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EXO's Luhan Joins Instagram!

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EXO's Luhan is now a member of the Instagram community!

While his account has been there for over two months, the much-awaited confirmation of the account's legitimacy recently took place, when fellow EXO-M member Kris started following him on Instagram. Fans have shown excited reactions to the EXO members' recent trend of joining the popular SNS.

So far, he has delighted the fans with four snapshots of his life. He seems to have a big thing for shoes, as he has posted two photos of pretty sneakers. The rest of the two pictures are charming shots of him, one of them showing him fashionably dressed at an event, and the other is a handsome selca.

Luhan has currently around 500,000 followers, and you can become one of them by following him here!

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