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There has been a lot of debate here and in dramabeans on JDJ and LBW's plans but if history is the answer, then it is clear that JDJ's plans were a failure as Joseon implementing largely JDJ's plans and political structure for its 500 years history were largely a failed state, dictated for powerful but often corrupt officials leading to political strife and frequent changes in govt to different factions dictated by necessity and constantly bullied by Japan and China under the Ming and later the Qing Dynasty where it became a vassal state. It is clear also that the system proposed by JDJ does not have a contemporary equivalent, it is not a constitutional moarnarchy as officially the king is still the head of the country not the Prime Minister, it is just that he will be made powerless. It is definitely not a democracy, as best, it is collective leadership at the top similar to China's political system since Deng Xiaoping, at worst, it is a dictatorship of a few, the closest equivalent is probably Myanmar or Thailand. 

Economic study also shows that countries prosper best economically under semi-authoritarian or authoritarian systems under a strong and visionary leader than democracies, real life examples include Singapore, China, Taiwan and South Korea in the 70s to 90s. As such for a failed state like Goryeo during that time with the country in ruins, a system with dispersion of powers is destined to fail inevitably.

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Well said, I have nothing to add.

By the way, I just remember that Kangxi Emperor of Qing Dynasty, one the greatest emperors in the history of China, met Joseon's envoy and told him "Do you know your country's biggest problem? Your king is too weak and the ministers are too powerful." :P

Yi Bang-Won's absolute monarchy seems to have defeated Jung Do-Jeon's constitutional monarchy for a while, but Jung Do-Jeon's Sadaebu-centric ideology permeated and flourished for about 500 years, like the Milbon's existence at the end of TWDR. Joseon's politics can be summed up as the conflict between King supported by common people (왕권 王權)  and Sadaebu ministers (신권 臣權).

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6 hours ago, SukBin said:

In my opinion the thing that shocked Bang won most was the intention of Jeong Do Jeon to acquire all power to himself and his colleagues and friends that make up Sadeabu and discard the Yi family after using them to found Joseon. The King will be a puppet king with no real power just like the kings during Yi in Gyeom and Jo Min Su and so on......

I do not think he conciously had thought of becoming king at any point until now, he might have aspired and dreamed of serving Joseon and its people using his father's power when he becomes king but he has not till now thought about seizing the position of King to himself.

Bang Won is not our typical White Washed Prince Charming Hero of Korean Drama, he is a multi-layered , realistic , hardcore Leader of men who believes in the bitterness of Justice to safeguard a Society where common man can dream and aspire.

at this point in the story there is NO way LBW would be come a king and yet the words we heard were words of his own powerbeing lost alone NOT his father

a script is a text like any other you should analyze it like any other written text
which is what is important is what is written but also what is not

so the writers choosing not to include any words of LBW father or brother in the cliffhanger and only words of his own power means that the writers chose this moment to show LBW transition into a tyrant seeking power 

as for LBW being the only one this sounds a bit as worshiping

we have developed we now no better so we now know there were other option ppl then didnt know better they didnt know that thee could be other option and they were kept small and silence 

why is LBW search for power is ok and not JDJ at this point of the story

if you didnt know the result and looked at it for the first time with you 21 eyes would you still have chosen LBW?

although eliminating your opposition is common it those times it also mean no one can check you in line as we have today

there is no evidence that JDJ had search for power he didnt have time tobecome one LBW killed himbf that and all who thought that aking should have restrictions this is the characteristic of a tyrant

in history ALL tyrants started as idealist - not a good sign 

if it walks like a duck

and we know from history that tyranny is bad that why tyranny a synonymous to absolute ruler developed to the meanings we have today  

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4 hours ago, SukBin said:

If you see most of the founders of great nations, or leaders , kings who elevated their nation to greatness were single-minded , ruthless and pushed through obstacles of their Nations without worrying about  the means to do it. Example: Queen Elizabeth ushered in the Golden Age of the mighty British Empire where the Sun never set. She was as ruthless and as determined as Bang Won. All her competitors were put to death eg:Queen Mary of Scotland etc... similarly whenever there was a Nation that rose to Greatness , there was a determined Leader/King leading it with single minded determinded determination ..... more examples are Genghis Khan founded the Great Mongol Empire , he was a Ruthless warrior and a Great tactician like Bang Won, Great Emperor Ashoka of India who ruled one of the biggest empires had to kill all his half brothers when they tried to asassinate him.Julius Ceasar was one of the greatest Generals of Rome who made Roman Empire reach its pinnacle when he became Emperor was ruthless as well same is the case with Alexander the Great, he had a vision of one Empire of the World and his policy was Submit or Subjugate like Bangwon.Similarly Emperor Akbar of Mughal Dynasty was Ruthless in establishing the vast Mughal Empire.

The common factors in all the above personalities was they brought greatness to their land and people through their ruthlessness and single minded determination.Even now people remember them with Pride that they belong to their nation, they were born on the same soil as them.

you are talking about the prospering economy of a country which btw didnt reach the commoners as much

JDJ & LBW are talking about social development forthe ppl changing their lifes they are not talking about economy growth but fair share 

and we know that the french revolution the industrial revolution in englland which made the ppl status change and NOT any king

why not Katerina the great all of them didnt care for the ppl and only for the prosperity of themselves and how they fare compared to other countries to have leverage 

Julious ceasar - was assassinated but bf him each one of the Caesars had to be voted everytime again ceasar became also a tyrant he decided that what he thinks is the only way and was punished for it again he wanted to better the empire and didnt think of the ppl the same as any king

he wanted to become a king and rule the world he didnt even live enough in rome but always traveled vini vidi vichi - we dont see things this way now and not since ppl decided they have a say 

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29 minutes ago, nevill said:

at this point in the story there is NO way LBW would be come a king and yet the words we heard were words of his own powerbeing lost alone NOT his father

a script is a text like any other you should analyze it like any other written text
which is what is important is what is written but also what is not

so the writers choosing not to include any words of LBW father or brother in the cliffhanger and only words of his own power means that the writers chose this moment to show LBW transition into a tyrant seeking power 

as for LBW being the only one this sounds a bit as worshiping

we have developed we now no better so we now know there were other option ppl then didnt know better they didnt know that thee could be other option and they were kept small and silence 

why is LBW search for power is ok and not JDJ at this point of the story

if you didnt know the result and looked at it for the first time with you 21 eyes would you still have chosen LBW?

although eliminating your opposition is common it those times it also mean no one can check you in line as we have today

there is no evidence that JDJ had search for power he didnt have time tobecome one LBW killed himbf that and all who thought that aking should have restrictions this is the characteristic of a tyrant

in history ALL tyrants started as idealist - not a good sign 

if it walks like a duck

and we know from history that tyranny is bad that why tyranny a synonymous to absolute ruler developed to the meanings we have today  

Actually the recall of his conversation about his dream of politics for people at that time seems to have mislead you that Bang Won was only thinking of himself at that time.... but if you observe carefully right from the moment the 5 rules start being verbally said by JDJ Bang Won's expressions change to disbelief  and shock and by the time he hears that JDJ plans on making not only the king but the entire royal family powerless including Bang Won himself , its final nail in his coffin i.e the realization sinks in....Not only is the King his father become a puppet, he himself would have his strength snatched away to make any difference to the People....  even his one dream of his life would not be spared.... even his one goal in life was all for nought....

The Scene was of the purpose to highlight the feeling of helplessness that Bang Won feels at the treachery of JDJ....

And if you observe in the Preview he is shown in that hopeless , helpless state for a period making BoonYi worried about him....

And out of that helplessness comes out Defiance ..... Defiance to submit to Jung Do Jeon's treacherous plan to make him helpless and hopeless.....

Bang Won as I said earlier is not the forgiving types.... he is an eye for eye type of guy.... if Jung Do Jeon plans to make his father , his family and himself helpless, if he wants to give him no place in their Joseon, then he would do the same to him.... he would displace him thereby regaining all power.

Bang Won was not a Tyrant.... and thats for sure .... because Tyrants are supposed to be selfish people who opress others to enrich themselves... whereas Bang Won is the opposite.... what drives him is his passion for his People.... it is said that Bang Won's passion for his people is akin to a Young man's love for the Woman he loves.... its intense , passionate , Jealous , all Consuming , self-righteous love......

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2 minutes ago, SukBin said:

Actually the recall of his conversation about his dream of politics for people at that time seems to have mislead you that Bang Won was only thinking of himself at that time.... but if you observe carefully right from the moment the 5 rules start being verbally said by JDJ Bang Won's expressions change to disbelief  and shock and by the time he hears that JDJ plans on making not only the king but the entire royal family powerless including Bang Won himself , its final nail in his coffin i.e the realization sinks in....Not only is the King his father become a puppet, he himself would have his strength snatched away to make any difference to the People.... 

again LBW has no claim to the throne at this moment even if JDJ have refereed to him specifically he should have shown surprised for even being considered  and his words would have been about his father

this is the script m talking about since there is no LBW at this point exept as his father son

the writers decided that this is the point where the tyrant LBW that is known in history in starting to form 

as for is it excusable or not that is if you think the ppl comes first or the country 

if you think tyranny is ok or not

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Interview with Hong Dae-Hong

source : Interview part 1  / Interview part 2 / Interview part 3

Interview with Yi Joon-Hyeok (이준혁) playing Hong Dae-Hong (summary)

  • He is the life of the party, a real entertainer among SFD staff.
  • He had been an obscure actor for a long time. However, due to his popularity in SFD, he is now hearing from passers-by like “Look! He is Hong Dae-Hong!” “Eastern Twin Dragon!” (LOL)
  • Many Korean netizens have suspected Hong Dae-Hong as Cheok Sa-Gwang, the strongest swordsman in SFD universe. Even Yi Joon-Hyeok’s wife continued to ask him if he is the Cheok Sa-Gwang, but he couldn’t answer the question because he hadn’t known about Cheok Sa-Gwang’s identity until he read the Ep. 29 script.  
  • “I received the script on the day I shoot the scene where I said "Cheok Sa-Gwang is a woman” and explained about the Cheok family. (When actress Han Ye-Ri was revealed as Cheok Sa-Gwang) I really envied her. I thought “Oh no, netizens will kill me.” (LOL)
  • Even though he is not Cheok Sa-Gwang, he does a lof of thinking about Hong Dae-Hong character. “Hong Dae-Hong is a con man, but he has love for his pupil Moo-Hyul. He hopes Moo-Hyul to continue to grow as a warrior. Sometimes I imagine Hong Dae-Hong will fight against Moo-Hyul, or he will save Moo-Hyul and die.”  
  • He has tried to play Hong Dae-Hong as light-heartedly as possible. His character is playing a leading role to brighten up and refresh the mood of the drama.
  • One of the examples is his lines about the sparrow’s sleep in its eye. They were in the script, but he added his own ad-lib “The sparrow is a female”. While shooting that scene, he and Byun Yo-Han (playing Yi Bang-Ji) laughed so hard that they kept messing up the scene 9 times. “I should thank the directors and writers for allowing me to ad-lib freely. There are many who don’t allow their script changed randomly by actors.”
  • His main partner, Seo Yi-Sook (playing Moo-Hyul’s grandmother), has been his close friend since his stage actor’s days. “We know each other very well. I was really pleased to hear that she will be my running mate in SFD.”
  • He is also looking forward to meeting with Park Hyeok-Gwon (playing Gil Tae-Mi and Gil Seon-Mi). Although Gil Tae-Mi was his pupil, they’ve never met in the drama. “I guess Hong Dae-Hong will meet Gil Seon-Mi in the future. Park Hyeok-Gwon and I have shoot 2 movies together. Even though our characters naver met in the drama, I see a lot of him on the set.”
  • Even though he is not Cheok Sa-Gwang, Korean netizens still suspect him as the leader of “Nameless” or Cheok Sa-Gwang’s family, or Cheok In-Gwang’s friend.
  • Gil Seon-Mi is the member of “Nameless”. Hong Dae-Hong is his teacher. Their meeting may be meaningful. Is it possible for Hong Dae-Hong to be revealed as the member of Nameless? “It could be” he nodded.
  • Even if Hong Dae-Hong is not Cheok Sa-Gwang, it’s OK. He couldn’t be the main character of the twist, but many fans have created composite pictures for Hong Dae-Hong. He showed them to the interviewer, and laughed out loudly.
  • There are so many extraordinary actors in SFD. But he says he doesn’t feel any pressure. “Director Shin Gyeong-Soo always welcomes me on the set. He loves Hong Dae-Hong character. It is a really exciting experience as an actor. ”




  • At first, he didn’t dream of being an actor. He wanted to be a movie director, so he had worked hard for a movie company since he was a high-schooler.  However, the company failed. At that time, a production manager advised him “Do a theater work. If you want to be a movie director, it is more important to build your own perspective rather than to learn a mechanism.” So he began to work for theater plays after finishing his military service.  
  • He was regretting behind the stage when he debuted as a theatre actor. “Why did I say I’ll do this?” But when it comes to the moment he should appear on the stage, he felt ecstatic. Like he ate Spaghetti for the first time. “It’s not Ramyon. What is this new taste?” (LOL)
  • He hopes his future roles will be more diverse and more heavy. So far, he has played light-hearted characters in commercial films. He wants to play a deficient character who is filled with desire.
  • He also has a unique career to play Gorilla in Mr. Go (Movie 2013). In addition, he taught Song Jung-Ki to play a wolf in A Werewolf Boy (Movie 2012) “It is really difficult to play non-human beings”
  • His role model is Anthony Quinn. He expressed Quinn as “the symbol of free soul”, praising his movies like Zorba the Greek, La Strada, La Vingt-Cinquieme Heure.
  • His goal is to act until he die. “Being an actor is not a work to select, but a work to be selected by someone else. An actor is jobless unless he was chosen by someone else. He can’t do anything by himself. I wish I could continue to be chosen until I die.”  
  • “It is lucky for me to play Hong Dae-Hong in SFD. Thank you, writers, directors, and netizens. I’m really sorry I can’t meet every one of you and say thank you in person. If you let me know your bank account number, I would send you 10,000 won. I’ll consider it after paying the debt. ” (LOL)
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4 hours ago, theonlyone88 said:

Economic study also shows that countries prosper best economically under semi-authoritarian or authoritarian systems under a strong and visionary leader than democracies, real life examples include Singapore, China, Taiwan and South Korea in the 70s to 90s. As such for a failed state like Goryeo during that time with the country in ruins, a system with dispersion of powers is destined to fail inevitably.

you gave specific examples of countries that had a major change in politics

china became prosperous only after Mao was killed (died he wasnt killed -sorry) and new less strict reforms were made and we know that they are in a crisis now if you dont have the freedom to think you will be wary of inventing things which is what the world is going for 

Singapore was a very poor country and did have an amazing change which is always when you go from one thought  to another and all their economy was put towards developing

the thing which is important is can they keep it up

and the only examples we have of stable economic and happy ppl are of Europe when they have been stable for the longest and are the most social countries 

my whole family except me are economists  and it is the first time i hear that to prosper you need half tyranny and believe youd be bord in our family dinners since they talk economics a lot and again this is a mater of opinion in our case 

economic studies show that freedom of thought and the more free countries have a more long term stable economy the test is which economy can sustain a number of economy crisis without going bankrupted 

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I am watch now ep. 23. I started in monday. And now i just can't to tell abt my greatest fustration: why me greatest OTP can't either let go either be together? It's just killing my yanow T_T. I'm talking abt Yoo Hee and Ban Ji T_T.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!! Now i feel a liiittle bit easier T_T 

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30 minutes ago, nevill said:

you are talking about the prospering economy of a country which btw didnt reach the commoners as much

JDJ & LBW are talking about social development forthe ppl changing their lifes they are not talking about economy growth but fair share 

and we know that the french revolution the industrial revolution in englland which made the ppl status change and NOT any king

why not Katerina the great all of them didnt care for the ppl and only for the prosperity of themselves and how they fare compared to other countries to have leverage 

Julious ceasar - was assassinated but bf him each one of the Caesars had to be voted everytime again ceasar became also a tyrant he decided that what he thinks is the only way and was punished for it again he wanted to better the empire and didnt think of the ppl the same as any king

he wanted to become a king and rule the world he didnt even live enough in rome but always traveled vini vidi vichi - we dont see things this way now and not since ppl decided they have a say 


We do not actually have any measure to see which country at which time under whose rules did common people flourish.

The only records we have are the records of the periods in each nation that people proudly remember and I  have quoted them.

Thats not to say that the achievement of the nation did not reach its people... it did and that is why the memory of it has passed down over generations of people under Gheghis Khan Mongols prospored, new trade routes , new land , new jobs opened up, under Julius Ceasar the corruption of Senators was checkmated and the opression of people by the Nobles was controlled.Not to mention he stopped numerous foreign invasions and protected his people from slaughter and loot. He died due to treachery of his best friend and that does not take away from his achievements.Industrial revolutions and other such were possible because they were backed by strong rulers similar to how taking away land from nobles and abolition of private armies was possible because of BangWon which even Jung Do Jeon and Taejo couldnt achieve for all their plans and talk.

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27 minutes ago, nevill said:

again LBW has no claim to the throne at this moment even if JDJ have refereed to him specifically he should have shown surprised for even being considered  and his words would have been about his father

this is the script m talking about since there is no LBW at this point exept as his father son

the writers decided that this is the point where the tyrant LBW that is known in history in starting to form 

as for is it excusable or not that is if you think the ppl comes first or the country 

if you think tyranny is ok or not

To speak frankly no where in history it has been written that Bang Won was a Tyrant.

There are records of his actions both meritorious ones as well as objectionable ones... but no where it has been specified that he was a Tyrant.

Sure you can call him Cruel and Heartless , but that is how a Chisel needs to form a Beautiful Statue and a Leader needs to free the nation of his shackles.

Perhaps if the Directornim would have showed him stagger thinking about his father you would have called Bang Won selfless.... but you need to understand that the intention of Directornim in showing Bang Won reminiscent about his own loss of power most is because its human and realistic and that is what mostly happens is it not, what hits you personally , directly , killing your one Dream pains you the most......

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2 minutes ago, SukBin said:


We do not actually have any measure to see which country at which time under whose rules did common people flourish.

The only records we have are the records of the periods in each nation that people proudly remember and I  have quoted them.

Thats not to say that the achievement of the nation did not reach its people... it did and that is why the memory of it has passed down over generations of people under Gheghis Khan Mongols prospored, new trade routes , new land , new jobs opened up, under Julius Ceasar the corruption of Senators was checkmated and the opression of people by the Nobles was controlled.Not to mention he stopped numerous foreign invasions and protected his people from slaughter and loot. He died due to treachery of his best friend and that does not take away from his achievements.Industrial revolutions and other such were possible because they were backed by strong rulers similar to how taking away land from nobles and abolition of private armies was possible because of BangWon which even Jung Do Jeon and Taejo couldnt achieve for all their plans and talk.

we have the roman empire - which did disclose its citizen status and economy state

and w have writings were talking 14th century right? there are a lot of writing but mostly there are of course the revolution that we know from them and f course folklore what is resaerched most in folklore stories is the situation of ppl through them there are a lot of social studies done by reading folklore stories

obviously as the country is more developed and reach the commoners are also reacher since there a lot of moneygoing around and a lot of nobles wanting to buy things

the problem with this is when things go bad for many reasons the commoners are the one to suffer without proportion they are not protected and they would have never revolted if things were ok the way they are 

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1 minute ago, SukBin said:

To speak frankly no where in history it has been written that Bang Won was a Tyrant.

There are records of his actions both meritorious ones as well as objectionable ones... but no where it has been specified that he was a Tyrant.

Sure you can call him Cruel and Heartless , but that is how a Chisel needs to form a Beautiful Statue and a Leader needs to free the nation of his shackles.

Perhaps if the Directornim would have showed him stagger thinking about his father you would have called Bang Won selfless.... but you need to understand that the intention of Directornim in showing Bang Won reminiscent about his own loss of power most is because its human and realistic and that is what mostly happens is it not, what hits you personally , directly , killing your one Dream pains you the most......

a king is a tyrant- the negative meanning of the word tyrant developed into what we know bc of the way kings and absolute rulers behaved just like dictator becamea negative word although it is in fact just a description of governing just like a king

now we refer to ppl who act in a certain way as tyrant if LBW action and behavior have answer the definition of a tyrant then he is one just like you dont need to say a king is an absolute ruler (then) this is taken for granted 

the thing about kings is that they inherit their position they are not chosen and have a god like status and good or bad is a matter of luck towards the citizens  

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1 hour ago, nevill said:

again LBW has no claim to the throne at this moment even if JDJ have refereed to him specifically he should have shown surprised for even being considered  and his words would have been about his father


But JDJ dosn't only mention the king but the whole royal family which according to him should not be participed in politic or have real power. 

JDJ plan while end LBW dream to help people with politic, so yes he can be upset while not thinking to be King in the futur. 

And JPJ....want to build a country where the PM while have the real power, and who will be the PM ? JPJ himself. So even if JPJ dosn't do it for his ambition, this dosn't change the fact that JPJ dream is to be the one who countrol the new country, and that will be distrust LBW even more. 

Why should LBW give up his ambition for JPJ ambition ? 

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2 hours ago, SukBin said:

Actually the recall of his conversation about his dream of politics for people at that time seems to have mislead you that Bang Won was only thinking of himself at that time.... but if you observe carefully right from the moment the 5 rules start being verbally said by JDJ Bang Won's expressions change to disbelief  and shock and by the time he hears that JDJ plans on making not only the king but the entire royal family powerless including Bang Won himself , its final nail in his coffin i.e the realization sinks in....Not only is the King his father become a puppet, he himself would have his strength snatched away to make any difference to the People....  even his one dream of his life would not be spared.... even his one goal in life was all for nought....

The Scene was of the purpose to highlight the feeling of helplessness that Bang Won feels at the treachery of JDJ....

And if you observe in the Preview he is shown in that hopeless , helpless state for a period making BoonYi worried about him....

And out of that helplessness comes out Defiance ..... Defiance to submit to Jung Do Jeon's treacherous plan to make him helpless and hopeless.....

Bang Won as I said earlier is not the forgiving types.... he is an eye for eye type of guy.... if Jung Do Jeon plans to make his father , his family and himself helpless, if he wants to give him no place in their Joseon, then he would do the same to him.... he would displace him thereby regaining all power.

Bang Won was not a Tyrant.... and thats for sure .... because Tyrants are supposed to be selfish people who opress others to enrich themselves... whereas Bang Won is the opposite.... what drives him is his passion for his People.... it is said that Bang Won's passion for his people is akin to a Young man's love for the Woman he loves.... its intense , passionate , Jealous , all Consuming , self-righteous love......

@SukBinSince I was the one who wrote this recall of his dream of politics I want to address this. i have no idea whom you are writing to. Please reply directly to whom you are having a discussion with. Who are You saying "mislead You" because no where in what I wrote about the scene was said about what you wrote above. If this was meant to be a discussion with someone please address it to that "you" directly. Thank you.


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1 hour ago, orez said:

But JDJ dosn't only mention the king but the whole royal family which according to him should not be participed in politic or have real power. 

which again bring us back to POWER seeking a person who doesnt seek power for himself or think of himself as an entitled king would only think of the better of the ppl  he would not care about his own power like BY & MH & BJ only KINGS think they are entitled to power so he thought of himself as king and NOT one of the others as BY  MH BJ  he thought he was more than them the same or higher level than JDJ 

why is that exactly he searched for JDJ not the other way around 

he listen to JDJ and JDJ only reluctantly listen back 

script wise there in NO sign that LBW would become a king except history which is not already known to the characters they dont know the future 

and all ppl who becomes PM want the job they prove themselves and removed if not

this is the making of a new country and have difficult at the beginning but if PM would have been subjected and not absolute and a king also would not be absolute  then there cannot be a onepwrson all powerful more importantly this job can not be inherited    

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10 hours ago, SukBin said:


Also people blame Bang won that he stole Jung Do Jeon's design while vilifying him,

To all people who only see Yi Bang Won's ambitions and term him selfish, they need to be reminded that it was him who selflessly voluntarily went as hostage to Ming at the risk of his life.He was instrumental in rescuing his brothers, his father's second wife and her sons from last king of Goryeo custody risking his own life.

@SukBinYou seem to be a Bang Won lover and it is understandable. However, are you preaching to the choir here? Who are you addressing when you say "people" blame Bang Won, or to all the people and need to be reminded, who are you addressing this to and why do these people need to be reminded? You made very good explanation and argument of your case. But who are the people you are talking about because so far i have yet to see in this forum anyone blaming Bang Won for stealing anything. Rather it was said that he retained and implemented some of the reforms that JDJ had written. Also I think that so far many have referred to the characters according to what written in the drama since this is a drama forum. My point is you made a great argument of your viewpoint and that is really good it opens discussion. However, it would be good if instead of addressing it to "the people" whom nobody knows who they are, you just state your case or if you have someone you want to address it to, then do address it to that person or those people. Thank you.

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40 minutes ago, zenya22 said:

@SukBinYou seem to be a Bang Won lover and it is understandable. However, are you preaching to the choir here? Who are you addressing when you say "people" blame Bang Won, or to all the people and need to be reminded, who are you addressing this to and why do these people need to be reminded? You made very good explanation and argument of your case. But who are the people you are talking about because so far i have yet to see in this forum anyone blaming Bang Won for stealing anything. Rather it was said that he retained and implemented some of the reforms that JDJ had written. Also I think that so far many have referred to the characters according to what written in the drama since this is a drama forum. My point is you made a great argument of your viewpoint and that is really good it opens discussion. However, it would be good if instead of addressing it to "the people" whom nobody knows who they are, you just state your case or if you have someone you want to address it to, then do address it to that person or those people. Thank you.

I hate that you are ready to tag me "Bang Won Lover" just because I stated an argument in favor of historical personality.... its like saying yeah  is a irrational bliondly supporting lover.... and you seem to take offense of my use of "people" word..... but   I dont know why are you taking it as an offense to you personally..... 

The use of "People" term is addressed for General Viewers /People .... and it is my wish to address them... and so i did .... if i want to address someone personally i will quote them as you can see in my earlier posts i did ..... thats up to me..... kindly do not start setting guidelines to how i may express myself here... if you have any objections take it up with Admin people...... sorry but not sorry.... i find your post offensive to me personally......

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