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The Official Chae Yeon (채연) Thread


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^ yup. he was the guy that accidentally told chae yeon hwanhee is her competitor ^__^

he was in either x-man #20 or #11 with her too if I rmb right

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hihi... any1 able to provide a foto of how tat hoong kyung min looks like? sorie if i got the name wrong... but it was mentioned i tink on page 347 tat he was chae yeon's ex-bf... juz wanna look who's tis guy...


HongKyungMin.jpg credit: turboclub.net

here is a MV from YT of hong kyung min singing a Bon Jovi cover song ('u give love a bad name'): Hong kyung Min live performance

yeah f.E.M is correct, I checked & he appears on Xman #11 w/ CY & he also appears on a Xman w/LSG (can't recall which one), so there you have CY's real BF (ex-BF), together with the guy everybody wishes were her BF! :P

the reason for the numerous ps pics is because they are following Kim's instruction of no more den 5dollars for presents for chaeyeon. The ps pics will be in a booklet to pass to her for her birthday. -0-''

Yeah had no idea Mr. Kim specifically limited the dollar amount to $5. Those PS pics would look awesome in a nicely packaged booklet. What's going on with the [YEON!] IEF birthday present for CY? Didn't you guys decide on a 'necklace' or 'bracelet'? Sorry i have to bring it up on soompi, but nobody seems to be replying to my posts on [YEON!]?

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Guest rryyaann

^ wooaaahhhhh....

it's like i've missed so much about chae yeon...

Hong Kyung Min is chae yeon real BF????

till now???

i thought that chae yeon doesn't have any bf now... :P :P

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^no, no, no rryyaann i was just making a joke about him & LSG being on the same show! He is not CY's current bf, he was the guy CY was talking about on PKL's Wonderful Outing show, when CY mentioned she once dated a male 'artist', whose name started with an "H". We were all guessing different people, when damifino, who is fluent in korean & knowledgeable about what is written on various Korean sites, said the guy in question was Hong kyung Min. I hope that clarifies things, btw i think I'll correct that on my original post to avoid any confusion!

EDIT: that's really strange energywen/wenting because I've never had any problems logging into IEF, in fact I was on there a few minutes ago! I wish soompi was as trouble free as IEF! Anyways, yeah I hope you can give her the bracelet, but what happened to Birthday project part 1 (the sign w/ korean letters) & what about our personal messages (birthday project part 2)? It would be nice if we could somehow send them to her too! :)

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Guest energywen

I couldnt even log in to IEF for idk wad reason.

I had brought it up to Invisionfree and hopefully they solve it soon.

Its getting on my nerves.

I brought a bracelet for her alr, but Idk if i can give...cus of wad KIM said. -.-;

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Guest lyly_flower2000

The first time I'm in here. I've known Chae Yeon for a long time but not a big fan of her.

Just accidentally saw her Hi 5 cheerleading part and got attracted by her and now become her real fan.

Then moved on watching all of her MV, her X-man and love letter. I was really impressed by her nice and warm personality.

I like her X-man show best. Really fun.

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^ welcome!! let's spread the chae yeon love ^_________________^

i love her personality too, that's what i liked her in the first time. then, i realized she was a singer and... well, she's great!

guys! i found a fanfic about chae yeon+kangin+yunho here

personaly, i like chae yeon with kangin better... the story is kinda cute, yo should read it if you have the time :)

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^yeah I checked that out, wow, I couldn't believe it, there were 24 chapters & the story doesn't look anywhere near finished! I'm still reading pink's & vicky's, so I don't know when I'll get around to this one!

not_popular I'm not surprised you like the CY/kangin couple, you always seemed to have a 'soft spot' for kim young-woon! :P

btw, any of you guys see the latest vid uploaded on her cyworld. She is in China on some show, where in the beginning Cy & some Chinese artist (Jeff?) meet a female weight lifter. Too funny, watching CY trying to lift a big barbell in her skirt & boots! :lol: She seems to be speaking pretty good Chinese (i'm just guessing, because I have no idea if it is good or not) & then she sings a duet with Jeff(?) entirely in Chinese ('health song')! She looks so cute & acts like a little girl! ;)

EDIT: lyly_flower2000 here is a clip from todou.com that f.E.M. posted a few pages back of CY trying to speak chinese during some 'song contest' program: CY speaking chinese

i don't know why, but CY appears to be speaking much more fluently on the vid on her cyworld? :huh:

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bulgogi: yup! i like kangin :rolleyes: although he's not my favorite in suju, after seeing them together in xman... i think he does a cute couple with chae yeon ^_________^

about her chinese, maybe she's taking chinese classes? she's a hardworker (did i say it right?), plus, she's very smart. she might be learning very fast! ;)

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^yeah maybe, but I think the video on her cyworld is older than the video of her on that chinese 'song contest' show (just the two of us?). Because she has longer hair in the one on her cy. So I don't know? btw, which suju member is your fav?

*edit*: thanks energywen for the updates re: the birthday projects & good luck on your trip to Korea to meet CY/Mr. Kim! thanks for links to 'just the two of us'.

Wow, CY looked really good in that first perf. *whew* she looked so 'sexy' in that plaid skirt & those 'famous' white boots! In the intro I heard her say she didn't have much time to practice the perf., but still ended up scoring the highest marks (47.22),yeah! :D At the end of the perf, during the interview, all i understood was CY saying 'oppa sarangheyo' hahaha!

yeah that second perf. was the one on her cyworld. Cy wearing that hat threw me off I guess. yeah, those 'chinese lessons' are really paying off! Good guess by not_popular! Pretty soon she will be fluent in 3 languages! Wow, that is impressive considering i'm not even fluent in the only one I know! :P

P>S> the quality of the second perf. on todou is not very good, due to heavy compression, if you want to see a much better quality video of that perf. i would suggest the one on her mini-hompie.

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Guest energywen

EDIT: that's really strange energywen/wenting because I've never had any problems logging into IEF, in fact I was on there a few minutes ago! I wish soompi was as trouble free as IEF! Anyways, yeah I hope you can give her the bracelet, but what happened to Birthday project part 1 (the sign w/ korean letters) & what about our personal messages (birthday project part 2)? It would be nice if we could somehow send them to her too! :)

its someting blocking my comp.

nvm, i got in alr.

those stuffs posted up there i alr taken note. will get everything to her in korea.

her company had only plan her schdule till the 9th so idk if 14-25th where she will be yet.

2 weeks later when chaeyeon goes to china, i will get my frd to check wif Kim about her latest.

Kim alr know i will be gg Korea.

Does CY know how to speak Chinese? LOL, I didn't know before. I just thought she can speak Japanese.

She can speak alil of it, and understand simple chinese.

about her chinese, maybe she's taking chinese classes? she's a hardworker (did i say it right?), plus, she's very smart. she might be learning very fast! ;)

She is taking chinese lessons.

^yeah maybe, but I think the video on her cyworld is older than the video of her on that chinese 'song contest' show (just the two of us?). Because she has longer hair in the one on her cy. So I don't know? btw, which suju member is your fav?

stay on topic.


Chaeyeon in Chinese prog, Ming Sheng Da Zheng.

This week perf, sang 2 songs.





She got the highest tgt wif her partner this week.

They got the lowest last week.

Next week she is not performin cus it clash with her Korean schedule.

-for pp who nv use tudou b4, off the sound of the vid, and let it load. do not pause to let it load cus 90% of the time it wun fully load tat way.-

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Guest lyly_flower2000

Thanks a lot for sharing the links. U guys are so warm :) .

Her Chinese is so cute and kinda fluent. She's so talented and can speak 3 languages.

Considering me, can only speak 2 languages, my native language and English, plus a little bit Spanish but never speak Spanish to Spanish people and it kinda sucks. LOL.

@Energywen: u're damn lucky to go to Korea and can meet face to face to Korean celebs. I'm so jealuos. I swear that Korean celebs will NEVER get to my state. How unfair it is!

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Thanks for the clips.

Is it me or during the practice of the health song she was wearing one of the Minwoo's caps?

It is great that she is taking chinese lesson. However, we kind of don't see her that much these days in the korean shows (except for High Five). I kind of miss seeing her singing on the music shows.

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^yeah CY was wearing a lee minwoo Wolf M design 2 cap! Wasn't she wearing one in that video clip of her & minwoo working out together at the gym? So i'm sure he gave her a few or maybe he made her pay for them!:P

I guess she hasn't released anything new to warrant any recent appearances on Korean music shows, but that is a very smart decision by her management to give her more exposure in the chinese market. With CY's declining album sales in Korea, which is a market already over saturated with Kpop gasoo's & newer fresher acts coming along, the Chinese market will help extend CY's singing career & provide a new avenue for endorsements, celebrity appearances, etc. The future for CY is China & the emerging markets in SE Asia.

Edit: nope I was wrong, CY was wearing a GAP brand cap in that YT clip w/minwoo.

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She can speak alil of it, and understand simple chinese.

She is taking chinese lessons.


Chaeyeon in Chinese prog, Ming Sheng Da Zheng.

This week perf, sang 2 songs.





She got the highest tgt wif her partner this week.

They got the lowest last week.

Next week she is not performin cus it clash with her Korean schedule.

-for pp who nv use tudou b4, off the sound of the vid, and let it load. do not pause to let it load cus 90% of the time it wun fully load tat way.-

i bet she'll be speaking fluent chinese before the end of the year ^_______________^

thanks for the links!! the proformances were like... you can see tho 2 sides of chae yeon's personality, the cute one and the sexy one.

who's the guy? he's kinda hot and make a good couple with chae yeon, they look good together on stage. after they finished the first performance (where she's wearing the red skirt), ppl are screaming ''chae yeon' and the name of the guy i think?

well done chae yeon!!


i'm sure minwoo gave the cap to chae yeon so she can promote him on china hehehe! they're good friends. i remember chae yeon said on a tv show that minwoo said something like "chae yeon, don't forget to promote my new album" or something like that. i think it was on that show where she said her boyfriend broke up with her and she stayed under the rain.


something i made. i'm still learning to use ps, so please be nice! ^^


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Guest mishybear


she is quite happy travelling to China..so yah..LOL

at least she dun get anti there or not as much as in kr.

hahaha, yea. it's true. i thinkt here are less antis in china.

btw, i had to go to the dentist yesterday & as I was waiting in the lobby, i pulled out my ipod & started to watch some vids of CY. i was watching a 'slideshow' of CY pics, when I noticed this older guy sitting next to me staring at my screen. he asked if that was my 'girlfriend'? :lol: I told him no, I wish (yeah ,me and around 50 million other guys, right?), I told him she is a korean singer. He then asked me if I had any other clips & I showed him the clip of CY dancing to a PussyCat Dolls song (bleep?) on the Xman hainan ep. & afterwards, he said she was one of the 'hottest' Asian girls he has seen & wanted me to tell him how to pronounce & write her name, so he could look her up when he got home! :D I think I made another CY 'fan 4 lyfe'!

nice, hahaha! woot! another fan of chae yeon!

good job, bulgogi! ^_^

its someting blocking my comp.

nvm, i got in alr.

those stuffs posted up there i alr taken note. will get everything to her in korea.

her company had only plan her schdule till the 9th so idk if 14-25th where she will be yet.

2 weeks later when chaeyeon goes to china, i will get my frd to check wif Kim about her latest.

Kim alr know i will be gg Korea.


Chaeyeon in Chinese prog, Ming Sheng Da Zheng.

This week perf, sang 2 songs.





She got the highest tgt wif her partner this week.

They got the lowest last week.

Next week she is not performin cus it clash with her Korean schedule.

-for pp who nv use tudou b4, off the sound of the vid, and let it load. do not pause to let it load cus 90% of the time it wun fully load tat way.-

thanks for the links!

and also, wow you already got the stuff together for her?

(oh and i didnt know you were also wenting!)

how does Kim know you and your friends? you're so lucky! hahaha.

good luck with everything! :D

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Guest lyly_flower2000

I'm a little late in this thread. So don't understand what u guys are talking about.

Who's Kim? Is he/she CY's manager or somebody known or worked with CY?

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