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9 hours ago, zenya22 said:

but I do agree and I think when push comes to shove when it comes to BY, BW will always be on her side and will always give her the benefit of the doubt even when he will be niggled by his mind.

at least the  BW that is now -maybe lter it will change

and maybe BY sides will change also making him suspicious of her

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On 2016. 1. 9. at 5:20 PM, natokajun said:

hey guys need a little help here... who is the actor/actress for the characters


1. old scary grandma for nameless oraganization
- No information

2. young lee Seong Gye in ep 1
- Hmm? I think there was no child actor. He was played by Cheon Ho-Jin himself.

3. Song Ha-Joon 송하준
- Ryu Moon-Sang 류문상 is one of the Sungkyunkwan students who shouted "Kill the Yuan envoy" at the Jangpyeong gate with Jung Do-Jeon. (ep. 2)


4. Lee Sang-Hoon (이상훈)
- Palbong's father (팔봉 아버지). The old villager who always calls Boon-Yi "Captain" and supports her.


5. Others
Yang Hyun-Min (양현민)
Jung Byeong-Ok (정병옥)
Kim Dong-Hee (김동희)
Kim Myung Jin (김명진)
- No information. maybe, just an extra?

6. Baek Woon-Cheol 백운철
- Kim Nae-Peyong 김내평. One of the "Nameless" members who delivered the letter about King Gongmin's death to Yi In-Geyom about 14 years ago. (ep. 2) He also committed suicide after failing to kill Yi Seong-Gye (ep. 26).

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Goryeo's kings in SFD

Part 1. from King Taejo to King Gongmin


Nothing new. This is just a compilation of my previous posts. Some new details were added though.


* The map of the Later three kingdom period (892~936)


■ Wang Geon, the founder of Goryeo Dynasty


In the late 9th century, the Korean peninsula was divided into three kingdoms again : Silla (신라 新羅), Hu-Baekje (후백제 後百濟 “Later Baekje”), Hu-Goguryeo (후고구려 後高句麗 “Later Goguryeo” a.k.a. Taebong 태봉 泰封). With Balhae (발해 渤海) in the north, it was called the Later three kingdom period (後三國時代, 892~936).

In 918, General Wang Geon (왕건 王建, 877~943) revolted against King Gung-Ye (궁예 弓裔) of Hu-Gogureyo and usurped the throne. (* King Taejo of Goryeo 고려 태조 高麗太祖) He founded Goryeo Dynasty by the help of middle class nobles and powerful local clans. These founding nobles are known as “Haedong Gapjok (해동갑족 海東甲族)” in SFD.

In 926, as Balhae kingdom was destroyed by the Kitans, Goryeo accepted the refugees from Balhae.

In 935, Silla kingdom surrendered to Goryeo, and the last king of Shilla was accepted as a Goryeo’s noble by marrying Wang Geon’s 2 daughters.

And finally in 936, as Hu-Baekje was destroyed, Goryeo fulfilled the reunification of the Later three kingdoms.


▶ TV drama
Taejo Wang Geon 태조 왕건 太祖王建  (KBS, 2000~2002)
Dawn of the Empire 제국의 아침 (KBS, 2002~2003)
Shine or Go Crazy 빛나거나 미치거나 (MBC, 2015)
The Iron Empress / Empress Cheonchu 천추태후 千秋太后 (KBS 2009)


■ The age of Warriors (1170~1270)

Until the late 12th century, Goryeo‘s political mainstream had been composed of civil officers who learned Confucianism. By contrast, relatively uneducated  military officers had been discriminated and ignored by the elite civil officers.

In 1170, a group of army officers, outraged by the accumulated discrimination, launched a military coup and succeeded to take power. Many civil officers were killed in the process and Goryeo’s kings had become puppets of the military regimes from then on.

This “age of warriors” lasted about a hundred years until Goryeo surrendered to the Mongol empire in 1270.


▶ TV drama & Movie
Age of Warriors 무인시대 武人時代 (KBS, 2003~2004)



■ The Mongol invasions of Korea (1231~1259)


The Mongol’s Great Kahns had sent their troops to Goryeo over 9 times for about 30 years, but failed to conquer it.  

In 1232, the military regime of Goryeo escaped the capital with King Gojong and nobility to move to Ganghwa island. While the fierce battles between Goryeo commoners and Mongol armies continued in the mainland for about 30 years, the nobility was staying in the safer island.

The Mongolian invasions were so horrible that almost every cultural assets in Korean peninsula built before the war had been completely burnt to ashes.

In 1259, King Gojong of Goryeo voluntarily sent his crown prince to Mongol’s  Kublai Khan to negotiate a peace treaty. Kublai welcomed Goryeo’s prince because he was fighting with his younger brother over who should be the next Mongol emperor. The peace treaty with Goryeo helped him beat his brother and rise to the throne. Finally, a truce between Goryeo and Mongols was concluded in 30 years after the war broke out.

In 1270, as the last resistance army of Goryeo’s military regime was defeated, the war against Mongols was officially over. Goryeo could keep autonomy, but every king of Goryeo had to marry a Mongolian princess and be subordinate to the Mongolian Khans. It lasted for about 80 years.

As a result, Goryeo court was also dominated by Pro-Mongol nobles. The brothers of Empress Ki (기 황후 奇皇后, The Goryeo noble woman who became the empress of the Mongol empire) were the most notorious example for the corrupt Pro-Mongol nobles.


▶ TV drama
God of War 무신 武神 (MBC 2012)
Empress Ki 기황후 奇皇后 (MBC 2013)
Shin Don 신돈 辛旽 (MBC 2005)


■ King Gongmin (reign 1351~1374)



* King Gongmin from Shin Don (MBC 2005), Faith (SBS 2012), The Great Seer (2013 SBS), Jung Do-Jeon (KBS 2014)


When the Yuan dynasty (Mongol empire) was beginning to crumble in the mid-14th century, King Gongmin (공민왕 恭愍王 ) returned from Yuan China with his wife Princess Noguk (노국대장공주 魯國大長公主) of Mongol empire to ascend to the throne of Goryeo.

He began the efforts to reform the Goryeo government. In 1356, he killed Empress Ki’s brothers and tried to remove the Mongolian influences from the court.  In the same year, the king ordered Goryeo armies to recapture the northeast territory occupied by Pro-Mongol forces. Yi Seong-Gye and his father secretly opened the fortress’ gate and helped Goryeo armies. (ep. 1)

King Gongmin opened the government posts to the reformist Confucian scholars in order to check the power of conservative pro-Mongol nobles. Those scholars had formed a new social class called “Sadaebu (신진사대부 新進士大夫)” and their famous representatives were Sambong Jung Do-Jeon (정도전 鄭道傳) and Poeun Jung Mong-Joo (정몽주 鄭夢周). (* ‘Sambong’ and ‘Poeun’ are their pen names.)

In addition, there were famous military officers who had protected Goryeo people from various foreign invaders. The renowned general Choi Young (최영 崔瑩), and the new rising star Yi Seong-Gye (이성계 李成桂) started to emerge as new political forces. They were called “New warrior forces” (신흥 무인세력, 新興武人勢力).

However, no matter how hard the king tried, his reforms were frustrated by frequent foreign invasions and assassination threats.

In 1361, the second invasion of Red Turban Army broke out. When King Gongmin decided to escape from the capital, all the Gaegyung citizens were terrified and cried out to think that they were abandoned. About 5 days after the king’s evacuation, the Red Turban army occupied the city and set fire to the street. They killed thousands of citizens and ate the roasted flesh.

In January 1362, Goryeo armies led by 3 generals under supreme commander Jung Se-Woon (정세운 鄭世雲) recaptured Gaegyung city after the fierce bloody battles. However, 3 days after the victory, the 3 generals had to murder their supreme commander in obedience to a royal command. In fact, the king’s command was later found to be forged by traitor Kim Yong (김용, 金鏞) who was afraid that the war heroes would threaten his power in the court. The 3 generals were executed under a false accusation of killing the supreme commander. One of them was Jung Mong-Joo’s teacher.

Some Joseon-era historians doubted that the king’s command was forged by Kim Yong. They thought the real culprit to kill the 4 war heroes was not Kim Yong but King Gongmin himself. The king was so capricious and sensitive that they believed he might be devoured by jealousy and couldn’t stand that the generals were hailed as saviours while he was fleeing from the royal palace.

In March 1363, one year after the horrible tragedy, traitor Kim Yong sent about 50 assassins to kill King Gongmin staying in Heungwangsa temple. Eunuch Ahn Do-Chi (안도치, 安都赤) evacuated the king and pretended to sleep in the king’s bed. The assassins mistook him for the king and stabbed him all over with the daggers, but they found out he was not the king. Meanwhile, Princess Noguk (노 국대장공주, 魯國大長公主) blocked the assassins’ way by herself to protect her husband. The assassins were flustered and hesitated because she was the princess of the Mongol empire, and it could be a serious problem to kill her. In the meantime, General Choi Young (최영, 崔瑩)‘s soldiers broke into the temple and suppressed the assassins. This 1363 incident is called “the rebellion of Heungwangsa temple (흥왕사의 변, 興王寺─變)” Kim Yong’s assassination attempt ended in failure and he was executed.

In the same year, Yuan China declared Prince Deokheung (덕흥군 德興君) as the new Goryeo’s king because Empress Ki got upset about King Gongmin’s murder of her brothers. Yuan troops were sent to Goryeo to depose the king, but General Choi Young and Yi Seong-Gye defeated them. In 1364, Yuan China officially gave up deposing King Gongmin. However, misfortunes never come singly.


* Princess Noguk from “Shin Don (MBC 2005)”, “Faith (2012 SBS), "A frozen flower (Movie 2008)”


Princess Noguk (노국대장공주, 魯國大長公主) of the Mongol empire was the beloved wife and the greatest supporter of King Gongmin. They were madly in love with each other, but the couple had no child for over 10 years. The queen mother persuaded the king to accept concubines, and Princess Noguk was compelled to permit it. Nontheless, the princess was the king’s only love.

In 1364, Princess Noguk became pregnant. The king was so happy that he ordered to release all prisoners in the kingdom and prayed to the Buddha wishing for her safe delivery. However, in February 1365, Princess Noguk died during her childbirth.

Her death led to King Gongmin’s depression and mental instability. In May 1365, the king had lost interests in politics and entrusted the state affairs to a mysterious Buddhist monk named Shin Don (신돈 辛旽 1322~1371). He is evaluated as the last reformist politician of the Goryeo dynasty.

The depressed king spent whole days in drawing the dead princess’ portrait by himself and spoke to her in the picture. He went so far as to eat his 3 meals a day in front of the portrait and didn’t want to go outside.



* King Gongmin’s family
King Gongmin from "A frozen flower (Movie 2008)”, Princess Noguk from “Shin Don (MBC 2005)”, 3 consorts from “Jung Do-Jeon (KBS 2014)”, Ban-Ya from “The Great Seer (SBS 2013)”, Consort Jeong (Lady Ahn) and King U from “Six Flying Dragons (SBS 2015~2016)”


In July 1365, King Gongmin’s only son Monino (Later, King U) was born from Prime Minister Shin Don’s slave Ban-Ya. According to the unofficial history, Shin Don arranged the meeting between the king and Ban-Ya because she was a dead ringer for Princess Noguk. Monino was born and raised in Prime Minister Shin Don’s house.

In 1371, Shin Don was executed for treason by false charges. King Gongmin brought the 7-year-old Monino to the palace and announced him as the heir to the kingdom. The boy’s name was changed to Wang U (왕우, 王禑), and his official birth record was fabricated as the son of King Gongmin and palace maid Lady Han.

However, during the Joseon dynasty, he had been called Shin U (신우, 辛禑) because he was officially regarded as the son of traitor Shin Don and his slave Ban-Ya. In fact, it is one of the biggest mystery of Korean history whether he was a real son of King Gongmin or not. Nobody knows the truth except for King Gongmin himself.

In October 1372, King Gongmin established his royal bodyguards called Jajewi (자제위, 子弟衛) comprised of young and beautiful aristocrat warriors. (Hong Ryun in ep. 2, The plum blossom warrior in ep. 5)

After losing his beloved wife, the king’s madness had been aggravated. He forced his royal guards (Jajewi) to rape his cosorts. Consort Jeong / Lady Ahn (정비 안씨 定妃 安氏) was the only woman who disobeyed the king’s order, threatening to kill herself by putting a knife to her throat. King Gongmin withdrew his command and didn’t touch her. 


* Hong Ryun from A Frozen Flower (Movie 2008), Six Flying Dragons (2015 SBS), Jung Do-Jeon (KBS 2014)


In September 1374, the king learned from Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng (최만생 崔萬生) that Consort Yik / Lady Han (익비 한씨, 益妃 韓氏) was pregnant with Hong Ryun (홍 륜 洪倫). He decided to kill Hong Ryun as well as those who knew the truth to make the baby his own child. He talked about his plan to seal their lips under the influence of alcohol and fell asleep.

Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng was afraid of being killed, because he was the one to deliver the news, so he let the royal guards know about the king’s plan. As a result, Hong Ryun and Choi Man-Saeng killed the king sleeping in the bedroom, and gave false testimony that an assassin from outside killed the king.

However, Yi In-Im (이인임 李仁任 / the historical figure that Yi In-Gyeom is based on) investigated the assassination case and found out the real culprits were Hong Ryun and Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng. They were executed.

Two years later, the court decided to kill the baby girl born from Consort Yik (Lady Han) with Hong Ryun, the cause of King Gongmin’s assassination.

In October 1375, Yi In-Im enthroned the 11-year-old Monino (King U) despite of the queen dowager’s objection. By crowning the boy as a puppet king, he took over the reigns of the court and the conservative pro-Mongol nobles regained their power.

Against the corrupt nobles, the Sadaebu scholars and the new military officers started to join forces. This is the beginning of Six Flying Dragons.


 ▶ TV drama & Movie
Shin Don 신돈 辛旽 (MBC 2005)
A Frozen Flower 쌍화점 雙花店 (Korean Movie, 2008)
Faith 신의 信義 (SBS 2012)


To be continued….


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21 minutes ago, nevill said:

WOW thanx @homura i can see now how many interpretations there are for King Gongmin story - so who is BY BJ mother?is she based on a real figure?

Yes thank you @homuranow there goes my speculating again.

@nevill Yeon Hyang in this drama was a palace maid of Queen Noguk, who escaped the palace instead of committing suicide.  As per the extensive historical post of @homuraI don't see any story of the historical women that resembles hers. The baby girl from consort Yik and Hong Ryun was killed. Shin Don's son with Banya is Kung U who is now approached by the Nameless to "cut the flower from the ash tree". However, we saw traces of the Jajewi in Ep 5, Plum Blossom warrior who was not that good since he was defeated by a then young wanna be warrior MH wielding only a wooden sword. I think we are going to be kept guessing until they decide who she is and who the leader of the nameless is. Now I wonder if the Jajewi formed the Nameless. Sorry, I can't help it.... speculating...

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thanx @homura i meant more of inspired like BJ & MH are inspired or based on legends of that  time

@zenya22 being a faction i think the writers can imply that the daughter was not killed but someone else instead since there is no history of her afterwards they can change it without really changing the history probably not more that what  they are doing to the other character

but i admit with BJ and maybe her age it will not sit well -but who knows - i do  read a lot of speculation on that from other places

i also thought about that plum warrior and how more of an achievement it is for MH after reading @homuras post 

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2 hours ago, nevill said:


@zenya22 being a faction i think the writers can imply that the daughter was not killed but someone else instead since there is no history of her afterwards they can change it without really changing the history probably not more that what  they are doing to the other character

but i admit with BJ and maybe her age it will not sit well -but who knows - i do  read a lot of speculation on that from other places

i also thought about that plum warrior and how more of an achievement it is for MH after reading @homuras post 

@nevill I keep visiting to see if there are new stills or discussion of the preview. They are keeping it close to the vest it seems. Anything new for the next episodes?

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On 1/9/2016 at 6:36 PM, nevill said:

Nevill sorry about this, as before, I don't know how to get rid of this. Can't seem to delete it. :)

What I really wanted to say was @homura, your post was brilliant. Thank you! So much extensive research, and it gave us a lot of information and background story. Poor King Gongmin - what a tumultuous period of history it was when he reigned. I do wonder what could have become of Goryeo had the Princess Noguk lived - it would have been an entirely different Goryeo I would imagine. After all King Gongmin was quite an able king until her death drove him mad, and he no longer had any interest in governing the country. What a tragedy.

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육룡이 나르샤 29회
방송일 : 2016.01.11 22:00

방원은 상왕전하의 하사품이 오는 시간과 이방지가 자리를 비우는 시간이 초닷새 미시로 일치한다는 점에 의심을 품고, 이방지 역시 길선미가 자신을 빼돌리기 위해서 속인 것임을 눈치챈다. 한편 정몽주는 왕요에게 보위에 오를 준비를 하라 하고, 시간을 달라던 왕요는 윤랑에게 도주하자 말하는데...


Six Flying Dragons Episode 29 text preview
Air Date : Jan. 11, 2016 PM 22:00

Bang-Won has doubt that the former king's gift will arrive at the same time as Bang-Ji's absence. (1~3 o'colck PM on the 5th of the month) Yi Bang-Ji also realizes that Gil Seon-Mi lied to entice him away. Meanwhile, Jung Mong-Joo tells Wang Yo to prepare to ascend to the throne. Wang Yo asks for time to consider, but urges Yoon-Rang to run away with him.


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11 hours ago, earthna30 said:

"They killed thousands of citizens and ate the roasted flesh."

This bothered me so much. omg

i guess we are really allergic to cannibalism now - reading your post a also got shivers

but maybe it wasnt so revolting at one point in time if they didnt do the killing but ate the dead  HMmm.... 

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