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Quiz: Which G-Dragon Outfit Are You?

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G-Dragon is one of K-Pop's most iconic idols, and while his music is popular all over the world, he is also a respected fashionista. G-Dragon has no reservations when it comes to wearing the trendiest and most fashion-forward outfits any designer could put together. Whether it be dying his hair multiple colors, wearing kilts, or putting on more layers than an onion, G-Dragon has tried and will try almost anything in the name of fashion. 

Here at Soompi we honor G-Dragon for his fashion sense and acknowledge that some of his best outfits have a deeper spiritual meaning to them. If you were a G-dragon outfit, which one would you be? Take the quiz to find out not only what, but who you really are. 

[playbuzz-game game="http://www.playbuzz.com/soompi10/what-g-dragon-outfit-are-you"]

Want to know what the other results were? Go through the pages below to see all the outcomes. 

Don't forget to take our other quizzes:

Quiz: What Variety Show Should You Be On?

Quiz: What Role Would You Play in a K-Pop Group?


You are Fabulous Military G-Dragon

What's better then taking the strict and rigorous military style and making it FABULOUS? Nothing. Now drop and give me fifty... more of those outfits! 


You are Amish Businessman G-Dragon

This is what an Amish stock broker would wear on his way to Wall Street. You have the traditional and old-timey mindset, with the drive and steely ambition of a man who will make money. Bonus: This outfit also comes with scantily clad flight attendants. 


You Are Cruella G-Dragon

You believe in the classics. Black and white: a timeless combination that shouldn't stop with your clothes. Make it go all the way to the top of your head and hair. 


You Are Good Ol' Kwon Ji Yong 

Even G-Dragon needs to tone it down sometimes and become Kwon Ji Yong for a clean cut look. It must get tiring wearing runway clothes all the time. Sometimes all you need is a polo shirt and an adorable expression.



You Are Retro Garbage G-Dragon

You make the phrase "look like garbage" a compliment of the highest praise. Sure, it looks like you put together this outfit from a landfill, but you did with style and made the whole look retro. Way to recycle. 


You Are Gold Cotton Candy G-Dragon

You are a party animal who needs to wear sunglasses to a club because your shirt is too shiny and your hair too awesome. You should probably pass out sunglasses wherever you go because who could handle such a visual feat? 


You Are Serial Killer G-Dragon

You're probably not a serial killer in real life. Right? You look great even in a raincoat that is clearly made to keep out blood, I mean, rain. Please don't hurt me. 


You Are Yeti Pimp G-Dragon

Sure, you may be like the wild mysterious beast of the snowy mountains, but you also have swag. So much swag that you need not one, but two gold purses. Bling bling, baby. 

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