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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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3 hours ago, liddi said:

Someone whose brother also graduated from the military training posted a video of Siwon... who are you calling, Mr Choi? :w00t:

EDIT: Here's the video as made available from mun+won Weibo, seeing the original poster has set her IG account to private:



Well, she was in Hunan, he might talk to his Zhang Ren as well... :P

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More of Siwon...

151217 MBC FB更新#崔始源# 相关:疯子记者来了. 崔始源 演技大赏预告, NG集锦. mbc演技大赏. 想疯子记者的幸运饼干了.【翻译:冰美式】移动的表情包[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈] #宝蓝映像# 
151217 MBC FB Update #Choi Siwon# related: Crazy reporter is here. Choi Siwon's acting preview, NG highlights, MBC acting awards - missing Crazy Reporter's fortune cookies, [not sure what this is] highly mobile expressions haha


cr. 宝蓝映像_FirstImpression Weibo


and bgchae's IG post:


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There was a video of the part when th host asked LW the question " are you and SW for real?" -  because the way she played with the words, most fans believe she indirectly admitted the relationship.  

Actually the conversation went like this:

I am in a cab so will skip irrelevant part and pardon any typos 

host: are you and SW for real?

lw asked the audience "have you had lunch?" Audience responded no

Host: ok, i guess you are done answering the question and he was ready to move on

lw added " afterwards, will ask the chef which ryhmes with SW to treat you to a meal 

crowed went wild. 

Host: omg, she is someone that can ask SW to treat everyone to a meal, why still questions if it is real or not, another host chimed in " are you that certain, directed at the main host"

host: no matter what, we wish LW the best as we love her.  Then he went on asking the next female the same question if she and xxx is for real,   The guest answered I hope SW (not chef) can treat me to a meal too...

LW"s answer points towards a positive answer, IMO.  I don't think she will ever flat out confirm the relationship unless she  gets caught or is ready to get married.

Add video for those of you who can understand Chinese: http://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4f5e09d63d81017754fe85fdf16ab54e

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57 minutes ago, Kculturefun said:

LW"s answer points towards a positive answer, IMO.  I don't think she will ever flat out confirm the relationship unless she  gets caught or is ready to get married.

She doesn't need to, really. The fact that she refuses to deny the relationship outright when presented with a prime opportunity...and what better avenue to set the record straight than through national television?...that in itself tells us all we need to know.

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19 minutes ago, mellinadear said:

She was asked a YES/NO question but she beat around the bush. She's leaving us to our own imaginations.

Yes, and the fact she's even beating around the bush indicates that she's got something to hide. I have enough faith in her character to believe that she wouldn't leave us dicking around if there's absolutely no truth to the rumors.

Confirming the relationship outright is not a feasible option, so the next best thing to do is to be noncommittal and let us draw our own conclusions. I firmly believe that if even the idea that SW & LW are together is a total joke, LW would've flatly denied the relationship at any given opportunity, let alone one on national television.

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14 minutes ago, mellinadear said:

=She was asked a YES/NO question but she beat around the bush. She's leaving us to our own imaginations.

To other folks' point, her not denying the relationship says a lot. The more I learn about LW, the more I feel she is not the kind of person who misleads people.  Even Dan Sui (the GQ China editor, one of LW's good friends) said LW can be very bold at times.  She is very intelligent and I think she has her own way of communicating without really spelling things out. 

I also think the host interpreted LW's answer very well - he did not focus on what she said, but the tone she used, i.e. who but someone very close to SW can ask him to treat everyone for a meal... In the video, the host was ready to move on after LW said "have you all had lunch?" LW could have stopped there... instead, it was LW herself voluntarily said she would ask SW to treat everyone afterwards... 

Anyway, I think most people here believe they have been dating and the latest news indicate they are going strong.  So best wishes to our couple.

Don't forget to vote for LW if you haven't already.


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3 hours ago, ieja rashid said:

Just wonder why LW not in best model of the year list :(

I think LW did well but seems you can put the candidates into two big groups, the established ones have done something extraordinary (e.g. Joan Smalls collaborated with True Religion on her own line of Jeans) or newbies  like Gigi and Kendall (eye roll)...

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So Bugsy visited him, stayed with him for a while, left him ...

It does make me feel better that LW and SW don't meet this time not because of her schedule, but it's his current situation that makes it impossible to happen.

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Even if Siwon had been able to go home, he'd have at the most one full day off (the 17th). Considering her current schedule, it's practically impossible that Liu Wen would've flown to Seoul to spend barely a few hours with Siwon when she had a day of filming on the 17th and an event to attend on the 18th (the date of Siwon's enrollment). We'd like to think so, but she's not Superwoman, okay! :P

As for Gigi and Kendall...ugh! Those are celebrities (I use the word very loosely); they are not true models, and it makes me sick to see Kendall's flatly lifeless face plastered on every major Estee Lauder advert these days while girls like Liu are given short shrift. It's like when Kim and Kanye made the cover of American Vogue; it almost makes one want to give up on fashion when such a travesty occurs.


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As a model who belongs to an agency, will her schedules be arranged by her company or by her manager ( Ms. Ren ) ? Is it possible for her to request someone to clear her schedule next time ? Or maybe it's easier for Siwon to arrange his day off to fit her schedule ? Or is it still too good to be true ? :P

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