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[Recap] It's Not Easy Being a 3rd and 4th Wheel – We Got Married 09.21.13


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This week on “We Got Married,” Taemin, Son Na Eun, Key, and Jung Eun Ji make Minho and Jonghyun feel like the third and fourth wheels, Jung Yoo Mi visits Jung Joon Young's home and doesn't like what she sees, and Yoon Han cooks Lee So Yeon a romantic dinner.

It's not easy being a third and fourth wheel – this is your Soompi WGM Recap!

(In case you missed it, check out last week’s recap – A Match Made in Heaven?)


I love holiday specials. I love what they make celebrities do for Chuseok. They don't just dress them up in traditional clothing, they work them for our amusement. Thanks Korean celebrities!

For this Chuseok special, Taemin and Son Na Eun receive a mission from the WGM producers. Ever since I first started writing recaps, I don't think I've seen one mission that the couples actually wanted to do. This one required the young couple to wear hanboks and give traditional Thanksgiving bows to the in-laws, a.k.a the other SHINee members. Remember the last time Minho and Key visited their home? Na Eun does, very clearly and she makes no effort to hide that this is not something she wants to do. A mission is a mission after all, so the two decide that they can't just go empty-handed and settle on bringing homemade rice cakes. 

Since they don't know where to begin, they call up Son Na Eun's mother. This will be the first time Taemin interacts with his mother-in-law, and both Taemin and Na Eun are nervous. They need not be, turns out Na Eun's mother really likes Taemin and SHINee. She even calls Taemin "Lee Sabang" (basically translates to son-in-law). Taemin likes the sound of that.  Wait, why did they call up Na Eun's mother again? Oh right, rice cakes. Nope, she doesn't know how. They're on their own.


The poor kids. The WGM producers filmed this early in the morning so the rice cakes would be done in time to go visit the SHINee house. Why did they make the couples make everything by hand? Why can't they just go to a store and pick it up? The two make the rice cakes together and Taemin, typical Taemin, decides to put wasabi in one (why is there even wasabi in this house?). He tells Na Eun he's going to give it to Jonghyun. Why pick on the poor dinosaur? No one has forgotten that a long time ago Na Eun picked Jonghyun as her ideal type. Na Eun sighs during the interview and says that if she could go back in time, she would pick Taemin. 

The two try on their pink hanbok, and I know they're supposed to be a married couple but they look like siblings. They look like their parents dressed them in matching hanbok before they go to their grandmother's house for Chuseok. Taemin even tries to braid Na Eun's hair like two school girls. Sigh. Has anyone noticed that we haven't seen so much of Taeman in recent episodes? I miss him.


Ah, SHINee. It was especially good to see Jonghyun but where is Onew? When will he make his appearance on the show? They look a little tired but also eager to torture their youngest member. Taemin and Na Eun apprehensively enter the SHINee household and awkwardly give their bows. It doesn't look like Na Eun actually knows how to do it properly but she looks so darn cute, I don't think the boys really noticed. 

Taemin and Na Eun bring out the oddly shaped rice cakes. The boys tell Na Eun to choose for each member a rice cake and she obediently gives Jonghyun the wasabi one. It only takes one bite for Jonghyun to discover he's been betrayed. "Didn't you say you liked me?" he exclaims. Everyone knew who the real culprit was but what can they do when it was Na Eun committed the dirty deed? The door bells rings, and Taemin announces that they ordered something very special and Key should go answer the door.


It's Jung Eun Ji! Key is surprised and very happy. Minho and Jonghyun are quick to make Key and Eun Ji bow to them too, scrambling on top of the massage chair so they could be at the highest spot. Eun Ji is a good sport about the whole thing, she even brought fruit for all of them and gifts for just Key. Na Eun shows how much better she has gotten at fruit cutting and Taemin even breaks an apple with his bare hands to prove his love for his wife. So we have Taemin and his wife on one side and Key and his temporary girlfriend/wife on the other side. That leave Minho and Jonghyun in the middle.


Jongho is my favorite pairing from SHINee. Usually pairings consist of one masculine member and another less masculine member (Minho and Taemin, Jonghyun and Key, Onew and Chicken) but with these two, there is no less masculine member. They're not usually paired together, but when they are things get exciting. Jonghyun usually initiates trouble with his noonchi and quick wit and then Minho escalates it by jumping on. It gets so noisy when the two are together. Here the two are brought together by the mere fact that they have run out of females in the room. Throughout the episode they put on a two man show as they mimic and make fun of the two couples. As fun as that can be, I'm sure they would have much rather been paired up with an A Pink member than with each other. 

Being a third and fourth wheel may not be very fun but at least they have each other?


I ended the last episode having mixed feelings about the Jung Couple. For the most part I didn't like them too much but now I enjoy watching them bicker. Jung Joon Young is a naturally funny guy and Jung Yoo Mi has the energy to react to him in a way that makes it entertaining.

The two continue their date and move to a room with musical instruments and a very distracting giant photo of a cat. Joon Young impresses Yoo Mi with musical talents, because there is no denying that this guy is talented. It's too bad that when he's not singing, he's acting like a sly teenage boy. Yoo Mi expresses her desire to learn how to play the guitar so Joon Young decides to give her an on-the-spot lesson. To his credit, Joon Young is an encouraging yet honest teacher. Yoo Mi is no music genius, but I thought she managed to remember the finger positioning without too much difficulty. 


For their second meeting Yoo Mi goes to Joon Young's house. When she tries to surprise her husband by popping out from behind the door, he just gives her a cool "Hello." Yoo Mi really wants to have the typical WGM romance, but Joon Young isn't interested. He proudly shows off his home which looks like a typical bachelor pad with a room dedicated to his computer games, alcohol in the fridge and under the sink, and a closet full of track suits. Yoo Mi looks around and asks, "I've seen singers have their recording equipment in a room." Joon Young is quick to ask how many singer's homes has she been to. He also suggest they just use this place as their WGM home and, no thank you, Yoo Mi does not want that, at all.


It's time to go the official WGM house so Yoo Mi comes in the WGM car to pick Joon Young up (why is his stylist still dressing him in sweaters?). At first I wondered why Yoo Mi was driving and then later I remembered Joon Young doesn't have his license. So why is he ordering Yoo Mi around as she drives? He even calls her a bad driver. Erm, pot calling the kettle black, much? At least she has her license. The two start bickering in the car and Danny gleefully extorts that this was the kind of couple he was looking for. I guess if you're an MC on the show, you want to something other than just romance. 


What do I call this couple? Romantic Couple? The premise of this couple is that they are of the marrying age and they want this virtual marriage to become the real thing. For the second part of their date, Yoon Han cooks for Lee So Yeon a three course meal. Yoon Han is the complete opposite of Jung Joon Young. Yoon Han is all about the gentleman image. He pulls out So Yeon's chair, cooks her dinner, and makes some cheesy but harmless jokes. It's almost stereotypical. The only time he actually looks comfortable is during the interview. This is still the first date so hopefully we will get to know more of the real Yoon Han later.


So Yeon is an actress so of course Yoon Han is going to ask her about the romantic scenes. She admits that she's done quite a few, but it's expected of an actress. For her latest project she doesn't quite have a kiss scene but she does show her seduction skills. This catches Yoon Han's interest and he doesn't quite let go of it. He wants to see it in action; he wants to see it done on him. So Yeon complies to his request, after all she is a professional, and slides her hands down Yoon Han's arms. Yoon Han freezes, taken aback. He didn't think she would actually do it, and so forcefully too. That doesn't mean he didn't enjoy it. Afterward he couldn't hide his smile. I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of So Yeon's "seduction skills."



While Yoon Han was cooking, So Yeon prepared questions that she felt were important to ask one another. When she asks "how much did I match with your expectations?" he answers, "0%." So Yeon's initial reaction is surprise and a bit of sadness. Was he disappointed? Of course not. He explains, "0% because you're prettier [than my expectations]." Sigh. This is like watching the grown up version of Taemin and Na Eun. They're gross, but it's the good kind of gross. It's sort of sweet. She even gets him to sing for her, which he does while looking into her eyes. It was lovely and all, but I'm waiting for them to stop doing all the cliche romantic stuff and start showing something more unique. I like that they are in it for the real thing, but I think this couple also needs to set themselves apart from the previous lovey-dovey couples. 

Hopefully we'll see it in the next episode when they go on a picnic date with two adorable dogs. Also in that episode, we''ll see more Jongho struggling with being sandwiched between the two couples.

 That's all for this recap! Do you love Jongho too? Leave a comment below and as always, talk to Noona! Follow her on Twitter  or send your questions/feedback via email.

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