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Fly to the Sky's Brian Prefers Good Personality Over Pretty Looks?

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Hwanhee of R&B group Fly to the Sky has revealed what fellow member Brian looks for in a girl.

The two were guests on SBS PowerFM's "K.Will's Young Street" on May 27 to promote their new album and discuss their personal lives as well as singing careers.

As the topic shifted to relationships, Hwanhee opened the discussion with an insightful comment on Brian's dating history, "Brian has dated many foreign girlfriends throughout the years. However, he never focuses on a girl's looks, but only finds her personality important."

Hearing this, Brian could not help but reveal his teammate's preferences, "Hwanhee likes girls with pretty hands, but isn't an exclusive obsession over girls with pretty hands perverted?" and evoked laughter with his lighthearted joke.

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