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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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@zenya22 - do we know that JE and SR get married? I know we saw divorce papers and post made by SR saying she can now be with "her man". I got the feeling that was a celebration of the divorce and a rude claim of ownership. But was there something I missed?

@jemmaca-I was replying to @jadecloud who said that her take was the beach scene at the beginning episode was that they were married. So I replied.. Both of us are just stating our speculations of that scene. Maybe you are right that the divorce was signed,and she was celebrating.. Maybe I was the one who missed something. I have to go back and see. I am saying though that Ms. Korea 75, will she just keep still?

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@zenya22 - do we know that JE and SR get married? I know we saw divorce papers and post made by SR saying she can now be with "her man". I got the feeling that was a celebration of the divorce and a rude claim of ownership. But was there something I missed?

I was replying to @jadecloud who said that her take was the beach scene at the beginning episode was that they were married. So I replied.. Both of us are just stating our speculations of that scene. Maybe you are right that the divorce was signed,and she was celebrating.. Maybe I was the one who missed something. I have to go back and see. I am saying though that Ms. Korea 75, will she just keep still?

No I  think you are dead on the money about Miss Korea 75. She may be book stupid but she is one tough cookie. She has not just been blindly bopping along in life. She loves her son but wants his marriage to stay intact and i think she will most certainly work to make SR suffer. Oddly enough we may all be cheering her along even though it is hard to watch her at times.

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What an excellent post. thanks. As someone has said this thread is more interesting than the show at this point.

When watching k-dramas I often wonder about the writing process. Sometimes it seems like every little thing has been carefully thought of and everything you see has meaning. I am so impressed by them at these times and wonder what makes this possible. Other times it seems like ideas are simply thrown at the screen and I wonder why they were allowed to get away with this. I have not made up my mind yet on where this show will fall on that spectrum. JE's character currently makes me worry we are seeing something closer to the latter style.

We have not seen enough of his thought process to know what he is thinking at all. He has said it is wrong to have an affair but still he has decided to do it. Why is something that is still unclear to me. We don't know that he is lacking guilt or remorse but I suspect he is going to suffer from both pretty soon if he isn't already.  And maybe he will awaken to what he has done to HK.

I really like your analysis of SR as a ruthless person comparable to his father. I can only hope taht the writer also sees this parallel and somehow includes that in the story.  

(edited to add response re kissing)
Since you think he might be holding himself back then I presume you agree with me that the kisses lack some steam? I think that it must be hard on the spouses to see the kisses. No matter how many people are watching and how professional the actors it is still a very intimate act. I can not think of another regular profession where kissing occurs. [I am not surprised about the porn star thing. I have heard this is often true for prostitutes as well. But I would think spouses of these people have more to worry about than just kissing.]

There is a good blog post on k-drama kisses at

I don't disagree that we have not seen enough of JE's thought process, I think it's still being developed and there is a lot more to come as this story progresses. There is a lot that JE doesn't understand about himself.

However, at this moment, he's not showing any remorse or guilt over his affair. He and HK had a huge fight and precious, sentimental items were destroyed. I would have expected him to reflect on the loss of those items and more than that, his relationship with HK. The guilt and remorse that we saw filling his thought, were images of SR being slapped. Not the pain of his wife, but for the girl he's having an affair with. He gets up and leaves work to go find her. He even makes it clear to his mother in law that she's the person he wants over her daughter.

So I, at this point, do not see JE showing any remorse for his affair. 

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His wife's idea that she will help him by doing the actual work herself, etc - does not move him, because I don't think he really wants any part of that company. After we saw how ruthless HK can be when business is concerned, I am not sure I "buy" the idea that she will turn things around and make this company into a moral entity. Hard for me to believe it too. Most business entities are there for the bottom line - to make money. Very few in the whole picture - concern themselves with "being good citizens" too.

Throw into the puzzle the fact that his family is putting pressure on HK to produce another child as soon as possible, while JE is totally not ready to have another child...

@irilight..Hk did not say that she will do the work, she said for JE to do the work, make the drugs how he wants to do it and she will sell it. It will be a partnership. Even if JE makes miracle drugs then what? The consumers will miraculously know about it and "BUY" into it? Somebody has to sell the drugs. Because the people who will work for JE will have to get paid, the materials have to be bought unless JE is a magician too and waves materials into being, testing and and whatever else has to be done to produce the drug, maintenance of his lab will cost money. Who does JE think will pay for those? Unless he sells the drugs he won't be able to make anymore. So of course businesses have to care about the bottom line and yes they are good citizens for being good business people. That is the reality of the world we live in. Going back to HK, she is well aware of the drug that the clod of a brother in law has distributed to the world and making millions of wons for the company, while doing  harm, a drug that has landed the company into lawsuits where she as the lawyer has to defend. That is her professional duty. But the point is instead of the clod, JE can be the one making good drugs and tons of won and does not have to go to work at the company. But if he can make drugs that will help people and HK sell it even if her intention is sinfully business but the bottom line will be that her husband will be making drugs helpful to people.  HK, even if her intention is not a compassionate one,  will have a legitimate back up to convince her father in law to throw the clod away because her husband is the more reliable one. Yes HK's intention are not because of generosity but the results if JE had bought into it could have been good for everyone.  HK is the last person to think of making the company into a moral entity as she is a very selfish wife wanting to keep her husband's place as the first born and only son in the family hierarchy. Maybe I am over analyzing. 

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@zenya22 Yes the divorce docs we saw in ep 1 were stamped and processed. I guess we are coming to the end of the 3 month flashback in 2011, the year JE/HK were legally divorced. 


This weekend's eps will bring us back down memory lane, a deeper flashback, to when JE and HK were very much in love, and fought family objection to get married. They moved to their marital home where they are living in currently, and where JE (in the preview) at that time expressed how unimaginable it was to him to finally be living together with HK. Perhaps we will also get to see when and what really happened to their daughter to cause her death. Perhaps we will also be brought back to current time again, which is still 2011, and later HK's accident and amnesia. And BS taking care of HK/YK. After which, we will be having a time jump to 2015, where HK and JE will reunite, fall in love, become immoral as JE would have been remarried to SR....and the plot will develop on. 


@zenya22 - do we know that JE and SR get married? I know we saw divorce papers and post made by SR saying she can now be with "her man". I got the feeling that was a celebration of the divorce and a rude claim of ownership. But was there something I missed?

@jemmaca-I was replying to @jadecloud who said that her take was the beach scene at the beginning episode was that they were married. So I replied.. Both of us are just stating our speculations of that scene. Maybe you are right that the divorce was signed,and she was celebrating.. Maybe I was the one who missed something. I have to go back and see. I am saying though that Ms. Korea 75, will she just keep still?

@jemmaca re JE and SR being married @zenya22 is right. It's just a spec based on official info. It's true that we haven't been shown they have married. 

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@lclarakl, very sad story the one you tell of your father. I am so sorry. Hard for me to imagine growing up like this. I appreciate your sharing with us. I know it makes me look at things from a different perspective, thanks to your insights. (as well as our other friends here). I am also glad you will be joining us. I always love your insights also on other threads we shared.

I don't interpret JE's actions as an attempt to hurt HK (and I know he hurt her deeply - I am not denying that) - it feels to me, that his actions are a result of having given up on her and the relationship. To me - his actions say basically that he cannot take it anymore, and he is out of there. There is a nuance difference between that and "plotting to hurt someone" or think how you can most hurt them. Actually HK with her toxic lemonade and toothbrush is way more calculating than he is, in my mind.  Either way - I agree - that trust is broken.

I cannot imagine how they can get together again.

@zenya22, me too.. I want to know about the twins. Actually Yong-Gi is my heroine right now.

@suchadiva42, what a sweet post, chingu...    !   hug1-smiley.gif?1292867621 

@Lmangla, me too.. adding their previous drama to my List. Thank you!

@nearsea wrote: I think he has just shut off emotionally from Hae Kang and that's why even though he knows he's doing wrong to her ..he does not stop....    So why become so cold to Hae Kang? What made the living together so much unbearable that he has to leave her now? What made him hate her is something I can't fathom yet.Is this only the child or there is more to it?

Yes.. that is what I think too. He is emotionally shut off.  What I am not yet clear about - is if he had shut himself emotionally on purpose, or is it a continued shock reaction to the death of his child.  I loved reading your insights into his emotional turmoil.  All I can think of is that they both shut each other off for some time. She now wants to make amends, but it is too late for him. As you said, he had started to distance himself from her, and his reaction to SR,  I think - is like a reaction of a person who is drowning - hang on to the one person who seems that they can save him.

At least, I really want to understand him, and I want to believe that what he does - is not out of pre-meditated nastiness, but a shock reaction.

@lclarakl, said:   SR has seen nothing yet. Typhoon Miss Korea 75' will pound with a flood of a tsunami.

I love your sense of humor. Thank you for laughs!

I am going to post this, while continuing to read what you all have offered here....

Looks what' coming up this weekend.....   



I loved the scene photos.  SBS jumalgeuk lover's Park Han-byul drawn from the evolution of the situation is garbled (center below) and Kim Hyun-joo (above).  / Kids Will provide media






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@lclarakl ~ actually the two leads who play HK and JE did act together in 2004 in a drama called "miss kim makes a million" (synopsis) watched it a long time ago and I enjoyed it though I don't remember much of it except he seemed to wear a lot of colourful clothes. (or was that another drama?) kekekeke... so this is a reunion, though not a very famous one.


Yes, but they didn't cast her in the role for this drama as SR in an effort to make us want to cheer the affair on between JE and SR as they did in the drama Temptation. In that drama, they brought the lead female in not as his wife, but as the woman who arrogantly broke up his marriage--he had a role to play too.

Now that's not to say that if JE marries SR, that I wouldn't mind seeing HK, who would then be the other woman since they're divorced, giving SR a little pay back before kicking JE to the curb and sending him back to his wife.

@Lmangla, thanks for finding and sharing---you make me want to watch that drama now.

it was a fun drama from what I remember though I don't remember much of the plot. think there was an ex who dumped her for another woman who promised him his own astronomy lab or something like that... (or was that another drama?)

temptation was a bad makjang drama which didn't explain anything in the end. I was one of those who didn't care either way about the affair and was more fascinated by the hysterical relationship between the playboy and his ex-wife. did say this earlier on page 14 but am not sure why some dramas get people really riled up while in others no one cares. for me, temptation's ending which didn't explain anything was more annoying then anything else. that said, the thread was very disorientating at times because some were just discussing the drama while others were actually discussing their emotional baggage through the drama and it was confusing for folks who were stepping on mines and not knowing it! so far, this thread is mature and we are bringing our insights and experiences which is natural but I hope everyone remembers that at the end of the day, it is a drama we are discussing as we have another 45+ episodes to go. fighting! :) 


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@lclarakl, ...

......I don't interpret JE's actions as an attempt to hurt HK (and I know he hurt her deeply - I am not denying that) - it feels to me, that his actions are a result of having given up on her and the relationship. To me - his actions say basically that he cannot take it anymore, and he is out of there. There is a nuance difference between that and "plotting to hurt someone" or think how you can most hurt them. Actually HK with her toxic lemonade and toothbrush is way more calculating than he is, in my mind.  Either way - I agree - that trust is broken.

I cannot imagine how they can get together again.


@nearsea wrote: I think he has just shut off emotionally from Hae Kang and that's why even though he knows he's doing wrong to her ..he does not stop....    So why become so cold to Hae Kang? What made the living together so much unbearable that he has to leave her now? What made him hate her is something I can't fathom yet.Is this only the child or there is more to it?

Yes.. that is what I think too. He is emotionally shut off.  What I am not yet clear about - is if he had shut himself emotionally on purpose, or is it a continued shock reaction to the death of his child.  I loved reading your insights into his emotional turmoil.  All I can think of is that they both shut each other off for some time. She now wants to make amends, but it is too late for him. As you said, he had started to distance himself from her, and his reaction to SR,  I think - is like a reaction of a person who is drowning - hang on to the one person who seems that they can save him.

At least, I really want to understand him, and I want to believe that what he does - is not out of pre-meditated nastiness, but a shock reaction.

@irilight  Chingu-yah,,,I enjoy reading your insights (and of course, all your updates are awesome too :) *thumbs up*) and most of the times, I'm on the same page as you are. But for this one time, re JE, I think we vastly differ.

I believe what you and @nearsea commented - "continued shock reaction" "emotionally shut off" - are probable and most likely the emotional condition of JE. I also agree that JE did not pre-meditate on his 'cheating' and 'holding out to SR despite him knowing it's immoral and incorrect'. However, try as I may and have, I just cannot see JE who blatantly cheats as being a person gasping for air to live on. That's already discounting his cheating act and justifying his wrongful and shameful behavior to a wifey he claimed to have loved so deeply, who he claimed to have been deliriously happy and unimaginable when they finally ended up married and living together as a family. 

Yes, many of us try to understand JE and SR, and also HK. Many of us FOR NOW cheer HK on as she is the victim of a cheating and hurtful husband, a blatant cheater and emotional torturer at that. And adding on to that, the disrespect JE has cast on HK in the process of his blatant cheating. But I am not sure how many of the cheerleaders of now, including moi, will continue to cheer HK on when she in turn become the cheater and cause JE to once again cheat. Except this time around, the victim will be SR.

No matter which side of the coin a cheater is on, I guess there really is no justification for cheating, even if it were to be an act of revenge. Or am I going to be proven wrong later, will I waver on this stance, when HK becomes immoral? Will we still enjoy the mud play when HK brings herself down low and 'dirty' like JE and SR are now? 

In that developmental aspect of the plot and of each character, I really applaud writernim for her thought-provoking brilliance, and can't wait to find out how each of us will react. Including myself. 

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@lclarakl@zenya22, @jemmaca    - Speaking of Ms Korea 75 - lets not forget that she knows part of what's going on. HK had already confided in her that JE wants a divorce, and asked for her help. When she now finds out about SR - there's no telling where she'd go with it...

@zenya22, I understand what you are saying about JE to create the drugs and for HK and the company to do the testing and manufacturing. But - I think at this time, JE is not feeling comfortable with this idea because he does not trust the company to do the right thing. Remember - right now, we had the whole court case, how they did not disclose something about the drugs and it caused miscarriages. JE knows that his father's company is immoral - and HK, working for them, and representing them in these court case, is too - by that fact and association - immoral.

I actually find it interesting that HK's child died, and she is working for a company who is selling drugs that cause miscarriages (and defending them in court, brutally - I might add...)  Is an unborn child not as precious to his parents to be, as her child was to her?

I know you brought it up in your answer, but frankly - I personally do not trust HK to be on the side of good and justice in this case. She has already shown us that she does her job coldly and does not really care about the consequences, not even if people are dying.  And I do not personally buy the excuse that this is her job. People makes choices - about their jobs too. Soldiers who commit massacres at wars also had stated it was their job and they got orders - but at one point the world said - a massacre is not acceptable. Responding to orders by committing  horrible crimes is not excusable.

That young woman was responsible for her own death, by committing suicide, but it was HK's company's product that caused her the miscarriage, and it was HK's actions and words that would have brought about her divorce - which in turn, led her to commit suicide.

HK did not even bat an eyelash about it. She showed no remorse at all. That young woman to her, was just like the cicada she could step on, and kill.

@jadecloud     I too love your thoughts and insights... as well as everyone else's here.. It is good to read opinions that are different than mine, and that makes me re-think. 

I do not think JE had gone out planning to cheat. (And yes, it is a lame excuse, as most or many husbands probably don't plan on it).  I think JE brought SR back to her apartment after she had been slapped by his MIL.  Had the apartment not been flooded by HK, he might have just deposited SR there and gone home.  After cleaning the mess his wife caused, and having been told it was in fact, his wife's doing, he took SR to the hotel or motel and stayed the night with her. Was he right to do that? no. But I can understand his instinct to protect SR in both cases, as well as his possible anger feelings towards his wife.  Like you, I wish he had not taken it as far as to commit adultery.  And to answer your question - I agree there is no justification for cheating. I too, wish he had waited for his divorce.  I can only try to understand what might have gone on in his heart and mind as the material is presented to us. At the same time, I cannot hold HK on a pedestal just because of that. I have to look at her as  a whole; not just what has been done to her, but also what she does, and how she lives, and what her actions are. The drama did not start with her being a victim of adultery. It showed us different sides to her too. She has not become an angel in my eyes because she had been wronged, by the infidelity of her husband. She has done plenty of wrongs too, to him, and others, and had she not lost her memory, probably would have continued to do wrong, at least - in her professional capacity.

I look forward to seeing this weekend episodes, and what their life had been like, because based on what we were shown so far, they seem so incompatible on so many levels; I want the writer to show me the other side of this marriage.


'I'm a lover, Lee Kyu-han -  a righteous lawyer to get out the secrets of the Millennium Pharmaceutical






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@irilight, Thanks for responding and sharing your own insight. I always enjoy reading your posts.  In regards to JE's actions are not to hurt HK, but rather he's just given up. I would agree if it wasn't for the fact that he has immediately started pursuing a relationship with a student after hearing HK tell him that SR has a crush on him. I agree that he has given up on the marriage, but I also think that he knows his actions are hurting HK, but he doesn't care. She's angry because he's cheating and starts destroying things. He turns up classical music that is supposed calm and tune her out. She turns it off because she wants to be heard. He turns if off because he doesn't want to hear her. She destroys the player and cps so he has to hear her. He destroys her items, but he destroys the most sentimental item and uses red wine that he knows will not come out. 

You can replace a entertainment center, your can replace the cds, but you can't replace the wedding dress that you were married in. His actions, in my opinion, was to cause her personal hurt. He's very angry at her. The fact that he is actively pursuing a relationship knowing how it will be viewed by friends, family and others, but he doesn't care--it's all about him. I don't expect much to happen after he saves her from the lake/river which can be seen by episode 1, he still is dating SR.  

HK was sneaky with her wanting to cause him pain with the lemonade and toothbrush. She wants him to feel her own physical pain, but be not so much in his face with it.  Reminds me of the Julia Roberts movie, "Let's Give Them Something Talk About". When her aunt told her to give her husband fish with a special secret family sauce when she found out he was cheating on her....lol!!  Sadly, I can relate to HK's actions. JE on the other hand is not being sneaky, but more in your face with it.  I don't see why he just doesn't move completely out of the house altogether and live with SR to force the divorce; and that's probably what he does.

I'll be honest, I'm not looking to seeing these next few episodes with the cheating couple. I'll rather the writer move on to amnesia and the mystery plot. It's only making me dislike JE's character more as well as SR. She's too bold in the face of a married woman. 

I can't wait to see what the writer reveals when she starts peeling back the layers of these characters. 

In regards to HK and her job, that was extremely disappointing. You would think that one mother could relate to another. I wonder if the young, hot attorney will help her see things differently and put things in proper perspective.

Also, the Miss Korean 75 wasn't me. I laughed at that one too--loved it!!!

Update:  Saw the pictures you posted, so are JE and SR going to be in a house fire together and both go to the hospital? Is HK going to be the one to set the fire or cause them harm? If so, all I have to same is come on writers. What is it with trying to turn HK not only into a woman scorned, but a possible killer?  For what purpose? I hope that's not what's coming.

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@lclarakl@zenya22, @jemmaca    - Speaking of Ms Korea 75 - lets not forget that she knows part of what's going on. HK had already confided in her that JE wants a divorce, and asked for her help. When she now finds out about SR - there's no telling where she'd go with it...

I had not forgotten. She has made it crystal clear that she will make SR life a misery. I can hardly wait.

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I agree with most of what you write. I just think that initially JE did not pursue SR or a relationship with her. I think he caved in to her advances, and that's different. (even though, equally unjustifiable, and with the same end results)

  you described so well the sad actions, reactions, and more actions and reactions.

At this point - it does feel to me that this marriage is doomed.






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At the same time, I cannot hold HK on a pedestal just because of that. I have to look at her as  a whole; not just what has been done to her, but also what she does, and how she lives, and what her actions are. The drama did not start with her being a victim of adultery. It showed us different sides to her too. She has not become an angel in my eyes because she had been wronged, by the infidelity of her husband. She has done plenty of wrongs too, to him, and others, and had she not lost her memory, probably would have continued to do wrong, at least - in her professional capacity.

I look forward to seeing this weekend episodes, and what their life had been like, because based on what we were shown so far, they seem so incompatible on so many levels; I want the writer to show me the other side of this marriage.

 @irilight You're right chingu. HK should not be held high up. I doubt many of the 'pro-victim-HK' are holding her high up. Least of all, not moi. Besides being a victim of infidelity, HK has been shown to be ruthless and cruel in her (nicely stated by you) professional capacity, Indeed so true. How could HK not bat an eyelid when that poor 25yo plaintiff fell to her suicidal death at the feet of HK? How could HK not flinch when she and TS maneuvered the death of YK's fiance? And how many more similar incidents that her 'professional capacity' dictated has she not flinched from?

Also apart from being cheated on, yes, I agree JE and HK do seem highly incompatible. But wait...when post-accident HK gets into an amnesia stage, and she too starts to cheat, or rather, cause JE to cheat on SR, uh-oh, do they become compatible again? Is that what writernim is planning to do to provoke our minds? This writernim is 'killing me' LOL. I can't wait to see how the plot will flow, and how writernim's characters will evolve....

Update:  Saw the pictures you posted, so are JE and SR going to be in a house fire together and both go to the hospital? Is HK going to be the one to set the fire or cause them harm? If so, all I have to same is come on writers. What is it with trying to turn HK not only into a woman scorned, but a possible killer?  For what purpose? I hope that's not what's coming.

 @irilight @lclarakl Sure hope writernim will not transform HK from a "woman scorned" into an "awfully hateful woman who was cheated on".   

Or...will it really be "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?"


One thing I appreciate about this entanglement thus far as we've seen, is that HK is taking out her anger (more of it) on her cheating hubby instead of at the third party. But often, we get fam/others directing insults at the victim herself, that seem to mostly be the case and which often baffles me. Like so...



 LArqpon.gifLOL Jinjia-yo?



 LArqpon.gifLOL. But a sad fact.

Btw, when this drama gets into extreme melo territory, it's worth taking a 'hilarious relief' with "The Other Woman" movie - it's about infidelity too (a triple-cheater-husband). If you haven't seen it, it's ROFL funny!  Take a peek... :)


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I have to agree with both of you @irilight and @jadecloud.  HK is a woman where I can see some men would find her unappealing--men want to feel needed. She's strong to a fault, to almost being unfeeling, mechanical.  But behind that facade is a broken woman who to me looks like she's on the verge of cracking.  I can understand HK looking at someone who's softer and who needs him.  The question is, who did he marry? Did he know 'this' HK that he married or did she become this way after the death of her child. I'll even admit, that if SR wasn't so bold about chasing after a married man and use her illogical reasoning to justify to his wife why she should have him--almost childlike, the the speed at how quick she is ready to become sexually involved with him knowing he's married, no respect for his marriage, if it wasn't for all these negative, unappealing traits I think I could like her and sympathize with her.  Instead, I'm feeling sympathy for the angry, over the top, I'm going to make you pay wife.  What is motivating HK to remain with JE? Is it really love that is motivating her now or is it not wanting to become a statistic or is it public reputation?  I personally don't see what is so appealing about JE. He's an attractive man, but has no energy, no spark.  I like the young attorney. He doesn't have the weight of the world on him that JE appears to have, but I just like his private moments. When he's doing his little dance trying to will the door to open. I laughed so hard--he just was full of life, energy.

Most definitely, HK is not a woman to put on a pedestal, but I find myself rooting for her because despite being a strong woman, she seems to be the underdog.  AT THIS POINT:  HK is unethical in business, but appears to be moral in her marriage (not talking about the get even). JE is ethical in business, but immoral in his marriage.  SR is immoral and greedy for seducing a married may and wanting something that is not hers. 

I wonder if the back story going to come before her amnesia or after she gains her memory back. It appears from the character descriptions, unless they change the story, we're going to be in for some personality changes.  SR and JE are going to become cold and calculating. JE is going to fall for HK and she for him. SR as the married wife of JE will become even scarier than HK--she's described as an imitation HK...oops!  Doesn't seem like all is a bed of roses for the cheating/now married couple.  Then we're going to have HK regain her memory....what does that mean? Is she going to be intimidated by SR until she regains her memory and unleash the full HK on her and JE or just SR?  Interesting.  

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HK is not a woman to put on a pedestal!!!Well said !!!She has no scruples!!!Framed her sister fiance and seems is ready to frame Yk now!!!



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I have to agree with both of you @irilight and @jadecloud.  HK is a woman where I can see some men would find her unappealing and I think she would get on my last nerve it we worked together.  She would make the workplace a dog eat dog. She's strong to a fault, to almost being unfeeling, mechanical.  But behind that facade is broken woman who to me looks like she's on the verge of cracking.  I can understand HK looking at someone who's softer and who needs him.  The question is, who did he marry? Did he know 'this' HK that he married or did she become this way after the death of her child. I'll even admit, that if SR wasn't so bold about chasing after a married man and use her illogical reasoning to justify to his wife why she should have him--almost childlike, the the speed at how quick she is ready to become sexually involved with him knowing he's married, no respect for his marriage, if it wasn't for all these negative, unappealing traits I think I could like her and sympathize with her.  Instead, I'm feeling sympathy for the angry, over the top, I'm going to make you pay wife.  What is motivating HK to remain with JE? Is it really love or is it not wanting to become a statistic or public reputation?  I personally don't see what is so appealing about JE. He's an attractive man, but has no energy, no spark.  I like the young attorney. He doesn't have the weight of the world on him that JE appears to have, but I just like his private moments. When he's doing his little dance trying to will the door to open. I laughed so hard--he just was full of life, energy.

Most definitely, HK is not a woman to put on a pedestal, but I find myself rooting for her because despite being a strong woman, she seems to be the underdog.  AT THIS POINT:  HK is unethical in business, but appears to be moral in her marriage (not talking about the get even). JE is ethical in business, but immoral in his marriage.  SR is immoral and greedy for seducing a married may and wanting something is not hers. 

I wonder if the back story going to come before her amnesia or after she gains her memory back. It appears from the character descriptions, unless they change the story, we're going to be in for some personality changes.  SR and JE are going to become cold and calculating. JE is going to fall for HK and she for him. SR as the married wife of JE will become even scarier than HK ben an imitation HK...oops!  Doesn't seem like all is a bed of roses for the cheating couple.  Then we're going to have HK regain her memory....what does that mean? Interesting.  

I agree with how you described Hae Kang. What made her to be whom she is? It seems that her father in law's household Is a viper den and she has to stand her ground and defend herself. She is the daughter of the woman whom her father in law had an affair with and who disapproved of her marriage with her one and only son. Even though it looks like they are good now, she must have gone through a lot  to get that approval and that goes with her father in law. She also is the sole support of her foolish mother who squandered the business and the house HK bought for her. She has the SIL and BIL whose sole purpose is to eliminate her and her husband out ot the household and out of the company. Then she has to go home and be a good wife to her husband. Having to fight your family or extended family everyday to prove your worth as a daughter in law can take a it's toll but it also sharpened and strengthened her like a blade steel. I read a joke which I thought was a satire about 3 year DIL rule and even if it was a dig  about Kdrama DIL I thought it was also a reference to real life. A daughter in law  must be mute, deaf and blind for at least 3 years to train as the ideal wife and DIL. I don't think that is our HK. So where did HK learn to fight dirty? D

I agree that at work she is mechanical and spiritless, almost like a robot,  a walking google or Wikipedia whom one clicks and comes the information. When the brother in law was asking her what to do about the lawsuit she was deep in her troubled thoughts and when he snapped his fingers at her, like a clicked Wikipedia she just blurted out information on what should be done no feelings, no emotions. Even when her father in law asked her what should be done next after the JIn Ri viral internet  fiasco, with a monotone voice said first the sister in law needs to be taken out of her position then public apology be given. SIL freaked out but she just stood emotion wiped off her face. The only time she showed emotion was when she was by herself and gave that big sigh and smile when she was told to take the SIL's position. It seemed that she learned that poker face is her best defense and offense. Until the man she loved and fought for cheated on her.

I am hoping that when HK regains her memory that she will erase JE out of her life. Sighhhh that is a long long time

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