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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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@tehlimau Good luck with your Japanese dear

@cmoirae2 that's one great photobook your making, I don't think I have your patience and your creativity, well done *applause*

@Everyone I'm with you, JCW won't do that to PMY after what she got through, and I don't think this is the time either, even if their relationship is already strong, privacy will still be a blessing until the right time comes.


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@nicesmile well, that's a very good question, actually I was waiting for the DVD goodies to try and start a timeline/summary/analysis with all of their interactions, but that still needs some time *sigh*

But from their IV and their bts/Presscon/KBS awards, I have this theory for now, which I believe we share most of it here in the thread:

JCW said he's not the type to fall in love at first sight, but I believe he was intrigued and mesmerised with PMY easygoing nature, brightness, cheerfulness, cuteness, humour.....etc, PMY had a bad experience before, so she would be the reluctant part, she was attracted to him, and liked him alot with time but I think she wanted to be sure after the show ends, so history won't repeat itself (although deep down she propably knows its different this time,)

Look at that curious/intrigued look at their first script reading / early Septembre 2014




They became closer as the shooting started early october , PMY tried first to break the ice with the timid JCW, and she and YJT send him flower wrath at his first day at the musical


At NOV he invited her and YJT to attend his musical separately, but sadly we didn't have any picture of that time

Wookie convinced PMY to open IG on 1 DEC, here's their posts from the same room 30 mins apart




Then we have the press con, JCW was beginning to have the smitten look there , PMY started to feel his attraction to her, his intense stares, his flowing praises (they were closer than before, she's the hard one to read)





We know they both attended YJT movie premier late december



And of course the KBS award (which I'm very thankful for)


I'm in love look


Jealous Wookie


Touchy touch wookie (claiming territory in animal kingdom, lol)


 I'm not going to talk much longer, but I believe Wookie was falling hard for her during December, and maybe realised that he loved her in January, my hunch is telling me it was after the second kiss,(maybe both felt therE was alot of real feelings there)

because their behaviour was strange after, but there's also alot of bts that we still didn't see, which is why I'm waiting for the DVD to make a proper analysis 

The kitchen kiss turned real also




Their last two kisses in my opinion are the real PMY/JCW kissing not the characters (probably saying their goodbyes) PMY was giving her all in them





BTW at the DVD teaser, I think PMY was aware of her feelings now, just look at her





this is all my analysis of their body language 90%, and the other 10% is my own delulu, lol, thank you for reading, feel free to comment, but go easy on me , lol

Thanks for @fyeahjcw amazing gifs (tagging isn't working, errgg)


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1.)  The kiss in Healer's pad was for me the 'it'.   :)    ChangMin was in a world of their own.  Once the Director said 'cut!",  body language said there was something in that kiss...

2.)  The kiss  in the kitchen ''eyes talked'...  ChangMin was again in the world of their own.   There was an  'ad lib'   in that scene.

3.)  The kiss in the coffee shop before Healer left...

4.)  The kiss hmmm... in ep 20  rooftop... (I haven't watched it Lolsssss)

5.)  The way JCW looked at PMY when she entered her bedroom and he was sitting by the window...  'if looks could kill'   ....  for me, those were 'for real' 

Above all,  JCW is keeping his word, I Will Protect You... love your scars and whatever (in the lines of the song)... hmmm.... but I feel something will happen ... why I said that?  I have really no idea...  just analyzing situations, etc....   #intuition perhaps?  

Miss you Changmin!


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I couldn't attach pics but @reemkanabta ... I refer to that pic during the reading of the script and JCW looked at PMY .... he was trying to read her and see her face...expressions,.  I'd say JCW didn't realize that that look he had for PMY was the beginning for him...   (Maybe, if he will see this pic he'd say "Did I really look at her that way?"  and he will smile...

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There are people who are described as beautiful because they are beautiful.  However,  my definition of beautiful is not at 1st glance but rather,  when I look at a face and then the more I want to stare at the face and I don't feel satiated  whatsoever coz the more I look and I stare,  the more I am drawn or shall I say, magnetized?   It's just becoming more beautiful  and beautiful while staring at it..... and  Minyoung sshi's face has that effect for me and ...................maybe, for Wookie?????  is it also for you?   I wonder 9_9

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Lol @tehlimau I'm not a great writer like you, I just read alot and love to analyse and read body language, specially about these two, and I'll be glad to help you anyway I can, you know that

She cut her hair after that script reading when she felt its better character wise, look how innocents and young she appears, her short her made CYS spunky and more in character IMO

Imagine you and @Ahpheng collaborating and making a book, wooooow, that will be DAEBAK :x

@luvspartace it is for us and for wookie, just look how he can't take his eyes out of her 



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hello dear Changmin shippers! hello to all of you! i am so addicted to this coiple i even dream of them! the way he looks at her is even in my dreams they were so good to each other it was like he was really in love with her always watching her and she was a really good person and in the air there was really something between them even if they didn't say anithing about that... sorry my delulu mind! when i woke up i realized i was smiling for the happiness!

i also would like to ask something to our boy among the roses, so from a boy point of you the way he is behaving JCW feel something for her right? thanks in advance ^ ^

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@cinziar thanks! I draw inspiration from all the discussions and analysis from this wonderful thread, when I see pictures, gifs, etc and then my mind starts to churn out words. Basically, I am writing whatever you guys are saying, except maybe in a story form. :D

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hahahaha @tehlimau I like that you're intrigued now, don't want to take your mind of your lessons though

sorry for taking some time to reply, I had some urgent work here

The first script reading was at Sep 11, 2014, and I don't think it was their first time meeting, but it was our first look at them together

Wookie's manager Cho posted this on Aug 19, 2014, he mentioned the view from building 63, a famous building in Seoul, which has a rooftop restaurant, and mentioned Healer

someone asked in the comments , if they are shooting scenes there, and he replied: still didn't start shooting but the main cast are dining there (probably to get to know each others) , which we believed YJT, PMY, JCW. but at the time I think YJT was in Japan, so it leaves our two lovely birds, kekekekeke, me and my imagination


@diamonda there's no rumour just some old news

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@ReemKanabta but...but...my brain is on ff mode again! Darn you Japanese! I would love that the script reading for their first time, with Wookie being so blown away by her beauty then. Lol. Now i have to google for info to have a better feel of the timeline, from the time he accepted - dinner?- script read? Start of filming?- press con on 5 dec....

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@tehlimau easy easy girl, heheheheh, let me help you there

both confirmed to start in Healer late July, Wookie started training for martial arts at the beginning of Aug

They were both in HK at the same time, but we have no clue if they met or not (they might also attended the same concert), I believe they did meet but maybe they were still awkward, specially wookie , well we can't blame him if he saw this creature and knew he would have to be lovey dovey with


On the 19 th of Aug they had dinner together

Sep 11, First script reading

Sep 29, second script reading, PMY cut her hair a few days before

press con at Dec 4

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@tehlimau, are you a student? i really wanted to know japanese too, too bad i am from italy so no japanese... and korea i really wanted to know the korean language and so i could find some clues post it here and hope that you will have inspiration again, sorry i can't give you any information for now,so we can only realy on our CSI girls here ahah


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Besides that, they often met in sjn's studio (although the meeting was for their character):

In the beginning, both actors would often visit the studio and ask the Writer about their characters, and one day, she came with lots of ideas about YS’s attire. She had brought her tablet with lots of fashion pictures for reference. She’d say, “How about this? I was also thinking about this,” to the Writer, and as I watched from the side, I was impressed that our main actors were all very ambitious about their acting.



Sjn added:

Before shooting, the actors came to my studio several times and worked on getting the rhythm and the feel down, building their characters and working on their teamwork.

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