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Soompi's Found a New Family - Now Part of Crunchyroll

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Dear Soompiers,

We're very excited to share that Soompi was acquired by Crunchyroll, Inc. on May 16. Many of you may know that Crunchyroll is THE source for watching anime videos online, with a large and passionate forum community not unlike our own. Crunchyroll recently expanded into Korean entertainment with their brand-new KDrama.com site featuring a growing library of top K-Dramas, variety, and music shows, making it a great fit for our community.

We plan to continue operating Soompi as we always have, bringing you the best in Korean pop culture and entertainment through our news, forums, and shop. We'll also be working closely with the KDrama.com team to bring you great video content, fun events, and insider access. Though KDrama.com's beta site is currently limited to the US and Canada, our hope is to be able to grow in both content and access for more fans.

And now for the fine print -- in connection with Crunchyroll’s ownership of Soompi, we are changing our privacy policy and terms of service. Please review the updated policies linked at the bottom of this page. If it sounds good to you, great! No further action needs to be taken. However, if you decide that you do not want your personal information to be transferred to Crunchyroll, please email us at unsubscribe@soompi.com.

We ask for your blessing and your patience as new relationships always take a lot of work. In the end, we are confident that this union will be a win for everyone who considers Soompi to be their home.

Soompi Chaego!
- soomp

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