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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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The picture Rhea posted doesn't work, probably because the owner deleted it?

Anyways, Yura posted the same picture on her IG. I'm SO looking forward to seeing all the pictures from this photoshoot. I love the colors and the mood. It's very sexy and seductive!!


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On 3/20/2016 at 3:07 PM, anniepanda said:

@dee_230208 yes! I wanna wait till some news of them come out, but in the meantime, I just gotta sail along with this ship. No regrets! :D

@jjzan it does look like Jjong's bracelet, right?! I know what you are thinking, Jjong probably gave it to her :P mehehehe

@MaryH hahaha yeah it's almost 100% for me as well, not quite there! I want to hold myself back a little bit, don't wanna go all cray cray you know ;)

But this is how I see it. Yura has been more active on social media and we have seen more of her than Jjong. Recently, there have been plenty of times where we have seen objects that are connected to Jjong somehow, or heard her mention Jjong. We have seen the rooftop pillow in her bedroom during VAPPs. We have also seen her making the SAME dish that she made to Jjong, the dish she promised him to improve so she could make it to him again. We have notices her wearing jewelries that look very similar to the ones she wore during WGM, and one of the bracelets looks very much the same as Jjong's. Heck, we have SEEN her nod when Jjong's old coworker asked her if she is meeting up with Jjong well. AND she did mention Jjong during a VAPP session she had; she mentioned that he doesn't like eggplants.

All of these incidents add up to one thing, and one thing only my dear Mary... she is being brave and with each step, she is showing the world how she feels. I remember that we had a discussion going on about Yura's personality and how hard it was for us to know how she felt. One could assume that a joyful and bright girl like her would be more open and show more emotions. But Yura was and still is hard to read, much harder than the introvert Jjong. She covers her other emotions with one emotion only, and that is being cheerful. Heck, some of us began to question whether or not she was into him at all! I always thought that Yura is a deep person who likes to observe rather than shouting out her opinions. She is actually very complicated! The first time I saw her express sadness was when she took that sadface selca before the ending of WGM, like you mentioned. I feel that she is being more expressive regarding Jjong nowadays. Seeing Jjong talking so warmly about Yura without rush or hesitations (radio interview), and seeing Yura showing objects that are connected to Jjong and mentioning him, make me so happy, really. It warms my heart to know that they still care about each other.

I have a good time keeping up with updates from them. If they are just regular updates about what they have been up to lately, great!  If the updates are Jjongah related, SUPER AWESOME!:D

What do you think about the recent updates? Take ten steps back, do you think it's a little bit far-fetched to assume anything right now? Or are you just going with the flow?


hiii to all sunbae here **bowing** on jongaholics thread great to see u back:wub:,.almost got me aheart attack when i read soomp going to take our jjongaholics tittle:dizzy:.,.but seems it's not like that right whata relieve:lol:

anniepanda i love ur insights i keep smile widely reading it:wub: me too i only hv good feeling abt these two they are in good terms.,being friends are good endup in marriage even betterr hhaaaaakkk**sowry not too sorry our jjongah didnt botter mentioning each other openly let me say verified they are in good terms how happy iam hearing from jjong is good n hearing it from secreety onion lady kim ah young abt jjong also great,.,yup they are care abt eachother never doubt our ah young as deep as our jjong.,.

abt recent updates i'll just go with the flow so long our jjongah are happy why wouldnt we,. it's still a good fate to see them update like feeding our dululu and our stylist updated has similar caption**or it does the good weather made them hv same good feeling abt it and pour it on IG,.still whatever it is it made me happy that our jjongah still connected in mind**just my feel,.,last but not least hv a great day our jjong and ah young also jjongaholics fightiiingg,.!!! **bare with my poor in english 

Ps:any link tastyroad ep 4 and 5 engsub,.kindly share it here,.oooh we hv new family member wellcome on board:D

guuuyyysss.,.anyone watched tasty road ep 5.,.my sense smell something and it's a good feeling curious abt something our ah youngie said there.,.jjaaaahhh hope someone will sub it atleast startat min 52;00,.,heeeee

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Doesn't look like there are many who sub Tasty Road. The only person who does it is hjj5ubs, but he has only subbed 3 episodes so far. Check out his channel on Daily Motion now and then to see if he has posted something new :)


Anyways, screencaps of Yura on tasty road ep 6! And omg! she looks so pretty that I wanna cry :tears:

Credits to PhatGirl_Babo on Twitter




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Ok guys.. can we take a moment and appreciate Kate Choi's café "I Am C" and her regular customers Hong Jong Hyun And Kim Yura? :P


This was taken a while back...

While this one was posted a few hours ago...

"Pretty as her personality, even when she has no make up" - credit ks.xii on IG

Hey.. I'm not saying that they are using this place as a dating place. :P But think about this: if Yura was with her members, Kate must have taken a picture of GsD too, right? It's a good chance to advertise for her café and all, but I cannot find a single picture of other GsD members when this particular picture was being uploaded! So she was there alone (or with her manager). And we ALL know that Kate has uploaded tons of picture of Jjong visiting her café. It's therefore safe to say that both Jjong AND Yura are regular customers there ;) Good thing that Kate still serves that melon ice cream, don't you think? :P

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anniepanda pssttt what youre thinking might be true our wish might came true,.,wanna hear something lovely.,

ep 5 caption i was talking abt this yesterday.,.

AY: 저는 오늘
      함께 식사한 사람들의 좋아서

because i like eating together with one person lately**causing big reaction

in my interpretation i translated someone into more specific refering to one person,.,**our korean native chingu might help with this calling out @leeheehyo 

guest Replay 나도 그거 하고 싶다

i want to do samething like that

여자들 끼리만 함께 한 식사가 저음

capt : 스다 & 느낌 공유가 좋었던 유라

am not sure but seems she like this place to enjoying food with company and hv some chitchat.,.

more interesting after this topic our ah youngie said something abt this food suits for man and women taste **could it be bcs suddenly the food suits someone taste:D:D,.,finally wanna hear something crazy,..hv u see this i was watching tasty road ep 5 and leads me to this,.wanna hint.,compare that flamething from pizza place i dont know what its called imagine that place during night what do you think.,hhaaaaakk

jong's capt : 생일축하해 주슷 saengil chukhahae juseus:grimace: **trick or treaaaattt everyone

look like our ah youngie did it this time aaawww whata sweet they are:wub:**our jjongah care abt eachother,.,.omomomomoo our ah youngie did good this place very beautiful while see the sky night view with lamps good food chating with great company.,uuwaahhh envy mee.,., these cutie patootiee really something**not complaining thou:wub::wub:

note : tasty road ep 6 raw link here enjoy



also jjong latest ig updated i was mistaken a lady laugh it should be her amazed reaction seeing jjong atraction playing on Gwalk ckckck boyoboy jjonghyuniee,.anyway my point is the lady,. ppssst again ur wish might came true,.,after repeating several times with full volume from my phone the lady voice ,tell me what u think.#saranghaeee..,.,saranghae.,i love you,.i love you **singing ear candy if anyone knows this song quite hit  :D:D just random song came out in mind yesterday my jjongah soundtrack was i knew i love u by savage garden the day before you r my spring by sung shi kyung it's too sad i know thats hy i said it's random and the day when ah young with similar bracelet and wedding ring came out no soundtrack just feel like hear bell sound not just ordinary bell it's special one**if u know what i mean just random





since our jjongah have their beautiful world full of spring color **ehem pink**cough flowers blossom **sneezing color of love i hope so do we,.,again it's just my random thoughts afterall believe what u want to believe so long no harm to others.,.

enough for 2night am full now,.dont start again talking their IGs update i know now this is what u mean it's hard to be a sane shipper if ur couple is JjongAh hhaaaaahhaaaa,.,**no offense amah jjongaholics afterall

ps : our jjong and ah young doing good individually and tgt lets sail this ship happily everafter dear all., ,. hv a sweet dream sleep tight dear jjongah and jjongaholics ah youngiereul jonghyunie neun saranghaee,.saranghaeee **all together






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On 22/03/2016 at 2:53 PM, anniepanda said:


Tasty Road posted clips of JjongAh on their Facebook page!!



And look at 'em comments! Most of them want Tasty Road PD to invite Jjong to the show! YES! Please dooooooooOOOOooooooo!

@cipoy15 waaaah! Happy to see you here again unnie!!!!  Hope you are doing well! Enjoy all the hints and updates you get from JjongAh, I'm sure there will be more in the future ;) hehehe *hugs*



oH MY GOSH! PLEASE LET THEM INVITE JONG!! It would be the reunion of the year!!

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Ready for round 2?! I mean, they are so hawt.. seriously hot! Look at em! Perfect from head to toe! I'm in awe!








source (bigger and clearer pics can be found here): http://www.imagazinekorea.com/daily/dailyView.asp?no=6306


@rawrr915 Thanks for sharing the pictures!  I was looking at them at work and was kinda shocked to see that their spring photoshoot came out at the same time! ;)

and wow! Those manips are gorgeous! You are so talented! You picked the right pictures and I could totally imagine that it was from one photoshoot. *sigh* if only they had one hu? Please share more with us in the future :D I would love to see some more!!!

Anyways.. our beloved @delphinite has translated WGM RELATED stuff from Jjong's recent interview :P He is so consistent with his answers, yet every time he mentions WGM/Yura, he will always add a little bit more details ;) love it!!!

credit: @delphinite for translation and @bebang aka chinggu.aniyo on IG for putting it together





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@anniepanda right they coincide a lot lately and I'm loving it haha and thank you I'll share whenever I make some more, also thank you for sharing the translation! ^-^

Gotta love Jong and his consistency haha, so I'm sure they go out on secret night walks together all in disguise while holding hands. Then he takes her home on his motor bike. ......I'm not delulu right? Haha

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@horticulture thanks for sharing that interview! Totally forgot about it hehe. Chicken stew hu? The same one she made for Jjong? :P How can a girl eat that much without gaining weight? If it was me I would have rolled home, eat some more, and then do some more rolling.. ugh...

@rawrr915 haha naaaah! that is just a healthy dose of pranks from those darn Delulu and Delala. They tend to do that to us, so don't mind them! ;)

Oh! can I request a spring themed graphic from you? :D we need colors in here hehe.

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I love all their updates! I have been silently watching everyone's comments recently and Jong and yura's updates as well. I cannot continue to remain silent any longer! GUYS!!!!!! I THINK THEY ARE DATING! I'M SO CONVINCED NOW WITH EVERYTHING I AM SEEING IN THEIR UPDATES. Especially how they are both consist to update their Instagram at the SAME TIME!!!!!!!!! SO YEP THEY ARE DATING IN MY BOOK! THEY ARE JUST BEING DISCRETE ABOUT IT! AND I,  AS A FAN TOTALLY RESPECT THAT! :wub::heart:

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