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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2015] My Best Ex-boyfriend 最佳前男友


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87692f20jw1evrwvqli91j21911w0npf.jpg87692f20jw1evrwvmjn50j20yi0n0kjl.jpg87692f20jw1evrwvseznoj20yi0muhdt.jpg87692f20jw1evrwwb1erbj20zk0no7wh.jpg收官啦!好舍不得[可怜][可怜] 感恩在这部戏中认识的每一个朋友,教了我很多东西!谢谢一直关注小奈的小伙伴们~ 希望大家继续关注雨宸接下来的作品[心][心]么么哒[爱你][爱你]# Drama best ex-boyfriend # ending it! Good bear [Poor] [Poor] @ drama Best gratitude ex-boyfriend in this film know every friend, he taught me a lot! Thank you been concerned about the small Chennai little friends ~ I hope you continue to focus on the works of the next rain Chen [heart] [heart] Meme da [love you] [love you

6824a5cagw1evi85bh1hfg206y03wu14.gif6824a5cagw1evi85dn3nug206y03wu12.gif6824a5cagw1evi85e1caij21hc0tsdiz.jpg6824a5cagw1evi85ea28lj21hc0tsgov.jpg6824a5cagw1evi85ee2r7j21hc0tsgok.jpg6824a5cagw1evi85eks2oj21hc0tsq5d.jpg6824a5cagw1evi85emooyj21hc0ts77b.jpg6824a5cagw1evi85exf9sj21hc0ts76n.jpg6824a5cagw1evi85f4943j21hc0tsju4.jpg【唯旭视频】第25.26集 李唐终于明白到原来一直没能给方思安全感,现在知道也不算晚[贊]贺5亿福利送动图“桥咚”真心版&贺收视上升送“洗澡”偶遇版,Video] 25.26 Xu Wei Tang set has finally realized that the original did not give the parties a sense of security thinking, now know is not too late [Chan] He sent 500 million welfare action figure "bridge boom" He really Edition & ratings rising feed "bath" occasional edition,再接再厉[good]下載 Make persistent efforts [good] Download..from weibo..[心][心][心][心][心][心][心][心]

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005Cw6ULjw1ewg1g5t1y7j31jl0v9wk2.jpg005Cw6ULjw1ewg1k7g2twj31jl0v9q98.jpg005Cw6ULjw1ewg1kqd47rj31jl0v9tej.jpg005Cw6ULjw1ewg1l08zacj31jl0v90zf.jpg005Cw6ULjw1ewg1kuygftj31jl0v9jxt.jpg005Cw6ULjw1ewg1l412bbj31jl0v9gse.jpg005Cw6ULjw1ewg1l7urwbj31jl0v9jxl.jpg005Cw6ULjw1ewg1n4r5bfj31jl0v9jxr.jpg005Cw6ULjw1ewg1na62muj31jl0v9agb.jpgAutumn Moonlight welcome again to relive sugar couples, Tang Tang Fangsi really imagined sweet [kiss] [kiss], but also to eat moon cake sweet than sweet ah [glutton] [glutton] [heart] [heart] [Heart ] [heart] [heart] @ Jerry Jerry中秋迎月夜又在重温方糖夫婦,唐唐方思真是越看越甜蜜[亲亲][亲亲],甜得比吃月餅還要甜啊[馋嘴][馋嘴][心][心][心][心][心]

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684f6ea6jw1evw6lf333gj20hr0hswg2.jpg684f6ea6jw1evw6ln0r2rj20hr0hs407.jpg684f6ea6jw1evw6lbcn4rj20hr0hstbt.jpg684f6ea6jw1evw6lon0lzj20hr0hst9v.jpg684f6ea6jw1evw6lxja0yj20hr0hs0uc.jpg684f6ea6jw1evw6tqra77j20hr0hswg5.jpg684f6ea6jw1evw6tplpm8j20hr0hs0uw.jpg684f6ea6jw1evw6tsnvetj20hr0hsgn8.jpg684f6ea6jw1evw6tttugij20hr0hswg2.jpg「沒有值不值得 只有願不願意」這句話實在太有共鳴[贊]@身邊的人都會問我們這群迷戀在星星世界裡的人[兔子]值得這樣花時間嘛[想一想]而自己的答案永遠是[推薦]我願意一直待在⭐️身邊  第三十三集 20150831"No worthwhile only willing," this sentence is too resonate [Chan]Ron Ron Ng will ask the people around us obsessed with the stars of the world where these people [the rabbit] Well worth it to spend time [Think ] and his answer is always [recommend] I would always stay around # ⭐️ best ex-boyfriend ## YIN Hao-ran thirty third set # 20150831..from weibo...

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话说唐唐为了搞清楚方思跟浩然约会到底是啥意思还真是伤透了脑筋啊,不厌其烦的拷问,喋喋不休的试探、不依不饶的毒舌,完全就是一个吃醋吃到心里去的大男孩! 在方思面前,李唐总是不经意地展示最真实的一面,撒娇、卖萌、腹黑、毒舌,火力全开,一点都不客气,额头伤了,耍赖要方思给他补营养,一顿饭补不够,必须补到伤好为止。。。《最佳前男友》片段欣赏之六:吃醋


而且,他那张嘴巴不光会吃,还特能掰,听方思说她对浩然不是喜欢,只是感激,他马上飚一句:赶鸡,我还赶鸭呢《最佳前男友》片段欣赏之六:吃醋, 然后就毫不留情地对“情敌”各种人身攻击:他除了比我矮一点,丑一点,娘炮一点,到底哪一点比我好?啧啧啧,我唐这自信心,跟他大哥道明寺比还真是有过之 无不及哟,关键是,他歪理邪说一套一套的,张口就来,看似幼齿无脑,其实句句都在阐述自己的宗旨,绝不废话,让人捧腹,更让人佩服《最佳前男友》片段欣赏之六:吃醋I believe this scene is one of the all-wook fan favorite "best ex-boyfriend" fragment enjoy six: jealous. . .


I recall a little white oeuvre statement since his debut, no doubt, Tang should be all up to his role in one of the lines (the key is also very interesting lines), take a look at this dinner theater, not a long time He said a Che Gulu twitter, only a few minutes, a naive funny, sharp-tongued president handed funny than it was made by a small Asahi vivid brought before us, lovely index broke sky "best ex-boyfriend" fragment of appreciation Six: jealous!


To find out the words of Don Don Chu Fangsi date with awe-inspiring in the end is what is really meant is a headache ah, patiently torture, chatter temptations Buyiburao tongue, it is entirely a jealous mind to go eat a big boy! In front of the square thinking, Tang always inadvertently show the real side, baby, sell Meng, black belly, tongue, struck the first blow, not at all rude, forehead hurt, shamelessly Fang thought to his nutritional supplement, a meal food subsidies is not enough, we must make up to a good hurt so far. . . "Best ex-boyfriend" fragment enjoy six: jealous



And he goes on mouth will not only eat, but also special to breaking, listen to awe-inspiring side thinking that she is not fond of, but grateful, he immediately Biao one: to catch chickens, ducks I also catch it the "best ex-boyfriend" fragment of appreciation Six: jealous, and then mercilessly to "rival" all kinds of personal attacks: he made a little shorter than me, ugly little richard simmons gun a little, in the end what point better than me? Tut tut, I Tang this self-confidence, with his brother really is Daoming Si ratio surpasses yo, the key is, he was a set of fallacies, mouth came, seemingly Chicks no brain, in fact every word In expressing his own purpose, no nonsense, people laugh, but also admire the "best ex-boyfriend" fragment enjoy six: jealous.

再就是,他这顿饭吃得还真是够本,不停的吃,不停 的点菜,不停的”训导“方思,说到激动处,还要抢方思的手机看谁排在第一,忙得不可开交,连老板娘都被他夸成了一朵花,仅仅只看他这一顿饭的表现,我就可 以说,李唐绝对是众多总裁中最有趣,最能掰,最无厘头,也最有娱乐精神的一个《最佳前男友》片段欣赏之六:吃醋


最后当然要夸一下言小旭,他这场戏演得特别自然洒脱,完全浑然天成,没有一丝一毫的表演痕迹,从台词到动作,从眼神到最细微的表情,甚至他手上的筷子和他额头上的伤疤都在表达他心中的不平和醋意,极其自然,绝对可以给满分。《最佳前男友》片段欣赏之六:吃醋Then, he ate the meal this really is enough, stop eating, stop order, stop the "discipline" side thinking, when it comes to excitement at the thought of the party but also to grab the phone to see who came in first, busy, even the boss every time he boasted became a flower, just look at his performance of this meal, I can say that many CEO Tang is definitely the most interesting, most breaking, most nonsensical, and most have a fun spirit of "best ex-boyfriend" fragment enjoy six: jealous.


Finally, of course, to boast about the words small Asahi, he played this scene was particularly natural and easy, completely natural, not a shred of performance traces, from the lines to the action, from the eyes to the most subtle expression, even chopsticks in his hand and he scar on his forehead in the expression of his mind injustice and jealousy, very natural, absolutely we can give out. "Best ex-boyfriend" fragment enjoy six: jealous


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62188429gw1evac7u5zx3j20z01qcaqb.jpg62188429gw1evac7ufy8tj20ku0kutdc.jpg62188429gw1evac7uspfzj20xc1cw45j.jpg【剧有礼】"国民初恋" 从男友力十足的道明寺,到霸气攻陷我心的李唐,陪你谈过这么多场恋爱,你是不是我的来投票吧~说出你和的故事或晒出"合照",并@ 三位好友,还有签名照好礼等着你![鼓掌]活动详情请戳大图↓ [Drama courteous # my ex-boyfriend Jerry # "national love" @ Jerry Jerry boyfriend full force from the Daoming Si, to domineering Tang captured my heart, accompany you talked to so many games in love, you are not my ex-boyfriend # # best? To vote it ~ [far right] O you are not my "best ex-boyfriend?" # Jerry # tell you the story or drying out "photo" and @ three friends, as well as autographed photos of Gifts waiting for you! [Applause] event details, please poke big picture

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87692f20jw1eqkks9nykvj216k1kwx6q.jpg87692f20jw1eqy12b3z07j20yi0yitgz.jpg87692f20jw1eraoej14qxj20zk0qo4qp.jpg87692f20jw1eraoetwviaj20qo0zkhdt.jpg87692f20jw1eraoeg1t2ij20qo0zke81.jpg87692f20jw1es987p6xxej20qo0qojwa.jpge8f51f77jw1evwlwmvkywj20qo0f0dj9.jpg....and...now ..the pieces of memories..!!..only..good actors, young,beautiful and talented...!.................one great ...TEAM...!!!

9f2a8c7fjw1evhl4akqu1j20vk0hswgu.jpg9f2a8c7fjw1evhl4axdapj20uo0haabq.jpg9f2a8c7fjw1evhl4aj03gj218g0p0juu.jpg9f2a8c7fjw1evhl4b8fhpj20uo0ha0um.jpg吴卓羲路转粉 比在tvb里的角色好很多啊 又帅又多金又有能力又暖暖暖!![色][色][色]给我一个尹浩然吧!ee909d.png[doge]我知道你被我吸引了!约!# ## Best ex-boyfriend gave me a YIN Hao-ran # Ron Ng Road, turn powder is better than in a lot of roles in tvb ah handsome addition of gold have the ability to turn warm warm! ! [Color] [color] [color] give me a YIN Hao-ran it! [doge] I know you were attracted me! About!..from weibo..today...29.09.2015...

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988090f8jw1ewnatzgbfoj20u00yfjuw.jpg988090f8jw1ewnau0q325j20hr0hq404.jpg最最可爱的李唐[爱你][爱你][爱你]【【最佳前男友】李唐精选台词第24集】更多精彩尽在360手机浏览器!Most adorable Tang [love you] [love you] [love you] [[ex] the best selection of lines Tang Episode 24] more exciting to do in 360 mobile browser!..weibo.03.10,2015...

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Guest lilsunxuxu

earlier when Best hit 500m, Maggie commented that they should post another pic if it hits 1b.. and she also rebuked at Jerry: You just "dead fat" lolz...

 mid Sep, the drama hit over 2b... not sure the numbers now... anyone?  fighting~~~~

*apparently, Maggie also just broke up not long with her ex - Hu ge.. hope she has really got out of it~~~


[Weibo Update: My Best Ex-Boyfriend]: Jerry Yan and Maggie Jiang: REEL or REAL?

Let’s take a break from my “My Best Ex-Boyfriend” episode recaps first and discuss some real-life news about our beloved cast members! This is like a special edition of my favorite Weibo round-up because all of the bits here about the actors and actresses are just from Weibo ;)

11908193_10207302119700281_1017260412_nI’m totally on board this ship if ever there’s a chance that it’ll actually come true!


This is obviously a typical scenario in dramaland led by delusional fans (I’m one of them!). Fans become so invested in a pairing so they make an item out of it. It may be annoying for some because why would you interfere in an actor/actress’ private life?! But I guess that’s just how it goes in the world of entertainment and fandoms.

Screenshot 2015-08-29 14.26.09

“My Best Ex-Boyfriend” has broken the 500 million record of viewers in one night!!! It even beat the usually top-rating dramas like “The Journey of Flower” top-billed by Zhao Liying and Wallace Huo, “Diamond Lovers” with Rain and Tiffany Tang, and “Whirlwind Girl” with Yang Yang and Chen Xiang. And because of that…


Maggie Jiang (as Fangsi) decided to post a picture of her and Jerry Yan (as Tang) to celebrate their half a billion success!

As an avid watcher and recapper of this drama + Jerry Yan fan, their success has also made me so proud!

This is why people also thought that Maggie has moved on pretty quickly after breaking things off with his famous ex-boyfriend actor Hu Ge. I actually feel bad for her because I feel like she didn’t have any ill intentions on posting the photo with Jerry because it was just obviously a form of fan service. Seeing her post actually made me so happy because ever since they started filming a drama, I have always wanted her to share a photo with Jerry. Wish granted yay!


There are only two reasons for Jerry Yan going online on Weibo:

1.) Indirectly tell fans that he’s still pretty much active in the entertainment industry by telling them to support his latest project.

2.) Expression of his gratitude to all of the fans who keep supporting him.

Because of the breaking news of half a billion, of course our man just had to go online! Maggie replied to his Weibo by telling him that they should post another picture if they hit the one billion mark (*crossing my fingers*). She also called him “dead fat” and I’m guessing that they were still acting as Fangsi and Tang. How adorable! Fans even commented that they should post a kissing photo if they hit the one billion mark LOL. Sounds ridiculous but I’m definitely game with that too haha!

Here’s more of Maggie Jiang being cute on Weibo:


“Why do people always hurt me? People are also very concerned with image”. With Jerry/Tang always torturing her in the drama, and Ron/Haoran dropping her into a fountain, it sucks to be Maggie/Fangsi sometimes too haha!


“This is the former, this is the current”. Her caption when she posted a photo with Viola Mi. Aww my girls! Hope they keep posting more photos from the drama (set or any occasion) please <3


Ending this post with a Hello Kitty parallel of Maggie and Jerry that I made a few months ago that the “My Best Ex-Boyfriend” Weibo account reposted. Of course I fangirled so hard because both Maggie and Jerry are following the account as well haha! As of now, we don’t have enough evidence to say that our beloved Tang and Fangsi’s relationship is actually happening in real life but I wouldn’t mind if it does ;) What can you say about this possible pairing? Yay or Nay? Hope to see your comments below!


source: https://skimmedmilkdrama.wordpress.com/2015/08/29/weibo-update-my-best-ex-boyfriend-jerry-yan-and-maggie-jiang-reel-or-real/

Edited by lilsunxuxu
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Guest lilsunxuxu

if you have the weibo account, please vote for Jerry!

he has been nominated for the best actor in the 2015 National Drama Festival (TV drama awards in China), for his role, Li Tang in My Best Ex-boyfriend.  please see the below details on how to support him...... TIA <3


Once again..

Jerry Yan is nominated for Best Actor as Li tang for My Best Ex Boyfriend in the 2015 National Drama Festival (TV drama awards in China).

for those who have weibo account let's help our boss to win this category by forwarding microblogging.

Just go to #国剧盛典 National Drama Festival http://weibo.com/u/2478261842 weibo page, after that you will see their first post on the page, then REPOST it as many times as you can.

Please don't forget to mention @言承旭Jerry (Jerry Yan) or the hashtag #言承旭 before reposting! So everyone, Let's support our Boss!

Thank you. Fighting!!! ❤ #言承旭 #jerryyan #国剧盛典 #最佳前男友


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hello @thunderman1, @corearen, finally... after much marathoned with Li Tang, I have done with Best..

gosh....that Ying Hao Ran!!! He's really a cheapskate... so what he had done so much for Fangsi.... it's only right for him to do it!!!!  Though I'm abit touched by.his gestures.. still nothing compares to Li Tang's undying love for Fangsi.. even the day they broke up till they met again,  the numerous things he had done for her.....bought the factory.... even when.Fancy was sold.... he bought her brand and refused to.let it go to Xiangnan, and even went down his knees to safeguard Fancy just for her :tears:

that Haoran!! rotten egg!  when tried patched back with Xiangnan, told her Li Tang's not right for her, that he is able to give her happiness!!! Then when wooing Fangsi, also told Fangsi Li Tang's too childish, not for her :angry::angry:

at least Li Tang a real gentleman, even when he broken up with Xiangnan, he still cared and protected her...... 

BTW, when he and Xiangnan broke u, he cried... and thanked Fangsi that she looked from him cos he was down n played squash to frustrate out his anger...admitted he didnt handle the things well... do you think if Fangsi never ever appeared, he will continue to love Xiangnan??

though he may not forget Fangsi, but at least from.the 1st ep, we saw how Li Tang dote on Xiangnan, and came back specially to spend the Valentine's day wit her as Li Tang's not stationed in China, also he setup the fashion company to.promote Xiangnan as one of the top model per what he had promised her then.

so much so about Best, missing Li Tang:tears:

Edited by jasLSW
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Guest lilsunxuxu

Viola Mi - 米露 - her first on screen kiss.... stolen by Jerry Yan (in My Best Ex-boyfriend) from weibo

10/12-临沂广播电视报【“荧屏初吻”给了言承旭】 每一场戏对我来说都是主场戏。”米露的荧屏初吻也给了言承旭,与自己的偶像拍摄吻戏的当天,米露紧张到不知所措。在言承旭默契地配合下,拥有精湛演技的她很快从小粉丝心态调整回到角色里,完成了她在荧幕上首次献出的、浪漫如梦的“荧屏初吻”。


translated by google translate:

10 / 12- Linyi Radio and Television [" screen kiss " to the Jerry ] every scene for me is the home theater . " Meter exposed screen kiss also gave Jerry , and his idol shooting kiss day , tension meter exposed to a loss in the next Jerry tacit understanding , with superb acting , she soon grew up a fan mentality adjust back role , the completed gave her first on screen, the romantic dream of the " screen kiss ."



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Guest lilsunxuxu

the sunglasses he wore in My Best Ex-boyfriend?

Shenzhen Airport 2015-Aug-07



scene from My Best Ex-boyfriend.

remember the famous: "you jump, I jump!!!" from Titanic LOLz005Pgt3Djw1est92btlm8j30k00dcjsv.jpg  images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR3v7jWAwYV7BAjflJOQw0

flash backs.....

ha, I think this line from Fangsi must be an add on?  I really really love you

when Fangsi said that, the natural smile and laughter lit on Jerry's face :wub:

I really really love you.. as mentioned earlier was Jerry Yan's song from album: My Secret Lover (我的秘密情人) released in 2010.





guess, whose hand Jerry was letting go?! ha


thought these were funny.. the scenes where Haoran got drunk, and Li Tang had to stay behind to look after him, as he worried Haoran will take advantage of Fangsi in his drunken stage :lol:





extras...... wooohooo Jerry's a very good basketball player.

this was during Hot Shot..


the way he looked at Fangsi....... haha


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  • 2 months later...

I'm already late but I have to shared with you my feelings after watching MY BEST EX BOYFRIEND on this day , Its just like I still love Jerry Yan more since F4 days. I cried with him due to his acting in EP39 asking his father not to do harm Fang si and the first ever hug between a father and a son.  I watched these scenes several times. OMG,  OMG, OMG.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you.

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#言承旭1月1日生日快乐# 生日快樂,每天開心,身體健康[心][心][心][心][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你]@言承旭Jerry @言承旭全球家族# Jerry January 1st # Happy Birthday Dear boss, happy birthday, good health, peace and happiness, happy Oh [Flowers] [cake] [gifts] [heart] [love you]
Jerry Sunflower help _ Min Min
# Jerry January 1 happy birthday # Happy birthday, every day happy, healthy [heart] [heart] [heart] [heart] [love you] [love you] [love you] [love you] [love you ] @ Jerry Jerry @ Jerry global family
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