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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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So right now BS is the only person who knows that HK is actually alive.  He needs to let YK2 know that she actually is YK, let her mother know that she is still alive, let JE know his ex wife is alive (mainly because he told him she was dead and knows how destroyed he was by being told that).

IF he doesn't he's definitely pulled an Anikan Skywalker and joined the dark side.


@thegoldbug LOL good one! now we have a Star Wars character too? Like him... :lol:


CR: Starwars site

I don't mean to brag, don't want to brag...but my gut was right. BS has turned darker and joined the dark side! Now make a U-turn and redeem yourself BS. You know the moves, right? not just in proposing Nth times, not just keep telling YK2 you love her..... You know what to do. Get it right! please...paili! If you do spit the truth now, you will become the hero, not a zero! It's not too late....paili!

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I totally agree with you!  It is getting better and better!!  The episode was awesome!!!  The writer doesn't not hold the secrets too long and reveals them one by one.  Maybe she knows we are impatient and curious viewers.  (Perhaps she knows some planned to wring her neck....(Wink...wink);)

I also get the vibes that YK will build chemistry with the doctor.  It is like the typical plot of a man at first doesn't like the girl, they even fight a lot but later get interested in each other.

One scene that really made me cry  a lot was when JE was in front of their old house and YK2 stood behind him.  When JE asked bitterly for HG to call him 'yeobo' again, YK2 felt an immense pain and I got the impression that she was struggling so hard that she almost called him 'yeobo'.  

Maybe it was just me who thought so.  I think, it was one of the most heartbreaking scenes in ep 19.


@Deandraluv No you're not the only one :)  Me too... that was one of the highlights. My heart goes out to YK2 more than JE though. Ohhh she's so pitiful. Ottoke? I can't imagine how she will react when she finds out that HK isn't dead! And more, that HK is HER! 

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I don't even know how this show can surprise me anymore. Every week it never seizes to amaze me. 

BS is the worst kind of person, worst then SR in my opinion because he puts on the facade of being a good guy. The truth is staring him in the face and now he has even found the real YK but still refuses to help HS and JE and reveal the truth. Ah I hate him so much and I hope he ends up alone and miserable.

SR is seriously a non existent factor in my book. She is nothing more then a desperate hoe trying to hold on to what she stole, and now even the JE's mother wants her butt gone. She will seriously go off the deep end when everything comes to light. I remember that quote she made "I will not die alone" meaning she would take JE with her. Scary richard simmons!

Please let DOC and YK happen, they are so cute together and the little daughter just adds even more sass. I really hope they don't kill YJ off with this mysterious illness of hers. But this means DOC also knows there's two girls twins, so I wonder what he will do about it??

JE needed to suffer over the death of his wife, he needed to realize that the decisions he made had real consequences. This also makes him more forgivable to HS and the audience. We see and experience how much he loved her and how he was even willing to fight for her after her memory loss. It also seems he heard what SR and BIL were talking about so now his on a mission to discover the truth about what really happened and is aware of who his enemies are. 

One question though, did JE sleep with SR??? 


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Guest my2centsworth



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You were so right. But letting the little girl see HK was priceless too. Will she be the one who actually gets her Mom and sister to meet?

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Guest my2centsworth

Episode 19

YK1 returns to Korea with a Chinese passport under the name Zhang Ming.

This could be a good thing. Some protection for YK and her daughter. At least until someone sees her and connects her to herself or HK

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Whatching it and HELLO BS!!! What part of she does not love you and never did do you not understand??... she just told you she confessed her feelings to JE so??? are you dumb or just PLAIN PUSHY as we already know?? Just making it difficult to her  and making her feel guilty... the whole thing about waiting is surreal... 


SR al;so what part of you have been thrown out did you not understand?? what part of I DO NOT LOVE YOU  and will not MARRY YOU in front of all family did you not get? 

WRITER for god sake, is this the pushy way of Korean man and women??


Also what is with JE mum? Is she also a dumie? well we know she is?? why encourage the SNAKE like women obsessed with your son?? 


OMG i just can't believe there would be people like them 3 (BS, SR and JE mum) OMG about to have a bad thing watching them.... Liking good looking doctor work out scene and with the mother and daughter!!yum yum!! :wub::wub::wub::)

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Guest my2centsworth

the doctor is in the cab with YK1 and her daughter.  They went to a house.  The doctor has to go with them because she has lost her bag.

The daughter is now complaining that she is hungry, so they went inside and ordered jjajangmyun.

The daughter talking to the doctor and at the side YK2 is lying on th elf being unwell still

BS went to HK and JE's old house where the mom is currently staying.

He greeted the mom and greeting her and he became surprised and recognised her as HK's mother and asked.

She then said that they are twins as Hk elder and Yk as dongsaeng

Maybe we are seeing that this Dr. Min really has a soft side.

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Guest my2centsworth

JE in fever calls for HK...SR is by him :crazy:

BIL talks to father...plotting some more...i hope father sees JE and decide to tell the truth...no matter how painfull at start might be will lead to real truth...

BIL come to JE's room...with him and SR poor JE :(

SR said something to BIL...he didn't like that...asks her to another room...but JE heard it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They're talking....lots of q's from SR

I'll die till subs gets out...great great ep today...but it's not something new right? :)

This was the best scene with ot without subs in the whole esp. I think he knows the truth about what really happened to HK. And JE now knows that the brother-in-law and SR are incoots with each other. This is going to be thrilling, especially as times goes on and JE learns more and more. JE is setting a big trap. Can't wait for the outcome.


Mean? Yeah...maybe. But I call it revenge. And boy is it going be served up sweet and tart......lol

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Haha... I guess I should have worded the poll better... I meant who comes in contact with YK first. And obviously it was YK2/HK cos they brushed past each other in the hosp hallway, which was my answer LOL. But since I worded it as 'see' then yes, I guess GS is the answer.

The final correct answer is Dr. Min Gyu Seok. (Does everyone agree?) 

Congrats if you guessed it right :) :w00t: Thanks to all who participated. (Wah....we have a bunch of smart LOVERS here...53.3% got it right ...hehe)

PS: But the number is so low cos I know we have a bigger 'crowd' here. So I guess polling is not the preferred flavor here. :(   


Here're the voting records and results....

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Episode 19 Video Clips

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@Misstwilightfan1416 Thank you chingu for always updating us with vid clips. Now I finally get to watch ep 20's preview. :) 

From the preview, what I think is shown (draft translation for now):

  • YK2 seems to say ...even if her memories come back, she's still happy to have met BS and her life is good
  • GS asks YK/ZM what's she doing, coming to seek him? For what?
  • YK2 looks into JE's car and asks him if he will eat together with her? (I think JE stays silent, and YK2 walks away)
  • it seems SH has gone full-on into dementia state, she's shouting at SR and telling her to 'get lost' and leave her and her son JE alone
  • JE asks YK2 what does she want?
  • YK2 says something about loving...
  • JE snaps out of his daze, and toots his car for YK2''s attention. YK2 turns around and looks at JE (LOVE YK2's styling here. So much like HK now, but softer and kinder, minus the mean and hard looks)
  • (voiceover of JE - your memories, let's find them together, shall we? YK2 looks surprised...

---end of preview---

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Guest my2centsworth

WOW! WOW! Triple WOW! One explosive esp! I didn't need subs to understand this esp. There are no words that describe the events that I just saw.

The scene with JE in bed and overhearing SR and brother-in-law. His look along was enough to give SR and brother-in-law nightmares. Then the look on BS's face when he met the real YK!

Can't wait for the subs. Have to see every word every character says to see if I am right about what I just saw. The truth about the accident HK was in, the missing passport, YK coming back to Korea, Mommy dearest and SR finding out that JE knows about HK"s alleged death. The best are yet to come and I sit on the edge of my seat waiting anxiously..

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@Misstwilightfan1416 Thank you chingu for always updating us with vid clips. Now I finally get to watch ep 20's preview. :) 

From the preview, what I think is shown (draft translation for now):

  • YK2 seems to say ...even if her memories come back, she's still happy to have met BS and her life is good
  • GS asks YK/ZM what's she doing, coming to seek him? For what?
  • YK2 looks into JE's car and asks him if he will eat together with her? (I think JE stays silent, and YK2 walks away)
  • it seems SH has gone full-on into dementia state, she's shouting at SR and telling her to 'get lost' and leave her and her son JE alone
  • JE asks YK2 what does she want?
  • YK2 says something about loving...
  • JE snaps out of his daze, and toots his car for YK2''s attention. YK2 turns around and looks at JE (LOVE YK2's styling here. So much like HK now, but softer and kinder, minus the mean and hard looks)
  • (voiceover of JE - your memories, let's find them together, shall we? YK2 looks surprised...

---end of preview---

Thank you so much for giving us a summary of the preview! I was wondering what the last part of the preview meant! Idk for some reason I am starting to see HK again in YK2. Her looks in today's episode looks like the old HK and same goes for the preview as well. Is she subconsciously regaining her memories? and of course she now looks like HK with a HEARTyeah-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif 

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I just saw it without the subs!! wow its getting better and better!! cant wait for tomorrow

BS yes I agree with you guys he seems to be turning darker when he met YK2 on the hallway he said the one in front of my eyes is the one that I love this is after finding out that YK2 is HK the oldest twin.... I am thinking is going to get darker more and more the only thing I hope is that he does not share this with SR at least this will keep YK2 somewhat safe from BIL

SR she is past the turning point like you guys said she is a Hoe worst than that gosh the man is crying and being sick over another woman and she is still clinging?? her brain must work in a rotten way!

GS YK1 and kid hope they get together!! please writernim!! :) I agree with you guys they are so cute together...

Now I am thinking that it will be a showdown between BS JE and SR And HKYK2 hopefully JE and HK can uncover all the untruths and lies of SR and the others

So excited :) imsoexcited128514952428281250.jpg

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Wonderful episode, again!  I feel This Writer will for sure NOT disappoint us with this story and with the ending --- even if we do not get all of our wishes granted!

And I agree, my favorite scene was of JE at the garden gate, looking in and remembering HK calling to him lovingly, while HK/YK2 is right behind him!  I had tears in my eyes, also.  Such anguish to finally see your mistakes, regretting deeply things you have done, and knowing you can't go back and change a thing!  

And the quality of the acting by all of the cast!  Thrilling!  I remind myself that they ARE actors, so real is their portrayal of the inner turmoil of their characters.  Each character is deeply affected by events depicted in this episode ---And I can see it in their eyes, on their faces, even  in the way they move their bodies.

HK and JE --- we easily see their pain.  But the others---- so subtly portrayed!  GN, for example, as each man leaves in a strange, "zombie-like" state.  BS --- "Who is this woman I love?".  He must wonder if the woman he loves is even REAL or not.  I still believe he is a good person.  But like me, he does not see the whole picture easily.  He overlooks important points so easily.  He looks through "rose colored glasses", never seeing really seeing the worst side of people at first.

 Learning about the twins, then meeting YK1, is more than he can handle right away.    HK/YK2 is unchanging in her honesty and sincerity to him. And he sees that.  He will accept that and go on to do what is right, I'm certain!

HK/YK2 and JE now?   She has always been honest and direct with JE.  Even now, she was persistent in her encouragement of him, urging him to get up, face facts, and move on with "living his life".  Just as she said to him before the divorce!  

JE returns to work a changed man.  Tough, demanding, unemotional ---Very soon he will learn how HK changed as she learned to survive in the corporate world.  And survive at the very top level in that environment---as "The Executioner", feared and respected, but ultimately the most powerful force within the Company.  He will learn why she was so highly valued by his father!

LOVE THIS DRAMA!    :wub:    

Edited by mdj101
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I had wondered in an earlier post if the writer was "backing off" the story overview of the JE & SR marriage.  I had suggested then that I could only see the pregnancy card, Real or fake, being a possible method to have that marriage.


With the JE fake asleep scene, in which he over hears what is said between JR and SR and now , at the least, realize that SR is not so sweet and is more then cable of hiding the truth -- that I can not even see that pregnancy card working.

At this point in the drama I can only see the JE SR marriage taking place -- if it is part of JE revenge plot.

But will have to see what the write shows us next.

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Guest my2centsworth

I just saw it without the subs!! wow its getting better and better!! cant wait for tomorrow

BS yes I agree with you guys he seems to be turning darker when he met YK2 on the hallway he said the one in front of my eyes is the one that I love this is after finding out that YK2 is HK the oldest twin.... I am thinking is going to get darker more and more the only thing I hope is that he does not share this with SR at least this will keep YK2 somewhat safe from BIL

SR she is past the turning point like you guys said she is a Hoe worst than that gosh the man is crying and being sick over another woman and she is still clinging?? her brain must work in a rotten way!

GS YK1 and kid hope they get together!! please writernim!! :) I agree with you guys they are so cute together...

Now I am thinking that it will be a showdown between BS JE and SR And HKYK2 hopefully JE and HK can uncover all the untruths and lies of SR and the others

So excited :) imsoexcited128514952428281250.jpg

I'm Just so excited.......it's the opening lyrics to a song by that title by the Pointer Sisters. It's an older song, Not sure of when he came out. It's so perfect for what everyone in this forum is feeling about this drama.

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Edited by andy78
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I was surprised that writer appears to have had JE snap back out of his grief for HK death so fast. ----- Yes I know that hearing JR and SR had something to do with sending JE back to find the truth.


I thought JE back to MPC office in full on work mode and telling others he is fine.

Isn't that just like HK handled her grief and guilt over her daughters death.

Is this the writer sending us another sign that HK/JE is the end game??????



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