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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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Guest mmj_leong

Chinggu, anyone can translate this article from the link? Is in Japanese I think is an interview Kstyle with Jjong. They asked about WGM, his new movie & his hyung. Gombawang♡♡they even asked him did uri couple still keep in touch I think?


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@mmj_leong i also try to translate but the translation a bit funny.. but as like previous interview he tld bout their misunderstanding bout him.. but but.. they did ask him after the wgm ended n.. he did mention something that i could not understand.. wether he felt ackward meet her after wgm or he stll hv same relationship during wgm.. .. n also bout marriage..i also really wanna know exactly what he say just like u chinggu..

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Guest mmj_leong

@syasyifa09ismadi yeah from google translate quite sure they asked him the feeling and did they contact each other or something after WGM. We just need to wait & see got chinggu can help up in the translation... :)

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from what i get from GT is they talk about WGM and he explain how people miss understood him with his behavior .. and how yura influence him .. and they meet occasionally after wgm .. aah but i still cant believe mr. GT ..
:))  ^:)^ ^:)^

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Guest pavina

Wahhhh Thank you so much @Edy15 for the link   got to watch about 40 min of Jjong's school attack for his new movie enough to make my heart happy to see him on live TV   as usual  he's so handsome and glow( i believe he's in love no doubt!!! you can call me whatever :) but i really believe that) i just wanna babbling as i'm happy now  Bravo to our Jjong  he looked natural and relax in front of camera now and being himself and with that i truely feel that this is his best interaction with the audiences  he really pulling us to him now with his faithful smile and honest tone of his voice( sorry i don't know any korean just looked at his body language) so satisfied with him the way he kept good distant with his co star he did well  Now i hope his movie become a success one so he can get more famous and well known  the only bad thing i kinda worry of myself now as i feel like i'm over possessive of somebody else boyfriend when i saw other woman touched his arm too many times and looked his way too much  i try to tone it down as i can see nothing to worry from the man he's truely a gem<3  can't wait to see our beautiful Ah young who full of happy spirit  what a happy tuesday~~~~ peace to out JJongAholic home XX

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The fans on weibo had roughly translated one part into Chinese and I shall translate it to English here.

Qns: Do you still keep in contact with Yura now hat WGM has ended?

Ans: Of course, but just sometimes (smiles/laughs). Yura is busy with album preparations recently and we had met one another at a few awards ceremonies. I'm happy (I think he meant to meet her during these ceremonies) but at the same time, I've weird feelings about it. We were still virtual couple last time and now we are colleagues, when we see each other, I got this unimaginable/inconceivable feeling.

Just a rough translation! Let's wait for our gifted translators ((: anyway, i feel gooooood Abt this answer (:

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Guest neshyu

from photo shared by @tituyphing oenni, jjong change the way he part her hair. Iknow its just my delulu but i can't help to remember Jjongah convo while waiting their flight to Bali :x


*sorry can't provide pict coz im using phone

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@kaceong thanks for the rough translation .. they contact each other .. yees they contact each other ..
\:D/ \:D/ =D> =D>

i love him more now . because the fact is still good whenever he answer that question being honest or not . because if it true . its good really good that they still keep in contact each other ..
but if he is lying .. the good thing is he still being no 1 stalking for Ahyoung. . how he is know about her group comeback preparation ? he must be follow every news about her .. or if they contact each other ahyoung must be telling him about that her self  or when jjong ask her for lunch AY tell him she cant because she is busy with her album preparation..
( gaaahh , why every time i write everything about them delulu cant gone far .. mianee )
^:)^ ^:)^

but since its always happen let me continue ..

i already have this in my imagination ..

after release the album i wish DT will make Fans signing for GSD and in the Fan signing.. jjong will stand in the line for Yura to get her sigh ..


ok let me go now .. or im being crazy and ruin all of you here ..

^:)^ :-h :-h

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kaceong said: The fans on weibo had roughly translated one part into Chinese and I shall translate it to English here.

Qns: Do you still keep in contact with Yura now hat WGM has ended?

Ans: Of course, but just sometimes (smiles/laughs). Yura is busy with album preparations recently and we had met one another at a few awards ceremonies. I'm happy (I think he meant to meet her during these ceremonies) but at the same time, I've weird feelings about it. We were still virtual couple last time and now we are colleagues, when we see each other, I got this unimaginable/inconceivable feeling.

Just a rough translation! Let's wait for our gifted translators ((: anyway, i feel gooooood Abt this answer (:

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Guest teredenz

Hong Jong Hyun interview , the girl touched him alot, why o why but glad that HJH never touch her back or i just missed it hahaha


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Guest bbblyzu3

kaceong said: The fans on weibo had roughly translated one part into Chinese and I shall translate it to English here.

Qns: Do you still keep in contact with Yura now hat WGM has ended?

Ans: Of course, but just sometimes (smiles/laughs). Yura is busy with album preparations recently and we had met one another at a few awards ceremonies. I'm happy (I think he meant to meet her during these ceremonies) but at the same time, I've weird feelings about it. We were still virtual couple last time and now we are colleagues, when we see each other, I got this unimaginable/inconceivable feeling.

Just a rough translation! Let's wait for our gifted translators ((: anyway, i feel gooooood Abt this answer (:

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Guest dhardjakusumah

Can someone upload his fan meeting video today?i missed it....I believe that they still contact each other,he's not the type that "ok..this show is over,bye girl"....he met his FIL and MIL and already made a promise that he'll take care of Ah Young in Seoul..so i'm sure he's not a liar....he knew that Ah Young likes him a lot,even MIL made it clear in front of him...she told her daughter to be careful with their relationship because she showed too much love for HJH...and this guy is still..can we say...in progress opening his heart to Ah Young???and tried to trust and love her?...too bad when their skinship getting stronger they were forced to stopped at ep 40...we could tell on the last 2 ep he gave more concerned towards Ah Young...before they did the zipline he kept saying "Ah Young...an musoo?are u afraid?...make sure she was ok"...he was the one who lend his shawl,even put it around her neck...the gloves...He gave everything he could do to protect her....and I'm sure Ah Young words are still in his head...after he was the topic of hot gossip that made Ah Young struggled... mentioned that she won't forgive him for the 2nd time...it's like...if u ever do another stupid thing and hurt me again i'll forget you HJH....hahaha....so he'll be very carefull on everything he does in the future...he knows fans will always keep an eye on him,the fans want him to treat Kim Ah Young nicely....So that's the reason they don't follow each other IG's....they keep their relationship in secret,it'll be GSD comeback soon...if he did one mistake..esp relationship with girl...it'll disturb Kim Ah Young focus on her album,he doesn't want that....they call and text each other...kekekekekekkkk....he's a loyal guy...don't worry chinggus...

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Another part!

Chinese translation by 妍妍妍妍妍天蝎 from Tieba.


ホン・ジョンヒョン:仆はもともと人见知りで无口なところがあるんです。なので、放送が始まった当初は友だちから「なんでそんなに冷たいの?」「もっとユラさんに优しくしなよ」なんて言われました。ユラさんが本当に活発な人で、仆がおとなしいので、ユラさんが一方的に仆に気持ちがあって、仆の方はそうでもない、というように见られてしまったようで、本当に申し訳なかったです。そこでユラさんに、仆の态度をどうすればいいか、相谈しました。ユラさんは「番组を见て误解する人もいるかもしれないけど、実际のあなたはそうじゃないことを私はわかっているから気にしないで」と言ってくれました。ずっと一绪の撮影が続いて仲良くなるうちに、お互いに心を开くようになって、仆もだんだん変わることができました。最后は视聴者のみなさんの误解もとけたようでよかったです(笑) ユラさんのもつポジティブな部分が、仆を楽な気持ちにさせてくれたと感谢しています。

出演我结之后 周围反应如何?

我原先很认生又不爱说话 放送刚开始的时候都从朋友那儿听到 为什么那么冷淡 对yura再温柔体贴点儿 这些话 yura是很活泼的人 由于我很老实(规矩) 看起来好像只是yura单方面对我有意思(意译)而我对她没意思(感觉)真是很不好意思 于是yura跟我谈了关于我该用什么样的态度比较好的话题 yura说我知道你实际上不是那样的所以不介意 但是有的人看了节目可能会误解 一直在一起录影不仅变成了朋友 还好像变的互相打开心扉 我也渐渐变了 最后解开了观众们的误会真是太好了 yura一直保持着积极乐观的部分 让我这心情也很好真是非常感谢

What's the reaction from the people around you after taking part in WGM?

I'm reserved and don't like to talk much at first. After the first few episodes of WGM broadcast, I heard these from my friends. "Why are you so cold" "be more gentle and caring towards yura" Yura is a very lively person and because I'm simple-minded (something like well-disciplined/follow law-by-law. Mayb you can reference this to that kind of behavior he showed when HSC asked him to choose between Yura and Nana, woodblock Jjong who's too honest! Sorry JongHyun. Trying to convey the idea haha) It seems like Yura shows more interest in me one-sidedly while I show no interest in her. To that, I felt embarrassed and sorry about it. Because of this, Yura and I talked about this topic and she gave me advices on how I can better portray myself. Yura said that she knew I wasn't that kind of person in real life and she doesn't mind my broadcasted self. But people who watched the show might misunderstand. By doing WGM together, we become friends and open up our hearts to each other as well. I've slowly changed and it was great to have finally resolved the misunderstanding that viewers have of me eventually. Yura always has the positive and optimistic attitude and this makes me feels good too. For that, I'm really thankful.

Love this interview! Happy Jjongah day/night, dear JjongAholics! Our couple is doing well (((:

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