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Ji Soo Opens Up About Last Relationship and Ideal Type

Ji Soo Opens Up About Last Relationship and Ideal Type

Actor Ji Soo, whose film “Glory Day” will be released in theaters on March 24, recently gave an interview where he talked about his ideal type, his last relationship, and losing weight after the film.

“How I appear in real life is a bit different from the film,” Ji Soo acknowledged, revealing that he lost about 5-6 kg after the filming as a result of more frequent exercise. “But I think my previous weight did fit the character well.”

ji soo glory day

The actor also shared his desire to work in a melodrama someday. “But if I want to act in a melodrama, I think I’d have to have more experience dating,” he said. “It’s been a long time since I dated. It’s been two years. I want to have a relationship. But it’s hard to find someone that you connect with.”

As for ideal type, Ji Soo said, “I like someone with a pretty gaze. I think there’s a difference between someone with a charismatic gaze and someone with a pretty gaze. If someone has a pretty look in their eyes, then you want to keep looking at it. If they have a pretty smile, too, then you want to keep making them laugh.”

“As for personality, I think the most important thing is being able to communicate well,” he continued. “Since 97 percent of a relationship is conversation, I think as long as she can communicate well she will also have good manners and good humor.”

Specifically, Ji Soo shared that he likes U.S. and European actresses such as Natalie Portman, Amanda Seyfried, and Marion Cotillard. “Those are the actresses that I like and respect the most,” he concluded.

Source (1)


article about Jisoo and his Glory day co-star on Cultwo show http://www.allkpop.com/article/2016/03/exos-manager-thought-that-suho-was-dating



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Translation of Jisoo interviews


Allure - Ji Soo et Park So Dam (3)

[Park So Dam Interview]

Is this your first couple photoshoot?

I did a photoshoot with Lee Won Geun-hyung whom I played with in “Sassy Go Go”, so it was a male male couple photoshoot, but it’s my first time doing a photoshoot with an actress.

You’re busy filming the drama “Page Turner” these days, right? You’re playing a high schooler again. Is there a reason you keep playing “coming-of-age” characters?

Many people ask me this question. It’s true that I’m attracted to this type of characters, but each one of them was more about a personal choice than “a pattern”. Every time, I had a reason for choosing these characters.

What attracts you to these characters?

Right now, there’s not much of an age difference. The stories are about my peers or people younger than me, so I cannot not relate.

Which kind of character “Page Turner” Jung Cha Sik is?

Go Bok Dong in “Angry Mom” and Seo Ha Joon in “Sassy Go Go” were dark characters. However, Cha Sik is very outgoing and joyful. If you can say there was always a shade covering my previous characters because of their past, this character has a livelier behavior. He’s more mature too.

How did you first think about attending an acting academy?

I think it was around the time I graduated from middle school, and I was about to start high school. I was thinking about which path to take and I got curious. Looking at my friends attending an academy made me open my heart to the idea that “something like this can be studied too”.

It seems the start is always a bit vague.

True. However, my academy teacher started his own theater company and I ended up doing theater with him. I became more serious about acting as time went by.

I think your friends must have been surprised by this choice too.

They were amazed. Some of my friends were proud, some were jealous because I had found my path.

It seems there was a moment when your curiosity turned into earnestness.

At first, the fun was about studying itself. It’s a complete different world. I felt that working outside of school was something special. However, being on stage myself made the fun of studying switched to “the fun of acting”. When I acted, I had thoughts like “I’m really happy! I really like this! I hope I will be able to do this for a long time!”.

It seems that you were taking your first step into the adults world although you hadn’t debuted yet. Didn’t you feel there was a gap between your friends and you?

On the contrary, I enjoyed the fact that the two worlds were disconnected. I met adults early. Working made me realize real fast that it’s a world where there’s an order to things and there are rules.

People call you a “rising star” [t/n: it’s one word in Korean: yoomangjoo]. It means you’re receiving attention now, but there’s no guarantee it will be more than that. Isn’t it a burden to wear this “rising star” title?

I don’t know… It’s the first time I think about the word… Hm, I was a judo athlete when I was in elementary school. And I was truly a rising star back then. I think it was sort of burdensome at that time.

Although you were in elementary school?

Yes. I did judo from my third year of elementary school until the time I started middle school. There was the pressure that I’d really die or I’d be scolded if I lost. I was young, but this pressuring feeling was big.

Still, you kept doing judo for a long time.

Because when I had fun, it was really fun. When I won, I was in a good mood. Being introduced by my instructor as “the rising star” felt nice too. Still, it was physically and mentally exhausting. Now, as an actor, I’m called a rising star again… I’m thankful. However, I do wonder if such words have a deep meaning. Because people may have expectations about my projects, they may not. Everything passes as time goes by.

Do you think it’s something you will do for a long time?

Being able to keep acting, spending a year playing constanly roles I wanted to play, this is a blessing itself. Acting is a job about continuity because I’m not taking a break and I’m deciding on my projects.

I think you must hear nice things from your entourage as much as the attention you receive. Which compliment do you remember the most so far?

The compliment “you say a lot through your gaze”. I know it’s really an undeserved compliment, but it felt really nice to hear.

What do you usually do in your spare time?

I enjoy watching movies. A movie I watched not long ago was so good that it made me think about what movies mean to me. And I came to the conclusion that it’s “a dream”.

A dream?

Yes. The type of dreams you have when you’re asleep. When I watch a movie, it’s like having a nice dream. When I watch a movie whose ending breaks my heart or makes me angry, the movie is like a nightmare. There are movies you watch and you’re so into it that you get the illusion it’s reality. There are also transparent movies that feel like a lucid dream.

There are also some dreams that don’t feel like dreams at all.

You’re right. These are the movies that I won’t keep in my memory. Ah, I watched “Crimson Peak” not long ago and this unreal world in this movie was built in such a elaborate way that it truly felt like a dream. A beautiful and interesting dream.

Tom Hiddleston who is the lead in this movie is an actor who can say a lot just through his gaze.

He kills it. However, I’d mention Mia Wasikowska instead of him. I really like her.

How did you spend your first TV acting fees?

I gave half of it to my mom. And I used my half to buy a lot of tasty food to people around me.

You mean you spent it on other people? Why did you do that?

I’m trying my best to learn good things from the people around me. I have a hyung who is generous with people around him. It’s not about earning a lot of money, it’s about how he did it when he could afford it, and I thought it was something cool. I spent money on him too.

This must have been nice! So as we’re getting closer to 2016, is there something you’d like to say?

“Glory Day” will premiere in January. Do go see it! Ah, and if I say that I love my parents, is it okay for you to write it?

This seems to be something you should say to your parents directly?

It’s something I also say often. Especially to my mom. I say it to her everyday.


Translation: @thesunnytown – thesunnytown.wordpress.com


How do you feel now that “Sassy Go Go” is over?

I have mixed feelings. I feel empty because I said goodbye to the other actors after spending so much time with them. It was like being at training camp. Now that the drama is over, I fill up the empty space with text messages or by instant messaging them. It’s sad.

Jung Eun Ji, N (VIXX), Chae Soo Bin, Kim Min Ho, there were many actors in their 20’s. I think it must have made filming special too, compared to your previous drama “Angry Mom”.

I didn’t really know any of them at first. We didn’t meet that much before the first day of filming. The director said the actors had to get close real fast, so he created opportunities to make it happen before filming started. To be honest, once filming started, we grew closer because we saw each other every day. I miss all of them.

Do you have something you remember the most about “Sassy Go Go”?

First, I couldn’t go home. I kept filming without taking a break. And what I remember is cheerleading, although it was something I wasn’t familiar with. We started off without being close and back then, we just practiced without talking to each other. Afterward, we grew closer as we kept bumping into each other during practice. That was the meaning of being able to complete a move because we had to bring our energy together to do it. The drama symbolic was shown even better because we were in two different teams. It’s a drama meaningful to me.

Before broadcast started, the fact that idols like Jung Eun Ji, N and young actors would be in the drama were quite an issue, but the drama failed in terms of ratings. Aren’t you sad about the ratings?

The director told us not to worry about the ratings because our drama was against big productions like SBS “Six Flying Dragons” and MBC “Glamourous Temptation”. That’s why he said we should enjoy and have fun while filming. However, as an actor, I cannot not worry about the ratings of the dramas I’m in. The ratings were very unfortunate. It gave me strength whenever it would rise, even by just 0,1%.

What will you remember about “Sassy Go Go” which got those low ratings?

I don’t think the drama itself was bad. I think viewers actually related to this school setting dealing with the reality and the ideal in which teenagers live in and the worries they have. I also thought that I was attending an ideal school through this drama in which I acted things I never experienced when I was in school. I can’t use ratings to express what this drama means to me. Starting with the writer, the director, as well as making friends my age and working with sunbaes, I got to meet so many people. It’s not easy to become friends with the people you film with. That’s why it makes the drama even more meaningful to me.

Your charachter suffered from anger management issues. How is your personality in real life?

I used to be kind of hot-tempered too. I’m no longer like that. In the past, I would argue a lot with my mom over silly things. I was very regretful after we had an argument. I hated myself. I promised myself that I would never do it again. Getting angry at people you love is very foolish. If there are people like that, please think about the people you love.

There was a love triangle in the plot. Did you experience a love triangle when you were in school?

Love triangle… Well, I went to all-boy middle and high schools. I didn’t get the opportunity to be in a love triangle. Even now. I’m very not familiar with being friends with women. I was lucky because I become friends with girls like Eun Ji and Chae Soo Bin while filming this drama. Although it was difficult, I found out that I could also be friends with women.

In this drama and in your previous drama “Angry Mom”, you portrayed a teenager. Don’t you want to try play a man in his 20’s like you are? Do you think you can widen the range of the acting you can show?

I prefer roles of students, teenagers. I’m attracted to this kind of projects because I really like these roles. When I got the role this time, I thought to myself “will I be able to play it again?”, “won’t this be the last time?” because portraying a teenager from now on will be difficult for because I’m getting older.

You played with Baro (B1A4) in MBC drama “Angry Mom”, with Suho (EXO) in the movie “Glory Days”, and even with Jung Eun Ji and N in this drama. You worked with many idols. Do you have a special know-how?

I find it fascinating too! I realized that I’m coicidentally parternered up with idols in every project I do. It’s not because of something I do. It’s just fascinating.

Is there one of these idols you’d like to see again?

All of them, if the opportunity comes. If I were to choose just one person, it’s Suho-hyung. We filmed “Glory Days” together and he’s the one I became the closest with. Our views on acting are similar. Besides, Suho-hyung studied acting for a long time. That’s why I learned a lot from him. As we shot this movie together, I learned many things such as the human aspect od things and that helped me.

You were exceptionally loved by teen viewers. Please tell them a few words of support.

Studying is a good thing, but I hope you will do what makes you happy. That’s how I’m trying to live my life. To be honest, life is hard because our society makes teenagers invest everything into studying for an opaque future. I wish teenagers wouldn’t act this way. Our future is important, but the present is important too, so I hope you will be happy today.

Translation: @thesunnytown – thesunnytown.wordpress.com

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Engsub from the same interview with KBS video about BYH48 but different part

Jisoo wanted to get rid prejudice about his age so that's why there is no his age on his profile on Naver

there is also article about that..




(I'm really sorry for sudden posts from me, I can't help but just want to share about his recent interviews..)

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Jisoo will appear on Celebrity Bromance S4 EP.1 will be aired on March 29 alongside with Nam JooHyuk (cr NJH fanbase on twitter). So that's why yesterday, Jisoo and Joohyuk went to Busan (as we saw on their IG posts).

some of fantaken filming pics











cr NJH fanbase on twitter

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Nice two shot in one Ji Soo with the poster  during Premiere of Glory Day.

006784Zhgw1f1wkexxzxuj30go0p0adw.jpg credit: jl-o via kjs weibo

Aww my favorite Glory Day boys together with pd choi.

Ji Soo with baby boy Hee Chan - But jisoo is the maknae :D


credit:jl-o via kjs weibo

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 Ji Soo:

“As for personality, I think the most important thing is being able to communicate well,” he continued. “Since 97 percent of a relationship is conversation, I think as long as she can communicate well she will also have good manners and good humor.”  (cr:soompi article)

 In which it reaffirms why Ji Soo is my one and only fave.. He speaks well he's also well mannered. He's friendly to all and despite heading into that direction of superstardom. He's just a simple guy who  hangs out with his indie hyungs. He's looking for something similar to his personality. Aww. Ji Soo!:wub:

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Jisoo (and Suho) will Live Broadcast via v-app on March 23 at 7 pm KST in show OnStyle ep.1

Video preview


translation (cr reyeolie on twitter)



bonus: Jisoo awkwardly did agyeo lol


Jisoo interview with InStyle Mag


Jisoo also will be featured on Esquire Mag


cr IG Esquire

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