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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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I understand where you're all coming from and you've all brought up some very valid points @twistbow , @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv, @Kculturefun and @juzagurl, @moonee .We're all hoping for the same thing and of course we're all gonna have our moments of doubt and maybe even disappointment mixed in with the happy moments, but let's stay optimistic! I know we have to be realistic too, but when in doubt, don't always choose the unhappy route lol stay positive, my shipper friends, especially you @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv ;) 

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Guest diorucci

Looking at everything that has happened in just 3.5 months since filming, I find all of this to be really grand. Their H&M ad is reaching out to 9 countries and they are only globalizing themselves more even though the ads can be interpreted in different ways...the people that think they're dating will still be there and may increase. From my POV, if they are doing all of this just to “please” fans, then they are putting a lot of pressure on themselves. Are there really that many people that care that they're together compared to their other fans that they gained from 10 years of work and fans that would support them regardless? If Siwon cared about his single status that badly, then why not just clear it up in the very beginning? I really think his "single" remark was Liu Wen's cue. And they can't be that desperate enough to put themselves out like that. They could have denied it from the get-go and move on with their lives. Liu Wen can then search for a new man instead of always being associated with Siwon. If we went back in time and they just denied it like the other couples on LFIL, then they will only have some shippers with broken hearts. Everyone will eventually get over it. But they ultimately chose to remain silent. And now, with everything that has happened, I think there's more pressure than before for them to be a couple... 

I don’t know what’s going to happen to them if in the end they aren't dating. What would people think of them? Liu Wen is an international supermodel and she is considered an icon in China. What will happen to her? Even though I don't care if they're dating or not, we all know there are people that do. Oh gosh, a lot of negative things will be said about them. I think that would be way worse than them dating... 


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Lol.. were not God people.. the truth is we will never now for sure abt them... chill enjoy this ship. Take it as it is but not too seriously. . You are allow to be delulu every now and then..  we cannot even predict abt our own relationship  in the future, how are we  going to predict/ know abt their relationship..  if they are meant to be they will. But if not. Well they meant to be with someone else :w00t: ,  btw out of topic.. suju leader once said that his girl doesnt want to wait him during the enlistment? Does this mean Lee Teuk and Kang Sora.. :vicx: LOL

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I almost forgot, there was an interview about the H&M shooting on Mina.com - a Chinese fashion site, I think?

I only bring over SW's portion because LW's is quite typical - she was happy to be part of CNY campaign because CNY is a very important occasion and celebrates hope... etc, etc, she did not mention LFIL at all

However, SW did.. Liddi, need your help here... he basically conveyed the same thoughts about CNY, happiness and tradition associated with it, then he went on saying (paraphrasing here) - I hope we can extend the tacit understanding between us (him and LW) from LFIL and bring all of you a CNY 2016 that is filled with love, happiness and warmth... 


 Some weibo fans were asking " why did he say tacit understanding not love"  my reaction was - how can he say love when he wants to keep the relationship under wraps and when he just said he is single..,,

So to me, it does not really provide insight into his mind set... your thoughts? .

Harper's Bazaar also published an interview but they only had a paragraph on LW, not SW.

Edited by Kculturefun
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Guest meocon777

Hello all my shippers friends!!!

Just 1 day not checking this thread because so busy with my real life too much to catch up with everyone!! Thanks everyone for all the hard work that always keeping update all the good news!

But sorry can I ask 1 thing I read someone say on LW IG that she had a bf already and lived in NY too! Is that possible? Cause I can't believed in what I read that lady seem like very sure from the source she had & also say that the relationship starting in August (LW stay in China most of the month right?). I mean like after all the happens we seen on the show and their interact on SNS and also all the things SW did for LW and she can't accept his love instead dating a Singapore guy, I don't know what to say anymore....

Can anyone private message that lady on LW ig and ask her about the status because I don't have IG. Thank you!!

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@meocon777 - I don't believe it at all.  There is a girl on IG who loves LW but hates SW.. she keeps saying SW is just a program boyfriend, fair enough, she is entitled to her views...she has been trying to ship LW with a fashion blogger, who is a very good friend of LW's for a while....not sure we are talking about the same person.. but LW and the guy have known each other for a long time, nothing romantic going on.

  On Weibo there are people who claim they have inside info all the time, but nobody really take notice of them... 

Edited by Kculturefun
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@Kculturefun Thanks for highlighting their interview. It is also reported in multiple sites including ELLE Taiwan.

崔始源表示:“我十分高兴代言 H&M 的新春系列广告。我们在韩国亦会与亲人及朋友一起渡过农历新春, 并会交换礼物及穿着韩服庆祝。我希望能延续我们于真人秀之间的默契,带给大家一个充满爱、喜悦和温 馨的中国农历新年。”
Choi Siwon said: "I am extremely happy to endorse H&M's Chinese New Year campaign. In Korea, we would spend the Lunar New Year with family and friends, wearing hanbok and exchanging gifts as part of the celebration. I hope to continue the tacit understanding we share in the reality show, and bring everyone a Chinese New Year filled with love, joy and and warmth."

Definitely he gives nothing away in this one. Very neutral, just like the way both of them posted on IG. Yet on the very same day, their Weibo posts were far more personal in comparison? I won't read too much into it... the fact that he even speak of wanting to continue their "tacit understanding" is enough for now. For me, it is already pretty much a given that they will be keeping everything under wraps at least until after his enlistment is over, and well they should. And so far, all the hints from their SNS posts, and their interactions in the H&M campaign videos and photos give me utterly no reason to believe they are not together. So unless they specifically come out and announce that they are dating someone else, I will still continue to ship them as a couple. 

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Hello all my shippers friends!!!

Just 1 day not checking this thread because so busy with my real life too much to catch up with everyone!! Thanks everyone for all the hard work that always keeping update all the good news!

But sorry can I ask 1 thing I read someone say on LW IG that she had a bf already and lived in NY too! Is that possible? Cause I can't believed in what I read that lady seem like very sure from the source she had & also say that the relationship starting in August (LW stay in China most of the month right?). I mean like after all the happens we seen on the show and their interact on SNS and also all the things SW did for LW and she can't accept his love instead dating a Singapore guy, I don't know what to say anymore....

Can anyone private message that lady on LW ig and ask her about the status because I don't have IG. Thank you!!

That little fire starter's quite convincing, ain't she? But I doubt it...I think if Liu Wen were in love and she's allowed to be open about it, she'd make it clear. It REALLY isn't likely that she's in love with some other guy and is keeping it secret just so that she can fool everyone into thinking she's with Siwon for money, fame, etc. I understand that troublemaker's reasoning, though; she's probably a Liu Wen fan and former shipper who's now become utterly disillusioned and is desperate to get the focus off of Siwon on Liu Wen's IG.

And diorucci, what excellent points! Those are precisely some of the reasons why one can't discount the realness completely. Don't they realize what deep shite they're getting themselves into by continuing to play the couple when they aren't one? The backlash would be enormous if the truth eventually came to light. Of course, it could be that they were for real at one time and have now since split, but they're too deeply into the charade to back out now. If they never were real, it would've been wise to make that clear as soon as the show ended.

As for the H&M campaign, they wouldn't do it to please fans. If they're just friends, they'd do it because an agreement was reached months earlier, and this is a chance to reunite, have fun, and make some pocket change. I suppose if they are for real, the same reasons would apply.

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Liu Wen Pairs Up With Siwon For H&M’s Lunar Campaign

Shippers of top model Liu Wen and Super Junior’s Choi Siwon, get ready to gush because the duo are reuniting as the faces of H&M’s upcoming campaign for Chinese New Year 2016. While already famous in their respective fields, the pair came to prominence after starring as a faux couple in Let’s Fall In Love, the Chinese version of popular South Korean reality show We Got Married. Liu Wen is already a H&M regular and the addition of Choi is an extension of the aww-worthy chemistry in the series.

H&M CNY 2016_Siwon & LiuwenLiu Wen and Choi Siwon. (Photo: H&M)

“In Korea, we also celebrate the Spring Festival! It is the time of year where we gather with our loved ones to exchange gifts, and the traditional Korean hanbok is worn during the holiday,” says Choi. “I hope my chemistry with Liu Wen will truly reflect love and togetherness during this year’s heart-warming Spring Festival.” Seriously, just stop it you two.

The collection hits stores on 28 January 2015 and will be sold exclusively in nine countries: China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.


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I believe they are together but will not go public, so do not expect them to admit they are anything other than friends/working partners before Siwon's 2 year enlistment period is up. It's really very obvious (at least to me - and so obvious that I do not wish to list them down, if you see it, you do, if you don't, you won't:P). Trust yourself - your eyes and your judgement.:phew::P:D

PS: You know Liddi...I'm very curious what's your id on Weibo. Hahaha

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Hmm...after watching the H&M campaign featuring another Asian celebrity couple, Archie Kao (cute!) and Zhou Xun, I'm feeling much more hopeful about our lovebirds. Now I'm almost positive there will be a big reveal next year when Siwon and Liu Wen's campaign is launched. When exactly does the Chinese New Year begin? Shippers will need to mark their calendars.

I can't help noticing that SW and LW's campaign may follow the same pattern as Archie and Xun's - beginning with a mostly benign, introductory promo:

And observe the finished product:

I think SW and LW's main campaign vid which will be released next year will serve as the official announcement that they're together. In the vid, they may not be screaming in our faces, "Hey, we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend!", but it will be clear to anyone who isn't willfully blind that they are in a relationship.

Siwon was about to reveal something before Liu Wen cut him off in their promo, and now it makes perfect sense why. The fact that they've been playing it coy with their recent SNS posts is also totally understandable. The timing will be ideal as Siwon would have enlisted by then, and that will kind of blunt the impact of the news. Sure, Liu Wen may attract some hate on social media, but does anyone honestly think she'll care?




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Guest diorucci

Yes, I see it too. It is very obvious and I highly believe that they are dating. I can't believe it took me this long. You might laugh at yourself. I did. My advice for you guys is to take a step back and calm down from all the goodies. Don’t think too hard. But I would think twice if I was any of you to post everything. Let them say it when it’s time. Siwon's quote: "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters - Albert Einstein" that was posted a few days ago is for us. 

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Zhou Xun and Archie Kao also had barriers to overcome in their romance... he speaks very little Chinese, while she barely knew any English. Not to mention one is based in the US, while the other is in China. Yet, they made their romance work, learnt to communicate with each other... and had a surprise wedding ceremony held with fans during a charity concert. You can read more about them and their wedding here.

It would be awesome if WonWen announced through their H&M campaign on 28 Jan 2016, but I won't be too upset if they didn't either, since they know best the right time to make such an announcement. Regardless, I am truly anticipating the complete CF when it is finally released... and be able to see more of their interactions! Is it January 28th yet?

@ksyting I merely lurk on Weibo... and only post here. I guess you are the direct opposite :) 

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Zhou Xun and Archie Kao also had barriers to overcome in their romance... he speaks very little Chinese, while she barely knew any English. Not to mention one is based in the US, while the other is in China. Yet, they made their romance work, learnt to communicate with each other... and had a surprise wedding ceremony held with fans during a charity concert. You can read more about them and their wedding here.

It would be awesome if WonWen announced through their H&M campaign on 28 Jan 2016, but I won't be too upset if they didn't either, since they know best the right time to make such an announcement. Regardless, I am truly anticipating the complete CF when it is finally released... and finally be able to see more of their interactions! Is it January 28th yet?

Thanks for the link, liddi - they seem like a lovely couple, and it's encouraging to know their circumstances were somewhat similar to our couple's and yet they overcame them. I've never once felt that language is a barrier between Siwon and Liu Wen, though; the main obstacles for them are their careers and the fact that they aren't based in the same country. I recognize Zhou Xun; she was on the Vogue 'Icons' cover with Liu Wen, and who knows, maybe they had a talk about this H&M gig during the shoot? ;)

Everything sort of falls into place if one believes that this H&M campaign will function as the big reveal. Siwon and Liu Wen must have been deliberating long and hard about how best to make an announcement and at what time, and this is such a wonderfully classy way to do it. This year marks the first time that H&M has hired a real celebrity couple to front a Chinese New Year campaign, so a pretend couple would not be roped in for next year's effort. Really, it all makes perfect sense now, and let me divulge what Siwon was about to say in that promo: "I'm a little bit nervous because this is our official announcement"! :D

I actually think the vid may start off with something like "I'm Siwon and this is my girlfriend Liu Wen" but even if it doesn't, just imagine how we'll be squeeing if we see Siwon and Liu Wen do half the things Archie and Xun did in their video. Amazing how suddenly the tides can change when a new discovery is made, isn't it? :P

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That's the reason why sometimes it's important to always delay judgement. When the drama cooled down, only when one can put pieces together. :-) I hope we continue to ship these two even though the tides maybe rough and the silence become so deafening. Good night all. :wub:

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@Kculturefun Having read the Chinese text, and now seen the English articles on the H&M interview, I have to wonder which of Siwon's answer is the original - English or Chinese. I ask this because unless there is something wrong with my interpretation of the Chinese text (which is possible), then both versions are vastly different. I would be more than happy to accept the English version as fact, but I do not wish to do so without knowing which came first. What do you think?

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I actually think the vid may start off with something like "I'm Siwon and this is my girlfriend Liu Wen" but even if it doesn't, just imagine how we'll be squeeing if we see Siwon and Liu Wen do half the things Archie and Xun did in their video. Amazing how suddenly the tides can change when a new discovery is made, isn't it?

@allnaturalcrunchtime_st he actually sort of said something like that along the lines 'I'm LW's $10 SW", ie, LW's reel and real in one, with LW nodding away in agreement  ;)

If the HM campaign comes out as sweet as the ELLE 520 video clips I would be a very happy camper :) 

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ELLE Taiwan and ELLE Singapore have slight variations in their respective articles on the H&M interview. ELLE Taiwan's article, which was published 25 Sep, is more cut and dry - explaining the campaign and reporting what Liu Wen and Siwon said. ELLE Singapore's was released a day later and has a more shipper-y feel to it, with a slightly different quote of what Siwon said, and even alluding to rumours that they are dating in real life. It would definitely be awesome if ELLE Singapore's article was written due to some behind-the-scenes details that were not released in the Chinese version :) 

Celebrate CNY With Choi Siwon & Liu Wen

Fans of the reel couple have something else to look forward to besides red packets

 26 SEP 2015


The pairing of Choi Siwon from K-pop group Super Junior with international supermodel Liu Wen may seem random for some, but for fans of the popular Chinese-Korean reality TV show Let’s Fall in Love, this is your cue to start screaming with joy. The reel couple are coming back together again, this time to front H&M’s Chinese New Year 2016 campaign. 

This is the third year in a row that H&M will be designing a special collection for the occasion. This time, the high-street fashion giant hopes to promote hope and joy for CNY next year through outdoor, print and online campaigns featuring the TV husband and wife. 


“I’m very excited to be fronting H&M’s Chinese New Year campaign. In Korea, we also celebrate the Spring Festival! I hope my chemistry with Liu Wen will truly reflect love and togetherness during this year’s heartwarming Spring Festival,” says Choi.

Liu chimes in, “Chinese New Year is definitely one of the biggest and most celebrated occasions for Chinese around the world. I am proud to be part of this exciting H&M regional campaign as it totally resonates with my spirit of celebration during this special festive season. Through our campaign, we hope to exude love and happiness in this festivity.”

With rumours flying that the pair have been dating in real life following the show’s finale, this is one campaign fans will definitely be excited about. And even if you don’t follow Let’s Fall in Love, who can say no to trendy, pocket-friendly clothes to shop for the new year? 

H&M’s Chinese New Year 2016 collection will drop on 28 January 2016, and will be exclusively available in nine Asian countries: Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. 

cr. ELLE Singapore 

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