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Bae Yong Joon 배용준


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Hello All.  This morning I found  this on the blog   USAMama .


There is more to the story than I posted here, but essentially it is that this man, Son Hyun Joo, an actor who was with Bae Yong Joon in the great drama First Love, has recently signed with KeyEast.  I remember watching First Love for the first time, and being completely riveted by Son Hyun Joo's performance.  He was the person who eventually married Chan Woo's sister in the drama.  When Son Hyun Joo was on the screen you could forget anyone else in the scene (except for BYJ) because his performance was that strong. 

Then also today on YouTube the contributor maronbyj has posted an original long-ago video of media interviews with these two men.  I hope the new arrangement between KeyEast, BYJ, and Son Hyun Joo is a successful one. 

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A mere 7 days or so until Bae Yong Joon's birthday. Yay!!

Running up to this event I am posting one of my "BYJ walking series"
GIF's.  Aren't you lucky? 

This particular series takes place in an airport in South Korea when he is on his way to accept from Japan the TOP
 Prize for Hallyu; it was just two and a half years ago.  This morph was produced from ONLY two photographs taken by two different news agencies on or around or about 10-21-2013. 

It is much better for a good morph if there is not too much difference between the two different photos.  In this GIF I feel there is too much difference between the placement of the feet; it looks a little awkward regarding the legs, but the face turning from non-smiling to smiling is really good.  Just having fun working with BYJ...he is SUCH a professional! LOL.


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Good morning!  Today, with her usual enterprise and amazing stash of BYJ pictures, Sayaka of Sayaka's blog has published some screen shots of Son Hyun Joo from First Love, scenes together with BYJ (Chan Woo) and Chan Woo's sister.  Thank you Sayaka. 






AllKpop also has a good article about the KeyEast signing which gives more information about what other dramas Son Hyun Joo has been in.



My goodness. More movies and dramas to put on my "Must Watch" list!  He was in Secretly Greatly? I've watched that twice, but missed him.  Oh well, I just have to watch it again.  This all makes me want to re-watch First Love, too.  So much to do.......


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Good morning!  How great that @RamonaMona published the first Happy Birthday MV for BYJ here.  Thank you. 

From Café Daum there is this greeting to BYJ:anjelas%20blog%20HBgreetings_zpsww1zprqv

from the BYJ Official Mobile Site.  Too clever!  Café Daum also featured this from a BYJ Facebook.




This might also be a good time to remind you all to go to this site to vote.  This was first brought to our attention by @‌mstamatoff  a while ago.  I bookmarked it in My Favorites and go every day to vote for BYJ!  He is in the lead and has been for at least a couple of months.  In fact, he was in the lead before it was even posted in Soompi. It would be a great birthday present for him. VOTE!  VOTE!  VOTE!


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Thanks @RamonaMona for giving us a different link.  I tried the link you posted, but the site requires that you have to log in to vote, and I can't to log in because I don't have a Facebook, Twitter, or Google account!  Believe it or not, I just don't like those kinds of sites and have never used one!  For those of you who have, or use, Google, Facebook or Twitter, it is yet another place to vote. 

 I am also confused when you say it is an "old link."  It works for me every day, and every day I see the vote count change.  Did you have trouble going to this site:  http://kpopdrama.info/kstaren0???  Please let me know if you have trouble going there.  That site may not be usable by some browsers, or in some parts of the world and we can let people here on Soompi know what trouble they might encounter.

Has anyone else out there had different experiences with either of these sites, or have other sites you want to post? 

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My Stars

in the old link it is number one !!! no one will reach the top in his place .

new link it is new .

Happy day 

Okay! Now I understand...thank you. How great!!  So, ladies (as @mstamatoff would've said) you heard it from @RamonaMona!  But I'm gonna keep voting at the "old link" just to make sure that NO ONE will ever approach him in the very first first place!  Kinda like spiking the football or going for that "in your face" last slam dunk when your team is way way ahead.  Yeah!


From Café Daum there is this announcement from the Japanese DATV, which roughly translated by my Babylon machine, says:

"8 front-sama Happy Birthday Memorial I❤湯" (2009); 29 may to celebrate the birthday of our viewers in the lavish gifts. * Bae Yong Joon photo book, a journey of Hokkaido, 20 winners! Broadcasting announced after the keyword showing don't forget! Application Deadline 2015 /08 /30."



I have this photobook and it is really nice, with big glossy photos.  Good luck to the winners of the drawing.  What a nice way to remember BYJ's birthday.

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Good morning all on this special day - August 29, 2015 - Bae Yong Joon's birthday.  From all over the Bae universe fandom come many cards, in addition to the lovely one above from @‌RamonaMona.  Here are a few more:


From Onpu.  Thank you for letting Soompi posters look at your creation.


From Sayaka.  She did many, but I picked this one.  Thank you, Sayaka.


From Pyokotan.  Love the color composition.  Thank you.






Many new birthday MVs have been produced lovingly also.   Here is one from Onpu that was uploaded to YouTube in 2014.  I must have missed it the first time around, but it is certainly worth reproducing here and now.


And a brand new one from Shinara - BYJ in Italy - You are my flashlight.

Yancho has come out with a really entertaining birthday video also.  Thank you.

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And MORE!!  From Karako7 on YouTube

This is in a separate post because Soompi would not let me edit my previous one to add this.  It is so great to see these pages so brilliantly decorated by so many creative people.  There may be other cards and videos out there that I have missed.  If you see one that has been missed, please post it! 

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Good morning All!  On this day after BYJ's birthday there is still some news to report.  It is not new news, but it is about some of BYJ's activities.  First of all I found some other birthday cards that are delightful.  From Café Daum

This card was seen on more than one Facebook, but there is no author's name that I can find.  The postmark seems to indicate that it was "authored" in Viet Nam.  Can anyone shed any more light on this?


Also from Café Daum (thanks guys) there is this IG


which, when roughly translated, reads

"Today, the salt, the actor BAE Yong-joon's birthday party was held. Tell your friends this is a surprise birthday party had prepared the Park Jin-young, a lot of people, including Jean de clap join enjoy and happy time. Happy birthday to you! BAE Yong-joon's ~ ~ ^^

Book now for a small party in salt ~

Sinsa-Dong 508-12 located on the backside for a wedding Hall AVI Dar please find the door yellow!"

True?  I like to think so.


A few days ago there was another entry in Café Daum that looked interesting.  It started like this:



Apparently this candid sighting of BYJ took place around August 22.  A bachelor party?  More digging by yours truly found this information about Le Chamber:




What fun!




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Good morning all!  Special welcome to rookie @Camella...welcome.  And welcome to returning Willenette.

News from around the internet is still talking about the honeymoon; apparently there was a SECOND one.  Mr. and Mrs. Bae were spotted on Jeju Island.  Café Daum had links to two different news sources.  The pictures that were posted with the articles were the same ones we have seen over and over, so I thought I would just post the links. (Do you think BYJ, Mrs. Bae, and/or staff will get the hint about needing new photographs?)



Also from Café Daum was reportage on a big, lavish birthday bash held in his honor.  My translator robot says this:

"Birthday gathering > August 29 Jun, to celebrate the birthday of the meeting. The place is in Hanasato Roppongi 50 gathered. drizzle continues today even a slight cool day. However, start time 1 hours before the start of the participants. On the same day, our Roppongi points, as well as two groups at the same time, Yong Joon's birthday party, and we are five small room to celebrate mothers. This means that your Joon fans to go to that was full of it. In Hanasato Ginnza everyday, Yong Joon you fans birthday party. The two in the 2nd 150 fans gathered. But I NAGOYA YAMAGATA, OSAKA Hokkaido, such as the celebrations for the globe. This activity for a long time that Yong Joon you continue to wait for the fans, this open position. You have to have fun and talk to or hear or, delicious meals are spent so happy. Thank you very much. In addition, see! * When I don't know, but the interpretation is that in his spare time, when you want to add to the idea."

I take it that this party was in Japan.  I have selected some pictures from the Café Daum offerings, the ones with BYJ's likeness in them.  The numerous flower arrangements, the cake, and the food are not shown here.







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