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Awesome 22nd episode... most loved the parts where Boon Yi and Bang Won were together.... and also cheers to Hyun Run the future Right hand man of Bang Won , his intro was dashing and memorable....looks like over the next two episodes writernims will fully form the Bang Won Team... or shall i say Taejong Team.....

Some observations:

In retrospection the actor portraying Choi Young should have been someone with good physical build.... the current actor looked too frail to inspire awe and fear...

I felt there was pride in Lady Min's eyes when everyone praised Bang Won... looks like someone is slowly falling in Love...!!!

There must be a reason that Director and Writernims continue to insist that Bang Won was not a good fighter.... because it looks like they made it a planned portrayal in that way for some reason....

For a man who killed people as a child... isnt it odd that he doesnt learn to fight with a sword... even to the extent of protecting himself or his family....?

The Taejong in TWDR didnt look like a man who does not lift up a sword.... I request Directornim and Writernim to not show Taejong as only some cunning scholar.... he was a warrior too....

The scenes where Armies clashed looked a bit lazy... it was just too easy... infact The Great Seer had better portrayal of these scenes... when our show has better budget than it...

And last but not least... can we have more scenes of Boon Yi , Bang Won and Moo Hyul adventures..... the Trio are Daebak...!!!!

They have that vibe of hobbits on a quest like in Lord of Rings whenever they work on something.....

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Episode 21 for me is a powerful episode. It showcases the elements of human emotions and psyche and the effects of the choices each of the characters made. I get goosebumps whenever the Mu Yi Ya song is played because it really expresses what the drama is all about. "What is the difference between the sword and politics that determines life and death, nameless bird in the sky why do you cry sorrowfully?" the song asks. That is a question that one dragon has thrown at and asked of JDJ. Yi Bang Ji once asked, "what about the grass that you step on while mapping the forest, while looking at the big picture, what about those that will be stepped on for the sake of that picture, how many more will die?

LSG… @liddi has written a moving analysis of his inner conflicts which was underscored in this episode. He has always been a man who was dedicated to his duty to country and king and has tried to separate himself from political involvement until his son was imprisoned by a political enemy. Now he has to choose between saving his family, sacrificing the lives of his men in a futile war or disobeying the command of a foolish king and committing treason. It was the same with General Choi the choice of duty and loyalty to his country he dedicated a life of service to or the sacrifice of comradeship knowing that with the defeat of Yuan, Goryeo will surely follow. They are both good men who will choose according to their inclinations and conscience aware that the effects of their decisions will be far reaching. General Choi is the next of the great guardians of Goryeo to fall but there is one more Goryeo defender standing proud and tall, the learned scholar, Po Yeoun. Also shown is the stirring of ambition in a potential antagonist of the dragons in General Jo.

JDJ struggles with his inner turmoil as he tries to cope with unexpected events and the fallout that resulted from his actions. JDJ trained himself to exercise patience as the waits to execute his plans. It seemed easier when YIG was around because he could predict and counter his political moves as YIG was only loyal to YIG. But these military men were unpredictable with their training in honor, loyalty to duty and country and their avail to the massive power of the sword (arms). He also has to deal with the young impatient and impulsive revolutionaries in his camp especially the two bean poppers who are starting to manifest their differences in mindset which involves a woman they both love, Boon Yi.

As for the rescue of the Lee family, the details of the event were changed by the writers I think for action’s dramatic effect. Finally the Lee brothers got some action joined by…drumroll and rock music please… Myu Hyul. As for the ladies and one master martial arts gentleman teacher, since they were already in captivity, it is fitting that they should help themselves and not just lay down waiting for someone to rescue them. Boon Yi was very brave to sacrifice herself for the sake of the others. She is the servant girl, the bottom of the totem pole in love with young master and his family is in danger. Her mindset would have been to sacrifice herself to save the others but more than that her whole life was that of helping others because she understood and experienced struggles herself.

The woman I empathize with most in this episode is Lady Min. She made the right political choice for her family’s sake at her expense. She was an adored and respected daughter of the leader of the HG elite. She was mostly shielded from the life outside of her elite upbringing. She now married into a family that is quite rambunctious with military men and politicians and scholars swirling around the orbit of the family she is married to. She is intelligent enough to realize that writing poems, painting and debating policies is not what is expected of her. She is in the midst of the people whom she debated about. She is adjusting and she wants to be a participant. However, her husband BW keeps his distance and she finds that he is close and spends his time with a servant girl whom he freely debates with. Her mother in law expects her to deal with people she never dreamed in her former life to associate with. During the rescue when BW arrived he addressed his mother and brothers and then his wife with ‘my dear’ then when he saw that BY was not around he rushed with BJ to her rescue. Lady Min was also worried about BY and wanted her rescued but the degree of concern of BW must have clued her into the importance of BY to her husband. Lady Min is a bright and strong woman but I felt her loneliness. I feel that from here she will start to struggle as she determines to learn more about the family and be a participant in their affairs especially her husbands. Will Boon Yi be torn between her love of BW and her brother and loyalty to her cause?

YH was not a participant of the rescue as she was the guardian of JDJ. There has to be someone to guard the most important man of the revolution and she determined it to be her responsibility. I am glad Gap Boon joined Boon Yi’s people.     

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3 hours ago, SukBin said:


There must be a reason that Director and Writernims continue to insist that Bang Won was not a good fighter.... because it looks like they made it a planned portrayal in that way for some reason....

For a man who killed people as a child... isnt it odd that he doesnt learn to fight with a sword... even to the extent of protecting himself or his family....?

The Taejong in TWDR didnt look like a man who does not lift up a sword.... I request Directornim and Writernim to not show Taejong as only some cunning scholar.... he was a warrior too....


As Hong Dae-Hong pointed out, connections, reputations, wealth, and prestigious family backgrounds were the most important factors for political success in Goryeo.

Most of Yi Seong-Gye's family were warriors from the northeast region. The lack of elite scholarly background was one of his weaknesses. That's why Yi Seong-Gye wanted to raise brainy Bang-Won as an elite Confucian scholar. (Remember? in Ep 1, little Bang-Won wanted to be a warrior like his father, but Yi Seong-Gye urged his son to study hard as well as to correct the northeastern dialect.) :)
Yi Bang-Won passed the civil service exam at the age of 15. (The SFD writers didn't describe this part, but he' was virtually on the genius level in the history.) Yi Seong-Gye was so proud of his son that he cried for joy at the notice that Bang-Won had passed. Even he read out his son's certificate of appointment loudly in front of his guests.

Bang-Won's scholarly background helped his father make more personal connections within the central government. It elicited the support of Sadaebu scholars. That's why Bang-Won was called one of the best contributors to the foundation of Joseon.
Of course, Bang-Won likes archery and hunting. Archery was usually used as a method to enhance the concentration of mind. His love for hunting was special for sure. But unlike his older brothers, he'd never been in a battlefield. Basically, he was a bookworm rather than a warrior. But he is regarded as a scholar king with a warrior's heart, because his instictitve timely and ruthless decision was more like a warrior.




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On 12/15/2015 at 5:51 PM, USAFarmgirl said:

Hoping no one throws any rocks my way after saying this. :vicx: But a kiss between BW & BY in one of the last scenes even on her forehead would  have pretty much made my day.  I can't help it I don't want to mess with Korean history or anything just blame it on my pure emotions getting stuck in my throat.  Not to mention who will ever forget that first look in BJ's eyes seeing BY in that condition you could almost read his mind PREPARE TO DIE......  and I hope they all did:)  Instead of the usual music OST back ground you could only hear the slashing of swards.  Which brought a song to mind ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST....Although I would have loved to have seen the fight.  I pretty much trusted that BJ would get the job done.  The women of this drama continue to be so unique in that not one them is weak minded.  They each have their own individual story that could have destroyed them or held them back as in LM's case.  Not allowing a mans world to stop her from educating herself.  Instead they each used their past or their hopes for the future to give them the strength to create change.   Sometimes the strongest are the ones who smile through silent pain....  Fighting Dragons...  Bring on the Subs:w00t:



Hello Dragons, 

@usafarmgirl.  I agree the chemistry between BY and BW is just to strong and even a kiss on the forehead would have been enough.. It shows how are these two try to fight they emotions for each other but the feelings they have for each other or much more stronger it's a pity they not going to above and beyond that.. Watching these two can be heart aching.. 

Well thanks for all the wonderful comments everyone.. 

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The highest rating moment in each episode


Ep. 01 - (?)
(No article)

Ep. 02 - 18.3%
When Jung Do-Jeon and his supporters were singing “Mu-Yi-Yi-Ya (Is there any difference?)” song together under the bloody suppression at Jangpyeong gate.

Ep. 03 - (?)
When little Yi Bang-Won was shouting to Hong In-Bang “Goodness accepts even the evil, but justice never accepts the evil and will punish it!”

Ep. 04 - 17.3%
When grown-up Bang-Won runs into Tang-Sae who just killed Minister Baek Yoon.

Ep. 05 - (?)
(No article)

Ep. 06 - 21.08%
When Bang-Won decided to look for Boon-Yi after meeting Hong In-Bang at Biguksa temple.

Ep. 07 - 16.1%
The breathtaking psychological warfare between the top 2 information vendors in the capital ; Cho-Young of Hwasadan vs. Jeok-Ryong of Biguksa temple.

Ep. 08 -  18.95%
When Jung Do-Jeon reaffirmed his resolve to start the revolution, comforting the victimized soul of his dead colleague Eun-Chang on the cliff.

Ep. 09 - 17.6%
When Jung Do-Jeon advised Hong In-Bang about how to negotiate with General Choi Young if they want to join forces with General Yi Seong-Gye

Ep. 10 - 17.6%
When Jung Do-Jeon recalled his past that he found the innocent kids all dead in the cave and cried out.

Ep. 11 - 17.2%
When Dodang ministers were all shocked at the unexpected content of the letter, only Hong In-Bang and Jung Mong-Joo saw through Sambong’s design from it. After defeating Hobaldo, Yi Seong-Gye silently declared a war against Yi In-Gyeom.

Ep 12 - 20.4%
When the whole truth came out and Jung Do-Jeon accepted Yi Bang-Won as his pupil, saying “That you are still young. That you still have a chance. That’s what I decided to bet on you.”

Ep 13 ~ 14 (consecutive broadcasting) - 17.5%
When Tang-Sae hid himself in Hawadan while being chased by Biguksa monks,  and from there he found out Jailsaek, the legendary spy of Hawadan, is none other than Yeon-Hee.

Ep 15 - 19%
When Jung Do-Jeon and Yi Seong-Gye set up a secret operation with Jung Mong-Joo to impeach Hong In-Bang

Ep 16 - 17%
When Yi Bang-Won succeeded to collect the whole Haedong Gapjok’s signatures for the petition to impeach Dodang trio and returned triumphantly, saying “Hong In-Bang, it will be the final morning to you.”

Ep 17 - 18.3%
The ending scene to tease the fierce sword fight between “The Viper” Yi Bang-Ji and “The best swordsman of Three Hans” Gil Tae-Mi.

Ep 18 - 16.7%
The final discussion between Hong In-Bang and Jung Do-Jeon just before the public execution. Jung Do-Jeon realizes once again from Hong In-Bang’s remarks that there is no hope in Goryeo.

Ep 19~20 - (?)
(No article)

Ep 21 - 19.1%
The ending scene where Yi Seong-Gye read Bang-Won’s letter and made a resolution to win the upcoming battle in front of his family.

Ep 22 - 18.2%
When the identity of the man who spread the old prophecy to make Yi Seong-Gye a public enemy has been revealed at last.


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week by week, i just get blown away by how awesome the episode is. i want to applaud the writers! saeguks mean you have to do a lot of research, especially ones where you portray history like this. and the writers do such an amazing job to make it fun but also show how tense situations were. 


i'm kinda sad bc i love Bang Won's character. just his wit and his aggressiveness. and i've never watched TWDR before so I'm not too familiar with the background, but i'm trying to prepare myself for the change while reading everyone's posts about how Bang Won's character will develop. but i'm really enjoying how charismatic he is and his romance with Boon Yi is so sweet! 


it's been a while since I enjoyed a saeguk so much and there really is never a dull moment in this drama. it's just so interesting even if you have no knowledge of the history, the writers do such a great job to keep you informed and help you understand the process. two thumbs up for the whole cast!!! hopefully they're staying warm in this cold weather as much as they can


btw does anyone know how we can vote for SBS best couple award? LOL i hope Boon Yi & Bang Won win 

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From a modern perspective, what I find most ludicrous is the question by Jung Moo Joo towards Lee Seong Gye regarding his choice between following the king's orders vs the people and the country, there should not be a thought that you should choose the country and the people rather than the king especially if the king is incompetent, corrupt or unduly influenced by corrupt officials. However, in countries like China and Korea perhaps even in the west, the prevailing mindset at that time and the choice made by supposedly local and patriotic officials is to follow the king's or emperor's orders at all cost even if deleterious consequences is to befall on the people and the country as a result of that choice. In this current context, it makes me unsympathetic to the Jung Moo Joo who would continue to be misguided in his fierce loyalty towards a regime that is already rotton to the core especially when there appears to be a better alternative.

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Six Flying Dragons: Episode 22

by HeadsNo2 (drama beans)
Yeah, I’d be making that face too if I just chased a man who’s been giving taffy to random children up to the top of a roof. Leave it to our amateur flying sleuths to find the culprit responsible for spreading a dangerous message through the populace—or not, as it so happens in this case. Jung Do-jeon can’t win ‘em all all the time, right?
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