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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Guest my2centsworth


The Baek children look at HK/YK2 as a mother figure. The younger ones feel that someday she will truly be a member of their family. I am wondering how the writer is going to handle the kids and their response when they find out that HK is HK and YK. Will she leave them? Will she really marry BS out of loyalty? BS is truly in love with HK/YK2. After 4 years together he loves HK not YK. But now the YK is back and he has met her so what happens next.

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Thanks for all the recaps.  I am flying coast to coast and this has given me my fix.

I am glad JE thinks HK is gone.  Now he can fully  reflect and I hope that what he was blind to because of his grief he can see now.  It will hurt  because he feels he will never get to say sorry to her now.


I also feel that HK will have the same type of experience , when she comes  face to  face with the woman she was and how she treated him after her  daughter death.  YK2 life will open the layers of numbness she protected herself with.

Well back to reading. Looking forward to reading.  More.  BS seems very petty right now.  I am sorry but it seems if the person did not look like YK he would have left them on the road and everything he did was in order to get payback.  I reserve the rest of my thoughts till the subs.

Off topic but related.

As an aside this must have been a hard role for the actress that plays SR.  She was in a long term relationship 10+ years and her BF got caught on film violating his Military service by going to a massage  place.  The entire world found out he cheated on her with a random person.  So to place the role of the other woman has got to be kinda rough. 

Edited by DelroyB
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Whatching it and HELLO BS!!! What part of she does not love you and never did do you not understand??... she just told you she confessed her feelings to JE so??? are you dumb or just PLAIN PUSHY as we already know?? Just making it difficult to her  and making her feel guilty... the whole thing about waiting is surreal... 


SR al;so what part of you have been thrown out did you not understand?? what part of I DO NOT LOVE YOU  and will not MARRY YOU in front of all family did you not get? 

WRITER for god sake, is this the pushy way of Korean man and women??


Also what is with JE mum? Is she also a dumie? well we know she is?? why encourage the SNAKE like women obsessed with your son?? 


OMG i just can't believe there would be people like them 3 (BS, SR and JE mum) OMG about to have a bad thing watching them.... Liking good looking doctor work out scene and with the mother and daughter!!yum yum!! :wub::wub::wub::)

You need to remember there are 4 ways  that K drama women understand a guy that says I do not love you.

Normal, crap he means what he said I need to find someone else. 25%

1st stage Bat S Crazy.  He just upset and in no time he will love me.  25%

Full BSC:  he loves me and all I need do is convince the family and friends and they will make him love me like no man on earth.  I must seek and destroy any woman around him.  humiliate them and he will be so happy I did it he love me forever.  If that does not work I will drug him and have his child or pretend I am pregnant.   I will make him think he the othe woman has someone else. 49%

super Sayian BSC:  murdering for love is good thing.  If I kill the woman he thinks he loves he will come to me. 1%

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@Chubbychub1966:---- You did a great job with the two "horn blowing" blowing cries for attention.

I could see how differently HK and JE responded, too!   Originally, I thought it was kind of corny and strange when HK hammered the car horn as JE walked away, while he never looking back!      :(

CICADAS again!      The analogy is applied once more and I like it. Now I get the meaning behind her hammering on the car horn so fiercely back then!  It was what JE had wanted to see from her in response to the child's death!   Now he cries out to her to be seen --- hurting, but still loving her!

But now HK hears and responds without hesitation to his cry!     :)   :wub:   

EDIT:----- I think the Writer enjoys working symmetry, balance, and  justice/fairness  into her story.   I like it too.   I'm seeing lots of points where characters have opportunities to restore the balance of "good" vs "evil" in their lives.  But I don't want to get off the track right now.


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Happy Halloween to everyone that celebrate or not celebrate it! 

This is me when I see really scary costumes and anything out of the ordinary no-no-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif


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@Chubbychub1966 LOL love these gifs and those on HK tooting her horn at JE and vice versa :) You're getting a good hang of making gifs aren't you chingu? LOL. Keep on!

Happy Halloween to you too...and to LOVERS who celebrate it :) 

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The Baek children look at HK/YK2 as a mother figure. The younger ones feel that someday she will truly be a member of their family. I am wondering how the writer is going to handle the kids and their response when they find out that HK is HK and YK. Will she leave them? Will she really marry BS out of loyalty? BS is truly in love with HK/YK2. After 4 years together he loves HK not YK. But now the YK is back and he has met her so what happens next.

Anyone thinks this was role that SR wanted and was denied due to that 20 and out rule?

Also I think at for the children that know this YK is the only constant  they can count on.  No matter how close they are to the other siblings they know the must leave the nest and never come back.   However YK could always be there and they think if she married then the can come to her.  While they know foster dad though great wants them to Live lightly on their  own so future spouses do not see their siblings as burden. 

Edited by DelroyB
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Wonderful episode, again!  I feel This Writer will for sure NOT disappoint us with this story and with the ending --- even if we do not get all of our wishes granted!

And I agree, my favorite scene was of JE at the garden gate, looking in and remembering HK calling to him lovingly, while HK/YK2 is right behind him!  I had tears in my eyes, also.  Such anguish to finally see your mistakes, regretting deeply things you have done, and knowing you can't go back and change a thing!  

And the quality of the acting by all of the cast!  Thrilling!  I remind myself that they ARE actors, so real is their portrayal of the inner turmoil of their characters.  Each character is deeply affected by events depicted in this episode ---And I can see it in their eyes, on their faces, even  in the way they move their bodies.

HK and JE --- we easily see their pain.  But the others---- so subtly portrayed!  GN, for example, as each man leaves in a strange, "zombie-like" state.  BS --- "Who is this woman I love?".  He must wonder if the woman he loves is even REAL or not.  I still believe he is a good person.  But like me, he does not see the whole picture easily.  He overlooks important points so easily.  He looks through "rose colored glasses", never seeing really seeing the worst side of people at first.

 Learning about the twins, then meeting YK1, is more than he can handle right away.    HK/YK2 is unchanging in her honesty and sincerity to him. And he sees that.  He will accept that and go on to do what is right, I'm certain!

HK/YK2 and JE now?   She has always been honest and direct with JE.  Even now, she was persistent in her encouragement of him, urging him to get up, face facts, and move on with "living his life".  Just as she said to him before the divorce!  

JE returns to work a changed man.  Tough, demanding, unemotional ---Very soon he will learn how HK changed as she learned to survive in the corporate world.  And survive at the very top level in that environment---as "The Executioner", feared and respected, but ultimately the most powerful force within the Company.  He will learn why she was so highly valued by his father!

LOVE THIS DRAMA!    :wub:    


@mdj101, I absolutely love, love, love your post. BS has finally learned the truth and with his face to face meeting with YK, it will erase any lingering doubts that the revelation he received from YK/HK's mom may have caused. BS will now know beyond a doubt that the YK2 he has been with for these past 4 years is not the YK he thought she was.  What he does in the coming episodes will determine if he's anything like SR or JE--selfish without being concerned for others.  

BS is clearly shocked at learning the truth. However, I truly don't understand all the hate I'm reading that calls BS:  a Jerk, he's no better than his sister, he's worse than his sister, he's selfish, he's a manipulator, etc. I'm truly baffled based on what I've seen in this drama.  For me, it's BS' actions from this point forward that will determine his character. I'm also willing to give him a little slack because he's learning some painful information and he's in love with YK2, so it's going to be interesting to see if his love is selfish or selfless. I look forward to the next couple of episodes to see how he handles this painful and delicate situation.  He has information that no one besides the mother and Choi knows--YK2 has a twin. This will be shocking to HK and YK. So BS has to tread carefully.

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@DelroyB:--- You are wickedly funny (right style for Halloween, today, Huh?). But thanks also for the information about the actress playing SR.  Doing it so well, too.  I was thinking what must it be like for her?  JJH is making the rounds on TV, receiving the praise and criticism, and putting a positive"spin" on his reputation and on the public perception of him.  (How old are his 2 sons?   Do they understand his "job"?)

The Actress (I need to learn her name!) is doing such a good job.  I hoping she gets offers to appear in different roles soon and does not get stereotyped as the B" , "homewrecker",  "Affair Woman" after this drama ends!  Her youth and good looks make it too easy to just plug her in whenever a drama calls for it.

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Thanks for all the recaps.  I am flying coast to coast and this has given me my fix.

I am glad JE thinks HK is gone.  Now he can fully  reflect and I hope that what he was blind to because of his grief he can see now.  It will hust because he feels he will never get to say sorry to her now.

I also feel that HK will have the same type of experaince , when she comes  face to  face with the woman she was and how she treated him after ther daughter death.  YK2 life will open the layers of numbnes she protected herself with.

Well back to reading. Looking forward to readng.  More.  BS seems very petty right now.  I am sorry but it seems if the person did not look like YK he would have lft them on the raod and everything he did was in order to get payback.  I reserve the rest of my thoughts till the subs.

Off topic but realted.

As an aside this must have been a hard role for the actress that plasys SR.  She was in a long term realtionship 10+ years and her BF got caught on film violating his Military srvice by going to a massage  place.  The entire wolrd found out he cheated on her with a random person.  So to place the role of the other woman has go tobe kinda rough. 

I have apparently missed something, this is a sincere question, how did HK treat JE after their daughter's death. I find the first 9 episodes a little hard to watch, but I remember JE treating HK really bad because he felt she didn't grieve their child's death--when in actuality, she was suffering more than him.  He also refused to communicate with her and treated her very coldly at home.  That's why she felt he treated he worse that a dog.

So based on your comment, I've missed something.  Yes she gave him the toilet lemonade after witnessing him kissing SR passionately in the elevator, what else?

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Bahhhhh i was cut off but back to finish…. crying my eyes when JE was hallucinating and YK2 was behind listening to him feeling the pain in her heart… her heart knows and hurts yet she does not know why...


I am worried the twins mother should have been told that the danger is within them  when spoke with JE father, because he knows if his son in law finds out he will be out to get her… now she unknowingly in framing the pictures and she lives with non other that the devil's brother…. OTOKKEE!!

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So cute the little girl holding into Doc harm in the taxi and outside as if he was her dad!! SOOOOO CUTE!! I think writer has no choice but to make them happen and put few smiles on his LOVELY FACE!!:wub::wub::)  


This little girl might well bring them together and also bring HK and her mum together!!

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wow side by side YK2 and YK1 !!! amazing 

wondering why YK1 has that slang or accent? wasn't chinese right? 

LOL you're right. It wasn't really Chinese, yet it is Chinese in a way:) 

I think KHJ as YK is trying to portray the accent of Shanghainese, which was where YK and baby fled to 4 years ago and has lived there since. My first reaction was 'that's kinda Shanghainese accent coming from her...LOL'. Pretty good, I would say. Not that I know how to speak this dialect/language, but I've friends/work peeps who do speak like so.  

Info for fun:

The main differences between Shanghainese vs Mandarin Chinese:

-  5 tones vs 4 tones

- the changing tones has major effect on conversational Shanghainese but not written. Because Shanghainese in written form is basic Mandarin Chinese in its Simplified format (as was adopted by PRC). (so it's like any Mandarin Chinese literate person will be able to read Shanghainese in print but can be clueless in understanding what is spoken by a Shanghainese.)

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HATE BS RIGHT NOW….her mother telling him about the sad story and all he did was to keep the shock of having clarified his doubts if he had any and walk off… wish her mum knew he was SR brother then she would have kicked him out of there… ANNOYING!!!

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I think Baek Jo is like ES to YK2. YK2 cares for all the children, but BJ is closes to her. Mother-Daughter relationship :wub: 

I'm sure that even after YK2 regains her memories, she will still be close to the children. Maybe there will be a scene where YK2 goes to the Amusement Park with BJ??? She did promise :))) 

Love this scene!





If BS will spill the beans about the twins and telling YK2 that she is actually HK, I think I will change my attitude towards him. That means he chose TRUTH. If he instead hides the truth, I will hate him even more. He chose the path of LIES like what SR chose which is unforgivable :mellow:


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Do you think JE return  to climb the corporate ladder or as man on mission to find out what the hell is really going on in the company?  

Reading it seem that JE has matured in his handling of grief.  In that he done it but now he wants to move on.  He is even willing to help YK2 do the thing she needs most and that find her memories.  Something she needs help with as she needs to be less dependent  on BS.    I hope JE helps her to help herself.  I feel that he needs to make sure that she is not another grief rebound or HK substitute. 

Another POV.

JE is well aware of the pressure to succeed.  

He was researcher and getting grants is at that level is as cut throat as any company. in fact it maybe more demanding.  You need to present your ideas to get funding often times going up against other professors.  Even with tenure not projets and you maybe asked to leave.  Also there alot of money for the IP that get produced and the rights to that.  That one of the reason that when HK was trying to bring JE back into the family fold she went and asked questions on what he was working on and if tey would give to the company.    I really hope by the time I land the subs are out. 


Just like x amount of times popping the question is selfish not  telling your partner your true feelings can be hurtful and lead to misunderstanding. (Though I wonder now if it was kinda  intentional on her part sub consciously   as way at getting back at her husband who thought she had some responsibility in her daughter death.)

Her treatment was becoming the cold person who was not honest with her feelings.  Though maybe unintentional she became a porcupine and every word, action and interaction was a barb.  JE was someone who grew up in viper nest.  Dad is distant and only see him as tool he can use.   JR and BIL seem him as the enemy they must step on to get ahead.     So his family of 3 was his solace. Losing  one member to death and seeing  wife who is becoming more  cold and distant and increasing siding with the people he want to respite from was hard on him.  Worst is hearing about how ruthless his wife is as lawyer.  Even  ruthless to someone else who has just lost a child.     

The ones  on his side were to be his wife and daughter.    HK was acting like the queen who came from an different faction to control the husband.   By not talking things out she lead to a great impasse.  The armor which she protected  herself was like knives to JE. 

She needed to show honest emotions to him and they might have gotten threw it.   

Honey, I am hurting  hold me.  I feel empety inside, though I miss my daughter let try for another child to love like we ES.  I want you to hold.  I miss our chiild so much.



Let bring the elders into it.  let have child to gain their favor. 

I forgot that kid

She know he want to keep independent from dad and she basically strips him of that at work letting everyone know his background.

HK knew JE well and she had to know that she was hurting  him with how she talked.   This is why even before the affair he wanted a divorce.  HK the great communicator, his love of 15 years utter words that hurt his heart there is no way she could not know his reaction.

I think we know she just like him was blinded by grief  and could not at that time see how cruel her actions were to him or how cold and uncaring she was to others.   I also think the reason that JE did not pick up the phone after visiting  his daughters grave is because HK may not have visited her at all and again  to JE showed she did not give 2 hoots about "That Kid"

Any how as YK2 who can empathize with a father that lost a child and put into words HK when comes back will have reflect  on how she was during that time as both lawyer, mother and wife.  After that both JE and HK will do the thing that both need which having an honest dialog instead monolog with each other.

Sorry for the long answer but it a little hard to put into words. 

As we all know HK a great communicator  


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