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[Official] Hong Jong Hyun ❤ Yura (Kim Ahyoung) - JjongAh Couple || Thread 2


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Guest ExcuseMe UrPardon

@anniepanda said :
Just to be clear here. I am NOT saying that you shouldn't write the words that you used. You are free to write whatever you want, but just remember that there are children and conservative people who visit this thread too. Give them a warning next time. I don't think you understood my post.. but oh well.. it has to be said.

That's all I want to add to this topic.

I said : You don't have to repeat as if you are marking my exam papers....be specific on the children ... they are teenagers and conservative people have no issue when they decided to watch WGM coz before Jjongah there lots of WGM couples act out their aggressive skinship...If there are conservatives readers, I don't think they want to watch this program either join in this thread....

Repeating your words that you are not personally attacking my post is as good as you are lecturing me looking at your reply one after another....I hope you can reflect that...I'm glad you want to stop the topic here and hope I did not read your comment about this topic again after this post...

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Guest lyn-erlina

hello guyss~
btw i wanna respond to @ExcuseMe UrPardon. but first of all, this is my opinion. as i can read from your post, i'm not really comfortable to read it. I'm not underage though (this year 22years old). HAHAHAbut i'm a conservative person. yup! you read it right. conservative. i'm still holding to my traditional values. 
and i'm here~~ in this thread. and watching this program. i'm still okay watching this program(WGM) because it's still appropriate to me. and yes, they are a lot of wgm couples that are very touchy with each other. that's why i ship jjongah. and thats my preferences. and i respect to others preferences.
about the spoiler tag, its their own responsibility whether they want to open or not. i didn't open when it stated that not good for minor. why? because i know that content i will not like it.by using the spoiler tag, you show some respect to others who are minor and conservative.
btw, you can read soompi forum rules : http://forums.soompi.com/en/discussion/1317/soompi-forum-rules 
especially no.3
i'm not saying this because i think i'm good enough. but, we can give and take right regarding this matters. i really hope you understand.   >:D<

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@molaihawaii-- thanks for the reminder! YAYY!!! We get to see AY every single week from now until the end of April for "Kpop Stars" and "I'm Going to School"---hopefully more opportunities will come her way and we get to continue to see her every single week onscreen. 
Edit--I'm hoping she can guest on Running Man again. [-O<[-O<[-O<

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Guest ohayyo

the smiles that can heal ... :)
cr jhyunju_ja on IG
cr : jiminie_90 on IG

errrrr...... not this one, this is my cat, his name is Jong woo....


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To add on to @tituyphing's Ohme video post, other similarities outside WGM (most of them prior to them meeting in WGM) that I've noticed and remember being mentioned before in previous posts:
1) Jong Hyun has said, "Oh yeah" various times in Style Log eps (sorry don't remember which ones tho) and Yura has said it after buying all the stuff they needed for the food competition and then "Oh yeah" became something they both said in future WGM eps. 

2) Style Log Season 1- both don't believe in the superstition about giving shoes as presents as Yura mentioned in her card when she gave him shoes as gifts

3) Petorialist- the way Jong Hyun was holding onto Yura's hand in the pool during photo shoot and Haerong's paws while teaching him how to swim were very similar4) Jong Hyun brought Yura to the H.R. jewelry store which he visited w/ his Style Log MC Minho in Season 2 5) Style Log Season 1- Sung Joon's hand gesture is similar to what they did before at the 4D movie place before the movie started
6) Running Man-Yura jumping on the water blimp w/ Yoo Jaesuk to see who could reach the highest height and in Style Log Jong Hyun did the same w/ his model friends (ep 4)7) Jong Hyun is sooooo soooooo soooo bad at rock, paper, scissor among his model friends but manages to beat Yura almost ALL the time hehehe 
8) Been called Pabo by their friends9) Running Man ep w/ Jong Hyun included fans from a drawing class at an Art College/Department (not business, science, etc) and the theme was basically about liking someone and "some" relationships
Yes, I know I'm prob being super delulu and seeing similarities that aren't really there, but I see these pre-WGM and during WGM incidences as good fate/destiny for our OTP as they continue to be linked together post-WGM.
Also, this video is super random and for the wrong occasion but just wanted to share (hopefully it hasn't been shared before) cuz Yura, like I haven't said this enough times, is just tooooooo toooooooo cute for words in this vid!!

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Posting mature content and/or innuendos is a violation of Soompi rules. Please take those discussions elsewhere, such as through Private Messages, as they will not be tolerated in the forums where minors and/or members uncomfortable with the nature of those discussions are present.

Refusal to abide by the rules, found here and here, after this reminder will result in an official warning.

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Guest Cali07

I love this forum and consider myself a jjongAholic although I haven't been as dedicated as some of you shippers. I have a lot of respect for everyone here so I hope no one takes offense but I think that when you want to advice someone on how to post or someone has done something you don't agree with you PM the person and gently clarify like friends do. Honestly Sometimes the way we say and approach things can prevent from someone's feeling hurt. I do feel we're in a very diverse forum and I'm conservative but my country isn't so I adjust and things like "boobs" don't mean anything but I understand that not everyone is the same, however I love and respect what's written in everyones post and everyones passion and opinions in this forum, sometimes I read a few sentences and if I consider too much for me I continue. I've seen some comments of you shippers gently say "hey dear that should be on spoiler" and the advice is usually taken. However some advice sound stern and can easily be taken to offensive.

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Guest ExcuseMe UrPardon


I agree with U.

So far I have tolerated since I joined this forum But a far as it seems, some likely to be the judge of everything.

I respect most of the members post and declined to comment because it does not little bit offend me as long as they did not bash Jjongah couple and wihout prove.

But being a frequent visitors, they are becoming like a police department OR More likely  A Discipline Head Of Department.

I'm not at all offended by the way they approach but picking little things to make mountain out of molehill arn't that OVER REACT...

Talking about respect the "minor", how minor is their mentality.

I have No Mood To Share Anything and Support here In This Thread...Its Becoming Like POLITICS and as if Its OWNED By Someone Better Off With Words And Discipline....

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Guest dina_stp_at_yahoo.com_stv

Someone please make a picture compilation of HJH 's transforming face from ep. 1 until 40..the face of iron wall transform into a pabo wall.. Please [-O<

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Hi fellow Jjongaholics! This is my first post in our new home. Our new pretty home thanks to @Tinkiebell for creating one, @anniepanda for all the amazing-superb graphics, well, she does deserves the posh panda title. And not forgetting @shengyue_ho for the arrangement of content (pardon me if its wrongly mentioned). Feels good to be home. Been away due to real life business but still happy to see everyone hoo-haa-Ing over our jjongah. Indeed they never fail to give us hopes and I am optimistic to hear more good news of them. Congratulations to a newly crowned legend, tada.... @tituyphing! Lastly, for @karatekid08, @molaihawaii and @ohayyo , please continue with the awesome manips and graphics. I am enjoying all of them. Looking forward to HJH press con today. Have a great day everyone. Muah :x

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dramaluv3r101 said: To add on to @tituyphing's Ohme video post, other similarities outside WGM (most of them prior to them meeting in WGM) that I've noticed and remember being mentioned before in previous posts:
1) Jong Hyun has said, "Oh yeah" various times in Style Log eps (sorry don't remember which ones tho) and Yura has said it after buying all the stuff they needed for the food competition and then "Oh yeah" became something they both said in future WGM eps. 2) Style Log Season 1- both don't believe in the superstition about giving shoes as presents as Yura mentioned in her card when she gave him shoes as gifts

3) Petorialist- the way Jong Hyun was holding onto Yura's hand in the pool during photo shoot and Haerong's paws while teaching him how to swim were very similar4) Jong Hyun brought Yura to the H.R. jewelry store which he visited w/ his Style Log MC Minho in Season 2 5) Style Log Season 1- Sung Joon's hand gesture is similar to what they did before at the 4D movie place before the movie started
6) Running Man-Yura jumping on the water blimp w/ Yoo Jaesuk to see who could reach the highest height and in Style Log Jong Hyun did the same w/ his model friends (ep 4)7) Jong Hyun is sooooo soooooo soooo bad at rock, paper, scissor among his model friends but manages to beat Yura almost ALL the time hehehe 
8) Been called Pabo by their friends9) Running Man ep w/ Jong Hyun included fans from a drawing class at an Art College/Department (not business, science, etc) and the theme was basically about liking someone and "some" relationships
Yes, I know I'm prob being super delulu and seeing similarities that aren't really there, but I see these pre-WGM and during WGM incidences as good fate/destiny for our OTP as they continue to be linked together post-WGM.
Also, this video is super random and for the wrong occasion but just wanted to share (hopefully it hasn't been shared before) cuz Yura, like I haven't said this enough times, is just tooooooo toooooooo cute for words in this vid!!

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I had decided to keep quiet on this but I think it has to be addressed and finished off without any loose threads. before I can feel like we can move on fully and leave it so we can continue to coexist here without taking sides. Something that started off as a nice, polite request has ended badly. I am putting it under a spoiler. This is my take, my opinion if you want to take it.

I will be honest and say that any posts I find uncomfortable, I will address it here, not PM since we are supposed to be friends and all here and I am not belittling them but instead choosing to raise a point so such incidences are learnt from and not occur again. 
We should be respectful to each other and consider what we write and how it can affect the people reading it. If we find ourselves having differing views or opinions we should be able to come to a conclusion peacefully, mediate between each other, find an even ground. If the issue persists, well, I have no problems going to the Moderators regarding this. This is my take, so sorry if it offends anyone.
It's embarrassing as hell to see we cannot cooperate with each other and think from the other person's side and make the necessary adjustments so we can continue to ship our couple happily without anyone being turned off by these things.
We each have our own individual methods and reasons of shipping JjongAh, our views are all different but we are all just as passionate. But please, be considerate towards other shippers. Don't try to make generalisations. We all have different comfort levels, then there's the fact that there are different ages here. Please don't decide for them. 
Yes, we can go crazy with our posts but don't forget we still have to be responsible.
Most importantly, we don't have a mod for the thread, if we cannot solve these kind of things between us peacefully, what good would having a thread mod will do if no one wants to see people being responsible? Would anyone listen to that person if you cannot handle mistakes being pointed out here? We're friends, yes? Friends can hurt each other's feelings if it's for their own good. If you want to make an argument, make it sound and expect rebuttal, we aren't dictators.
We can choose whether or not to be offended by posts, I rather we be nice until the end so there is no bitterness on this thread. Ignore it if you are offended, but don't go hitting people with insults, just try to understand where they are coming from. We can do things much nicely but instead this mess has happened. 

I really hope that no one decides to leave or choose to stay away from this place. I also hope everyone understands where I am coming from. As a concerned JjongAh-Holic I am appalled this has stretched this far.
If you have chosen to read until so far, thank you. If not, well, it was your choice. 
Now, again I have to post this, this is the SECOND time I have to post the rules so it's visible to the ones who don't like to click away from here!
Shipper Paradise Rules

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4e79034827b7db570bf6a8cac65658d4.gifAnnyeonghasaeyo (hello) @eileenmacelin welcome back to our 2nd home! Thanks to our very own @karatekid08 for sharing her brilliant idea about this manip... she's the best! Listening to this song.. 31b1b555874449bb02da43b0ca784bb3.gifwhile waiting for Jjongah updates hehehe... Anyone want's to join me?? Just want to cheer up EVERYONE here... 

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インガMC! #HongJongHyun #홍종현 #ホンジョンヒョン

A video posted by 아이stagram:) (@aixxiamxxx) on Mar 31, 2015 at 4:40pm PDT

WOW @ebullient fixed Instagram for us THX! I was just testing, You have no Idea how much this was needed lol. No more posting pics from Instagram but directly from the source, not sure if youtube is fixable but thank you for this, EDIT YouTube works too daebak
Waiting for the press conference ! 
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Guest dragana

Thank you for all updates. Waiting patently for news of press conference. While waiting want to share one of my favourite FMV all the happy moments are captured in this video. You may have watched this but I never get bored watching it again.
Credit: Melody So/Youtube

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