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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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@ReemKanabta thanks very much dear - they were in HK in August? Doing promo activities? Shooting of Healer started in Oct?

@cinziar I am far from being a student - just a part time one as I liked languages. I have studying Japanese for 4 years, and hopefully, once I become proficient, I can start learning Korean. Hahaha.

@dandelionjd that should be before the official start of filming?

I am reading the press con notes from JCWkitchen - quite interesting too. hmmmm. ok I need to go back to studying soon. :P 

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@tehlimau I think both were having photo shoots, separately, nothing to do with healer, and both of them have a connection with JYJ, who had a concert and both attended (not sure of this info, it's all gathered from reading soompi from the start, lol) I think I saw a picture that some of their staff took in the concert, and let me tell you, they appeared to be seated at the same VIP place (so I think even if they were there by coincidence, the staff sure might arranged for them to cease the opportunity and meet)

if I ever find that pic I'll put it here :D go to your study now

PMY cut her hair on Sep 20 she posted these before 


BTW everyone I added a few other thing to my previous post that I forgot about 

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@tehlimau :Their lines are ambiguous for me, idk whether before the official shooting or just beginning of some eps. But i guess before official shooting and beginning of some eps. Hehehehe.


@ReemKanabta :it should be JYJ hehe. Pmy are friends of JJ and PYC, jcw is junsu's friend. Wah any pict? Waiting for your CSI kkkkk

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Thanks @dandelionjd for the correction, the pics from the concert was posted in the old soompi, so I wont be able to find it, I think PMYs assistant posted it in her twitter or IG, but I'm not following any of their staff except Wookie's manager

so if anybody can help, Wookie left to HK on Aug 15, PMY posted a twitter pic on Aug 17, the concert was held on Aug 16


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Guest amyR055

@ReemKanabta wow you're on a roll today. Great chronology Reem.

About JCW,  his preconceived opinion was PMY must be some sort of diva since she is quite famous and being such as beautiful woman  she must be a snobbish under that pretty face. His previous co star gave him a cold shoulder in the early filming. When he tried to be friendly by making  small talk , his co star didn't really cooperate.   So, he thought that he will have the same problem with MY. He even thought MY will be feminine type of woman. The type that had a sticker on her forehead' FRAGILE'  -Handle with Care- and stand-offish/snobbish.  That was why he was taken aback when he realized how wrong was his preconceived ideas about MY. Not only she is super gorgeous with infectious laugh  but also super friendly. He didn't even have to work hard to break the ice between them because MY was the one who took the first step to make them comfortable with each other. For MY, doing a good job filming without  wasting time feeling awkward  with each other was more important than maintaining ' I am more famous than you so work you a** off to butter up to me'.  

Once he realized that, he was charmed beyond words  -  as we know he is trapped already. No way out for him. lol


About the dating rumor, I am not that interested to know about it unless it's a marriage rumor. LOL


@OdankItha hahaha that's right. He cheekily moved his chair while laughing so people didn't really realized it.


And somehow he looked extra huge next to MY in that commentary studio. He looked like  a male species that showing off his magnificent size  to the opposite species.  I saw one of his interviews for a sport CF, the way he sat on the chair make him looked like he was about the same size with the female actress. Like he could care less about his appearance at that time. Just sit comfortably, not trying to impress anyone.

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Ok, I am NOT supposed to be here but I have GOT to reply to @amyR055 post. WHICH STUPID COSTAR gave my Wookie THE COLD SHOULDER?! What's wrong with her? And how dare she!? LOL.

Ok I was reading JCWKitchen - timeline seemed to be as such:

4 Aug 2014 - News outlets report wookie accepting Healer.


11 Sep 2014 - 1st script reading PMY with long hair

Writer nim said they could call her anytime 24hrs to discuss their characters.

29 Sep 2014 - 2nd script reading PMY with short hair

1 October 2014 - Wookie's 1st day of filming.

Too much info for a single FF - back to drawing board, but yes, yes, at this rate I am going to fail my final exam in July. LOL.


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HJW is a shy person as wookie, so they weren't close at the beginning, when he knew she was his senior in University, he approached her and told her that, to have a conversation with her, but she was like, ya really, ok, and that's it, he didn't know what to do, hahahaha poor wookie



@amyR055, you just know how to describe all the nonsense I'm blabbering or thinking , thank you :x


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Wowww, @ReemKanabta...  Your cronology analyzed so detail n perfecto!!! Daebak!!! 

Well,since both of them so quite with any information,just thinking positively... Min Young will starting her shooting in China (or maybe she has)... So,they must spend their quality time together before she leave the country.. Hehe... #delulu#

For a few day,I just wanna be a silent lurker... There's a lot of thing I want to share,but I have to take care my little daughter to participate in a competition with her school-mates on this Saturday...

Thank you for sharing all informations about Changmin Couple... Because we want both of them to be a real couple... It doesn't matter if we have to wait until so many years... And I'm sure there will be another surprise in recent day... Just wait n see...


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@all Good morning! Sorry for not answering I had to go to sleep…forgot to log out.


I came across that link when I was lost trying to get into this thread…what called my attention is the number of people talking about JCW as a possible person… when I think there could be many others.


@keemanjy_stv You are right and I really like your way of thinking. I do not think JCW would disclose anything if the situation is not threatened.


This is just my thinking…do not want to impose it to anyone…



There are times I think someone would disclose something, even when the time is not right. One of these is when:


a.      Being in a situation when you could lose the person you are madly in love with. When madly in love no many people think clearly…If you do not want to raise rumors at all, and keep everything very secret…why even wear the Barcelona hat? That is a direct link…even if it was a fan who gave it to him. That came from him...it was not a speculation from us here.

Sometimes I am reluctant to say what I think here to avoid the feeling of getting into their privacy…but that is what a shipping paradise is isn’t it? :$





Back in the old thread I wrote my idea that JCW had joined MY in Hawaii… here is why I thought it could be possible:


a.      When JCW went missing it was the first and only weekend he had off…it happened to be MY’s sis weeding.


b.      The first time he went MIA (Missing). Fans were very curious to the point of concern of why he was not posting any IG. I was checking for airport pictures of him leaving, but nothing. Suddenly Glorious posted a picture of him at the airport…then, another picture of him with many suitcases. I thought…o well, he went off with the team. But then I realized they were the pictures of the team going to Bali. Why would Glorious throw a picture of him at the airport during the week he was MIA? Maybe to mislead us in case somebody did see him at the airport leaving to Hawaii.


c.      PMY posted an IG in Hawaii… but she did not say it was Hawaii. I recognized the base of the lamp post at the park by the side of the hotel. Also the small construction that seem to be bathrooms in front of the beach, on the park. Those constructions are very American style, since I have been in a tropical country were they built the same way.


d.      Then I waited for him to come back that weekend. When I saw him going to the musical I thought it was too soon to go back to work; he might be tired (jetlag). I waited to see if his face was sunburned …his nose seemed shiny and a little red. He looked tired. 



MY posted her IG saying she was in Hawaii at the wedding…#happiness #right here.  A person who is happy with the family during her/his sis wedding…could have said “#happy#here”; in present time. Being happy could be achieved in a short period of time...like going on vacation, to a party, being asked for a date with someone you like, etc. But the word happiness means a feeling of joy extended in time; involves more than just being happy…it is a whole; and it comes from the heart and touches the person senses. When we have reached that state involving heart and mind is when we feel complete… It is a very personal intense feeling when we reach a dream (Something we have work so hard to accomplish for in our life, having a child) or when being fully in love, and knowing that that is the one.  

@Love to all!!!:wub:



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Guest treasure51

@zenit always love ur thought.

and now they r so quite. It's normal for Min Young but Chang Wook?? Not update his insta

hmm se sang e.. (Or that means they r together ??)

@siptiamari, for ur little girl..fighting :D




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Thanks @siptiamari it's all what's been discussed here over and over, but I was thinking for some time to make a proper timeline when we get the DVD. Good luck for your daughter. 

@zenit great points, oh how I wish I could see them together at the wedding

@treasure51 I think both are busy with each other before their next projects, under the white sheets perhaps,  lol

Hahaha @fyeahjcw what a great thought, oh I wish, but I want the wedding photos 

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I don't think they were together in Hawaii.

1. MY's first ins update in Hawaii is in 3 April (so maybe she flighted there 2 April, last updated in 8 April-maybe it's the day she left). Wookie has a Daegu musical in 5 April so he must in Seoul in 4 April. And time for flight from Seoul to Hawaii is 9 hours and a half. I think time is too tight for them.

2. Right now with CW's populality, it's difficult for him to not be recognized in airport, he don't have ninja moves like MY lol. Remember he was recognized in airport when went to Thailand with friends.

3. At that time, i think he was a little tired because he was reading various scipts.

Yeah i'm a person who get stuck with logic thoughts so usually i can not go full delu all the time. OTL OTL (BUT i also believe the high probability of them together in Busan)

Why they are so quite now is quite normal. If you look carefully at Wookie's ins, you will know when he will update. He mostly updated when he was at work. (musical, photoshoot, interview...). And for MY, she just updated randomly.

I also believe this ship is sailing now so I'm afraid. Many cp were broken because of  the excessive  attention from pulic eyes (not just from haters but also fans/ shippers). I wish the people who love Changmin can leave them a space to develop their relationship. too much buzz about them in sns is not good, believe me.... They want to be in secret but people keep disclose every clue they found in many sns lol

If we can pray for them secrectly, wait for them patiently, it will be the best


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Guest amyR055

Sometimes I am reluctant to say what I think here to avoid the feeling of getting into their privacy…but that is what a shipping paradise is isn’t it? :$

 @zenit... My thought too sometime.... want to share my thought but maybe too privy... but what to do I am truly invested with this couple - both real or reel gave same vibe - a true love story in the making.

@ReemKanabta We both have synergy too . Hahahaha. Thinking about the same thing.

@fyeahjcw I have always impressed with these two because even with Photoshop their poses mostly in sync.  They both looked like pieces of puzzle that even they were far apart, even photos from long time ago when they didn't even know each other yet but still in the Photoshopped  pictures they always fit together.

@seinhi MY's sister wedding IG updated was earlier right? The one that she hold the Starbuck coffee. On the 4th was the second update when she mentioned Hawaii. But still it was a long shot for JCW to be there for the wedding. Maybe for a visit then. For being a ninja at the airport, celebrities have VIP access but normally they didn't use it for not disappointing the fans that waiting for them. And JCW went to Thailand with his personal friends so I don't think he will request for VIP access. But PMY, I think her agency always arranged her for VIP access because rarely seen in airport for her personal trip.

@tehlimau Opsss I hope you won't be shot with an arrow for calling his previous co star like that. Hahahahahaha.


I always tried to be diplomatic with information about that particular actress because I am kind of wary with her fans.LOL

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Guest treasure51

@ReemKanabta, white sheet.. Back to read @tehlimau fanfic.. 

Logic and delulu. that  what the shipper means sometimes i let my mind in delulu land but still i know where i am.


Back to RL still miss them :S


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@amyR055 The first post of her is in 3 April, the one she hold the coffee, she did not mention the location. ( She usually doesn't relieve the place if she's still there). But fan can guess it.

The second (the last) in in 8 April, she mentioned Hawaii (more exactly Maui), i guess she leaved at this time.

Fanpower can not be underestimated, i follow s.o idol groups and fan somehow always know about idol's flights even about their personal trips/ holidays. OTL OTL. I don't think Wookie's fan are that crazy but now it still difficuft for him to flight secrectly.

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Guest amyR055

@seinhi Thanks for the clarification.  Earlier I was speed reading and miss your detail dates. Talking about multitasking and trying to do many things at the same time.LOL

I agreed 9 hours flight is too tight if JCW was leaving on the 3rd April. But I am still wondering where he has been from 28 march till 5th April. All his staff were on leave too. My delulu said he went to join MY  by looking at his fatigue face when he updated his IG.  If not, he was drinking or reading script all night long, that was quite a risk he took when he knew he has musical to perform.  If he really went somewhere, most probably he left even earlier then when MY posted her IG with the coffee. Didn't even stay for the wedding because their relationship is still too early. End of the day, none of us will knew what exactly took place. Delulu or logic, choose at your own risk. Hahahahaha

Idols are another level. They have stalkers in every step that they took. It even scary too see a picture of the whole bunch of fans outside watching their idols in a restaurant. Must be really scary to be them being watched 24-7. About JCW for Thailand trip nobody realized he left the country until one of his friends updated his IG showing traffic in Thailand. Only then his pictures surfaces, Thai fans began stalking him. I think even Bang Chigu and him were surprised with his popularity. They didn't expect that at all.

Hopefully soon we will hear about MY's GG. Can wait to see her image for GG.

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Guest Eileen531

@ seinhi,  I always thought Minyoung didn't post in real time to begin with.  Just like her drive to (we don't know where) but she posted on instagram, "guess where I am" and who knows when that was really taken.  Same for the Hawaii vacation and it plays into the whole confusing us fans into not suspecting them.

@ ReemKanabta,  That was one great answer to @ nicesmile's question.  Your recall is outstanding and enjoyed every minute of it.  I've always doubted that Pmy attended a Jyj concert. Just because she worked with both Pyc and JJ and met Junsu while filming SKKS, as he brought meals for the entire crew once, I never got the impression they hung out......I think they are just friendly. That's my 2 cents. lol

@ zenith,  enjoyed your thoughts as usual.

@ winda2905,  I always loved Minyoung in that red dress.  Actually I like it a lot more than the one she wore in the make over episode. I think it's the shade of red and the cut of the neckline, very flattering.

@amyR055,  Oh you are so right about your caution with she who will not be named. Shy, no way, contrived fits the ticket imo.

@siptiamari, good wishes for your little daughter's competition on Saturday.


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Beautiful Amazing ChangMiners family!
Good morning, we start our day with love in my heart, with beautiful pictures of our beloved most beautiful pair ChangMin, this couple really always, in their gestures, in complete synchronization, and rhythm of the heart, in complete synergy with each other I am sure that our ChangWook + MinYoung really made ​​for each other!
 Dear ChangMiners Chingus thank all of you for the warmth and love in the most happy and good ship ChangMin, I love you all very great sages, and our sweet ChangMin!
We are continuing our fists now, and we hope that even the news (about the Chinese projects), our beautiful goddess PMY, or new updates to our birds love ChangMin really want to see their happy smiles, and I hope that today will be happy to ChangMiners our hearts! Good luck to everyone and a big hug my Amazing ChangMiners!


"If today, should be smile on your face, it's because at this moment I think of you, and I also smile back."

                                         : Wub:









beautiful photo ChangMin synchronization gestures from the amazing Chinese ChangMiners / all photos belong to the owners

va8eubyjkhx1.png CHINESE / Tracy

Beautiful Perfect ChangMin Couple, Fighting!

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