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liezle said:

Today, in SportKorea, photos of Yong Joon getting inside of his car in this afternoon in Cheongdam-dong were posted. Here are the photos shared by _tomato99 in Twitter.


Hi again dam-su and willenette. Hope is well with you guys. Honestly, I am still getting to get use again here in Soompi. Since I haven't been that active in posting, i find it a bit difficult to navigate. But I am hoping that I will get used to the 'new' (well for me that is :\"> ) Soompi soon.

Btw, hope dam-su will not mind me posting the photo again. I am not sure if it's me or the image you posted doesn't show. 

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Guest iluvugudbye

not much news on our most precious MAN today. so while we wait let's enjoy these beautiful videos made by our creative and artistic baesisters for wuri Yong Joon's birthday and was shared by sis tomato on lovebaeyongjoon blog site. you can really feel the fans' love for our dearest KING. thanks everyone for sharing. :)>-



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Guest iluvugudbye

Korean programs to be used as lecture tool

source: Korean Joongang Daily

Selected Korean dramas and TV programs will be used as props for those learning Korean.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced Sept. 4 that KBS programs such as “Winter Sonata,” “Dream High” and “Music Bank” will help introduce basic conversation skills.

As well as the scheduled programs, interviews with Korean stars will also aid the learning process through KBS World in October.

The learning material will also be made available on the Web site www.sejonghakdang.org from October.

“The lectures will be easy to follow, and next year, we’ll include even more programs,” said a spokesperson from the ministry.

By Carla Sunwoo [carlasunwoo@joongang.co.kr]
class="entry-title"Yang Hyun Suk says “money is not important” when it comes to Psy’s U.S. debut source: allkpop
by: leesa86

[skipped, unrelated]

Just as Bae Yong Jun created a Korean drama craze in Japan with ‘Winter Sonata‘, and just as BoA served as the first pioneer for K-Pop overseas, Psy needs to play that kind of role in the States,” he added. “It doesn’t matter how much money Psy makes in the States. He needs to break down obstacles, as well as break down prejudices in regards to Korean artists. Thanks to Psy, artists such as Big Bang, and 2NE1, as well as other Korean artists now have a little more potential when it comes to breaking the world market.”

[skipped, unrelated]

for the complete artcle, click here: http://www.allkpop.com/2012/09/yang-hyun-suk-says-money-is-not-important-when-it-comes-to-psys-u-s-debut
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Guest iluvugudbye

[Photo Ad] BYJ 2013 Diary sample

source: bofi/koo's blog

much thanks.. :)>-







it says lots of wuri Yong Joon's photos that was taken in New York.

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Guest iluvugudbye

not much news on our precious taewang today. so while waiting, i will repost one of my most favorite Bae Yong Joon stories. this is the story im not getting tired of reading many many times. perhaps many of our baesisters are very familiar with this especially the sisters who have been a fan since 2002 or even before the hallyu boom. but for the newer ones, i hope you will enjoy reading it. this was taken from pricilla's old blog (can no longer access her site). she collated different BYJ news and articles and formed it into a story. THIS IS QUITE LONG...  here it is:

Priscilla... Searching for Yong Jun

"Oh no, there you go again! Why do you have to analyze everything? We both want to be performers, our kind sunbae* found this academy that would give us acting lessons for free. Although the school closed down, we should be thankful we can still use this place to practice."
His friend was right, as usual. He always has a positive attitude. That's why he could talk about everything with Ohjoong, from cars to girls, work and study. He never know such a friend before.
"What are you thinking of? Move your butt up and let's practice... for our bright future!" Yes, he thought to himself, "for our bright future..." Surely such day would come. But why do he still have that lingering doubt?

Later the same year, he tried his luck in another film-company, but things didn't look more promising than before. Actually, this one seemed to be financially shaken. They were in the process of making a movie called "Pilgu," which seemed to be a never ending project. At least he was glad he has learnt how to play around with the camera. Besides, he was asked by the director to play as an extra, a friend of the main character, Lee Min Woo. In a way, he realized they were trying to cut the production cost, which meant he would not be paid. But that was the least of his worries for he has appeared at other movies before, as a no name figure. Anything was fine, as long as he could get more exposure. Then, it seemed that he might not even get his monthly salary. His family has been patient enough with him. But he has bills to pay: a manager who kept insisting on being by his side, a new acting school he attended ... and what of his Ellantra car? Should he sell it? His manager has insisted he needed a car, but now he would rather give up his manager than his car! The only thing that kept his hopes up was what the instructor told him: that he has potential. His manager Shin Tackki said that too-- too many times! -- but it was different hearing that from his acting coach.

"For heaven's sake, stop thinking!" Ohjoong had parked his "Aquiles" car on the side walk, and was signaling for him to hop in. His good and faithful manager was there too. But why wasn't he too happy to see him? "Where were you? I've been looking for you everywhere." Mr. Shin explained that there was a new KBS drama that would start soon and they were looking for new faces. "The audition is tomorrow." He went on explaining that it was a mini-series about college students. And the producers were none other than Jeon Gisang P.D. and Yoon Sukho P.D. Really? Tomorrow? That meant they only had one day to prepare! He wasn't ready... "Calm down," he thought to himself. "It's just an audition." He'd been disappointed before, so he wanted to take it easy. It was a good thing that Ohjoong would go with him. They still have the entire day to practice and Ohjoong was amazing at improvising. Besides, their motto has always been, "If it doesn't happen, make it happen."
When he entered KBS Studio the next day, there were not many people at the hall since he was there early. People slowly started to come in. Kwon Ohjoong came running, nervous and excited at the same time. "I couldn't sleep all night," he complained. "It's alright. Let's just try our best, the way we always do." He said that out-loud, more to assure himself than to anyone else. The hall grew silent. The producers and others in charge were entered. He recognized one of them from an article he had recently read: Jeon Gisang P.D.

Ohjoong auditioned first. Watching at his friend, he couldn't help but laugh... Ohjoong had this gift of making people laugh. He himself went on stage much later. After 8 hours of long waiting, the names of the cast were finally called out. "Kwon Ohjoong..." Wow, he was really happy for his friend! Actually, he had known Ohjoong would make it. More names were being called. He was losing hope that he himself would be cast, the chances getting slimmer. Only the main character's name wasn't called out yet, "Bae Yongjun..."
At first, it didn't hit him. He wasn't sure if he had heard right. Jeon P.D. was calling him, giving him some further instructions, smiling at him and congratulating him. It was only outside that he realized what had just happened. His father has told him, "Take charge of your destiny." Then, at that moment, he feels confident, he could really do that. At once, he screamed and jumped with joy!

to be continued.....
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Guest iluvugudbye

hello! :)>- me again... he he.. still no news on our taewang. so while we wait let's proceed to part two of pricilla's "Searching for Yong Joon". this part talks about wuri Yong Joon's childhood. Enjoy! :)>-

Love Greeting 2: "The Wonder Years"

It was 6:00 a.m. He was supposed to be sleeping since it was Sunday. His mother hates it when he falls asleep during the Mass. He didn't understand why he has to go to church even though they are not in Seoul. His father didn't go. In fact, Dad was already out at the barn, feeding the pigs. That's where he wanted to be too: with the pigs, smelling of sweat and excrement. He couldn't sleep just thinking about it.

He could hear his mom preparing breakfast. Soon, she would take the food to the men working outside. He was going to sneak out and come back before his mom returned.... He got up to change ...

"Oppa, what are you doing?"
Oh, no... "Shhhh! Be quiet! Mom will hear us!"
"Where are you going?"

He sighed. Why do they have to share the same room anyway? He is 10 years her senior, for goodness sake, and they didn't share the same room in Seoul. But he know well that bribing her wouldn't work.

"I'm going to the field. If you want to come with me, you better dress up quickly. And don't make any noise."

After making sure mom was not around, they sneak outside. Once outside, they started running. His sister was calling him, but what the heck... He ran faster, breathing the chilling air of autumn. To avoid the barn, he went up the low hill. From time to time, he turned back to make sure his sister was around. She could be annoying, but nothing could spoil the happiness he feels every time he is on the top: like a bird, looking at the sights below. He feels as happy as he is holding a new-born piggy. He feels like one with nature.

Coming back from his "escapade", he searched around for his sister. However, he couldn't see her anywhere. He called her, but there was no answer. He didn't want any adults to hear him, so he stopped. He ran down the hill, looking for her... There, on top of a huge rock, he saw his sister, sleeping under a tree. She looked so innocent, just like a little angel.

Relieved, he tried waking her up but she wouldn't. He was getting upset, realizing that mom would be back soon. With much effort, he carried her on his back and started running, thinking to himself she's grown so heavy that he has almost tripped. He slowed down, out of breath, saying to himself he still has some time to kill. He could hear his sister talking in her sleep, murmuring, "Oppa please... it hurts..." Oh, no! She was dreaming about "that incident"!

After covering her with a blanket, he smuggled inside on his own, pretending to be asleep, just before his mom come back. His sister continued to mumble nonsense. Wow, how could she sleep so well? But somehow, he didn't realize how tired he is himself. Soon, he took the time machine and travelled back into the land of dreams. All the scenes passed through his mind at a very fast pace, not making much sense. There were all incidents that had happened before his 6th birthday, things he would have forgotten, if his family has not been constanly reminded him.

One day, curious to know how many chick-peas could fit into her sister's nose, he'd convinced her to let him try it. But after the first chick-pea went inside her nose, he couldn't take it out. Somehow, he convinced her not to tell their parents, promising that he would take it out in the morning. She listened to him back then. The problem was that she woke up in the morning crying and with a swollen nose. He has been horrified then, to the big amusement of the doctor...

In another incident, he was watching TV and learned that adults often went to the cash registers and told them, "I'll pay you later." Finding this very insightful, he went inside his favourite store, grabbed some chips and candies and cried, to the astonishment of the store-owner, "I'll pay you later." Mother found this out on her way home, and he learn a good lesson that day. Another day, he saw a toy he longed for the longest time displayed outside the toy store. So, he took it. Knowing his mom was home, he left the toy outside, entered, and after some time he screamed that someone knocked at the door. After opening the door, he told his mother that somebody had just left that toy outside... but he couldn't have fooled her. He had a very memorable beating that day!

Since then, he has some kind of "allergy" towards lying. Right now, even in his sleep, he wonders if he is lying again...

Born in Seoul on August 29th, 1972, he has a normal childhood. His mother is a housewife and a very devoted Catholic. His father worked at a company and always taught him that he is the head of the family. He is a very curious little boy, who is always intrigued at how things are made, breaking up toys in order to re-make it, and asking adults questions they couldn't answer. Still, he wouldn't speak to strangers. And how he hated when someone pulled his cheeks and tried "talking cute" to him! He feels like kicking them!

He has taken a few piano lessons before entering elementary school, but his father made him take up "Tae Kwon Do" instead, saying that piano was for girls. "A man must be tough." Well, his father has sent him to do many other kind of sports which he isn't too thrilled about. He would rather stay at home... He loved to be by himself, reading or even solving hard puzzles.

When he is in 3rd grade at the elementary school, his father had moved to the countryside to open a pigs-barn. The rest of the family visit him every weekend. As the boy is an introvert, he loves it there. But this barn didn't do too well. It went bankrupt by the time he is in 6th grade, forcing the entire family to sell the house and move, switching schools. At the new school, he has gotten into no little fights...

When he was in middle school, he enjoyed studying. He feels each homework like a game, and he is thrilled each time he solves a problem. Sometimes, he would stay up all night doing that. Thus, teachers liked him, but his introverted nature prevailed.

Things changed after he entered High School. He had a crush on a girl who studied at the same library. Instead of studying, he would furtively gaze at her and write "secret letters" and imagined being with her... But before he took the courage to approach her, she disappeared. He never learned her first name. Feeling himself a fool and a coward, he realized being a bookworm was of no help for him. Putting studies aside, he started to "hang out".

He has fooled around during his High School years. Playing sports and even skipping classes periodically, hanging out with peers the adults would not approve of. Acting tough was "cool" too, and he found girls liked that. By his Senior year, he has stolen his first kiss, ready to enter the adult world. But behind that "cool" mask, still lingered his shyness that has always hunt him.

Ever since the bankruptcy, his father has aged fast. Since then, they have not been able to recover financially. As he was graduating from High School, and being the only son, he feels the responsibility of the family upon himself. He applied for the Department of Architecture in Hanyang University, but his years of "fooling around" paid its toll, and he failed. A year later, after staying at a Temple several months in order to study, he tried for law school, but failed again. His mother prayed the rosary daily, mostly worrying for her son. His sister entered music school and is doing her duty as a good daughter. He knows he has to stop being the source of anxiety at home, but by then, he feels studying is not for him. He wanted to do too many things in life. Although his parents couldn't understand him, he feels he should make his own decision.

Then, he has worked in many different places, from being a factory worker to a street peddler. People usually has the wrong impression of him at first, thinking he wouldn't last at the job since he looked too "sheltered". But he is very stubborn and stayed longer than even he wanted... Usually though, the work place would close down, ending in failure. But the greatest reason why he would move on is - he is not satisfied. There should be more in life than this!
That's when he decided to become an actor. Why not? He wanted to do many things in life and what better way can he achieve that than becoming an actor? But deep inside, he knows he isn't too excited about that world. In fact, he is afraid, knowing he didn't like to be under the spotlight, knowing he still feels uncomfortable in large group meetings. But he wants to succeed in life. He wants to earn money and respect. He wants to stop being a burden to his family. After counting and balancing the factors, he decided to "take charge of his destiny."

It took him almost 2 years to get his first role in a TV drama. He was very unprepared for this role, being cast 2 days before the filming started. It came to him so very unexpectedly, he couldn't believe it at first: he was the main character. There was some deliberation going on among the producers and other judges on the day of the audition, but Jeon PD's voice prevailed: He wanted Bae Yong Jun to be Kim Young Min. On that day, the producer Jeon Gi Sang has finally met Bae Yong Jun... and the extraordinary legend is about to begin...


The above is the combination the numerous articles I've read plus my own interpretation =) I have tried to be as factual as possible. Thus, I didn't "invent" any names I weren't aware of. I would like everyone to contribute and help me in this quest. If you know of anything I have written that contradicts with the truth, please feel free to post it or e-mail to me at lovepriscillausa@aol.com. (If you know the source, that would be even better. Sometimes, I couldn't remember the source either...) One thing I didn't include was his love life. I feel that's too personal (might just mention the little incidents he himself talked about). Thank you. Hope you enjoy it!!!

From Korean-drama-forum: "Bae Yong Jun - Biography"
From Star Story (written by BYJ):#3, #4 & 5 (first paragraph) (English translation: #3, #4 & #5 (first paragraph))

still to be continued.....
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Guest iluvugudbye

Annyong! :-h

from anjela's blog:


from koo's blog:

9/7 16:00追記:

it seems that wuri Yong Joon was seen again on the 6th in Shilla Duty Free shop. he was wearing clear eyeglasses, black hat and white jacket? waved and smiled at the family and some were able to shook hands with him. went to gangnam shop thereafter.

note: corrections are welcome. thanks. :)

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Guest iluvugudbye

it's another voting poll for our Taewang being done by innolife.


if you are a reporter which hallyu star (born in the 70s) do you want to interview?

poll runs from september 4 to 23rd.

click his name in Japanese character - ペ・ヨンジュン then click the blue button at the middle bottom.



credits: yj2829/ctang @ baidu

much much thanks.... 

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Guest iluvugudbye

Producer Yoon Sukho is in his mid-thirties, short and unappealing. Drama making has been his love, and he has none other. He is becoming known, especially after last year's super Hit "Neukim" (feeling), through which he made stars out of Son Jichang, Kim Minjong, Lee Jeongjae , Ooh Heejin and Ryu Shiwon among others.

Jeon Gisang is a young drama-producer with potentials, gaining much recognition after his recent hit "Tomorrow, Love." Actually, this long drama was the result of the cooperation with other producers, one of them being Yoon Sukho P.D. This was filmed inside a college campus, portraying the life and struggles of young students who are fighting for their ideologies. Lee Byunghun has done a pretty decent job in there.
It was the fall of 1994; both producers have met again in order to make a mini-series that appealed to the younger generation. They were going to make another college campus drama, but it was going to be lighter and trendy. Trendy dramas were becoming popular, and relative unknowns were becoming super stars overnight. One example of this was "Last Match," with Jang Dong-gun, Son Jichang, Shim Eunha, and others.

The title of their new project was "Love Greeting." Sung HyunAe, that year's Miss Korea, was going to be the female lead. Yoon PD wanted Lee Jeongjae to be the male lead, but he was preparing for an SBS drama special called "Hourglass." "Love Greeting" was scheduled to begin filming in November. They found most of the other characters, but they couldn't locate their main character yet. He was supposed to be the narrator and Sung HyunAe's childhood friend and sweetheart. He was supposed to be the face of the entire drama. Lee Jeongjae had turned it down. Where could they find someone else with that innocent and clean cut look? They had tried several candidates before but failed. An acting school had contacted them about one of their students. Desperate as they were, the production decided to audition 2 days before the November shooting.
During the audition, they have readily decided that Kwon Ohjoong would be the perfect "buddy" of Kim Yongmin, the main character. As for the main character, Jeon Gisang had already decided: the first time he saw Bae Yongjun, he knew he had found the right person. Tall, lean, with a clean complexion, he is the personification of innocence, especially when he smiles.

However, his colleague was not that confident. Yoon PD was a picky and stern man and he still couldn't get over the fact that Lee Jeongjae had turned him down. This new face standing before him looked too insecure and untrained. But they had no other choice. He sighed.
Jeon PD, warm and jovial as usual, invited all the cast and crew to gather for a warm-up drink. That evening, Jeon PD welcomed his little hero, surprised to see him so early. When asked to sing a song, this 22 year old man sang "Please come back to Busan port"... a really popular song but more for the older generation. Jeon PD thought to himself that he has discovered a rare kid, indeed!

Streets of Seoul, near a college campus. A girl was inside a telephone booth, waiting. Two firefighter's truck were stationed nearby, surrounded by multiple cameras and projectors. A short middle-aged man was holding a megaphone and the moment he shouted "ACTION" ... it started to rain. A young man walked towards the booth holding an umbrella, surprising the girl with a smile... "CUT!!!"

A groan was heard everywhere, and people were frowning. "What the heck you think you're doing! What kind of smile is THAT?! Have you come to ruin this show?" Yoon Sukho PD exploded, unable to control himself any longer. This was their first filming day, and here he was, stuck in a 5 minute scene for more than 4 hours. The worst thing was that the narrator and the main character of the drama was the cause of all this delay. Who was this guy anyway... What is his name? Yes, Bae Youngjun... Did he think he could just come and recite some memorized words and that is it? "You don't even know the ABC's of acting, for heaven's sake!" But as soon as he said that, he regretted.

All eyes were on them, few were feeling sorry for the kid but most of them were upset that they had wasted so much time and energy, all other shootings were cancelled for the day. The perpetrator was looking down, unable to answer. Yoon PD, perfectionist and harsh as he was, was a professional too, and he knew when enough is enough. They needed to get that scene over with. The rebuking could wait. Thus, leaving his rage behind, he called for another shot.

An hour later, everyone started packing, finally having gotten the "OK" from the producer, right before the water drained out. If it was any other day, he wouldn't have been satisfied with that scene, but with no sun nor water left, he had no choice. Besides, it was their first day. Ahhhrrr!! This kid was Gisang's idea, he should have been the one to handle this first scene. He was relieved that he didn't have to be there the following day. Let's see what Gisang think of his new discovery then. He smiled to himself, but he was actually really worried about this project...

Yongjun and Ohjoong were silently walking towards the garage, followed by manager Shin.

Ohjoong said, "Hey... Don't take it so seriously, you were just nervous." He got no reply. "We always say that the most important thing is to do our best. You did your best, that's what counts."
"What?! He did his best?!!! Come on, he was terrible today!" The manager continued talking, unaware of the annoyed look of his listeners. "What happened to you today? You messed up... everyone ... else's... schedule..." He stopped, finally getting the hint.

"Tackki, I'll drive him home today. Pick him up in the morning."

Once inside his friend's car, Yongjun closed his eyes, pretending to be sleeping. Ohjoong said, while driving, "Actually, I'm going to a birthday party. I know you had a long day, but it might do you good. Besides, this will help us to know the others better. They seemed to be a very nice bunch."

"Just drop me home, I don't want to ruin anyone's party..." Silence followed.

Ohjoong started suddenly: "Wow, Yoon PD is worse than I thought! I heard he had a bad temper but I didn't think he could be so stubborn and picky like this..." Yongjun closed his eyes again. When they finally reached the destination, he walked outside the car, saying, "Do you know something? Yoon PD and Tackki were right. I was terrible today." He smiled weakly. "Good night!"

Next day, when Jeon PD arrived to the shooting site, not many people were there yet. He had heard of the previous incident and he could imagine people's frustration. The work atmosphere was very important, especially to these group of newbies, none of whom had much experience... this was really not a good beginning.

Somehow though, he was especially worried for his main character. He was the heart of the drama. If he failed, the entire production was going to fail. Where was he now? Had he erred in choosing him? It was too early to say, but he didn't want to believe it. Even as he was thinking this, his eyes caught sight of the kid, seating on a little bench, practicing. The young fella seemed so immersed in what he was doing, he didn't noticed the watchful eyes. People started coming in, some throwing disdainful glances at him, but he was oblivious of his surroundings. Someone said, "Good morning Mr. Jeon PD!" That's when Yongjun realized his Director was standing before him. He awkwardly stood up, bowing, "Good morning..."

"Yes, Good morning. You're early, I see. Did you have a good night's rest?" "Yes sir..." Mr. Jeon padded the youngster's back. "OK, I see you got the eye-glasses I recommended. And the T-shirt suits you well also. It makes you look more like a college student... Go on doing what you were doing and pretend I'm not here.

Youngjun bowed again, and he went back to read the script. Later on, when Jeon PD cried, "Ready... ACTION!"-- this young actor delivered his work, to the great relief of the staff. The atmosphere was clearing out, and people started joking with each other, even among the cast members. They didn't know each other well since they were mostly new, thus they were nervous and yesterday's event have frustrated them. Now, they started to be more at ease.

A week had past and Jeon PD continued patiently instructing his young performers on the art of acting, correcting them whenever they made a mistake, and patiently going over every scene a dozen times over, without losing his composure. The first episodes had been aired, and already viewers started asking who these new faces were. Looking at Yongjun studying his script so carefully, he smiled to himself. People's greatest curiosity had been drawn towards this young figure, "What is the name of the main character?"

He looked around the filming sight and saw with pleasure on how the cast was becoming more united, Kwon Ohjoong being the most popular among them. But strangely enough, Ohjoong is the only one who is friendly towards Yongjun. Most other members either ignored him or avoided him all together. Or was it the other way around, Yongjun being the one avoiding them? The producer was starting to be more and more interested in his protagonist, but the fact that he is always by himself bothered him.

Thus he took him aside and spoke about the importance of getting along with others, especially if one wanted to succeed in the entertainment industry. The youngster nodded with his head and smiled, but he was trying to avoid the issue. The older man let him go, but he had a keen eye and it wasn't for nothing that people called him "Star Maker". He has been good at recognizing people. He felt the kid didn't fully recover from his initial shock and that he feared people still blamed him for that first day incident. The real problem with that was that others could easily mistake that as arrogance. So the wise man made a mental note about this.

Yoon PD took turns at directing, even though the entire crew seemed to prefer his partner, himself being called a "dictator". But he didn't care, as long as there were nice shots. Besides, Gisang had been right about the boy. He searched around, and there he was, reading the script as usual. He remembered the first day incident, and somehow, he wanted to apologize.
"Hemm Hemm!" Yongjun heard and stood up to greet him. "No, you don't have to stand up. I just wanted to ask you if you were taking any private acting lessons somewhere else." The young man looked up inquisitively. "I wanted to let you know I've seen fast improvements in your acting... since the first day." And he smiled a big bear smile. Bae Yongjun blushed and smiled back, feeling that his hard work had finally paid off.

Soon after, both producers took the kids out for a drink, and Jeon PD lectured them on the importance of socializing. There, sharing soju and peanuts, he made them say out loud anything and everything they liked and disliked from each other. As expected, many had misgivings regarding the "hard to approach" Youngjun ssi. *Ohjoong was quick to answer, pulling strings to draw his close friend to get to know the rest of the members. By the end of the night, a wall had been broken between them, and a more confident Yongjun had emerged before the observant eyes of the producers.

"ACTION!" It was Jeon PD's voice. Park Joonhee, the new female lead, took out her right shoes and threw it into the river. The male lead jumped into the water, swimming and searching for the lost shoes. When he came back with it, the producer gave the OK sign. Youngjun was panting on the floor, chilled by the freezing winter waters, and was very uncomfortable after having to swim with jeans on.

"I thought I was going to drown!", he complained. Jeon PD answered, "Really? Good, cuz your facial expression was magnificent!" The young actor smiled with satisfaction. If that's what it takes for a nice picture to come out, he was willing to go through even more near death-experiences!

They've been together for almost 3 months already. Through many mistakes and hardships, the cast members have completely changed. Now, they have become real performers. Other producers were seeking them. Mr. Jeon took special delight in helping Youngjun, his new protege, a mentor-pupil relationship has developed. Whenever he thought of Yongjun, his heart is filled with pride. Although he have lots of polishing to do, he is sure his pupil would go far, and he is excited to see the results.

Both producers have worked together before, but not like this, taking turns one day after another. That had been quite a challenge in itself since their working style were completely opposite. Yet in the end, all had worked for the best, both Directors complementing each other. Yoon PD, though less involved, was also sharp and knew when something was really good. He saw the intimate way the young actor and his mentor talked to each other, and he somehow envied that. What amazed him most about this new star (he was by now sure of that) was that although BYJ had created a "soft image" through the character of Kim Yongmin in "Love Greeting," the producer has seen a tough side too... He has seen his stubborn ways... Thus, Yoon PD would remember this for many years.**

"Love Greeting" was the drama that discovered the future Emperor of Drama. "Love Greeting" was the vehicle through which Jeon PD's Legend began. What kind of drama was that?

The above is the combination the numerous articles I've read plus my own interpretation =) I have tried to be as factual as possible. Thus, I didn't "invent" any names I weren't aware of. I would like everyone to contribute and help me in this quest. If you know of anything I have written that contradicts with the truth, please feel free to post it or e-mail to me at lovepriscillausa@aol.com. (If you know the source, that would be even better. Sometimes, I couldn't remember the source either...) One thing I didn't include was his love life. I feel that's too personal (might just mention the little incidents he himself talked about). Thank you. Hope you enjoy it!!!

*Kwon Ohjoong: To know more on his friendship with BYJ, go to:
http://www.hotelier2002.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=217 (Go down the thread to the one entitled: Kwon Wo Joong says we can trust BYJ )

**To watch an interview with Yoon SukHo PD (in Korean), go to:

From Korean-drama-forum: Bae Yong Jun - Biography

From Star Story (written by BYJ): #5 & #6

To read English translation:
http://www.baeyongjune.com/news/story.htm #5 & #6

note: i think some of the sources are to longer accessible.
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Guest iluvugudbye

Bae Yong Joon's black ferrari was seen parked in front of Macos Adamas store (sells men's accessories) in Apgujeong street, Seoul (near Dosan Park area) on friday night (sept. 7). tweet says wuri Yong Joon drove the car himself and went to a fugu restaurant.


source:twitter/ koo's blog/tomato99

much thanks... :)>-



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Guest iluvugudbye

willenette said: dam-su said: Bae Yong Joon's black ferrari was seen parked in front of Macos Adamas store (sells men's accessories) in Apgujeong street, Seoul (near Dosan Park area).

source:twitter/ koo's blog

much thanks... :)>-

not sure what date and time but as we can see in the pic, it's night time. :)

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