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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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"Descendants of the Sun" to land in Japan on June 21st















"Descendants of the Sun" is landing in Japan on the 21st of June. The drama has been finalized to star on the Japanese CS Channel on the 21st of June at 11PM. This is the second official landing of the drama in prior to Hong Kong Viu TV.




Japan has been fanatic about "Descendants of the Sun" ever since the beginning. The conservative swing in Japan had led to the decrease in Korean dramas being broadcast locally but Hallyu has re-ignited thanks to "Descendants of the Sun". The export price, which dropped to less than 10,000 US dollars, has been brought back up by "Descendants of the Sun" and all 16 episodes have been sold for 2 billion won.




Local fans have been posting requests for translations in their SNS and blogs. Since the confirmation, fans have been anticipating June and hoping that the drama won't be edited the way it did in China. However, there are words of concerns that the anticipation might not be as high anymore since the story's ending is already out.




However, like the English public television BBC mentioned, one of the main reasons why "Descendants of the Sun" became such a big deal in Asia is because of the 'military' element. It's different from the typical and trendy romance. "Descendants of the Sun" may truly become the cause of re-ignition of the Hallyu Wave.




Meanwhile, NEW and KBS foreign marketing claims that no other place has confirmed broadcasting "Descendants of the Sun" besides Hong Kong and Japan yet. China has another level of review to go through.






Source : sports.donga.com/3/al...















Which Group of People Watched “Descendants of the Sun” Most in China?











A recent report from Chinese video platform iQiyi revealed that of those who watched “Descendants of the Sun” in China, the vast majority were female college students in large cities.




The report, which was released on April 24, categorized the viewers by age, gender, occupation, and location. According to the reports, the largest number of viewers were in Beijing, followed by Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Jiangsu, Fujian, Tianjin, and Hainan.




  • dots report1dots report 2


By age and occupation, 29.2 percent of viewers were college students between the ages of 18 and 24, followed closely by people between the ages of 1 and 17 and 25 and 30. Additionally, 79 percent of the viewers were female.




Overall, the total number of viewers during the initial broadcast of the drama surpassed 2.8 billion in China, more than double the previous record of 1.3 billion views set by “My Love From the Star.”









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When I last looked at the poll a few minutes ago, DotS was far and away at 60% of votes.  The distant second at 21%  Truly the popularity of DotS is off the charts!    Requesting a translation from anyone here, how many times can we vote? 

I know I signed off this forum, pages ago,  but I keep coming back to read and like your posts.  Haha,  can't really let go can I?   Thank you all of u in this forum for the great company and the continued updates!  :)

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57 minutes ago, hazeljrr_c922 said:

When I last looked at the poll a few minutes ago, DotS was far and away at 60% of votes.  The distant second at 21%  Truly the popularity of DotS is off the charts!    Requesting a translation from anyone here, how many times can we vote? 

I know I signed off this forum, pages ago,  but I keep coming back to read and like your posts.  Haha,  can't really let go can I?   Thank you all of u in this forum for the great company and the continued updates!  :)

Voting is unlimited.  You can repeatedly vote until May 1st. 

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Am resuming my fanfic writing... now that DOTS is over (noooooOoOOoOOOO!!), life is starting to get in the way again (hahaha... see how I put life on a standstill for DOTS), so the writing is a bit slow, but here's a sneak preview:


"She really loves you," Min YoonGi told SiJin while filling his glass with more wine. "The last 12 months were really difficult for her."

SiJin took in all Min YoonGi was telling him, the guilt building in him as he felt it weigh down in his chest.


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41 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

Am resuming my fanfic writing... now that DOTS is over (noooooOoOOoOOOO!!), life is starting to get in the way again (hahaha... see how I put life on a standstill for DOTS), so the writing is a bit slow, but here's a sneak preview:

  Reveal hidden contents

"She really loves you," Min YoonGi told SiJin while filling his glass with more wine. "The last 12 months were really difficult for her."

SiJin took in all Min YoonGi was telling him, the guilt building in him as he felt it weigh down in his chest.


Can't wait!! I love how Yoon Gi oppa appears in your fanfic :)

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The voting is unlimited, the moment you click on the circular option UNDER the DOTS picture your vote will be counted and the counter will immediately refresh allowing you to vote again. This process can be repeated by you as many times as you want.

Currently we're in the lead but I noticed that the jump in votes has slowed down quite a bit compared to the jump in votes for the other two drams i.e. Signal and R1988 (earlier DOTS was 60% of the votes, now we've gone down to 52%).  

Since the poll allows unlimited voting, it's an advantage and a disadvantage. It means you can vote as many times as you want but others have that option too and the voting trends can change dramatically especially considering how the fans of other dramas who have realised that their dramas have no chance of winning have decided to lend support to the the earlier mentioned dramas.

So please keep voting!

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1 hour ago, CatWhiskers said:














@Chellsee the BTS of the wine scene. SJK looks so good in anything white. I am staring at his biceps in that white shirt. Looks manly frm behind in that white t shirt....ahhhhhh....*blush...blush...*


























I know right?! LOL! 










Big Boss made a lot of effort in forming his biceps...









tumblr_o652nivYbs1r0oz1go1_250.gif   tumblr_o652nivYbs1r0oz1go2_250.gif








Funny and cute gifs from the BTS.









tumblr_o652nivYbs1r0oz1go4_250.gif   tumblr_o652nivYbs1r0oz1go7_250.gif





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Jeju Air, Korea tap on “Descendants of the Sun” star power


<i>Jeju Air, Korea tap on “Descendants of the Sun” star power</i><br />25/04/2016, by WIT, in Featured, Marketing, Mobile, Regions, Social

Some are calling it the Harry Potter effect – just-concluded Korean drama “Descendants of the Sun” have gathered legions of fans across Asia and, to an extent, the world.



The characters of the military drama have stolen hearts in China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia since it started screening earlier this year.

Indeed in China, its popularity irked Chinese censors so much that China’s Ministry of Public Security posted a warning on its official Weibo site against watching the show, saying watching too much of it could lead to marital strife and criminal behavior. Of course, that only enhanced its popularity and a Chinese version is reportedly in the making.

The drama also opened eyes of marketers to how to win hearts in today’s mobile Asia – tell great stories through mobile.

Said the article in Asia Times, “When the younger tech-savvy audience in Asia started watching the military K-drama on their smartphones, it went viral. This prompted people in the US and Europe to find out more about the show. When they did, they too were hooked on to Descendants of the Sun.”

No wonder then that Jeju Air and Korea Tourism Organisation have both appointed lead actor Song Joong-ki as their new brand ambassador.


In replacing another actor Kim Soo Hyun, the low cost airline, has China and the rest of South-east Asia firmly in its sights. (The star is so hot now that he’s also appearing in his first TV ad in China with actress Zhang Ziyi.)

Song signed an endorsement deal with Jeju Air last week and the carrier said it hopes to raise awareness of its brand in Chinese-speaking countries by featuring him in commercials for a year

Jeju Air operates regular flights to six Chinese cities including Beijing. To meet demand in the high season, it has been offering irregular services on 20 routes to 10 cities in China and Macao since last month.

Jeju Air said hiring big stars has been well worth the huge outlay since sales soared from W157.5 billion in 2010 to W608 billion last year, said a spokesman.

Since it went public last year, Jeju Air has been on an expansion path – out of the 25 destinations it flies to, 20 are international. It flew more than seven milluion passengers last year and earned revenues of 608 billion Korean won.

Low cost airlines are changing the face of Korea’s travel industry, Low cost seat capacity now forms nearly 55% of domestic air capacity and nearly 15% of international capacity to and from South Korea.

Meanwhile, Korea Tourism Organisation has named the “Descendants of the Sun” star as its Korea Tourism Honorary Ambassador 2016. He was at hand to officiate the o opening of a new K-style hub in Seoul for visitors last week.

The centre, spread over four floors, boasts a new and improved information centre showcasing various experiences ranging from medical tourism to hallyu (Korean wave), Korean food exhibitions and classes and an art market where travellers can browse and purchase top Korean products.

When asked what made “Descendants of the Sun” so addictive, Emma Roberts, the Harry Potter star and a huge fan of Korean dramas, answered on Quora: “Descendants of the Sun has all the elements— a good story, outstanding landscapes (the K-drama was filmed in Korea and Greece), beautiful actresses and handsome actors.”


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6 hours ago, kristy86 said:

You may also try Deep Rooted Tree, if you like historical drama :D  he's also great in there as the young King Sejong 


Honestly i haven't watched any historical dramas before, but definitely gonna try this one for my oppa. I heard that he will be there for only 4 episodes so i will watch only those. The things i do for my oppa.......

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This is crazy, everytime I turn on my TV I will see DOTS, right now I think this is Starnews or something. I am sure it has been mentioned here before. They are reviewing the drama from A to Z. And showing some bts, with the voice over commenting on it make it  even funnier. They also discuss what's unique about this drama and what makes it so different from other drama. All the memorable lines, well for me all the lines in this drama are memorable, all of them, even Argus's line, lol.

I am just so proud of uri drama, so proud of it's achievement so far in winning viewers heart. 

DOTS is really one of a kind drama, even with all it flaws I love it to bits. All the cast and  crew did a very excellent job. Even the drama already ended people just can't stop discussing about it. 

Oh this is Entertainment Weekly, haha, I watched only the last few minutes of it before, I thought it's new program or new episode of EW, lol. 

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9 hours ago, themarchioness said:


Hahaha, that's another thing I loved about both couples.  The women so clearly wear the pants in their respective relationships.  I die each time I watch that part where YSJ tries to defend his Red Velvet love by arguing he did nothing wrong, before quickly following up and saying that's what someone would say if they wanted to stay in trouble.  Hahaha.  The only time the men ever got the upper hand was when the women started arguing about their med school sunbae.  :P

Haha yes, at first he's kind of yelled at her showing her that's what other guy will do in that kind of situation. But he, he will do what he's best, apologizing. LOL. At first I don't understand what he meant by "my best and you glance" lol. Never I found a couple as straightforward and honest as these two, no noble idiocy whatsoever. The writers are amazing.

The scene about Min Yoon Gi oppa is my fave too, when she come to his office pretending to he sick and he plays hard to get. I just love these two! 

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@Chellsee Omo. ..where did u get that first gif. The one he's working out. It's definitely for DOTS right? The hairstyle is a tell tale sign.  Hope he will keep that hairstyle (except for his new coming movie which I know he needs to shave) But looking at SJK's hairstyle from yesteryears...He looks the best in DOTS. The short hair really really suits him . Lol.

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