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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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@valsava and @viyra

I do not feel that whatever request CIS or CYK may make to GSR will fly with her something in her expression at the end of the preview shows that she is standing her ground to me but again I could be wrong. AT this late date it is too far fetch to do another couple split  donor or not. I still  hold out that it is not actually CYK who is the donor because in no way is CYK an IN LAW to GSR.

As for IYO she is just too much a mess and still think her children are all that when they have ruined their lives. For GSR she is too nice and does consider Yuna but I am hoping that what PCW told her that it is time for them to have to face their own issues that they caused lets her at least not give anything up to help them.

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Guest ina111

@Ldy Gmerm - thank you for the recap. I think I missed this in-law donor thing. Do you remember when it came up?
I agree with you and @valsava about IYO. I can't believe that witch would guilt-trip GSR by telling her what SBG did was because of her surgery fees. She would have no qualms bothering GSR even on her death bed. Writer-nim, I hope you make her see the light before this show is over. (I'd prefer this light to be the headlights of a speeding vehicle right before it hits her... but I'll take what I can get.) 


@awsparkle - thank you for the preview and translations. I don't know if I understood it correctly:
Team leader Go enters the prosecution investigation, and though the prosecutor tells her he will bring charges against her if she perjures herself, she gives a false testimony saying that the person who noticed the design leak and stopped it was her. IYO becomes worried about SBG, visits GSR and asks her to persuade CIS through PCW... 
I am very disappointed with this development. I'm still hoping that the team leader will change her mind and tell the truth.

Yuna made me tear up a couple of times in this episode. I loved the scenes with her and PCW and then with GSR. It was also nice to see SBG get worried about the girl after finding out that she's been told the truth about her mom's condition. As awkward and delayed as it is, this concern is such a welcome change from that situation when Yuna found out about her birth mother some 60 episodes ago.


@viyra I am not worried about it too much. It would be crazy for GSR to want another breakup, but if she does, I think it wouldn't progress beyond her thinking about it and perhaps offering to do it. I think even CYG wouldn't want to take such an offer at this point because she knows that there's no way that PCW would let go of GSR. One could wonder if perhaps CYG is hoping that if she donates and GSR still dies, that maybe there'd be a chance for her later, but I really don't get the sense that she's thinking about that at all. At this point she only seems intent on saving PCW, because she fears that he will end up sacrificing his life for GSR's. 

I am relieved that she didn't try anything crazy with PCW. She acknowledged that she has no right to tell him what he can do with that woman. She said that she just wants to see him living happily, then she'll go her own way. It's annoying that she still insists on interfering and having her own way, but this sounds fine to me, so long as she's serious about the leaving part. I do love that PCW told her that he's living happily right now, true to his heart more than ever, and treasuring each day. Even if she sees him as someone who's not fully in their right mind, CYG must understand what it means for PCW to say that he is happy right now, in spite of everything. 

This is kind of random, but if anyone is curious, the poem PCW was reading to GSR in bed is "To my Wife Growing Old" by Hwang Ji Woo. If you google it, you can read the translated version. PCW read the first verse, and then he skipped to what he said was his favorite part, the last few lines. When he finished, and GSR asked him the same question as at the end of the poem, "We did well, haven't we?" he told her "Later,.. say those words later. After we've well grown old." *sigh* Those two... I really hope that they'll get a chance to become a halmoni and harabeoji together. :) 

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viyra, @valsava,

I agree with @Ldy Gmerm, whatever GSR is saying to CIS he's shocked at. She looks to be standing her ground. I think PCW and GSR have had enough of these nasty selfish people. They have been through too much to let these people continue to interfere and dictate their lives. 

I don't see GSR giving into CYK even if she makes that suggestion. GSR would never give up PCW because it's what this selfish woman wants. She knows very well it's not what PCW wants.  

@Ldy Gmerm, @ina111

I'm also still holding out for another donor to appear. PCW was not happy with the twit being involved and the possibility of her becoming the donor. Again she was being manipulative bringing SB's help into it knowing that child is a soft spot for PCW. I think CYK's trying to use that child backfired and gave PCW more confidence and belief that GSR's life will be saved. That child and GSR is what saved his life and his being happy with GSR is what his SB would want for her father.  

How selfish and inconsiderate of IYO to even go to GSR and lay that guilt trip on her. If NBJ gets wind of this she's toast. No one will be able to hold NBJ back from giving this woman the beat down and tongue lashing she deserves. 

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@ina111 thank you for the trans.

It was either in Episode 113 or 114 when PCW talked to the doctor the last time and was told there was another possibly donor (I am going to go with 114) right before PCW saw CYK coming out from being tested.  I could be wrong and he just said that there is another donor and did not mention in law but we shall see. Frankly if CYK is really serious in wanting to see PCW living happily then she should not be asking for anything or have any hopes of ever being with PCW again GSR or no. IF she has truly woken up and is donating out the goodness of her heart (heck I will just settle for her knowing she owes them both for all she did!) then I am ok with CYK being a donor.  IF she or her father tries to use this for their own gain then I frankly do not blame the fates or karma for striking them down for that.

GSR is just like another K-drama character I am watching now.. she is very filial and sweet. She would never think to let an elder have it but IYO has been asking for it for a long time. NO one told her son to butt into GSR's illness business. No one told him to think to steal in order to get money for something he should not have had a part in anyway. GSR told him not to do it and yet he did anyway (well he had already done it by the time she talked to him) IYO needs to face up to the fact that both of her children are bad seeds who are selfish thieves. Her even thinking to have GSR use PCW to appeal to CIS after SBG cheated with the man's wife and caused the wreck of his marriage let alone his part in the death of his daughter is just wrong especially when that man is also on the outs with that family.She knows PCW may not speak to her so she is trying to use GSR.  Her children made the holes they are in and they should just live in them along with IYO. I do not blame you for wishing for a set of headlights to open her eyes up and a good hard bump to maybe make her mind right. I hope GSR does not do something foolish in the name of Yuna for these two people.

PCW and GSR are just too sweet for words and the scene with the poem was just so touching. These two have had to fight every step of the way and I hope also that they get to live a long life together with many children and grandchildren around them. They deserve it after everything they have been through.


I also hope that if SB is looking after her father she smiles on GSR the Ahjumma who gave her the doll and dried her tears being so sweet to her too. I hate that GSR could not be a real mother to her but perhaps what was needed more was someone to watch over GSR and PCW. Goodness knows everyone and their pet pig fred has tried to hurt these two people or keep them apart!  CYK just does not get that she has no right to ask her daughter anything after the way she treated her or what she did to her. Too bad crazy thinks that just because she had her that should make her daughter listen to her from the afterlife.  AS you have pointed out every time that twit tried to plea to SB for help with something it has always failed and backfired. Let's hope that it does now and that luck shines on PCW and GSR.

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When I read that GSR went to CIS house, I immediately thought - is she going to make a deal with the devil?  And I was really getting ready to get pissed until I read from you guys that GSR's demeanor looks like she is firm and not seemed defeated.  I thought I was going to x-out GSR even before the drama's conclusion.

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When I read that GSR went to CIS house, I immediately thought - is she going to make a deal with the devil?  And I was really getting ready to get pissed until I read from you guys that GSR's demeanor looks like she is firm and not seemed defeated.  I thought I was going to x-out GSR even before the drama's conclusion.

@viyra,  I hope GSR stands her ground and don't give in to these people it's time to show them she is really no push over

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 116

Opening Scene CDG, SBG and PCW are sitting in the waiting room with CDG nursing his face with a hanky and giving PCW nasty looks after SBG says something to PCW and he replies.

The prosecutor says something to the Team Leader who looks scared and he says something else and she replies nodding almost crying being forced to say she was the one to discover the theft and leak.

The prosecutor comes out to get SBG and SBG holds up his hand and the man tells him to come in and SBG nods and stands up and goes toward CDG lifting his foot like he is going to kick him and CDG rears back and SBG looks at him and PCW leans forward thinking.

SBG is in with the Prosecutor and he says something to SBG and SBG replies back and the man says something else and SBG replies back and the prosecutor says something else to him slapping documents on the table and yelling and SBG raises his voice back.

GSG is leaving and IYO comes up and tells him not to close the door and GSG wants to know why and IYO asks about Yuna or something and GSG replies and gives her a look leaving with the door cracked.

IYO comes in to see GSR who is working and GSR calls out thinking It is GSG and IYO comes in and sits down asking about what she is doing asking if she getting married or something and GSR replies back no and IYO says something else and GSR looks down and IYO goes in to talk about her son and her getting help from PCW or someone to help him and SBG and SBH perhaps and GSR says something and IYO says something about PCW to her and she tries to start crying and GSR just looked down.  (IYO needs her face hit for this mess.. )

The Prosecutor is talking to CDG and asks him something and CDG replies and the Prosecutor says something else and CDG starts running his mouth spilling something and looks worried and the Prosecutor gives him a look like he has caught him as CDG looks really concerned now.

CIS is having dinner with CYK and LJA and CIS Says something and LJA replies back and MJ comes in with a bowl and LJA says something to her and then CIS wants to get up and he asks CYK to help and MJ goes to help and CIS jerks away wanting CYK.

CDG comes in and CYK says something to him and CDG starts running his mouth mad that things did not go well and CIS replies and CDG then goes upstairs and LJA turns and says something to CIS asking for something CIS tells CYK to help him up to go to his room and LJA says something else to him and CIS says something to her and she looks upset that he is not helping or something as they walk out.

IYO is talking to SBG and SBH and SBG says something and IYO say something else and SBG is mad at what she has done or want to do and SBH says something and SBG says something else frustrated with her and IYO goes on about PCW should help them or something or is to blame and SBG yells out at her and IYO hits him fussing and SBG says something else about no stress for GSR or something and IYO runs her mouth fake crying (just fall out lady if you are that upset..) SBG gets a call and he gets up to go answer with IYO fussing.

SBG is talking to CYK who has called to get information on how things went maybe or GSR and SBG tells her something and she asks something else and SBG replies back and CYK replies and SBG says something and they hang up and CYK looks at the test results from the hospital and sighs.. (Do the right thing lady!)

GSR looks bad and wakes up and PCW is sitting beside her and goes over to touch her forehead and says something and GSR replies back and PCW says something back and GSR replies sweating and PCW hugs her tight and GSR is crying and says something and PCW replies and NJB comes in and says something and GSR and PCW break apart as NJB turns away to give them a moment and NJB says something to come to sit with her and GSR replies and NJB gives her a glass of something to drink and GSR takes a sip as NJB looks at PCW and GSR smiling saying something and GSR hands PCW the glass and PCW gives her a tissue to wipe her face and she says something to her mother and NJB replies back and starts getting emotional and she taps the bed saying something to them both and she is crying and GSR is too as NJB is crying as tells them something and PCW just looks on and GSR says something to her and NJB looks around.

CYK is in with GSR’s doctor and he tells her something and CYK asks something and the doctor tells her something else and CYK says something else to him and the doctor replies saying ahh and CYK says something else to him about PCW and prolly doing this to not have him do it.

SBG is coming in as CYK is coming out and he calls out to her and wonders about why she is there and CYK says something and CYK replies back and SBG replies and goes to go in and CYK calls out to him to wait and he turns back wondering what she wants.

CYK and SBG are at a café and CYK says something and SBG is surprised and says something and CYK says something else and SBG says something about PCW and CYK replies back and SBG asks something and CYK replies back and SBG says something else.

The President is finishing up his work and SJ knocks and tells him that CIS is there and SJ help shim in as the President comes to great him. The President says something and CIS replies and SJ gestures for CIS to sit in his sit (lol) and the President sits. CIS says something to him and the President replies back to him and CIS say something back to him.

PCW, Yuna and GSR are at a pottery class together and GSR says something as Yuna gets up to go do something and Yuna replies walking off and GSR says something to PCW and he replies and GSR says something else wanting to see what she put and he lifts up her plate to read it and then she does his and reads PCW and GSR with a hear and then she takes his thumb and hers to make a heart and PCW looks at her as GSR tells him something smiling and PCW replies back and GSR laughs.

Yuna , GSR and PCW are outside walking and Yuna stops to take their picture together and GSR says something about not giving her a chance to pose and then Yuna says something and sends the picture to PCW and he thanks her and Yuna takes out the cups she made for them giving them one each and they thank her and Yuna says to hold them up to take a picture and GSR starts having stomach pains but she ask him to turn Yuna away so she can’t see and he distracts her while looking at her worriedly hunched over in pain grasping her middle.

JES, OHD and GMJ are at the shop with GSG and JES says something to GMJ and he replies and then OHD runs his mouth to her and JES replies back and GMJ says something to her and NJB comes out and says something to GMJ and GMJ replies and NJB says something else about SBG and GMJ replies and NJB fusses back and GSG says something about GSR maybe and OHD says something about where is IYO.

IYO is again at CIS house pleading with him to help her children and CIS is just looking at her and CYK comes down the stairs and tells her something about her father and IYO just looks at her and says something else fussing and CIS looks at her and CYK does not look at her at all and CYK says something and IYO says something else back to her and CIS replies back to her and IYO says something and nods her head and gives CYK a hateful look and leaves and CYK looks away frustrated.

IYO comes in to see OHD , SBG and SBH and she looks down and OHD says something to her and SBH say something and then figures out where she went maybe and SBG gets frustrated at her at what she has done and IYO say something and SBG called her a stalker fussing and OHD says something and SBG says something else to her frustrated and goes to his room mad and IYO says something wondering and OHD explains something to her and IYO says something and SBH says something.

SBG is in his room and gets a call from CYK and he apologizes to her for his mother and CYK says something back to him about it being ok and her father and SBG replies and CYK says something else to him and SBG replies back to her and CYK says something and SBG asks her something and she replies back.

The Next morning GSR is in bed with pains in her stomach and the phone rings and she goes to get it and ends up dropping it and the nurse on the phone is calling out perhaps and GSR is unable to respond as she reaches for the phone in pain.

The End


GSR and PCW are walking outside the flat when SBG walks up saying something and GSR looks away and PCW walks off. PCW has gone to see CIS who is upset at PCW for coming to him again and he pushes off the playing pieces in the board game angry after finding out perhaps that CYK is going to be a donor for GSR as PCW looks at him. CIS says something to PCW in the background about what to do about something. GMJ, NJB and IYO are all exclaiming over something as GMJ makes prayer hands. GSG, JES, and NJB are in the flat with SBG and look worried about something.  PCW and GSR are in the bedroom and he says something to her and GSR looks at him. PCW goes to see CYK at the house and comes into their old bedroom and sits as she asks him something. (WTH is this.. do not even think about it PCW!)

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle, I tried to have a go at the preview, I don't know if this will sound right to you:
PCW learns that CYG is more suitable as a donor for GSR's liver transplant, visits CYG and asks her to save GSR. CIS is shocked after he finds out about CYG being GSR's liver donor...

At the end of the video preview CYG tells PCW "There's just one thing I want, can you give it to me?" Uh oh. I wonder what she'll ask for. (It would be funny if she said something random, like "I want a pony." :D) Well, whatever it is, it can't torture us for too long because there are only three episodes left.

(Speaking of, I checked the tv guide, and the Spain-Korea soccer game is airing on a different network, so episode 118 should air as scheduled.)

@Ldy Gmerm thank you for reminding me about that new donor thing. I remember not understanding that conversation very well, so it's very likely that I missed what the doctor said.
Thank you for the recap as well. So that scene of GSR talking to CIS from the last preview didn't end up in this episode, right? Is it possible that this will be the scene where GSR tells CIS that CYG wants to be her donor? That doesn't seem very likely given that GSR herself doesn't even know yet, but the thing that makes me wonder is that CIS asked her something along the lines of is this about the design leak problem, and she said no, that's not what she wants to talk about. (Of course, It's possible I just misunderstood that.)

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Who should get the first punch from me?  IYO?  And now, what is PCW trying to do? Bargaining with the devil?   I really, really hope not!  No chance of redemption from CYK, I believe.  Is the writer going to let GSR die - and after her death, CRK and PCW will get together?   Gaahhhh!!! I feel like pulling all my hair!!!!  3 more episodes and we seem to be still hanging by the thread

Thank you all for the recaps and previews and translations.

P.S. - Is PCW back to living at his old flat where GSR and her own family are staying?  Looks like I missed something again,

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@ina111,  I was right she went right to GSR looking for sympathy for SBG which basically told GSR that SBG did it which she already knew but IYO laying the guilt trip on her just confirmed it IYO even had the nerve to tell GSR to ask PCW to help this lady has no shame swhe already went and beg CIS for SBH and now she's back begging him to save SBG do she not realize this is her kids problem always looking for and escape which is not helping them but harming them.. For once let the grown man suck up what he done and take responsiblity for it   He's to old to be hiding behind her skirt and time for her to cut the apron strings with her kids..

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Thank you for posting the written preview. 

I really hope another donor shows up because this woman never stops. Hopefully it's not what we think but the fact that she's even asking for something in return is just down right shameful. 

CIS getting angry is understandable because he's afraid for his daughter but him and CYK owe PCW a lot for all the heartache and pain they've caused him. 


It's not clear if PCW lives there but it's where GSR is and he's become her shadow again. He's spending every minute he can with her because she needs his calm soothing care. 


I just want NBJ to find out IYO even bothered GSR about that thieving son of hers and put this woman in her place. SBG is trying to take responsibility for what he did but IYO has not see yet her children made their own beds so they have to sleep in them. 

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@awsparkle thanks for the photo..

Perhaps it is what CYK needs to see to finally realize how devoted PCW is to GSR and to realize the value of a life.  She squandered the family she had with SB and PCW and she never admitted her faults. She was out of it when SB could not be saved and died or her memorial. Perhaps she needs to come this close to human mortality to realize she needs to change her life and let go of that man and take responsibility for her actions and to make up what she did to her daughter.

NO matter what she thinks of herself she will never be on the level of GSR in that man's head and heart...and that no matter what she does will not bring her back what she has lost.

I am sure whatever PCW says to her will hopefully get this twit to realize there are no more chances with him and the only thing she should do out of respect for him is to stop trying to get him back and let him go to be happy with that woman if she survives!

Giving something to save a life even if she gets nothing back in return.

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@Ldy Gmerm, @ina111, @tinatrix236, @viyra, @swiftriver, @valsava

The Korean sites Daum and Naver both now have the drama listed to end at 119 ep. With only three more eps to go things should start moving and resolve the current issues. 

CYK needs to just give up her liver and fly off to parts unknown.or better yet jump into the Han river.

SBG, and SBH still need to get their comeuppance for their thievery and just all around nastiness. Jail is a good place for both of them.

IYO needs to be hit by that big white mac truck while running her nasty mouth.

CIS needs to be left in that house with only MJ and be taken for all he's worth.  

LJA and CDG need to lose everything and open up a street stand selling knockoffs. 

JES and OHD need to find another place of employment and stop mooching off others.

GMJ needs to be off to see the wizard for some heart, courage and a brain. 

NBJ and GSG are the only two who have grown so these two are alright to stay around GSR. 

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@Ldy Gmerm, @ina111, @tinatrix236, @viyra, @swiftriver, @valsava

The Korean sites Daum and Naver both now have the drama listed to end at 119 ep. With only three more eps to go things should start moving and resolve the current issues. 

CYK needs to just give up her liver and fly off to parts unknown.or better yet jump into the Han river.

SBG, and SBH still need to get their comeuppance for their thievery and just all around nastiness. Jail is a good place for both of them.

IYO needs to be hit by that big white mac truck while running her nasty mouth.

CIS needs to be left in that house with only MJ and be taken for all he's worth.  

LJA and CDG need to lose everything and open up a street stand selling knockoffs. 

JES and OHD need to find another place of employment and stop mooching off others.

GMJ needs to be off to see the wizard for some heart, courage and a brain. 

NBJ and GSG are the only two who have grown so these two are alright to stay around GSR. 

@awsparkle,  Well said.. 

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 117

Opening Scene GSR’s phone is open as the person on the other end keeps saying hello and GSR is in tremendous pain and she reaches down to pick it up sweating profusely and she talks to the person barely and says something about PCW to the person and the person tells her something and she asks what did you say and then says something else seemingly stunned by what she heard. (Did she get informed that PCW is not the donor now and that someone else is?)
GSR is at the house seeing CYK and CYK says something to her and GSR says something else to her about PCW and CYK fires back at her and GSR says something else to GSR and CYK says something else asking something and GSR just look at her and CYK says something else to her and GSR replies and CYK fires back about PCW to her and GSR replies and get sup to walk away and CYK fires back at her yelling and GSR replies and CYK says something to her and GSR asks what to do and CYK says something else to her and GSR just looks frustrated as this crazy twit thinks that GSR is the one holding on to PCW.

GSR comes down the stairs barely able to stand and meets up with CIS and MJ as they come in and CIS says something to her and GSR replies and CIS says something else and GSR replies and CIS tells GSR to sit down and CIS says something to GSR and she replies and CYK comes to the top of the stairs and sees GSR thinking she contacted her father and starts fussing at GSR and GSR says something and CYK says something else to her nasty and grabs her arm and drags her up and CIS yells at her and GSR stands up and says something to CIS about CYK and walks out and CYK says something nasty to GSR as she is leaving and GSR just looks and leaves and CIS says something to CYK as she stands there fuming and CYK lets out that she is thinking of being the donor for GSR and CIS is shocked to grab the back of his head as CYK stands there still fuming.

PCW is trying to find GSR worried and she comes in worn out (after dealing with crazy) and he stands and comes over to her and says something to her putting his arms around her to sit her down and she replies and she leans on him and says something and PCW replies and GSR tells him something else crying and PCW says something and GSR says something else to him crying and PCW calls her name and GSR says something and holds on to his arm tight as she continues to tell PCW something and PCW puts his arms around her and holds her telling her something and GSR says something as PCW holds her tight.

SBG is in with the doctor and is running his mouth and the doctor tells him something and SBG says something to the doctor thinking he can be a match (HOW THE heck CAN HE) is he sure that he is asking this. This man can't be perhaps he is trying to find out who the donor is or what GSR's chances are now or even what is taking so long with the surgery..

PCW and GSR come out the flat and SBG walks up and says something to them and looks at them and GSR replies and SBG says something and PCW and GSR are just looking at this nut as he continues to sprout off about what he wants to do and PCW says something to GSR and walks off and SBG is yelling at his back and he turns to say something to GSR and GSR tells him something else and SBG runs his mouth yet again and GSR just looks at this fool.

PCW comes in to the house and LJA says something to him and PCW replies back and LJA says something else about CYK and PCW just looks at her and LJA offers him ice coffee and PCW declines it going upstairs and LJA says something nasty.. (she does not get it..)

CYK leads PCW in and sits and says something and PCW sits down and CYK says something to him and PCW replies back and CYK says something else and PCW looks down and CYK says something else and PCW tells her something and CYK smiles saying what to do and tells him something asking him something and PCW asks something and CYK asks if he can do something for her maybe and PCW just looks at her and then tells her something and CYK replies back and PCW says something else and CYK replies back to him and PCW replies and CYK says something else and PCW replies back as he is begging this witch to save GSR and CYK says something perhaps about him coming back to her maybe (I hope this fool did not.. but knowing her she will take him anyway she can get him after he got away from her. ) and PCW gets up and leaves and CYK is left sitting there.

PCW comes down the stairs and we see MJ and CIS sitting there with the game board out and MJ asks PCW something and CIS yells out Ahjumma and MJ says something else and leaves and PCW sits down and CIS says something to PCW and PCW replies back about his wanting her to help and CIS sits up mad that he is asking his daughter to do this selfless act and PCW replies and CIS has the nerve to get mad and push the game board on the floor and yell s and PCW replies and CIS continues to be angry and PCW just looks away.

SBG is in with GSR saying something and GSR replies back and SBG says something else fussing and the bell rings and SBG gets up to answer and calls out who is it and SBG opens it and it is the TL who came in with a cake and GSR asks what she is doing there and the TL comes in telling them something about what happen and SBG asks something else and the TL says something else and SBG asks her something and the TL fires back and SBG does and the TL walks forward asking GSR is she is ok and GSR says yes and the TL asks about the wedding dress and SBG wants to know if she is getting married or making one and GSR says not for herself maybe and SBG runs his mouth again and the TL says something to her smiling and GSR smiles replying as well.

OHD, GMJ , NJB and IYO are at the chicken shop and NJB asks OHD something and GMJ replies and starts crying and NJB is so happy saying something and GMJ is prying and NJB says something and IYO asks her something and NJB says something back and OHD says something and IYO say something about Yuna and OHD says something and NJB says something look concerned.

JES, GSG, NJB are at the flat and JES says something and SBG replies and NJB says something and SBG says something else to her and JES replies back to SBG looking him up and down and NJB says What and something to him and they all looked frustrated at the nerve of this man and NJB says something and JES says something back and NJB says something else to him and SBG replies and NJB says something and GSG fires out at him and SBG says something and NJB replies back to him and SBG mumbles something and NJB says something and SBG nods and NJB say something else to him and SBG replies and NJB asks something and SBG replies and JES and GSG say something calling him Hyung. NJB says something else to SBG who mumbles something back not sure what to say.

CDG, the President and SJ walk into a store and SJ picks up one of GSR’s shirts perhaps showing it to the President who replies and CDG says something to the President and he replies and CDG say something else not happy with what he is told and SJ looks away as the President tells CDG something and CDG yells out at the President and the President tells him something and CDG thinks. ( OH yeah.. you have been screwed over you dirty thieving man!)

IYO and SBH are talking in the flat and IYO runs her mouth and SBH replies and SBG comes in to sit down looking all down and SBH says something to him prolly explaining that CYK is using this donation to hold on to PCW again and SBG says something and SBH replies back to him telling him something and SBG thinks.

PCW is sitting with GSR in the flat bedroom and tells her something and GSR replies back and PCW replies telling her something and GSR replies back to him and PCW nods and replies and GSR tells him something else and shakes her head and then smile sat him.

CYK is lying to her father about going on a trip or something possibly so he does not know she is doing this donation and has a suitcase (is this witch lying that she and PCW are getting back together to go on a trip while GSR is sick) CIS says something and CYK replies back to him and CIS looks at her suitcase and says something and CYK replies back to him and CIS says something back and CYK says something else and CIS replies and CYK says something else and CIS looks worried as he does not really believe her perhaps.

GSR is at the door with PCW as her family (and JES) says goodbye to her tearfully and GSR replies back and GSR says something and JES is crying and GSR is trying to console her (stop trying to make others feel good) and JES starts crying on her shoulder as GSR hugs her and NJB fusses and GSR looks at all of them and says something and bows and NJB says something else to her telling her to go and she and PCW turn to go out with him taking her bag and leading her out. NJG, GMJ. GSG and JES are all bawling.

CYK is laying in the bed as PCW brings GSR in to the waiting room from before with the bed and walks her over and says something and SBG comes in and GSR says something to them and CYK sits up and shows herself to them as the donor and SBG is shocked as PCW just looks and GSR is shocked as well as CYK gives them a look (nasty twit).

The End


SBG is standing next to CYK looking at her and CYK says something to him. PCW and GSR are sitting on a bench in the hospital holding hands and talking as PCW gestures about something being sweet. JES and GSG are meeting with PCW in a café and JES is saying something as GSG and PCW look at her. CYK is looking at GSR in the other bed and says something perhaps. CYK coughs up blood and looks at her hand as CYK is shocked and goes to hit the button for help maybe and PCW runs in. PCW is holding on to GSR’s bloody hands as GSR lays on him with her eyes closed as CYK stands there and finally sees them like she should have realized looking at the love and devotion and seeing how this woman can DIE. ( not sure if it got into her thick head though). NJB is on the phone getting a call about GSR taking a turn prolly. GMJ and the rest are crying and carrying on with IYO crying out about Yuna. Yuna is shown coming out from school as SBH is there to pick her up  looking worried about what to tell her perhaps. The doctor and PCW are outside the room talking about GSR having slipped into a coma and for them to prepare for the possibility of her dying perhaps and SBG comes up yelling and crying grabbing the doctor. SBG is yelling at the doctor crying and goes to his knees asking him to save her as the doctor and PCW look on.

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.

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Thank you for the recap @Ldy Gmerm - I feel like crying now .  Please don't let GSR die!  And yes - hopefully that scene would knock some sense on CYK hyenas and willfully do what needs to be done!

just realized something - TL - what the hell is she trying to do now? Is she even aware how sick this lady is?

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with 2 episodes left, I am wholeheartedly praying that PCW didn't sell his soul to CYK.  But knowing how much he love GSR, I won't be surprised if he did.  Not unless PCW told CYK her being the donor would be in exchange for his forgiveness on the death of their daughter.

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Written Preview Ep 118

수래는 병실에서 이경과 대화하는 도중 환각과 각혈 증세를 보이고, 의사는 간성혼수 초기라며 마음의 준비를 하라고 말한다. 한편, 가족들은 의사의 말을 전달받고 오열하는데..


Surae is showing symptoms of hallucinations and hemoptysis during the conversation and reducers in the ward, the doctor says to the preparation of an initial hepatic encephalopathy, saying heart. On the other hand, families are being delivered to ohyeol the words of the doctor


Several lay at the ward Lee Kyung and the while converses show a hallucination and a hemoptysis symptom, and doctor bulwark coma early stage says make the preparation of mind. On the other hand, the families delivery get the language of doctor, they sob


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