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[Drama 2015-2016] My Daughter Geum Sa-wol 내 딸, 금사월


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Unfortunate, would have been interesting a true and honest struggle of talents, among SaWol and HyeSang, as it was in "Come! Ri Jang Bo" or "Feast of the Gods" (in these two dramas both girls had talent and / or love by the art), but apparently not be that way in this drama because I'm thinking HyeSang despite having studied no talent for architecture, besides that Sa Wol is a genius. I daresay Hye Sang is a demon but fortunately do not have a high level of intelligence so that only distill evil and sooner or later their mediocrity as an architect come to light. (I venture to make this comment after seeing the preview of episode 9)

@morelia,   I agree I bet Hs couldn't draw and connect two straight lines where things will just comes natural for Sw

Unfortunate, would have been interesting a true and honest struggle of talents, among SaWol and HyeSang, as it was in "Come! Ri Jang Bo" or "Feast of the Gods" (in these two dramas both girls had talent and / or love by the art), but apparently not be that way in this drama because I'm thinking HyeSang despite having studied no talent for architecture, besides that Sa Wol is a genius. I daresay Hye Sang is a demon but fortunately do not have a high level of intelligence so that only distill evil and sooner or later their mediocrity as an architect come to light. (I venture to make this comment after seeing the preview of episode 9)

Yes I agree. This was what I meant...the writer should make them worthy rivals...both talented and fair game. Let's wait and see where the story goes...

@jann17,  The only talent I see Hs having is in lying and manipulation it would be great if Sw had some of this in her then we could call it fair game


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I just finished watching ep. 8 with subs.

I am glad the adult cast has come on at the end. I am not sure how many more episodes I can watch with that malicious, conniving Hye-Sang.

@valsava, @sonequeen - In theory Hye-Sang's birth mother could show up when she hears about the collapse of the orphanage, but she may be mistaken as Sa-Wol's mother, if she shows up now; That's why I agree that Oh Wol's testimony will be needed

That cake incident though. Mari was actually innocent? Deuk ye planned it all and put something in the cake to make herself faint because she knew the cake came from her? And it worked because everyone was on her side and believed the mistress tried to poison her. Smart. It's a mean thing to do but that was skill. She must have learned from her own husband. 

@sonequeen, really?  I thought DY over-heard that Ma-Ri was poisoning the cake, and therefor she diluted the poison? I thought we saw her pouring water on top of the icing before she took a bite. I thought she wanted to make sure that Ma-Ri's plan will be exposed, but she herself will survive it.

It's interesting you point this out. I actually noticed a birthmark on Sawol's foot in the picture behind DY's late mother's picture frame at the cemetary. Did anyone else notice? Or maybe it's just a spec of dust...lol. I was just wondering if it could be noticed later on at a crucial moment...though everything can be settled with just a DNA test...but then where are they going to put the next 40 episodes, right?

I was hoping for Hyesang to be a more deserving rival to Sawol than Manho to Minho...but looks like she's the typical villain...not good at anything and no white spots left in her feathers. When HS was younger, she did play and had genuine fun with SW and OW...she was just different and difficult...but all of a sudden. I just hope they redeem her character at the end.  Still, I'm invested in these characters...here's wishing for a more level playing field for Sawol, Hysang, Changbin and Sehun...fighting!

My favorite villain is actually Bae Soobin in 'Secret'...(the oppotuninst/scheming kind) ...he was awesome there!

Edit: Oh...and I love all the actors including Park Seyoung...who is playing adult Hyesang. Fighting girl!



@jann17  I too, was taken a back by the unbearable change in Hye-Sang. I can only explain it in my mind, that since she was very little she considered herself a little princess because unlike the other little girls, she got the beautiful gifts from DY, and those fed her ego of being particularly special;  She played with the other girls, but felt superior  to them.  That was enhanced initially by Min-Ho telling her she is his real daughter, but then came crushing down when the home "daddy" told her she is his own biological daughter. All her dreams of grandeur came crushing down -  until later she helped her real dad die in the crush by locking him up, and now her dreams of being special are fed by Min-Ho's love for her. Did you all notice she already complained to him about Ji-Hye - that she knows she is not her real mom. In truth - what bugs her is that Ji-Hye is level headed and looks at both girls as her own; Hye-Sung is unable to twist her around her little finger as she can with Min-Ho.

I also agree with your on the other 2 points you made.  I loved Bae-Soo-Bin in Secret  (and also in Twinkle Twinkle - but I did not like the drama). He certainly does play an awesome villain. Also - like you - I like all the cast members that I know here.  (but I am not familiar with Yoon Hyun-Min.)  

@valsava, I was also thinking that if there is a time that HS needs blood, her identity may come into play - and possibly SW's blood type will be the same as MH's.

   @Thu Thảo Lê     I also like Chan-Bin's character as a child.  He is so sincere and earnest in pursuing what is right. I love how he loves DY, and my heart breaks for him when DY holds back, since loving him does not fit with her revenge plan. Yes, I agree with you. HS wrote those ugly lies in her diary for her adoptive mom to find out. She is way too smart and evil for a little kid. Makes me think of that old film "Bad Seed."

@Morelia,  I agree with you. And in my mind - one of the only ways to redeem HS in the end - is to find something she can excel in on her own right. It does not have to be architecture - but any talent she may have and can develop. So far we have only seen her trying to mimic others' excellence.

Sooner or later (hopefully - sooner) she needs to learn that the child antics she used, are no longer influential for an adult. At one point she needs to carry her own weight. I hope that she did not go into architecture too, and can now continue to rob SW of her ideas.


ahhh.. we also have the fact that as JH pointed out, SW and MH have similar taste in food. HS only pretends to have the same taste. Sooner or later their parents should find out she is allergic to that makarel.

Also, I was surprised that MH did not question that both "daughters" have such knack for architecture. SW proved herself and her outstanding thinking when she fixed the destroyed palace project.  HS - only had SW's project that she stole and claimed as her own.

SW was able to explain her project; But it was MH who "explained"  "HS'" project.










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I just finished episode 8-

1. Mari is innocent. Dy purposely put the poison but added water to dilute it.

Was wondering why she took almost 20 years to seek revenge, how she can bear living with them.

2. Oh wol didn't die but why she didn't inform police? She didn't lose her memory 

3. Ji-hye is smart, she will find out soon about her husband and Dy

4. Although the evil child hs is gone, we will still see the adult one. Expect more evil deeds.

Koreans seem to like 'Cinderella' story where u have evil step sister and perfect one- gsw is too perfect- good in music, kind, gifted in architecture and always get bullied.

Park se young will have a difficult job ahead cos she will get lots of hate for doing despicable things. Hope people will realize it is just acting 


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@irilight" Chingu that movie the bad seed had me really wanted to cut my screen in half. Rhoda was a 8 yrs old and a little child play killer. But could never forget her words. Give me back my shoes Leroy as being a undertaker, he knew Rhoda killed Claude. while Leroy was taunting Rhoda about it and burnt her shoes then she end up killing him.

The way I'm seeing how Hye Sang act there's no telling what she'll do even when she becomes older, to a fact that Hye Sang probably thinking if I can't have a family and be happy, Sa Wol won't neither. 

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Guest elenskivios38

:)I had invited friends to watch MDGSW coz our YYPrincess is staring as supporting role.They said she is too pretty to be 

bad role but her role is truly challenging...Friends... lets give Park Se Young a chance to offer and to prove her diligent.and 

dedication to her work  as one of Korean Actress..She is down to earth person,very shy not primadonna.Many talented actress

auditioned for this role why Park Se Young was selected im sure the director and the staff had seen  something in her.

So pls.instead of hating Park Se Young who's aim is to give her very best in this role let just hate Hye Sang coz she's really

 mean in this drama.

  Freinds! Park Se Young 's personality is very far from what she's portraying in this drama but  we cannot please anybody if

anyone doesn't like her as Park Se Young...dont watch this drama as simple as that. 



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:)I had invited friends to watch MDGSW coz our YYPrincess is staring as supporting role.They said she is too pretty to be 

bad role but her role is truly challenging...Friends... lets give Park Se Young a chance to offer and to prove her diligent.and 

dedication to her work  as one of Korean Actress..She is down to earth person,very shy not primadonna.Many talented actress

auditioned for this role why Park Se Young was selected im sure the director and the staff had seen  something in her.

So pls.instead of hating Park Se Young who's aim is to give her very best in this role let just hate Hye Sang coz she's really

 mean in this drama.

  Freinds! Park Se Young 's personality is very far from what she's portraying in this drama but  we cannot please anybody if

anyone doesn't like her as Park Se Young...dont watch this drama as simple as that. 



@elenskivios_at_yahoo.com_stv" I actually likes Park Se Young since she played in The Tales Of 2 Sisters and never stopped, but she became on the dark side in this drama being a bad, bad, girl in which she chooses to do so. and I know for a simply fact that in reality her personality is way different then her character that's playing on here, but when I talk about how devilish she is, it's her character and not Park Se Young if u know what I mean. SO DON'T WORRY AND BE HAPPY :D

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Guest elenskivios38

:wub:Dear! its not you that im talking ..if you scroll from the past post we had some friends who doesn't like Park Se Young.This thread 

has been made to give our views and comments but we had freinds their comments are below the belt.I hope our Admin can advise 

them but as i said we cannot pls.anybody.

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:wub:Dear! its not you that im talking ..if you scroll from the past post we had some friends who doesn't like Park Se Young.This thread 

has been made to give our views and comments but we had freinds their comments are below the belt.I hope our Admin can advise 

them but as i said we cannot pls.anybody.

@elenskivios_at_yahoo.com_stv" Oh I've read all your comments including the resent one, where u said your friends was talking about Park Se Young was too pretty  portraying a villian on here. and I just said a figure of speech when I talk about PSY it's her character and nothing else.

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Guest elenskivios38

:wub:@suschadiva48 if you will go i think no 19 ...our @jbum had get the attention of our freind and make a quick retort:). and also our YY expert @Gerry58. 

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Withl all good makjangs, there are certain tropes/devices that are predictable.  Let's see if we can put together the story better than the writer, almost interactive makjang watching

  • The orphanage father is not dead.  Yes                No. 
  • If he is not dead, when will he re-appear   Around 40 I say 
  • Se Wol and her real friend will re-unite around episode 25 
  • Se Wol's biological mother is now really poisoned by her hatred.  Will she change?  Yes or No
  • The evil husband is going to die:  I say by a collapsing building, or by the trash picker father when he learns the truth? 
  • When will Geum Sam Wal be cast out of the house:  I say just about the time she is to meet her friend : between 20-25
  • How much of an noble idiot will Geum Sam Wal be:  a. throw the pillow at the tv/device/laptop,  b. give up on her noble stupidity and stop watching the show all together.  c.  throw the devices and computer into the toilet and vow to never watch a makjang again.  d.  she will not be a total noble idiot .  Like Jang Bori, she will have some victories which will keep us watching but the ending will all the hugging and everyone being one nice family will make you vow to never watch a makjang again.  
  • Trash collectors son knows the truth about evil father being the murderer.  When and how will he disclose or use this information.  
  • How will grandma meet her judgement she is truly awful and deserves: a. the grandaughters to abandon her.  b.  gets Alzheimers, is lost and is taken in by a den of thieves that make her do housework.  c.  she falls into a outdoor toilet with her hat bobbing up and down.  
  • The biological mother?   Can't imagine what will happen to her. 
  • The sisters:  They are great at torturing the grandmother, they will have to be the end of her.  

Remember 50 episode shows have the suffering cycles in about 10 episodes.  So we are facing another 4 cycles of suffering for our girl.  


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Guest elenskivios38

:)Next weekend eps.would be great !all our leads our apprearing ...hope writer have great story plot ,heavy conversation and acting

of lead actors and actresses  gonna be intense .Lets enjoy the different characters but sit well and hold tight  whatever your drinking


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@elenskivios_at_yahoo.com_stv  I don't think anyone would mistake Hyesang for Park Seyoung coz it's obvious that she's an actress and she's acting...and most would sensibly refer to Hyesang not Seyoung so don't worry. 

Just like Song Chanmin...he's such a funny and quirky person playing despicable villain ...we can hate Manho all we want here...:)

I also wonder why Oh Wol is not even trying to look for her two friends. I thought she had amnesia but apparently not. Hmmm....I love how her new oppa is taking care of her...but I hate how she has to cook for the family...come on...the girl is 8! So many frustrating adult characters...haihh!!

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@Gerry58, thank you for the episode summary. With both you and @sonequeen letting us know that DY poisoned herself - I might try to watch the episode again, if I can make the time. I certainly missed something there. Thank you also for that video. That was one powerful slap!

@elenskivios_at_yahoo.com_stv, I applaud Park Se-Young for choosing the villainess role here. (It just so happens that this year several of my favorite actors have decided for the first time to play a villain role). I think it will be more challenging for her as an actress, and - if done right - will open many doors for her - for future roles. I have seen her BTW, in both Faith and Glorious Day. I have nothing against her as an actress.

@jann17, I don't totally get the story with Oh-Wol. I like how the older kid tries to brighten her spirits too. But I do not understand what his mom is doing?  Why did she make her up like this with the curls and the make up? That's almost scary look for a little girl like her.

I thought they moved away didn't they? Maybe I am wrong. But in any case, I don't think she is free to come and go as she pleases. I am not sure why she even stays with them, instead of going to the police or something like that.








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Guest sonequeen

We were so busy talking about the female characters that we didn't even talk about our male lead Chan Bin and how he's gonna feel in the future. He's going to be even more hurt than anyone when he finds out about the kind of person his father really is and that the stepmother he loves with all his heart was only using him to destroy his own family. And those two parents are also going to be the main ones who are going to stop him and Sawol from being together for obvious reasons. 

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@sonequeen, you are right!  I really like him as a child. I hope the adult character will be just as awesome and upright (I suspect he will be - given that he will be paired with Sa-Wol)  

I am also wondering how he will feel when he finds out that his beloved step-mom is the birth-mom of his beloved Sa-Wol.  He is going to have to endure quite a bit in the future.




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