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[Drama 2015] The Time We Were Not In Love 너를 사랑한 시간

Guest fanda4000

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LJU was just ridiculously adorable in that last episode. I really didn't think he could be any more adorable than he was but that man took it up a notch or two in that last episode. If I weren't already married to a wonderful man myself, I'd snaffle him up at the drop of a hat. Dear God... Choi Won... you're not from this planet, I daresay.:wub: Lee Jin Uk is officially the King of Hugging. 

And yes, @lotus, I have seen Nine and Three Musketeers but I think his performance in this show surpassed what he did in those two. His interactions with HJW are just spot on and all his reactions to every event or situation -- he nailed it all. The man needs to do another rom com very soon. After the movie, that is. ;)

I don't think HJW has looked more beautiful than she did in this drama. That wedding dress looked amazing on her despite how simple it was. It worked so well. The idea of the street wedding was so much in keeping with the message of the drama.

Ep. 16 was a delightful ending and I was smiling (chuckling and laughing) the whole way through. I can't really pick one moment as my favourite because they were all so good. I got teary at the wedding... gushed over the new bub (who actually looks like a newborn for a change)... cracked up at Won's proposal to HN's parents, grinned through all the bickering because they sound so familiar. And when HN said she wanted a child to hold his hand, one on his back and one in front of him... and when he said "how many children are those": I yelled out "3!". He looked soooo happy to be a dad. He looked happy. Fullstop.

It isn't just the OTP but the entire family dynamic that is just wonderful. But LJU has this infectious charisma that exploded in this episode. All that energy permeating every scene. Did I also mention how much I love his grumpy aegyo too?

I am really going to miss this sweet, good-natured show. I doubt we will see anything like this again. 

The pain, angst and the agony... it was worth it... to see Choi Won finally get the girl he has always loved. :wub:


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@40somethingahjumma - ohhhh... Pal !!! I like what u said. He did well. The chem is there absolutely but i think it did not stretch his versatility that much if u watched three musketeers. But it is just the genre of this particular drama as it has a simple story with no high drama. But he is in his absolute best in making many fall for him.. 

The script just kinda wrapped up everything perfectly but it just occurred to me there is no 'closure' so to speak btw Wonnie n mr ex?? Like to hear what u think.:)


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I absolutely LOVED the ending! 1000 yeses for ending its major conflict 2 eps before the last and giving us nothing but "ever after" goodness in the finale week. Most dramas wait until the last eps to wrap things up in a tight, neat bowtie and I'm always left saying, "Nooooo that's not enough tell me morrrreee. What happens after they get together???" Well not here. The last 2 eps was so satisfying. Especially considering how cute and simple everything was.

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@40somethingahjumma - ohhhh... Pal !!! I like what u said. He did well. The chem is there absolutely but i think it did not stretch his versatility that much if u watched three musketeers. But it is just the genre of this particular drama as it has a simple story with no high drama. But he is in his absolute best in making many fall for him.. 

The script just kinda wrapped up everything perfectly but it just occurred to me there is no 'closure' so to speak btw Wonnie n mr ex?? Like to hear what u think.:)

Actually, it's much harder to do comedy and do it well than it is to do a fairly stoic character like Prince Sohyeon in a crazy fusion period drama. But really, LJU did everything in this show -- the whole gamut of emotions. At times it looked like he was playing two people --  two different people in and out of uniform. The story may have been "simple" but there's nothing simple about his character at all. He just did it so effortlessly and with so much enthusiasm that it looks like he didn't do much. I don't disagree, however, that our boy oozes with charm from head to toe. ;)

There wasn't any final encounter b/w the male lead and the 2ML in the T version so I guess they didn't feel the need to do it either. I think it was enough for 2ML and HN to have some kind of amicable relationship post-breakup... the T version wasn't even this kind to the 2ML. The 2ML was more a part of HN's life than Won's anyway. Anyway, Won got the girl so I imagine it's all the closure he needs. :P


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@Lyrayoo - where hv u been??? Miss yr voice here n there too ( u know where)

i love the black n white picture. Thanks! Aren't they awesome!!!

@gzbe - it stayed true to its approach - simplicity n ordinary so no highs of lows just plain same gear ..some will complain slow but it is just normal. I like this for a change ...

@40somethingahjumma - u said something that I could not quite pinpoint n you just hit it on spot for me. That Wonnie was like two persons  - one in uniform and as Wonnie.. Off work.. Lju comes across just natural ...

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Wat I like about the wedding is their friends cheering them and holdIng their photos even! :D they look like the official 1+1fanclub. Lol, I dont think they need to act much, nearly everyone in this show is rooting for them.:P

Being married myself, I identify with all the stuff they did, all those crazy hugs n daily bickering. I think lee jinuk will be a great husband n dad. He look totally natural and made for domestic life.:)

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@qwenli - I could not stop laughing when i saw his eyes and mouth ( and tongue ! )  when he was lookig gat the pictures of noona's baby. it was as if he  was salivating over babies..never saw such a guy before...

Even mom in law was so charmed n endeared by Wonnie. Hana's parents are so cute. Ahborji was even 'jealous'! Hahahs

I love the cheer teams, it was like back to school when the girls were cheering for Hana and the boys for wonnie.

so many nice and cosy feel from this drama. Had not followed or finished watching any kdrama this year so this one is my first and so glad it is a  happy one.. 

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Wat I like about the wedding is their friends cheerimg them and holdIng their photos even! :D they look like the official 1+1fanclub. Lol, I dont think they need to act much, nearly everyone in this show is rooting for them.:P

Being married myself, I identify with all the stuff they did, all those crazy hugs n daily bickering. I think lee jinuk will be a great husband n dad. He look totally natural and made for domestic life.:)

Doesn't he ever! :lol: A doting dad and husband. Yum. 

I also loved that scene where he was watching HN do her make up and offering lipstick suggestions. LOL. HN pretending to be annoyed and then when he runs off to check on breakfast, a smile spreads over her face.

That's why weddings should be public events because we need our cheer squads to help us through our bickering. :D

I also loved that scene where HN grabs her suitcase after bickering with Won and goes over to her mum's place. That was slightly modified from the T version but so well done and her parents just taking it in their stride was a hoot. ;)

I told you all the good stuff would come at the end, didn't I? :P

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I really love the ending, and i actually LOL so much in the last 2 eps, can't stand it, too funny, in a good way though. Won's happines really contagious, i can't stop grinning, it looked like he adored her so much. He's good. 

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The way he hugged her and stamping his feet even tho he was kneeling down when she found out she may be pregnant... Oh...

u can't feel not happy or assured when he is.. Feel like melting over n over again... 

And Hana just becomes more beautiful  as the scenes go on...

and how many times did he kissed Hana on the face at the airport!!!


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1. Victory lap episode number one was lovely. How perfect that they were adorably awkward with each other. Switching gears to romantic partners took some work. They sniped at each other a bit. Ha Na called Won to complain about her boyfriend. This was done in the original Taiwanese version. It was well done in both versions. Even better was when they decided to take their relationship to the next level. Nervous and a bit eager, Won wasn't as gentle as he intended when he put Ha Na against the wall. She deftly maneuvered out of that and waited in a different spot for him to try again. Then surprise, she pushed him to the bed. Won's shocked lock...priceless.
2. Won's cousin is pregnant but not alone. I liked that Park Chong did his laid back thing. He was surprised but was ready to support Mi Hyang with a house and a proposal. Park Chong's laid back attitude is the perfect counterpoint to Mi Hyang's sometimes bristly attitude. It was also cute when So Eun guessed Mi Hyang was pregnant only to told no way by her male coworkers.
3. Won resolved matters with his mother. She reached out to him and he responded. She was remorseful about her choice to leave after Won's father died. Won realized that his mother needed love and left to search for it. Good that the writers addressed Won's mother and did so without bitterness or recriminations. That fit the gentle mood of this episode.
4. Ha Na made me proud. The reveal that Won passed her impact kiss test in the library was a good reveal. I liked the reveal that she shared the rooftop location with Won. That is tantamount to bringing him into her inner sanctum. It was obvious that she cared for Won deeply but her nuturing of their friendship was important too. Who can blame Ha Na for not wanting to lose a wonderful friend like Won? It was lovely on the rooftop, Ha Na gave Won what he asked for - privacy, then gave him what he needed - her support and love. There in the moment in Won bared his soul with the fear he'd lose his mother and his admission that he longed his mother, Ha Na opened her arms and bared her soul with the confession that she loved him. That was a well done scene.

Episode 15 musings: https://kjtamusings.wordpress.com/2015/08/17/the-time-we-were-not-in-love-episode-15-recap/


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I have finished watching the finale. I am one satisfied viewer. :)  

I am sad that it is the end but at the same time happy because our OTP got their happy ending. 

Thank you to everyone that recapped, shared pics and videos. I am always grateful that you guys are so giving by taking time to share what you have to others who are just happily lurking. 

This is the first drama that I've watched live stream, raw and with eng sub. hahaha.. 

This is also the reason I created a Soompi accnt and I don't regret spendig time in this thread. You gus are amazing. I hope to meet you all in person so we can talk aboutthis wonderful drama. :)


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@lotus the 2nd line on the cake says DC gallery the time we are not in love. So it seems to be from the drama thread's fans.

The pix where ljw walking with the 3 girls, I read the caption, the girls are the "Choi team", 3 musketeers, his stylist, makeup artist and I don't know wat the 3rd one does. The uploader call him the best actor lee jinuk:)

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