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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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Guest ExcuseMe UrPardon

Can anyone help to translate these for us to understand in English....

之後跟大家用日文問好~”大家好 我是真人洪宗玄”
MC: 宗玄出道7~8年,覺得現在跟剛出道的差別?
NO.5、電影(Jungle Fish 2)NO4、女人漫畫皮鞋 NO3、戀愛操作團NO2、媽媽、NO1、給親愛的你(日飯很愛這部)
MC:請把台下飯當成女友或太太對大家撒嬌~宗:單手握拳放顴骨旁說我愛你(愛してるよ) (參考我結F4篇)<< 宗作完馬上站起來背對大家不停搧風

播放VCR~演戲片段(白聖、武士白東修 (宗跟著片段喊母后媽媽)給親愛的你,戀愛操作團(片段是宗從機車上下來很帥的拿下墨鏡)宗邊看邊害羞遮臉、女人漫畫皮鞋、媽媽
MC:看這些片段的感想 宗:看到以前片段覺得有點丟臉有種想死的感覺。

播放VCR綜藝片段SL1(沖繩潛水)是宗第一次潛水本來就喜歡海、petorialist (宗養海龍6年)、人歌(宣告式)、RM、我結(車上吃吉拿&bobo+南怡島牽手唱歌+冬日宗亞
宗被主持人要求唱幾句some 宗很慌張說這麼突然..他不太記得歌詞、但還是唱了幾句副歌中間宗不停笑場 MC問是因為不好意思所以笑嗎? 宗:是因為忘了歌詞所以笑,人歌之後就沒唱過了。

宗:偶爾會作飯 自信的料理:拉麵
1、 三明治~把吐司切邊挾入馬鈴薯沙拉+火腿+起司,之後對切。
2、 飯團~(飯+很多香鬆)宗一直用手揉然後用單手捏成一小球大概作了6-7個。<<(台下飯們一直小聲唉叫..媽媽心無誤)有喂一口給MC吃 宗試吃說味道很好。
3、 生菜沙拉~生菜+小黃瓜(宗自己切)試吃一口說很新鮮+小番茄+草莓。宗一直想放醬料但都拿些怪怪的(芥末啊味增之類的)台下一直搖頭 他就沒放了。
MC問韓國捏飯團沒有用兩手嗎? 宗:那樣作也可以 只是他想作小一點一口就可以吃進去的。 MC誇真溫柔啊~(優しね~~)之後會選出粉絲上台試吃他作的便當,宗說味道真的不錯喔~
小時候就喜歡、現在有4、5台車大概玩了3年。工作人員拿出一台黃色RC車給他~他當場就玩了起來,技術超好的~車在舞台上一直繞圈一下穿過他的椅子下一 下穿過主持人兩腳間,MC提議先穿過MC腳下再穿過翻譯腳下,宗說他會全速前進,宗非常完美的達成最後倒車把車停在舞台邊。(鼓掌!!!)
海龍名字由來~海龍剛來的時候很小大概只有手掌大,走路搖搖晃晃的很像喝醉的大叔,所以取名海龍”haerong是形容喝醉走路搖晃的樣子”。MC:海龍 有什麼特技嗎? 宗:海龍小的時候爸爸常帶它去爬山,所以海龍的腳力很好 跳高可以跳到他下巴的高度。現在海龍在媽媽家。
宗:性格比我開朗的女生。MC:大概是像我結裡那樣的類型嗎? 宗:嗯!(笑)我初次跟人見面會很認生 需要花多一點時間來變親。宗還有講一些但我聽不太懂><




1. 在不考慮真實年齡下如果白聖5子是兄弟的話,誰會是大哥..莽內請依序排列。
宗:靜默~~~想超久,大哥是英光 二哥覺得宇彬跟秀赫都可以,宗先說二哥是秀赫 MC回那宇彬就是老三囉~ 宗說:老三是我..之後又想了一下,這位先生這問題有這麼難嗎?? 宗改回宇彬是老三,然後說他跟盛俊是雙胞胎醬。
2. 是位今年剛中學畢業的妹妹,馬上就要上高中了因為個性有些怕生所以有些緊張,請宗玄給些建議~ 宗:我自己也是有些怕生的人,覺得在學校跟同學相處的話自在一點想說什麼就說醬應該很快就會親近,請不要太擔心 希望你高中生活過的開心
這位妹妹非常幸運 上台後宗馬上就跟她打招呼讓她站在自己旁邊但妹妹很害羞跑到最邊邊,MC很HIGH的跟妹妹說看到宗這麼完美的人妳以後怎麼辦啊??宗問她是男女同校嗎 妹妹回是~宗說醬就沒問題了,(哈~哈~哈~宗你要害妹妹交不到男友了)妹妹要下台的時候宗還主動給她抱抱~(羨慕)祝她學習順利。
3. 被抽到的飯想跟宗作打勾勾.蓋章.複印的動作

1. 宗玄的血型是AB----(X) 是A
2. 本名是洪宗玄----(O)
3. 身高是183以下---(O) 剛好183
4. 是獨生子---(X) 有個姐姐
5. 同時擁有摩托車跟轎車---(O) MC問怎麼決定今天要開哪個?? 宗:看心情
6. 現在使用的手機是iphone---(O)
7. 第一次出演的歷史劇是武士白東修 ----(X) 第一次是”雙花店”
8. 在媽媽中的角色職業是攝影師---(O)
9. 我結中跟YURA旅行的地方是普吉島---(X) 峇里島 宗說這題大家都知道吧 沒想到還是有人錯~ 宗有愣一下
10. 兩年前在日本辦的FM演唱的歌曲是某兩首歌---(O) 不懂是哪兩首
11. 沒有被女生甩過的經驗---(O) 大家都嚇到..宗解釋他沒有被甩過也沒有甩過人,都是好好交往後和平分手。
宗:很有趣~剛就發現有位男飯,想問一下為什麼來看我? 男飯:我是代替人家來的

宗退場 過一會出來唱安可曲~雪之華 (我四週的飯還蠻多人跟著唱的用唱合唱團方式XD)覺得宗這首唱的很不錯說~

握手宗會看著你然後用兩手握,拍團體照時飯要求的動作宗都會跟著作,拍完之後會跟大家揮手鞠躬,然後再回去握手。我是有跟他說我從台灣來但不知道他有沒有 懂,宗有睜大眼一下然後說謝謝醬。我一直盯著宗看 所以有點忘了手感應該蠻嫩的(我好像變態) 握手小插曲--因為有位行動不方便的飯無法上台,所以宗親自下台來到飯面前蹲下跟她握手~~這時宗離我還蠻近的,馬上拿出手機拍..但我手抖個不停,拍起 來超晃只有衣服看的出來是宗吧XD



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Guest ExcuseMe UrPardon


Yess there is once happened in Jeungdo trip on the Wedding Dress Photoshoot.

It Happened when HJH suggest he stand on the fence railing while holding AhYongie's right hand to support him from falling BUT...
this naughty hands of his actually pushing forward towards her breast instead and I think AhYongie knows and she step back a little pushing their hand away from her body...
Image result for jjongah couple

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Guest angelica_21_07

South America present :) :) we have a new home 

I love JjongAh couple  For latin girls, we have a page in spanish on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/JjongAhLatinoamerica
\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ \m/

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Yay! We are finally here. Let's make this thread as good as the first one :)

It's a shame that I have to ruin my first post in the new thread with something serious though:

@angelica_21_07 I don't know if it was you who took my graphics and made an edit out of them. But someone took, cut and edit them without asking for permisson and without giving me credit. My signatures on two of the pictures are even cut out. They were put there for a reason. I feel super offended and angry. I used lots of time to create a single graphic, and because I like the JjongAh-shippers so much, I decided to share my work with you all. It is VERY rude to not respect the effort I put into them. I ask you to remove my graphics from your facebook page, immediatly. You have no right to use my graphics like that.

I'm scared of showing more graphics now..

I will not make or share more graphics for the time being.
@angelica_21_07 remove that graphic from your post and facebook page, right now. The more I look at it, the more angry I become.

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@angelica_21_07 yes plis. We must appreciate one another. Its a simple thing to do. Just write down the right owner as a respect expression for their effort to make that pics,graphics, mv,gifs,etc. Like @anniepanda said, she have throughout much hardship to make that graphic. You just have to ask permission for using n editing n give their name on it as a respectfull owner. We are the big family of Jjongaholic, lets being happy family by supporting eachother n its never to late to say sorry n never to late too to give sorry. Oke guys...dont quote pics, mvs, gifs make sure to use spoiler for heavy n long post....(hahahha...i said it even though i dont know to make one, n i quote too when im a newbie...mian) :x @ExuseMe UrPardon ahjuma...just give us the link. My eyes is hurt to see those loooooong post cuz idk the meaning (sorry, didnt mean to hurt any other languange, i just hope that im fluent in all the language that exists in this world. but im just a limited ahjuma..hahahha). Or ask other how to use spoiler (coz idk either..hahhaha). ... sorry..dont mad at me ohh...love u...nan ahjuma too, off tech ahjuma..hahahha

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Guest ohayyo

@angelica_21_07 : hi there sweety, can you please do as @anniepanda advises to you ? she's the one who made the graphic with sweat and tears, and  time and priceless efforts..please respect what she has done by taking off her graphic .... please....
and i also notice few times that you also posted pictures (old ones i think) without giving proper credit (w/o no credit or so).giving proper credit to the owner is essential since that is the way that we consciously value someone's effort,  :)it is easy and totally not time consuming though, just to type down the credit and/or source :)I know you are still newbie, but hey we all learn here,, alright :)
Cheers ....

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Guest jjongah_love_stv

Good afternoon Hello from to Mexico hello new house :x i just looking forums soompi in my phone and my dad say what is and i saod nothing ㅋㅋㅋ My family can't undestand >:) >:) >:)

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Please don't get scared away by this @anniepanda. We all love your artwork and really respect the the effort you pour into creating beautiful pieces. We have been lacking in etiquette between shippers for this to happen. I am sorry I haven't been able to support you properly, this feels inadequate.
To all the shippers:
I hope we can appreciate the hard work our fellow shippers do to create all these wonderful graphics, gifs, fan-made MVs, fan accounts and so on. It's not acceptable that someone takes their work without being given permission or giving due credit and then to edit it however they want? It sucks, it's mean, and it's rude.

Yes, the internet is a place where things can spread in every corner but we must respect the people who have spent their time and effort on creating something out of their love for JjongAh, something which we shippers all share. It's etiquette. I hope we don't see things spreading from this and the old threads on other sites such as FB, IG, Twitter, Tumblr, blogs etc, without seeking permission from whoever posted it.
Please ask for permission before sharing anything, from artwork to insights, translations to fan accounts and shipping coincidences/ evidences found from effort. It might seem like we cannot do much since it is the internet but we do have ways to get things taken down.
The same with contents other sites, credit them if it's come from a different place if you want to post it here or anywhere else.

Please be courteous to each other and don't ignore the hard work our fellow shippers undertake to continue our ship further. All the information, news, arts, translations and so on, if these people are turned off by all these incidences then this place will not remain the same, they help to create this ship, make it beautiful and a fun place to continually visit. In selfish terms, if you do not understand so far, if these people go away then this ship won't be able to continue.
So please respect your fellow shippers. 
ASK FOR PERMISSION before you take anything!
I sincerely hope this does not get repeated again. If anyone sees something being spread without the source, knowing it came from here, please report it here. 

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Oh no... our @anniepanda! Come on shippers (including newbies & lurkers) please respect our fellow shippers work by giving them credits because they gave their love, sweat, energy and time to make a wonderful graphics to share with us. Those people deserve a credit at least even if small or big. And also avoid quoting vids, pics and images. We don't want our second home to shut down by mods. We just need to be careful and follow the rules of soompi... That's all.  :)
Thank you Jjongaholics for vids and gifs of Ahyoung! Is it today Jjong going to that sports event right? Yesterday is Ahyoung and today is Jjong! hehehe.. wohoo... Happy Friday/Saturday Everyone!  :-bd

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don't be scared @anniepanda.. we love your graphic.. we very proud to have you here.. your hardwork is very awesome.. please understand @anniepanda for anyone who edit and share photo, graphic, mv, or etc.. dont forget to ask permission and give credit owner before you share in your media social.. we are jjongah family so we must care and understand each other.. >:D<

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good Morning dears...i Just want to share,In last episode when Ah Young said when they together they looks so pretty like picture..something like that..so i found this..when you edit their picture it really like a painting..perfect couple images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQQzXx2NXi0-hlLFvqjNjJ

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Dear JjongAh-holics~Have you heard about the recent news regarding on one of new couple at WGM?This is a chance for the Jjongah's We got married again.
Let's write our opinion that we want our JjongAh back at MBC WGM site.

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