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Episode 22 …. The first parts were that of celebration and of hopes for a change in the future and I find myself wanting a toast of the liquor BY and MH were handing about.  However, I felt the second part of the episode subtly changing into trepidation, a premonition of the temporariness of such hopes. If episode 21 gave me goosebumps, this episode gave me a nagging heartburn that all is not well. It was so cute when at the beginning of the episode BW and BY were holding hands and smiling ear to ear walking together and was so nice to see the siblings BJ and BY hanging out and BY telling big brother of a dream. When Bang Ji and Yeon Hee met by the road by chance, they had this look of wanting but just passed each other anyway. BJ thought to himself with a trace of a smile in his face… dream. Even our disbelieving dragon is starting to have faith in change? 

Then the second part as again BW and BY are walking and BY was talking about the possible people who were undermining JDJ with the song. BW told BY that he was worried, warning alerts started flashing and I thought of what BY said to her orabeoni about her dream. She said that she will not tell him what her dream was so as not to jinx it. And just as Bang Ji started to believe in a possibility of a dream when he and YH passed each other...

My heart aches for JDJ and Bang Won. JDJ worked hard and long for the reformation and Bang Won was his admiring student and true believer. For all the dreams that JDJ inspired, what will happen to those who dared to dream. How life moves so temporarily. The second part is like a warning alert enjoy while you can. This is only the beginning of chaos. Will JDJ and BW think back when JDJ scolded BW on chaos? Will BW throw that back at JDJ, who managed chaos better?

JR and CY are still about and I am just think that JR and CY will be on the opposite side of power as they were before when one was with YIG and one was with HIB. The merchant who gave gold in exchange for the buffalo horns, who was he and who was the woman whom JR met after he had a meeting with BY and BW at the temple and told her he completed what was ordered?

Now Goryeo is truly ending, once a great and proud nation with the death of YIG and the arrest of General Choi. The characters were played very well also. Kudos to the actors who played them.

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Guest caramelcake

These are the translation of some comments on SFD episode 22.


Osen- Naver: 'Six Flying Dragons' Choi Jong Won dies, Choi Hee Bong enters

1. [+2,978, -103] The latter half was all about Ha Ryun. I had goosebumps when I read his character explanation 'the schemer who puts Lee Bang Won to the throne'...

2. [+2,702, -61] A reformation like Jung Mong Ju, a revolution like Jung Do Jeon, a life like Ha Ryun

3. [+1,487, -41] Ha Ryun's appearance was epic | I thought it was so epic too...before I chuckled because I remember the actor often played as funny character in many kdramas lol. 

4. [+337, -3] The character explanations at the end of each episode always leave me shiveringAgree with  this comment .  Even all the explanations give very much impact to the overall narration.


Osen - Naver: 'Six Flying Dragons', the king will be Yoo Ah In after all (feat. Jo Hee Bong)

1. [+1,236, -23] Although we know what the ending will be, the drama's plot is interesting nonetheless | This is how awesome the writer is. 

2. [+784, -70] I wish Moo Hyul gets more screen time. He should've been the one to catch Ha Ryun. Where is he? Shouldn't he be at Bang Won's side at all times since he's the bodyguard?

3. [+499, -35] 2015 is Yoo Ah In's year after all

4. [+443, -23] The very person that will turn Bang Won into a villain | no just no!!  T.T

5. [+320, -20] But will the drama get to the period that Lee Bang Won becomes a king?

6. [+64, -1] I've been anticipating Ha Ryun and didn't expect he'd appear in last night's episode ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The only issue is they're trying to heroize Boon Yi. Kinda feels unnatural that she's being dumped the work that Bang Won and Sam Bong should be doing

7. [+75, -7] Since when did Boon Yi become an ace? Why is the writer trying to make her seem so influential when Lee Seong Gye and Lee Bang Won are the key figures? | Isn't she one of the dragons? In fact, all the women in here have their own important role in the story. 

8. [+52, 0] I thought Yoo Ah In released a single with Jo Hee Bong as a featuring ㅋㅋㅋㅋ This journalist did a great job with the tile ㅋㅋ.

source : kkuljaem


Although each episode has been so well written and directed, I was not that surprised with the twist at the last scene. (Probably, I get used to it. Ha!) However, I really like the steady pace of this drama which never gives me room to point out any flaw in there. Having 6 main characters and a real history are not easy to balance out! and kudos to the drama's crews/team! Sometimes, the bias viewers will see there's a 'failure' if their favorite character doesn't get much screen time role, without considering the amount of 'role' needed  at particular part while the whole plot is still unfolding.


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@homura, thank you for such a detailed answer to my question on YSG some pages back! Wow... I am more and more impressed by YSG from what you wrote. Knowing that he was a man of integrity who genuinely held General CY in such high regard, it must have been a very hard decision for YSG to arrest and subsequently execute him. Interestingly, I read this from wikipedia:   Before the execution, Choe was famously known to have predicted that due to his unjust demise grass would never grow on his grave. Interestingly, grass never did grow on his grave until 1976 and it was known as jeokbun (적분), which means red grave, because of the red soil.

It's no wonder that General CY was widely revered, and even the common people mourned his death. I wonder whether the drama will actually show this scene, or was Ep 22 the end of General CY? 

Episode 21 and 22 for me were great. Especially Ep 22. Because I'm such a sucker for romance, I really loved all the nuanced scenes between BW and BY, and YH and BJ. BW and BY are particularly sweet and touched me greatly. It seems that everything they do, is either motivated by the promise of the new country that they both dream of, or it is out of consideration, concern and thought for the other. BY saved his family because as she said, they are his family. When JR complimented BW on his role in ensuring an almost bloodless coup, BW sang BY's praises instead. Theirs is a romance so rooted in feeling, so deep in emotion even if they have barely touched each other. And I wouldn't want it otherwise. Even though sometimes I physically ache for both of them, I find the treatment of their relationship tasteful and thoughtfully written, what with BW already married to the formidable Lady Min. I also loved LM and BY's interactions. It's clear that LM at this point bears her no ill will, and in fact seems to appreciate and respect BY's intelligence and abilities. I don't expect it, but it would be lovely if they actually became good friends despite their circumstances tying them to the same man.

I was also excited with the introduction of the new character Ha Ryun. There is barely anything on him in the English wikipedia so I greatly greatly appreciate the interesting information on HR, @homura! So he will eventually put BW on the throne... so intriguing. Could he also be the person behind that mysterious symbol that BY and BJ were looking for as kids as a clue to where their mother is?

Am also hoping for the reappearance of GSM and more revelation about the mystery regarding that secret nameless organisation and also BY and BJ's mother. I hope the story will still go back to that... even though I have a feeling that we will be moving forward with the story of Joseon's birth in the next episodes. Anyway whatever it is, the writing and acting continues to blow me away, so I'll be happy and not complain whatever the writers dish out next. 

And is it my imagination or YAI is getting more handsome with every episode? ;) 

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@azzurri loved your comment its exactly how i flt about BW & BY you put it better

YAI is getting  cuter by the day and he is, himself such adorable guy

i know that LM as presented as a rival of BY at the beginning but im really hoping they wil become friends and comrads after all their "fight" is different 

LM will fight for her husband at the palace and court while BY will do with the ppl making him acceptable as king and the new country among the cotizen

soi hope - they wont take it into petty rivalry 

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2 hours ago, caramelcake said:

7. [+75, -7] Since when did Boon Yi become an ace? Why is the writer trying to make her seem so influential when Lee Seong Gye and Lee Bang Won are the key figures? | Isn't she one of the dragons? In fact, all the women in here have their own important role in the story. 

i have the same sentiments like you - but im happy to note that if you see the numbers - netizen were not that interested in that 

im surprised for the better +75, -7 - only 82 ppl were voting on that -so im not so worried as bf

thank you for sharing this it made me at least very happy 

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Guest my2centsworth

I love historical Korean dramas. My first was Dong Yi. I think I watched it 4 or 5 times. I have watch this drama from the beginning . It has a wonderful cast. I have enjoyed every minute of.it. I did some research from that time period, but only been able to find the same thing. Does anyone out there know of a good site or book printed in English that I can read up more on the time in Korean history? Everything seems so detailed, unlike and other historical drama I have watched before.  There is been both small and large battles in this drama. Thinking that the last one is when Joseon is born. Wrong.....I am. My research lead to finding out that we have at least 4 more years and 2 kings to go. Chang is who will take the thorne  next and is barely 10 years old. Children who become kings are really puppets.  So probably more trouble will arise. I would like to send my complements to the writer, director, producer, cast and crew. I look forward  to more excitement and more knowledge of this great time in Korean history.  This was a very long war for the people of Korea. The heavens,  God  and  Buddha were watching over them in this quest.  I hope someday I can visit Korea and experience something new  and exciting for me to see all the places where this drama was  filmed.  In the American film industry we have movies that are considered classics, like Gone with the Wind, Ben Hur. and The Ten Commandments and many others, ( I like the older films ) In the Korean film industry, this drama should be a classic. I give it 12 starts out of 10 !

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Eps 21 and 22 continues to up the pace, bringing to the fore a myriad of emotions - epic, rousing, emotional, yearning, hopeful, apprehensive, dread - starting with the spectacular withdrawal of the troops from Wihwa Island, the long march home and staging of a coup that changes the course of history. Some scenes are once more highly reminiscent of Lord of the Rings - YSG's rousing speech before the army at Wihwa Island harkening back to King Theoden's battle-cry at Pellenor Fields, the sounding of the horns at the gates reminding me keenly of Helm's Deep, the lighting of the beacons, cinematography, even the music... yet none of this detracted me from being fully immersed in the vividness of the story. 

My heart soared with the 50,000 strong army as they rejoiced and finally marched home, the male choir's rendition of Mu Yi Yi Ya setting the pace for what is to come. I felt keenly YSG's conflict and desolation as he receives word of his family's impending fate, and even more so when he made the terrible decision to continue advancing, whatever the outcome. It was truly heartwarming to see BY and Lady Min's synchronised collaboration as they work together to save the family, and hopefully this is a sign of things to come, without rivalry or jealousy between the two women who are of such importance to YBW. The rush of thoughts at what BY believes to be her final moment was poignant... and her words, first with YBW, then her brother later, truly moving to watch. The sound of the horns reverberating outside the city walls evoked both excited anticipation and dread for what would follow. The unexpected respect for the weak king, who determined that he would not flee despite the surety of his downfall. Likewise, CY's dogged, if misguided protection of King Woo, to the extent of being willing to bear all the consequences and blame for defeat as long as the king survives, and striding out alone to meet YSG and his army - truly befitting the powerful, legendary warrior who gave his all for his king. I cheered along with the people as they welcomed their loved ones home from the war, and my heart warmed as BY and YBJ had their own reunion... and we see stirrings of YBJ's tentative attempts to understand why this new world is so important to the ones he love. Then came the first hint of dread right at the heels of euphoria as JMJ's trust in YSG and JDJ wavers and he begins second-guessing their true intentions. The knowledge that JMJ will one day be one of the major detractors to their cause, as well as his fate in the hands of YBW, is a sad one, and brings home anew how history repeats itself again and again with friends and allies torn asunder by a fundamental difference in beliefs and principles.

Last but certainly not least, the introduction of Ha Ryun, intriguing, ominous puppetmaster behind the scenes. While his intentions are not yet clear, his propogation of the 十八子 prophesy reminder, kindling distrust towards YSG, appears to be driven more by his animosity towards JDJ and his cause, rather than the man he is trying to make king. Why this is the case remains to be seen, and I cannot help but wonder too, whether he is also the mastermind behind the shadowy organisation. Can't wait for his motivations to be revealed, knowing that he will play a major role in YBW's rise to the throne in future.

Is it just me, or does JDJ feels a little underwhelming of late, like he is overshadowed by the other dragons and even the rest of the characters? I really hope that going forward, we will finally see more of JDJ's heart and brilliance, as he shapes the new nation into being alongside YSG.

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@liddi loved you comment your are yourself verypoetic and i love how yu describe things

i think although JDJ is overshadowed now he have very major ights ahead

JDJ is not the action guy but the brainy one so when ep are more militant and action wise he takes on the second seat

bu soon it will be fight of the minds and he will become the most prominent with LBW - IMO

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@nevill I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming battle of wits and intellect, especially now that we are seeing an emergence of other equally brilliant scholars - Ha Ryun, Jo Jun, JMS, each with their own agenda. And yes, that would really be the time for JDJ to shine. 

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