't have any resentment towards JE--her daughter's husband who divorced her for another woman?  I don't think so. The same man that came back into the country with the woman and who she believes is in a solid relationship with that woman? No, again--not likely. I don't know any mother on the top side of this earth would have any sympathy for JE. Maybe if they had divorced without a woman being involved, but not with a woman in the picture.


BS has withheld information before from YK2. That's why I don't trust him to tell her of his discovery. He's in shock, yes, but wait and see, he won't tell her what he found out. I think he's too selfish. If he admits that she's HK then he admits to JE having a prior claim and he won't stomach that. 

I love the idea of YK and the Doc. He's already well in there with the mother so why not have her as mother in law? 

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BS DOES know it's HK in his house...he met YK at the hospital, she remembered him from school.  He knows for a fact that it's HK in his house.

He did not know who was in his house after he met her mother (to which I was referring in m comment). It caused him to doubt who was in his house and who was dead. He knows now that he has ran into YK at the hospital. 

You're right about order of things that happend...but even before that he had clues of her being HK..but he willingly ignores them

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BS DOES know it's HK in his house...he met YK at the hospital, she remembered him from school.  He knows for a fact that it's HK in his house.

He did not know who was in his house after he met her mother (to which I was referring in m comment). It caused him to doubt who was in his house and who was dead. He knows now that he has ran into YK at the hospital. 

You're right about order of things that happend...but even before that he had clues of her being HK..but he willingly ignores them

I can't have a logical conversation if people don't want to see the information in the fashion in which the writer has presented it. He ignored nothing and followed up on the clues provided. The writer has gone out of her way to show ]how shocked JE is at learning that a twin does exist. Let's see how long it takes JE to discover the truth--probably not long since YK in back in the picture. However, why isn't JE questioning the fact that another woman looks exactly like his wife? Why isn't he asking his mother in law about it. Why are the BS haters not commenting on that? And the view that BS is worse that SR and JE?  LOL!!!

Anyway, I'm dropping this thread. It's extremely irriateing for me to have characters who I see as good people being demeaned on a thread just so people can support a ship they have. I personally don't want BS with HK because the writer hasn't painted the drama that way, but I most certain don't want to keep reading silly and childish name calling of a character--it makes absolutely no sense to me. A thread that was once fun and full of deep, logically conversation seems to have deteriorated.

There are several of you that I hope I will catch on another thread in the future and enjoy your wonderful comments and wicked sense of humber. I'll continue to watch the drama, but I'll skip the thread.

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@lclarakl Sorry...I skimmed right over the comment you were commenting on.  I agree that at that time he was in too much shock to even be able to communicate what he just find out although I think he knew based on what the mother said that he had HK in his house...he was just too distraught to be able to even string two words together.

Edited by thegoldbug
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wow side by side YK2 and YK1 !!! amazing 

wondering why YK1 has that slang or accent? wasn't chinese right? 

I also caught YK had an accent esp. in one scene.  No, I think it's Busan satoori. (I was familiar with this accent because I had been there) That's from what I know. Perhaps she and grandma lived there.   I have never heard Chinese Korean accent, though. 

Edited by deandraluv
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I was thinking of rewatching the raw again..but no...too paintfull...i'll wait for subs

Since most of my time here i spend defending JE's love for HK i think it's ok to say a few things about HK ;)

I resent her for not letting JE go when he asked for it...for not trying to find the truth about her past that in a way brought BS this deep...but apart from that...i admire her...she was and is very strong woman...a lot of things happend to her...and yet she's fighting thru life...i so want her to be happy...at first it seems she is with that simple life in BS's house...but when she said to JE: my heart was frozen...she said it all...she does not live but survives :(...she has old problems with her past and now new ones...evil family, mother, twin sister, BS, JE...wonder how will things go now with JE...it's still very fresh to me when she said to him....you're my reality :(..it'll be very hard on her...HK fighting!!!

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