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Movie Attendance Drops Due to Sewol Ferry Tragedy

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The number of moviegoers has dropped drastically due to the Sewol Ferry tragedy that has cause the nation to fall into grief and anger. 

Comparison of last week Saturday’s top five box office sales with this Saturday’s top five shows just how deep in sorrow the whole nation is under.

Last Saturday on April 12, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” ranked No.1 in the box office attracting as many as 201,313 people in one day. In No. 2 was the Korean action thriller, “Broken” with 157,412 people. No. 3 was the Hollywood blockbuster, “Hercules: The Legend Begins,” which attracted 52,324 people. In No. 4 was “Son of God” with 44,742, and in No. 5 was “Grand Budapest Hotel” recording 28,000 people.

The box office sales took a dip compared to previous months due to the fact that it is off-season and since the top seller, “Captain America,” has already has been holding a prolonged influence in the box office. The total sales of the top five movies amounted to 483,920, which is not even close to a No.1 box office hit during the peak season.

The theater, which has already been experiencing a hit due to the off-season, suffered even a bigger setback due to the Sewol Ferry incident. Just looking at the box office sales from this Saturday April 19 shows just how the number of moviegoers has decreased. “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” still ranks No. 1, but with a significantly lower number compared to last week with 108,779 people. In No.2 is Hollywood action film, “Divergent” with 91,580, and “Broken” recording No.3 with 80,544 people. In No.4 is “Son of God” with 28,685 people and No.5 is “Need for Speed” with 24,723 people.

The total number of moviegoers for this Saturday amounted to 334,310 people not even amounting to half of the usual amount during this time of year.


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