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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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One of my friends just posted a quote to FB that says, "Every time you get dressed, remember that, if you die, that's going to be your ghost outfit forever."

Totally made me think of SJ's comment that a soldier's uniform is his shroud.  DotS . . . clearly, never far from my thoughts.  :P

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[Photo] HD Joongki fanmeet in Beijing

















































c as tagged

































































































Descendants of the Sun effect: Song Joong-ki’s Yoo Si-jin could become a popular baby name



























































Descendants of the Sun star Song Joong-ki is becoming a phenomenon in Asia after the grand success of the Korean drama. Perhaps, his name in the drama could soon become a popular baby name.



















K-pop icon Bae Suzy has given birth to a new-popular baby name: Seo Yeon. It happens to be one of the most popular names given by South Korean parents to their baby girls in the present time. AllKPop reasoned that the name is being chosen by many parents because of the fame of drama Architecture 101. Seo Yeon is the character played by Suzy Bae in the drama.



















According to SBS News, there are a number of names for baby boys and girls are still popular for decades in South Korea: they are Jung Hoon and Eun Joo in the 70s; Ji Hoon and Ji Hye in the 80s; and Ji Hoon and Yoo Jin in the 90s. Korean drama has had such a strong influence on culture.



















With this being the case, Yoo Si-jin could most probably become a popular baby name for boys in the next few years, thanks to the character played by the boy-faced candy Song Joong-ki in the super-hit Korean drama Descendants of the Sun that created waves across Asia.



















Meanwhile, the Chinese media reported on Song Joong-ki’s impressive Chinese skills. Joong-ki introduced himself: “Hello, everyone. I am Song Joong-ki. I am happy to be here with you guys today,” all in Chinese. It was also reported that the star carried out the event without much language difficulty, thanks to his brother who has studied in Beijing for eight years and made him to learn Chinese.
































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@Buldok The second to last one in the spoilers where they're looking at each other: Is that the line about running away together? My Korean is elementary and I have a hard time reading that font so I can't make it out. :vicx:

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I'm back, chingu-deul!!!

@gilaswan  Awww...thank you..Though I am actually free on week days, not weekends. Quite the opposite. Lol...and....I am waiting in anticipation for your fanfic!!! (How on earth did you find time to write so many????)

Oh, the gifs. One cannot get enough of DOTS gifs.

Last but not least, thank you to everyone who contributed and keep this thread alive and kickin'. 

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Morning and evening guys...

Okay, just back read and I'm a bit lost. Is there any editing error on the land mine joke when she fell on top of him? I didn't realize it, well with obvious reason: too busy giggling  :relaxed: which part is it? 


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Still from ep 2, they just met few times but they already so comfortable with each other. No awkwardness between them, no hiding their feelings from each other (like most kdramas), they just said what they wanted to say as an adults who are interested with each other :wub: 

I feel like they've known each other few months not only few days :lol:


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@kristy86 The editing error is that in one frame SJ has his hand behind his head and in the next, it's resting on MY's back. 

Edit: Couldn't find the gifs but I do have screenshots.

Frame 1: Hand behind headframe%201.jpg_zps6bujcyjk.png

Frame 2: SJ's hand on MY's backframe%202_zpsbdexhjau.jpg

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@phikyl and @CatWhiskers LOL, see... I didn't even notice that :lol: Thanks for pointing it out for me. I even consider this scene as their first "hug", they are indirectly hugging each other. SJ must feel in heaven to have MY on top of him like that :D 

Btw, been meaning to make this gif. I love all SJ's fighting scenes, the sliding on top of car is my fave and this is second, he's just so cool :wub: And kudos to the director. SJK should do more action movies in the future :D 



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@kristy86 I think so too. SJ looked so happy that she was just resting on him. Took him a moment to re-orient himself when she sits up and smacks him for lying to her. 

There's errors in the last beach scene too but I don't know if anyone noticed those ones. :P 

If you make a gif of SJ sliding across the car, please post it here! That scene is so awesome! I kind of want to try it myself but lack the coordination to make a safe landing. Lol!

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Oh.....thank u. @kristy86 I love YSJ in serious and fighting mode. The way he got up and climb on the back of the US soldier is so cool. Though he wasn't tall or bulky or what you would expect of a captain...he makes up for it with his wits and agility. As one can see here, and the sliding-on-car-hood scene. 

I also like the part where he came to rescue KMY. Shooting all those baddies. My heart flutters. Oh... 

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@phikyl, here's a video of the car slide.  I know that's the scene that got him injured in real life, so I don't want to say it was worth it, but dayum!!!  That is one super hot scene to watch.  I, um, may have spent some time at work (certainly more than I should have) watching this video the first time I happened upon it.  :P


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@themarchioness Oh thank you! Yes, that scene is totally hot and it was executed perfectly in the take that we were shown! Time to coerce a friend of mine with photoshop to make me a nice pretty gif of this... :phew:

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This is a quick fic I cooked up while taking a short break from working on my work project.  It's nothing serious but just something I thought of after reading through this week's discussion.  Keep it going; it's inspiring!  (Now back to my project . . . and focusing on the light at the end of my tunnel: Monday.  :P )

The Wedding Invite
Summary: Kang Mo Yeon gets her revenge against Chairman Han by personally delivering her wedding invitation.



Chairman Han was having a bad day. The hospital board of directors were questioning the budget proposal for the next fiscal year, one of his prima donna doctors was threatening to take action if he didn’t get the research funding he wanted and was demanding, and most irritating of all, his own mother was threatening to send him on matchmaking dates if he didn’t hurry up and get remarried already. With the headache going on at work, dealing with his mother was the last thing he needed on his plate.

“You’re not getting any younger,” she’d told him at breakfast that morning. “I want grandchildren. Who will continue the family business if something happens to you? Just because you’ve been married once and divorced doesn’t mean you can’t still find a good match. Leave everything to me and I’ll find you the perfect wife.”

She’d said it so casually, as if marriage was a problem easily solved. She seemed to have forgotten she’d found his last wife for him, and look how that had turned out.

Chairman Han would’ve been the first to admit he didn’t have a patient bone in his body. He knew what he liked and what he didn’t like, and he was used to getting what he wanted. That wasn’t ego talking; that was just how society worked. When one had money, one had power. When one had power, one got whatever they wanted.

At least, that had been the case until Dr. Kang Mo Yeon.

One of his hospital’s staff physicians, she’d caught his eye the first time she appeared on a television program as the hospital’s representative. Under the guise of taking interest in a hospital employee, he’d gathered Intel and knew that she was the single child of a widowed parent. She didn’t come from a moneyed background, certainly nothing like his, but with her salary, she lived comfortably. What she lacked in money, she made up for in education. He could do worse, he decided, and she could certainly do no better than him. She would hardly be able to object to his divorced status.

For all those reasons, Chairman Han managed to convince himself that Dr. Kang was the perfect woman for him. He was also convinced she’d agree.

That was why, for their first date, he’d invited her up to his special hotel room. He thought she’d be flattered. Imagine his surprise then when she not only rejected him, but also hit him with her purse in the process! There had been nothing more embarrassing or shocking. He still cringed to think of it.

Of course, he’d gotten his revenge in the end by sending her to Uruk, but then so too had she by returning with a boyfriend in tow. Just thinking about it made him want to clench his teeth.  How irritating! A soldier! Surely there could be no comparison.

He’d met the person in question. He conceded that this soldier boyfriend was a handsome-looking person, but so what? He showed up at the hospital injured, befriended North Korean soldiers, and blew out windows in patient rooms. How was that attractive? He was a hospital chairman. Who could resist that? Chairman Han was certain that if he allowed it, it would take his mother no time at all to have a line of interested woman standing behind him.

The only problem was he didn’t want a line of women. He wanted just the one.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

“What is it?”

His secretary entered. “Dr. Kang is here to see you, Chairman.”

“Really?” Chairman Han brightened at the news. This was unexpected. She never visited his office unless summoned. Maybe his day was about to get better.

Stepping back, his secretary allowed Kang Mo Yeon to enter before closing the door behind her.

“Dr. Kang. This is a surprise. Did you need me for something?”

Kang Mo Yeon tried not to roll her eye. She was used to the chairman’s pompous manners, and his belief that the universe revolved around him. “I only came because I have something to give you?”

“Really?” Chairman Han stepped out from behind his desk and sat on the corner of his desk. “What is it?”

She pulled a white envelope from the deep pockets of her lab coat and handed it to him.

He opened it curiously and pulled out the card inside. One glance and Chairman Han’s day went from bad to worse.

Yoo Shi Jin and Kang Mo Yeon
cordially invite you to

This was not what he had expected. “This is . . .”

“That’s right,” Kang Mo Yeon stated. “I’m getting married.”

“Why . . . ?”

“I didn’t want to invite you,” she told him flatly.  And honestly. “But my fiancé thought we should invite you as the chairman of my hospital. And well, he says we’re indebted to you too.”

“To me?”

“He says we might not have gotten back together if it hadn’t been for you.”

“For me?”

Kang Mo Yeon cocked her head. “Didn’t you know?”

“Know what?”

“Before you sent me to Uruk, Yoo Shi Jin-ssi and I had already met. Things didn’t work out. But then you sent me to Uruk and we were able to spend time together. Because of that, I decided to give him another chance.”

“So, you’re saying that because of me, you’re getting married?”

“Some might say that,” Kang Mo Yeon agreed. “But I'd like to think that even without your intervention, Yoo Shi Jin-ssi and I would have found our way back to each other.” She didn’t like to give him any more credit than was necessary. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get over his initial insult or his cheap tactics, or that she'd want to. “Well, anyway, I just wanted to drop off the invitation. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be going now. I’m pretty busy, you know, seeing patients.”

She exited quickly and Chairman Han could only watch her dazedly from behind.

As the door closed, he tossed the envelope onto his desk and picked up the phone. He called his mother and had only one thing to say. “I’ll go on one of your arranged dates.”

The End



Tag: @Jalhanda

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12 minutes ago, themarchioness said:

This is a quick fic I cooked up while taking a break from working on my work project.  It's nothing serious but just something I thought of after reading through this week's discussion.  Keep it going; it's inspiring!  (Now back to my project . . . and focusing on the light at the end of my tunnel: Monday.  :P )

The Wedding Invite
Summary: Kang Mo Yeon gets her revenge against Chairman Han by personally delivering her wedding invitation.

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Chairman Han was having a bad day. The hospital board of directors were questioning the budget proposal for the next fiscal year, one of his prima donna doctors was threatening to take action if he didn’t get the research funding he wanted and was demanding, and most irritating of all, his own mother was threatening to send him on matchmaking dates if he didn’t hurry up and get remarried already. With the headache going on at work, dealing with his mother was the last thing he needed on his plate.

“You’re not getting any younger,” she’d told him at breakfast that morning. “I want grandchildren. Who will continue the family business if something happens to you? Just because you’ve been married once and divorced doesn’t mean you can’t still find a good match. Leave everything to me and I’ll find you the perfect wife.”

She’d said it so casually, as if marriage was a problem easily solved. She seemed to have forgotten she’d found his last wife for him, and look how that had turned out.

Chairman Han would’ve been the first to admit he didn’t have a patient bone in his family. He knew what he liked and what he didn’t like, and he was used to getting what he wanted. That wasn’t ego talking; that was just how society worked. When one had money, one had power. When one had power, one got whatever they wanted.

At least, that had been the case until Dr. Kang Mo Yeon.

One of his hospital’s staff physicians, she’d caught his eye the first time she appeared on a television program as the hospital’s representative. Under the guise of taking interest in a hospital employee, he’d gathered Intel and knew that she was the single child of a widowed parent. She didn’t come from a moneyed background, certainly nothing like his, but with her salary, she lived comfortably. What she lacked in money, she made up for in education. He could do worse, he decided, and she could certainly do no better than him. She would hardly be able to object to his divorced status.

For all those reasons, Chairman Han managed to convince himself that Dr. Kang was the perfect woman for him. He was also convinced she’d agree.

That was why, for their first date, he’d invited her up to his special hotel room. He thought she’d be flattered. Imagine his surprise then when she not only rejected him, but also hit him with her purse in the process! There had been nothing more embarrassing or shocking. He still cringed to think of it.

Of course, he’d gotten his revenge in the end by sending her to Uruk, but then so too had she by returning with a boyfriend in tow. Just thinking about it made him want to clench his teeth in irritation. A soldier! Surely there could be no comparison.

He’d met the person in question. He conceded that this soldier boyfriend was a handsome-looking person, but so what? He showed up at the hospital injured, befriended North Korean soldiers, and blew out windows in patient rooms. How was that attractive? He was a hospital chairman. Who could resist that? Chairman Han was certain that if he allowed it, it would take his mother no time at all to have a line of interested woman standing behind him.

The only problem was he didn’t want a line of women. He wanted just the one.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

“What is it?”

His secretary entered. “Dr. Kang is here to see you, Chairman.”

“Really?” Chairman Han brightened at the news. This was unexpected. She never visited his office unless summoned. Maybe his day was about to get better.

Stepping back, his secretary allowed Kang Mo Yeon to enter before closing the door behind her.

“Dr. Kang. This is a surprise. Did you need me for something?”

Kang Mo Yeon tried not to roll her eye. She was used to the chairman’s pompous manners, and his belief that the universe revolved around him. “I only came because I have something to give you?”

“Really?” Chairman Han stepped out from behind his desk and sat on the corner of his desk. “What is it?”

She pulled a white envelope from the deep pockets of her lab coat and handed it to him.

He opened it curiously and pulled out the card inside. One glance and Chairman Han’s day went from bad to worse.

Yoo Shi Jin and Kang Mo Yeon
cordially invite you to

This was not what he had expected. “This is . . .”

“That’s right,” Kang Mo Yeon stated. “I’m getting married.”

“Why . . . ?”

“I didn’t want to invite you,” she told him flatly and honestly. “But my fiancé thought we should invite you as the chairman of my hospital. And well, he says we’re indebted to you too.”

“To me?”

“He says we might not have gotten back together if it hadn’t been for you.”

“For me?”

Kang Mo Yeon cocked her head. “Didn’t you know?”

“Know what?”

“Before you sent me to Uruk, Yoo Shi Jin-ssi and I had already met. Things didn’t work out. But then you sent me to Uruk and we were able to spend time together. Because of that, I decided to give him another chance.”

“So, you’re saying that because of me, you’re getting married?”

“Some might say that,” Kang Mo Yeon agreed. “But I'd like to think that even without your intervention, Yoo Shi Jin-ssi and I would have found our way back to each other.” She didn’t like to give him any more credit than was necessary. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get over his initial insult or his cheap tactics, or that she'd want to. “Well, anyway, I just wanted to drop off the invitation. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be going now. I’m pretty busy, you know, seeing patients.”

She exited quickly and Chairman Han could only watch her dazedly from behind.

As the door closed, he tossed the envelope onto his desk and picked up the phone. He called his mother and had only one thing to say. “I’ll go on one of your arranged dates.”

The End




Hahaha loved this one-shot! I can actually imagine the whole story as if it were a scene from the drama. Good job! Hoping for more one-shots soon!

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