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The historical background to help understand Ep. 21~22



* Yi Seong-Gye’s character in the history

Was his character really that good as depicted in the drama? Yes, it was. Although Yi Seong-Gye’s reputation had been gradually derogated in the bloody process of Joseon’s establishment, he was known as a great warrior with a great personality at least in the beginning.

He was an invincible warrior in the bone. He has never been defeated in any battle. He became a national hero of Goryeo by protecting people from various foreign invasions. In spite of such a great military success, he was so humble, honest, and virtuous. He was a devout Buddhist to dislike taking lives unnecessarily. He loved his wives and children. General Choi Young trusted him, and common people loved him. 

However, he was regarded as an outsider and a country bumpkin by the central nobles. He had reputation and military power, but he didn’t have any political brain or connections. That’s why Jung Do-Jeon had an eye on him.

The SFD writers interpreted his humbleness and integrity as a kind of obsession that he should expiate betrayal of his sworn brother Jo So Saeng. Of course, it is a fictional device. In the real history, Jo So-Saeng was not his sworn brother. Most of all, he was not killed in the battle. (ep 1)



* Was his coup accidental? or premeditated?

When they first met in Hamaju (1383), Jung Do-Jeon told Yi Seong-Gye “You can do anything with these seasoned troops.” “What do you mean by that?” “Oh, never mind. I mean you can defeat Japanese pirates.” After the meeting,  they became the best friends, and about 5 years later, Yi Seong-Gye’s retreat from Wihwa Island (1388) happened.

Did Yi Seong-Gye’s party have any previous plan to take over the government? Well, it could be true. Maybe they had an ambiguous agreement for a dynastic revolution. But they never planned to stage a coup in that way. The retreat in 1388 was accidental.

If it was premeditated, Yi Seong-Gye didn’t have to suggest 4 reasons why they should not go to the expedition. According to the official history, when his opinion was dismissed by Choi Young, he came out of the king’s camp and began to shed tears, saying “The calamity of the people is coming.”

Most of all, the Liadong expedition was supposed to be led by General Choi Young himself in the beginning. Yi Seong-Gye couldn’t plan the coup like that in the situation. Choi Young changed his mind at the last minute because King U desperately asked him not to leave him alone.  The last minute decision changed the history after all.



* The Seige of Gaegyung (June, 1388)

Timeline (Lunar calendar, 1388)
May 22. Yi Seong-Gye and Jo Min-Soo started to retreat from Wihwa island.
May 24. King U and General Choi Young were in Seongju and heard of the retreat. Yi Bang-Woo and Yi Bang-Gwa escaped the king’s camp and moved to his father.
May 25. King U and Choi Young started to move South.
May 26. King U and Choi Young arrived at Seogyung (Today’s Pyongyang).
May 29. King U and Choi Young arrived at Gaegyung (the capital). They tried to take General Yi’s family hostage, but any actions couldn’t be taken because Yi Bang-Won smelled a rat and already evacuated them to Hamju.
June 1. The expeditionary forces built their bases outside of Gaegyung castle. Jo Min-Soo (The left army) stationed outside of the Seonuimun (the west gate), and Yi Seong-Gye (the Right army) outside of the Sunginmun (the east gate).
June 2. King U tried to appease them but failed. Additional 1,000 soldiers came to help Yi Seong-Gye from the northeastern region. Choi Young barricaded streets with wagons from all over the capital.


June 3.

  • Choi Young’s army launched street battles against the two generals.
  • Despite breaking through the west gate, Jo Min-Soo’s Left army was defeated by Choi Young.
  • Around the same time, Yi Seong-Gye’s Right army broke through the east gate, and marched down the street in great state.
  • Frightened at the sight, Ahn So (Choi Young’s subordinate) gave up Mountain Namsan and fled away. Yi Seong-Gye’s army occupied the mountain near the palace. It led to Choi Young’s withdrawal.
  • When Choi Young went to meet the king in the palace garden, the Left and Right armies surrounded the palace.
  • Yi Seong-Gye ordered to blow big trumpet shells which was the unique emblem of his private armies. All Gaegyung citizens recognized the sound and found out General Yi’s coming.
  • The final defense line has been broken. Choi Young made a deep bow to the king twice, and went out of the gate to meet Yi Seong-Gye in person.
  • Yi Seong-Gye burst into tears, saying “I never meant to do this. It couldn’t be helped because the nation’s safety was not stabilized and the people’s resentment was soaring to the sky. Good bye, General.”
  • Choi Young replied “Now I know what Yi In-Im told me was true. ” (* Yi In-Im (Yi In-Gyeom) had told him not to trust Yi Seong-Gye because he thought Yi Seong-Gye had an ambition to be a king, but General Choi had ignored it.)

General Choi was sent into exile and executed.

King U sent about 80 armed eunuchs to Yi Seong-Gye’s house, but they failed to assassinate him because he was not in his house but in his military camp.

King U was deposed.



* Yi Bang-Won’s whereabout during the battle

After evacuating General Yi’s family to Hamju, he ran to his father to persuade him to start a revolution. His secret action in the capital to make Choi Young’s army powerless (ep. 22) was a fiction.



* General Jo Min-Soo’s choice

During the Liaodong expedition, Yi Seong-Gye was in charge of the Right army (우군도통사, 右軍都統使) and Jo Min-Soo was leading the Left Army (좌군도통사, 左軍都統使). In the historical records, when a rumor was spreading that Yi Seong-Gye would go back to his Northeast region, Jo Min-Soo was surprised and came to stop him, but Yi Seong-Gye persuaded him to join his retreat.

They agreed on ousting General Choi Young and deposing King U. We don’t know who suggested it first, but they had to do it in order to get away from being a traitor.

Before coming back to the capital, the two generals promised to enthrone one of Goryeo’s royalty. In the drama, the man was Prince Jeongchang (정창군, 定昌君, 1345~1394), the descendent of Goryeo’s 20th King.

However, after the coup was finished, Jo Min-Soo betrayed Yi Seong-Gye. He joined hands with Yi Saek (이색 李穡 1328~1396), the grand master of all Confucian scholars in Goryeo, and brought the deposed king’s son to the throne. (* King Chang, 昌王, 1380~1389) The 8-year-old crown prince was born from a distant relative of Yi In-Im (Yi In-Gyeom).  



* A children’s song to frame : 십팔자위왕(十八子爲王)

Sipalja (십팔자, 十八子, Eighteen children) will become a king.” It had been a prevailing prophecy during Goryeo period.

“Sipalja” can be interpreted as “Yi” in Hanja (Chinese characters). It is the same case as “Mokja (木子, wooden child) will become a king.” which I already posted before.

  • Sip (十, ten) + Pal (八, eight) + Ja (子, child) = Yi (李)
  • Mok (木, wood) + Ja (子, child) = Yi (李)

Believing in this prophecy, a few politicians whose sir name was “Yi” attempted to usurp the throne and all of them ended in failure : Yi Ja-Gyeom (이자겸 李資謙, ?~1126), Yi Ui-Bang (이의방 李義方, ?~1174), and Yi Ui-min (이의민 李義旼, ?~1196).

Yi Ja-Gyeom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Ja-kyum
Yi Ui-Bang https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yi_Ui-bang
Yi Ui-min  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yi_Ui-min

Eventually, this prophecy proved to be correct by Yi Seong-Gye’s founding of the Joseon dynasty in 1392.



* Ha Ryun (하륜 河崙, 1347~1416)

He is a really important historical figure. To put it simply, Ha Ryun is…

  • The husband of Yi In-Gyeom’s niece
  • Poeun Jung Mong-Joo’s ally
  • Yi Bang-Won’s future right-hand man
  • Sambong Jung Do-Jeon’s archenemy


As Yi Seong-Gye keeps Jung Do-Jeon by his side, Yi Bang-Won will keep him as his best strategist. He is so-called “Kingmaker”.


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On 12/14/2015 at 10:45 PM, homura said:

Episode 21 focuses on the fictional adventure of Boon-Yi, Bang-Ji, and Bang-Won to save General Yi's family. The fans of Boon-Yi character, Romantic/poetic couple, and Brother-sister chemistry will be able to enjoy this episode. It is all for you.

To me, it was so so. I'm disappointed when it didn't show Bang-Ji's final battle in the room and suddenly jumped to the next scene where he already escaped and gave his sister a piggyback.

The overall impression is mediocre. The final ending scene should be better. It was so weird. I hope next episode will get better.

I think it was expected tht Bang Ji will slaughter all, just look at the way the last best warrior killed everyone who dared come on his path. 

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Which K-Celebs Made The Most Money In 2015?

But the Korean actor who made the most money in 2015, according to "The List," was Yoo Ah In. The "Six Flying Dragons" star earned almost $400,000 for playing the tragic Crown Prince Sado in the film "The Throne." He also appeared in the box office hit "Veteran." And he earns almost $60,000 for each episode of "Six Flying Dragons." On top of that he appears in multiple ads as the spokesperson for coffee, clothes and telecommunications. He's handsome, talented and rich.


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21 hours ago, shirayukihime said:

I've been waiting for Bang won to fight with sword..

it is really surprising that he hasnt -since he was one of the best swordsman (right homura?) and i was sure he would also fight but he always check for the others if they are able

for example when meeting Magpie with MH he asked if MH has brought the sword

and 21 ep he asked BJ if he can do it 

its like he gave up the sword he gave up fighting

although he does archery from time to time - a nobles sport? was it considered more of a sport back then? 

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14 hours ago, liddi said:

Breathtaking breathtaking two episodes this week! Will need time to regroup my thoughts  but a squeeing shoutout to @nevill and @homura over the appearance of yet another TWDR cast - Jo Hee Bong, who was Han Ga Nom in Tree, but we find out later to actually be

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Han Myung Hoi, trusted adviser of King Sejo who has a hand in the deaths of scholars Park Peng Nyeom and Sung Sam Moon!

And here he plays yet another powerful mover and shaker of the time, Ha Ryun. Awesome!

Now can I intensify my prayers for more Tree cast reunions?

and since he is a prominent character - not a cameo like i first thought - there are mny positions for cameos now

please... i didnt realize till i aw him how much ide like to see that 

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24 minutes ago, shirayukihime said:

XD prophecy again.. they sure believe in prophecy and omen... i'm addicted to this... cause of Gweon Won

The sounds if the trumpets was really stunning.

Few months ago I watched a video of strange trumpet sounds suddenly coming from the sky. Poeple from many parts of the world were looking towards the sky in awe and wondering.


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wow,.. the info presented is so amazing.. u guys are so JIAANG! i am so piqued and i can't wait for the next week's episodes to see what will unfold with this new character Ha Ryun on board. and he is Yi Bang-Won’s future right-hand man cum Kingmaker ? super like !!!!! 

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Six Flying Dragons: Episode 21

by HeadsNo2 (drama beans)
The tumultuous times our characters are living in may have produced its fair share of villains and legitimately kooky kings, but for every instance of callousness and short-sightedness from those wrongly in power, our dragons are there to prove that, through bravery and sacrifice, all things are possible. Whether it’s the overthrowing of a dynasty or a simple act of love, Jung Do-jeon’s band of young idealists are growing up fast.
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Just finished watching the third episode of this and so far it's hitting all the right notes for me. It's long which is partly why I've put off getting started. I haven't had much luck with sageuks lately and would desperately like to enjoy one and not feel let down by sloppy writing or deviations into soap opera territory. So far I'm liking this as much as Tree with Deep Roots, the last sageuk that I actually felt good about from start to finish.

I recognized the young lass from Super Daddy Yeol. She was great there and just as good here. And the lad that plays young Bang Won... good grief... where did they find him? He's really good. It amazes me consistently that these K dramas consistently manage to continue bringing out such talented youngsters. It's also amusing to see the usual suspects playing sageuk politicians.

The Sungkyunkwan episodes were really hard-hitting. Tough to watch but good. I didn't enjoy the Sungkyunkwan Scandal all that much so this was a take I found much more serious and satisfying.

Here's hoping this storyline has got legs and doesn't run out of steam before the end.


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@40somethingahjumma opening the thread and seeing your name - what can i say-ecstatic

welcome aboard and hope to hear lots from you 

[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Six Flying Dragons" Episode 22

by William Schwartz


As expected, the big clamactic battle in "Six Flying Dragons" is so ridiculously one-sided that there was barely even any point to showing it. The huge fight scene is mainly just an exercise in letting Seong-gye's soldiers show off just how tough they really are, and how any attempt at resistance is futile. King Woo, for all his aplomb upon entering the scene a few episodes ago, is quickly resigned to give up here because there's just nowhere else to go.

Once that's all settled with, it looks like smooth sailing as Seong-gye can now finally become King. Ha ha, not so fast- Seong-gye becoming King is what happened in the historical record. It's also what nearly everyone is expecting at this point, and why shouldn't they? The Goryeo regime was terrible, and now that Seong-gye has disobeyed direct orders once there's no reason for him to ever obey anyone else's orders ever again.

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