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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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An early apology in case I've offended anyone here.
I also agree with @Kculturefun that Liu Wen is slow and extremely careful with the relationship, if they are in fact together.  I don't necessarily think Siwon is "fed up" with Liu Wen's attitude as he did say that he was fine with adjusting his pace to match up with Liu Wen's pacing. But I do agree it can become a bit tiring for Siwon, but not to the extent where he is giving up or fed up with it.And whether or not they decide to go public or not, it seems like some fans will continue their bashing against each other.

And regarding with H&M planning this for 5 months or more, I think that it can be a possibility because both Liu Wen and Siwon probably had to decide some factors as well or leave time to do this campaign as well.

I don't think he is fed up either assuming he is into her (which seems that way).. he might be a bit frustrated, fed up? probably not, he is not stupid. girls like LW don't come around often.. as a matter of fact, rarely.  She is his type, beautiful, stylish and conservative with compatible values....  in today's IG post, he used " beautiful woman for another great memory"   which means he thinks highly of her and respects her, he actually said so in past interviews.   Like other posters, I do notice a subtle shift.. in the past LW has always looked more comfortable and confident in the BTS videos, but a bit shy on screen.. SW was confident like all the time... he did become more patient and very caring towards LW in the latter part of the program... but in the H&M video.. he seemed like a guy who finally came face to face with his crush... maybe they "see" each other on face time all the time, but it is a different thing having a 5'10 gorgeous creature standing right in front you, especially she looked more beautiful and glowing that before and he has been longing to see her...

One caveat here... only feet know if shoes fit.. sometimes, what we think makes perfect sense does not always work for people involved. 

Let's play a "what-if" scenario... is he ready to ask for her hand?  maybe not yet... so if he is not ready, he can't really ask for a whole lot from her with his pending enlistment... If I were him, it sucks big time to think that there is someone you really like, but you can't get close to her because of enlistment and professional commitments... so he has to place faith in her too to see if she will stay... to a great extent, it is LW that needs to give him assurance that she is willing to continue the relationship and willing to wait... right now, it seems like she is willing to wait (per one of the episodes and bits and pieces we hear from different sources (interviews.. and her claim in the final episode that she thinks SW is the guy)

Even if he is ready and asks her to marry him now, what do you think her answer will be... probably " too soon, let things happen naturally", so I think the best he can do now is to continue the chase and create opportunities to get to know each other and meet, and hope things work out in the next two years.... this is more frustrating from his vantage point if he is ready and willing to take the plunge right now (is he ready really?)

... but again, he knows even if LW says yes and they get married (which is highly unlikely), she will have to deal with all the hate and threats on her own... which is too much for her and he would be worried about her judging from the notes he wrote to her in the scrapbook...

so the chance for them to publicly announce they are a couple before enlistment is likely to be zero... we might get some hints (e.g. Siwon's three weibo post today can be interpreted as  "I love LW" if someone actually pays attention), 16 fans will consider this type hints they are still together, non 16 fans will think we are crazy... I am having a headache right  now and I need to adjust my own approach too..... not going to lie, this is the first time I am emotionally invested in celebrity' romance...  it is mentally exhausting thinking about all this... 

So I will find a way to wait for 2 years without going crazy and root for them.  :-)    Your experienced shippers are right, shipping ain't easy. 

Edited by Kculturefun
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@Kculturefun: I agree with you. I also think that they are letting things happen naturally. He can't really do much at this point since his enlistment is in a few months' of time and that he is still filming his drama. I personally think they may be a stage where they are testing things out to see what works and what doesn't work.. At the same time, they are also just letting things happen naturally and seeing what will happen next. But if you ask me personally, I don't really think being an official couple is that important or announcing a "we are together!" news right now. Perhaps, it would reassure their fans who are shipping them together but right now, I think one of the most important things is being able to enjoy each other's time and being able to communicate each other. And who knows? Maybe they have already established a plan/technique to stay in contact during his enlistment. :/

And shipping is hard especially with the upcoming enlistment but regardless of the outcome in two years, I still plan to support both of them in their career and their love life. D:

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" 时间过的很快"

I'm not sure if anyone remembers/noticed, but she used that line towards the end of her letter to Siwon didn't she?

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@Kculturefun: I agree with you. I also think that they are letting things happen naturally. He can't really do much at this point since his enlistment is in a few months' of time and that he is still filming his drama. I personally think they may be a stage where they are testing things out to see what works and what doesn't work.. At the same time, they are also just letting things happen naturally and seeing what will happen next. But if you ask me personally, I don't really think being an official couple is that important or announcing a "we are together!" news right now. Perhaps, it would reassure their fans who are shipping them together but right now, I think one of the most important things is being able to enjoy each other's time and being able to communicate each other. And who knows? Maybe they have already established a plan/technique to stay in contact during his enlistment. :/

And shipping is hard especially with the upcoming enlistment but regardless of the outcome in two years, I still plan to support both of them in their career and their love life. D:

You are right, an announcement is only to satisfy us fans... not really important to them... (but SW likes the whole world to know, but I guess the timing has to be right)

Poor Siwon, he is getting some hate from a few of his own fans, questioning whether he was telling the truth that he was single because they found the timing a bit fishy with the ad coming out so soon...One particular person went completely insane bashing both Siwon and Liu Wen.. maybe Siwon should consider shut is IG and Weibo down for a couple of days to tell these idiots to xxx off. 

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Guest diorucci

About the things that are happening on their SNS's, I'm glad not all their fans are weird, shallow, obsessive freaks. I would like to think a majority of their fans are normal people lol. When you think about the number of people who follow them on all their SNS's, only a very tiny fraction actually waste their time arguing over stupid things. Some of the arguments are very funny. It's also very sad that people write extremely long paragraphs on their SNS's telling Siwon or Liu Wen what to do. I wonder what type of people they are in real life... *shudders* Anyways, it might look like a lot of haters because it’s happening all at once, but not really when you look at the big picture. Well, whatever happens and whatever they do from this point on, I think we will all be in good hands because their trust and bond for each other is totally awesome. Even with some of the hate that is going on, they are still living their lives and posting on their SNS's like normal. I'm just glad they're not surrendering to the public and aren't afraid to do whatever they want. They are really good at this and too cool B) 

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@sj08_stv Thank you so much for sharing Liu Wen's IG post! Finally! I love how she use different photos in Weibo and IG... but in both photos, they are just as glowing and happy together. And look at his hand in this one :wub: Her caption is carefully worded in IG... just like his. So looks like their private messages to each other are confined only to Weibo. Still, their choice of photos are those that highlight their closeness - his has the joined heart, while hers was one she took herself, and another with him holding her close.

Personally, I do not think she is cooling off or taking it slow. If anything, she exhibits the glow of a woman in love, who knows she is loved in return. He is very obviously under a great deal of strain, and who can blame him, with all that transpired in recent days, and all that is coming up, yet the way he looks at her tells all. As for the "we have just met once again" statements, to me, that is their party line if you will, for now, one that allows them to be in the limelight together with the least backlash from haters. I don't think he can travel much right now - the very fact that his drama filming is taking place over Chuseok is a very strong indication of that, so she will have to be the one to fly to him. If they have been in talks for a while regarding the H&M commercial shoot, then it is highly unusual why they chose this time to do so, and not after Fashion Week. My conjecture that it was a decision made by them, so that they can be together around the time that is of great cultural and familial importance to him and his family. Nicky Wu (Taiwan) and Liu Shi Shi (China) did the same before they married, when she traveled to Taiwan to meet his friends and family over the Lunar New Year, a time that is highly important to Chinese. As for not meeting up... the point brought up about his consistent use of iPhone, and their similar online timelines are pretty indicative that they are keeping consistently in touch with one another virtually. Speaking from experience and from what I have seen of those I know personally, it is possible to build a strong relationship, even long-distance, even in the early days of the relationship, as long as the commitment and trust is there. And from what we know of these two, commitment is definitely one of their strong character traits. In addition, we have seen suspicious blackout of online activity during similar days between those two, in particular when she was back in Asia. Do we even know that they did not meet up then? 

Any idea when she is leaving for Paris yet (she told a fan personally that she will be there for Paris Fashion Week). In any case, as of now, she has stayed 3 nights in Seoul, and I hope she will continue to stay over the weekend, and fly off just in time for Paris Fashion Week. Whatever the case may be, from what we have seen of them in the campaign, it is pretty much a given they are spending as much quality time together as they can during this period when the cameras are not rolling too. :) 

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Even if some things were  really planned 5 months ago but with their personnality and position they need not and can not have pretented to be love birds loving each other dearly in the show  especially, for lw ,she is not actress,and after the show   given alot of hints to show the world  that they have missed each other

Edited by VIETtrue
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Liu Wen never got bashed like this until she hooked up with Siwon, so I'm sure he feels really bad about it. Siwon, on the other hand, is used to the crazy fans, and countless people dictating his every move. It's hard for him, because he has to try to appease his fans and also manage to carve out a social life for himself behind the scenes.

Some fans, like me, just want him to do whatever makes him happy, but there are other fans that don't want him to be with anyone because they're of the delusional lot that like to think that he belongs to them. I know for sure that they care about each other a lot, but I'm not sure what they're willing to sacrifice for each other and the "relationship". I'm also unsure about whether or not they've met up since the concert and this H&M photoshoot.

I think it's possible that they've met up in secret because at most airports, they have back doors for celebrities that only authorized personnel can access. There's also private or non-commercial flights available and those jets can fly into smaller airports. I'm just trying to think of all the possibilities here. I know if I were in their shoes, I'd utilize these options.

I've been in a long distance relationship before and it requires a whole lot of trust and even more patience. I think they can both handle a long distance relationship, but I don't think they'd want a public one. Liu Wen had a hard time even saying she loved him in episode 11 and when she did say it, he made a comment in the BRI about how he was surprised she said it with all of those camerascameras around. In episode 8 (?) when he visited her at her hotel and he pulled her closer to lay on his lap, he made a comment about the cameras too. How they wouldn't be able to do anything with 6 cameras lol

These moments made me really aware of the fact that they had a lot of feelings brewing, but were very cautious of what gets filmed. Anyways, these two are very private! Siwon may not seem that way because he's so goofy and sociable, but he's only really open about his projects with SuJu, acting, etc. He has never been one to publicize his love life, so the chances of us seeing anything in public are slim to none.

The only way I think we'll get concrete proof is if they get caught meeting up by one of these media outlets or they plan to marry and announce their plans. I'd prefer the latter, but I don't think they're 100% ready for that kind of commitment yet. Yes, they're both at marrying age, but their careers are hot and they're both in high demand right now. From personal experience, I've learned that it's better to put yourself first.

Relationships will end, ppl will cheat and then if you didn't accomplish what u should have, you'd be left with nothing. It's much better to do all that u need to do for yourself first because what and who is meant for you, will be there at the end of the road. If it's not meant for you then it won't happen, but GOD will provide, so long as you praise him, live your life and trust in your destiny.

I think Siwon, as a Christian, understands and trusts in Gods plan for him. I'm not sure what religion LW follows, but she seems like an upright, tough woman as well, so I think she has got what it takes to make it thru any situation with or without a man. It's so refreshing to see LW be THIS strong AND successful at her age (yes, I'm older lol) She seems to know exactly what she wants and is so unbothered by outside forces. She's soo sure of herself and I love that!

When I was younger, I sacrificed so much for "love" because I was going around thinking the world was rosy and that, "Love conquers all" lol well guess what? I'm back to square one and I don't dwell on regrets, but I can't ignore them completely either hahahaha I think they should pace themselves and focus on their individual goals. If at the end of road, they find each other, then it will be beautiful!!! Hoping for the best possible outcome, but prepared for whatever may happen. I've grown so fond of them, so at the end of the day, I just want them to be happy:wub:

"I do my thing and you do your thing

I am not in this world to live up to your expectations

And you are not in this world to live up to mine

You are you and I am I, if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful

If not, it can't be helped"

~Fritz Perls

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I know I said I wouldn't go back on believing these two are together from now on, but things have become so frustratingly muddied that I don't know what to believe anymore. That promo vid raised my hopes tremendously, but their subsequent statements on SNS are terribly depressing. They really do sound like nothing more than colleagues from their words, who can only get together when work permits. And the sad thing is, the facts seem to bear out what they say - I find it very hard to believe that they couldn't have met up at least once or twice, just the two of them and in a purely personal capacity, since the show ended. The first alarm bell was rung when Siwon missed a golden opportunity to meet with Liu Wen and her family when he was done with his press tour in China. I know there would've been consequences had they been found out, but you'd think the benefits would outweigh the concerns when they are so pressed for time with Siwon's impending enlistment.

So, if we just go by their recent remarks (both on SNS and Siwon's "single" statement) and what we know of that has actually transpired, it's unlikely that they're together. If it's true that all of the remarks and everything else have been carefully constructed to deflect from the fact that they really are together, then that would be wonderful but it's also a little hard to believe, to be honest. On the other hand, when you watch that promo in which they act so much like a couple and when one notices how happy Liu Wen always looks, one starts to wonder which is why it's just so frustrating with these two! And as I mentioned before, another crucial factor is whether or not Siwon and Liu Wen are unscrupulous. Would they continue leading people to believe that they're a real couple for money and/or exposure when they're merely just friends? I actually don't think it bodes well that this H&M gig was agreed to months in advance because then of course it would be hard to get out of it and they'd have to proceed. However, if they agreed to it just recently then that lends more credence to their current status as a couple which is why they'd have no qualms in fronting a campaign as one.

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Don't read too much into it. I know it's frustrating to ship a couple that seems to flip flop back and forth, but have some faith in our couple. They can't and shouldn't be too messy and get caught, if they are in fact a couple. People are already up in arms about the lil minute details, can u imagine the s**tstorm that would ensue if they revealed they were a couple or if they got caught? I don't want that kind of attention for either of them, so if they wanna continue to act like nothing more than work colleagues, it's cool with me. Even if they did prepare this campaign 5 months ago, they didn't have to sign it and if they weren't still cool with each other, I think that would be really obvious in the promo video and photos. They're super happy to be reunited...is that not enough, as a shipper, to be excited about? lol You're a fan of LW, right? You should know her character. She can make money anywhere endorsing anything, but she chose to do this campaign and seems very happy to do it. Does that not tell u anything? Siwon isn't getting as many offers as she is, but trust me when I say, "he does not need the money". Yes, it's a huge opportunity for anyone, but no one's putting a gun to their heads to do it and they are both rich, so to imply that they're doing it for the money is ludicrous. I trust in their character and know that they wouldn't do anything against their will, so I'm happy they chose to do this together. I'm actually not sure what u expect from them, my friend. Their sns posts seemed okay to me, but can u kindly provide some alternatives? What would u have them say or how how would you prefer for them to caption their photos? 

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And LW is leaving Seoul now per her weibo update. Their airport farewell scenes are being replayed in my head now :(

Like everyone else here I'm sure they trust and care a great deal about each other.  The future is uncertain, if they are together and something goes wrong, LW will be the only one facing all the craziness so it's understandable that they are being cautious about everything. 

BTW we see what we can see. There are certainly things that aren't supposed for us to see so what they let us see is a bonus.

I read somewhere in tieba that they were caught having a meal with jiwon but fans were asked not to post photos on sns. I'm not sure if its true though. However the night SW said he's single people said they were seen together in Seoul on that day and fans were asked not post photos. 

Edited by moonee
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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv Don't read too much into it. I know it's frustrating to ship a couple that seems to flip flop back and forth, but have some faith in our couple. They can't and shouldn't be too messy and get caught, if they are in fact a couple. People are already up in arms about the lil minute details, can u imagine the s**tstorm that would ensue if they revealed they were a couple or if they got caught? I don't want that kind of attention for either of them, so if they wanna continue to act like nothing more than work colleagues, it's cool with me. Even if they did prepare this campaign 5 months ago, they didn't have to sign it and if they weren't still cool with each other, I think that would be really obvious in the promo video and photos. They're super happy to be reunited...is that not enough, as a shipper, to be excited about? lol You're a fan of LW, right? You should know her character. She can make money anywhere endorsing anything, but she chose to do this campaign and seems very happy to do it. Does that not tell u anything? Siwon isn't getting as many offers as she is, but trust me when I say, "he does not need the money". Yes, it's a huge opportunity for anyone, but no one's putting a gun to their heads to do it and they are both rich, so to imply that they're doing it for the money is ludicrous. I trust in their character and know that they wouldn't do anything against their will, so I'm happy they chose to do this together. I'm actually not sure what u expect from them, my friend. Their sns posts seemed okay to me, but can u kindly provide some alternatives? What would u have them say or how how would you prefer for them to caption their photos? 

Well, of course they don't NEED the money but if this was agreed to months in advance and, hey, we're friends who like working together so why not grab the chance to reunite and make some pocket change in the process? Having our mugs plastered all over Asia would be pretty cool as well. That's what I fear the real situation is like. Now, would they be willing to do this at the expense of fooling people into believing that they're for real? I like Liu Wen and have followed her for some time, and even I don't know the answer to that question.

And going off of their latest SNS statements..."Because of H&M, I get to meet her again"..."Thanks to H&M for allowing us to meet again"..."happy to work with him and the team"...there's nothing wrong with these remarks in and of themselves, but common sense dictates that they're nothing more than professional partners from such comments. Hello, if you guys are a real couple, you don't need H&M to meet up at least once or twice for purely personal reasons!

So, are they being misleading on purpose as some have suggested? To protect Liu Wen, to provide a 'cover' for what's really going on, yadda, yadda, yadda...to me, there's as good a chance that they aren't being misleading as the likelihood that they are. I'd include Siwon's "single" remark in this category as well, all of which doesn't add up to a terribly rosy picture.

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My apologies in advance if I had offended someone.
I understand where @bambam13 and allnaturaltime is coming from. And I do agree that if they do get caught to be in a relationship, the response will be huge (could be both positive and negative). But aside from that, if they had decided to be together and for some reason, it doesn't work out two years after, the response will probably be huge and negative as well. And speaking of "fooling" people into believing that they are real, I wouldn't necessarily call it fooling people since people who see the advertisement(s) are free to think whatever they want with it. That being said, it's also a common practice for online Asian couples (eg. WGM couples, TV drama pairings, etc.) to earn some money together. I mean there was one couple in the past where they were constantly paired together in two dramas and even performed songs together at his concerts. Their chemistry were so good to to the point where you would think they are together but they were only colleagues. Does this mean that they had been fooling people to make them believe that they are real? Not necessarily.

On a side note, I'll admit that I'm very hesitant in thinking that Siwon would rely on his "single-man" image to get offers and whatnot. It also raises some questions for me. For example, I would think of questions such as  "Is the portrayal of his image being single more important than his work ethic?", "would his career flop if he decides to admit his relationship?" or "Is his image of being single that crucial to the Korean producers/companies that if he was "married" or in a "relationship" would make him earn less or be less appealing?".. I don't really have answers to these questions right now but we'll find out in the upcoming weeks or when he gets back from his enlistment.

And I hope everything goes well for Liu Wen and her team. :D 

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I am actually feeling relatively calm right now... I was SAD the day when Siwon said he was single.. 40% was the the remark itself, but 60% was how he said it...things just did not make sense to me at all... like I said, I've grown to like Siwon and find myself defend more than LW.. oddly enough.  Below is what I think now given the information I know..

1) They are very tight at the very least, there is mutual respect and fondness between the two that is genuine 

2) I do believe they are together right now - just too many "coincidences" and hints from them, the latest H&M video, her caption on the H&M weibo post, the photo she picked for IG post, Siwon's IG and weibo photo and captions; her latest weibo though seems sad

3) Although the captions seem formal, I can't really think of an alternative without attracting more attention and causing more fan commotion than they already have to deal with... it is the safest choice

4)  @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - someone on weibo shared some insight on the H&M deal... although the project has been on-going for 5 mos, however, finalizing the spoken people is 1-2 mos max ago. Usually they have to go through market research, candidates identification, organizing availability, negotiating fees, etc... usually it is not until 1-2 mos prior to shooting before they finalize the deal... The Chinese fans provided a lot of really good alternative real life couples - Fan Bingbing (one of the highest profile Chinese actresses out there right now, very pretty per Chinese standard) and her boyfriend, Angelababy and her husband (newly weds)...  either of these two couples will have great draw, but they chose 16 couple... it may have something to do with the year 2016 or other marketability of these two they discovered through market research... anyway, for these two to agree to this deal to project a couple image given the craziness within the fans... they must have felt it is worth it... I am no talking about financially...   although they say they are just working... they know how fans feel... they buy the association with the image... I would think both of them will care about their reputation and long term image more than making a few quick bucks... and why do they do the shooting in the height of FW.. why can't they wait until it is over.. I know there are  multiple people;s schedules to coordinate... but still, does it have anything to do with the moon festival.. although she is not even te here for it... an early one...  perhaps since SW had to work through the holiday.

5  Since  they want to keep their relationship under wraps, it is counter productive to act too chummy on social media especially after SW's single remark, but the photos and their body language seem to beg different, they seem close

6) SW is close to his bandmates in SJ and he said he often asks the elder ones for advice... apparently the team leader was rejected by his girlfriend when he asked her to wait while he was in military service... he even said it on one of the programs that 9 out 10 couples break up before and/or during enlistment... Siwon sighed on the show when he heard that... you can imagine his band mate  might even tell him to take it slow and see if how things work during enlistment instead f rushing into things...

So I think they want to see where this relationship is going in their own ways... have they met between the concerts and the latest trip... we won't know.. she managed to get to Seoul without us knowing until she revealed herself... although there were fan sightings,, it seems they were able to mange that... but on the surface, they can't say they have met... 

So best of luck to our couple... I will try to stay positive. 

Also, let's not forget that she was actually on call for special request in Milan... she decided to forgo that and wen tot shoot for H&M... people can say maybe H&M is paying more, but how much value do you place on interacting with industry heavy hitters, going to social functions, etc.. I would think someone special played a big role in her decision making.. also, this meant  H&M deal could be somewhat recent, no?

Edited by Kculturefun
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Furthermore @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv  wording on an ad campaign picture is totally different  with a personal one. One must always remember  to emphasize  more on the H&M brand. Their relationship should add some spices  to the campaign but never outweigh the core value of why they are being paid.. (to promote H&M CNY collection) . Endorsement  deal now adays include social media engagement. Only make sense for me that both siwon and liuwen sns activity regarding the H&M  is all included in the  endorsement  deal and maybe H&M even have review the words before hands just to make sure it causes the "right"effect that they want to get from the sns promo... :) thats is how media business work. So i see nothing wrong on the words. Eyes and body languages speaks more volume. In their  BTS video and pictures 

@Kculturefun wow..so they did finalise things 1 or 2 months ago.. hahahhaa well media business more or less the same everywhere  .... is not as simple as some people might think of.. 

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Does anyone know where Liu Wen is flying next or did the people on Weibo mention where she is flying next? It seems a bit early to fly to Paris since Paris Fashion Week isn't until September 30th. It would still make sense for her to fly to Milan since Armani and Dolce and Gabbana is near the end of Milan Fashion Week. Here are the remaining shows

September 27th:
9.30 - Alberto Zambelli
10.30 - Marni
11.15 - John Richmond
12.00 - Laura Biagiotti
12.45 - Andrea Incontri
14.00 - Dolce & Gabbana
15.00 - MSGM
16.00 - Salvatore Ferragamo
17.00 - Trussardi
18.00 - Au jour le jour
19.00 - Missoni
20.00 - Damir Doma

September 28th:
9.00 - Vivetta
10.00 - Arthur Arbesser
11.00 - Giorgio Armani
14.00 - Angelo Marani
14.45 - Mila Schön
16.00 - San Andres Milano
17.00 - Fatima Val -

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4)  @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - someone on weibo shared some insight on the H&M deal... although the project has been on-going for 5 mos, however, finalizing the spoken people is 1-2 mos max ago. Usually they have to go through market research, candidates identification, organizing availability, negotiating fees, etc... usually it is not until 1-2 mos prior to shooting before they finalize the deal... The Chinese fans provided a lot of really good alternative real life couples - Fan Bingbing (one of the highest profile Chinese actresses out there right now, very pretty per Chinese standard) and her boyfriend, Angelababy and her husband (newly weds)...  either of these two couples will have great draw, but they chose 16 couple... it may have something to do with the year 2016 or other marketability of these two they discovered through market research... anyway, for these two to agree to this deal to project a couple image given the craziness within the fans... they must have felt it is worth it... I am no talking about financially...   although they say they are just working... they know how fans feel... they buy the association with the image... I would think both of them will care about their reputation and long term image more than making a few quick bucks... and why do they do the shooting in the height of FW.. why can't they wait until it is over.. I know there are  multiple people;s schedules to coordinate... but still, does it have anything to do with the moon festival.. although she is not even te here for it... an early one...  perhaps since SW had to work through the holiday.

Liu Wen is a logical choice for any H&M campaign in China because she has had a long association with the brand and was even named one of their "New Icons" in 2013. She fronts H&M campaigns all over the world (I can personally attest to that), so why not in her home country where she enjoys the greatest recognition? Couple her with Siwon and you have an explosively popular combination thanks to the frenzy generated from the show. I doubt Angela What's-her-face was even considered, to be honest. Liu Wen may even have come up with the idea herself. And I think people are reading way too much into the 2016 tie-in.

As for the "fooling" remark in my previous post, someone's idiotically making it sound almost like I'm suggesting that Siwon and Liu Wen are cackling evilly behind the scenes as they plot to stump love-starved females into believing they're for real. Of course they'd never do anything so calculated; it might not even have occurred to them that they're fooling anybody although they're just friends. They'd do it simply for the reasons I detailed previously. However, that they'd do it if they're not for real does suggest at the very least their lack of awareness in considering the feelings of shippers which may be completely unintentional.  

Look, that they're really together still can't be utterly discounted because how could that promo vid have been all acting? To me, it's clear that Siwon was going to say, with the hand gestures, something like, "I'm a bit nervous because we're announcing that we're a couple" before he was thankfully (?) saved by Liu Wen's interruption. He still got through what he wanted to convey earlier with the "I am Liu Wen's 10 dollars" remark, though, so yes, the message of that video seems quite clear. Why their SNS statements run contrary to what is presented in that promo (isn't that defeating its purpose?), I don't know, and overall there is more hard evidence to imply that they may be just friends than otherwise.

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