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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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I feel the same way.. It will really take away from the drama if CYK ends up being a match for GSR. I guess as long as GSR lives regardless of CYK's motives we should be ok.. But like you when does she really start to pay for the lives she has already taken? Is saving one life suppose to make up for that if GSR survives from the donation? When does she pay for all the other mess she has said and did? When does she realize she has been wrong and shows some remorse and guilt at what she has done? Better yet when does she start living back in reality and realizes she has lost everything due to her own actions and no one else is to blame but her? Should we  not expect these types of things? Are we suppose to go along with her crying and fake pleas of caring about PCW. Like you I wonder where all that care was when she was cheating both times.. where was that care when she had her daughter in the car. Or where was it when she killed her MIL with her actions or held on to PCW not letting him go?

It does not fly and no matter what happens I will still say she has not paid enough for what she has done.

I have to wonder which of these SBG is jealous of? The fact that PCW is able to play the hero and do all the things he sets out to do? Or is it because he has truly seen the love and care that GSR and PCW have for one another and it makes him sad that he has lost that type of love? Or is it that he is jealous because even after leaving GSR he still did not get CYK who is still attacked to PCW the man his ex-wife now loves. So as I stated before he lost out on both ends. I can see where he would be jealous of PCW, but then again he has no reason to look this man in the face after what he did to him and said to him in the past.

I can't see how people do so much dirt only to stand in front of the people they hurt the most and have the nerve to talk crap or ruin their lives some more but no one is allowed to get them back! How does SBG stand and look that man in the face knowing he was in the car with this man's wife all over her and the man's child was in the car? Does he think by stepping out the way for a bit for PCW to go to GSR makes up for that? The child's life was lost..

Does anyone know what SBG said to PCW when they were waiting out in the hallway the last time? When PCW was getting his last round of testing down before the surgery? I can't seem to find an article for it unless I just missed it.

Either way I agree both SBH and SBG are starting to come around (it helps that they have no one like CYK does to cover up their crap and that they have both gone down for their selfishness and greediness.) But they do have a ways to go and until they pay for their treatment of GSR more i don't want to see it. Thank goodness GSR is not like anyone else and is helping these two or has helped them.

I just hope SBG is not that stupid to take CYK where PCW and GSR are.. from what I can see again in the preview SBG seems to perhaps he outside of the hotel maybe and has either called CYK or she called him and they both start imagining all types of sexy scenes for GSR and PCW fueling their misguided jealousy.  As much as I wish she was well enough to do sexy things with PCW I want to just hope it is a daydream or a really sweet kiss between them (they have not had enough kissing between these two.. lol)

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 111



Opening Scene GSR is with PCW at a café and she touches her bracelet and says something to him and he looks at her and she says something else to him saying sorry and something. PCW calls her name and she says yes and PCW tells her something about SBG and something (maybe realizing what she did in trying to break up with him using SBG) and GSR says something else to him and PCW looks down then back up to her as she says something to him and catches herself and PCW tells her something and GSR replies and PCW asks something and GSR replies back and snaps her fingers about something else and PCW thinks.

OHD comes out to say something to GSG and GSG fires back at him and OHD shakes his fist at GSG and JES says something holding out the delivery order and GSG gives them a look taking the bag and leaving.

GMJ says something and NJB replies and IYO asks something and NJB replies and GMJ says something back to her as they fold up boxes for the chicken and NJB says something and IYO makes a comment and OHD says something (why does he even have a say..) and IYO runs her mouth at him and NJB says something and then IYO runs her mouth some more.

SBG has gone to see CYK and she says something to him and SBG replies back and CYK runs her mouth again about what she did and SBG fires back at her about what she did and CYK replies and SBG looks away frustrated with crazy that just does not get it and CYK asks about GSR and SBG says that PCW has gone to get her and CYK says what and something and SBG replies back holding his phone up and CYK asks something else and SBG replies back about Yuna and CYK asks something else and SBG replies back and CYK says something else and SBG replies back and CYK asks something and SBG replies back frustrated and slams down his phone and CYK says something else and SBG yells at her.


PCW and GSR are out watching a sunset together over the water and PCW says something pointing and GSR replies and PCW replies laughing and GSR chuckles too as she lays her head on his shoulder and tells him something and PCW replies back to her and GSR sits up and says whoa and something to him and PCW replies back as they look at one another and GSR says something and PCW replies and GSR leans her head back on his should and PCW says something and GSR says shush and something to him and they look out over the water and GSR lifts her head to look at him and then lays it back on it again.


CYK is still carrying on about checking in maybe an SBG replies back and CYK says something else and SBG fusses picking up this phone and calling to check.

GSR and PCW are walking back to the car and the phone rings and PCW answers and PCW tells SBG something as GSR looks on and SBG is surprised as we see crazy look shocked as well and PCW hangs up the phone and tells GSR something and they get in the car.

SBG is staring off in space a bit at knowing that they are together and CYK wants to know about it and SBG replies and CYK says something else to him and SBG fires back at her and CYK says what and SBG says something else and CYK starts carrying on and SBG replies back and CYK fusses (like she has a right ) and SBG fires back at her and CYK looks fit to be tied (what the heck is wrong with her? Jealousy is a sickness)

SBG is walking home and stops kicking his foot on the ground thinking..

CYK is pacing her room and day dreams about PCW and GSR getting close together somewhere and she shakes her head to clear it upset.. (not sure why she is that man is free) .

GSR sits up from resting and sees PCW sitting beside her and PCW tells her something and goes to get up and GSR reaches out to stop him and chuckles and says something and PCW replies back and GSR pats her chest and points to the bed and PCW lays down and GSR lays down on his shoulder and they snuggle that way as she goes to sleep and PCW does as well.

The Next day, CDG is with the President and SJ is serving them coffee and the President tells SJ something and she says yes and the President says something else to her and CDG looks and SJ looks surprised and CDG says something and the President continues to lay it out to CDG who is not happy and CDG calls his name saying something and he fusses.

MJ brings in CIS and LJA stops them asking something and CIS replies and goes to his room and LJA grabs MJ’s arm and ask her what happen and MJ makes the closed lips symbol and calls out following CIS and LJA is frustrated.

CDG is walking in the hall and meets the team leader and she greets him and he says something and she replies and tries to go but he stops her trying to blackmail her to do something to hurt GSR or he will do something to her perhaps and the Team leader is surprised and says something and CDG replies back and she asks something and the team leader says something and CDG replies walking off leaving the team leader fretting biting her lip.


GSR wakes up first and looks at PCW until he wakes and he says something and pulls her back down and GSR asks him something and PCW replies and GSR sits up and PCW does and says something else and GSR replies and PCW  says something else to her smiles and kisses her forehead and they laugh.

GSG is eating with NJB and GMJ and the bell rings and GSG calls out for it to be SBG and he gets up to open the door and SBG comes in all worn out or something and sits and NJB says something and SBG wants to know if she is home maybe and NJB says she is not and SBG has a nerve to run his mouth and NJB fires back at him and SBG looks down and GMJ says something while eating and NJB fusses at him and GSG says something about Yuna and NJB continues to let them all have it and SBG has a nerve to say something else and NJB fires back at him again and SBG continues to be an idiot running his mouth and NJB fires back at him and SBG goes to say something and he is frustrated (lol ohh.. jealousy)

CYK is still pacing her room and tries to call PCW and his phone is off and she closes her eyes.. She calls SBG to find out if he has heard anything and he is coming in and he tells her something on the phone and CYK says something and SBG fires back at her.

GSR and PCW pull up outside and come around the car and GSR says something and PCW replies and GSR says something and PCW replies back about SBG and GSR says something and SBG comes out but sees them and hides to listen to what they have to say (nosey azz) and PCW replies and GSR says something else telling him to go and PCW laughs and replies and hands GSR the keys to give them to SBG and walks off and GSR watches him go and SBG comes out to say something and GSR hands him the keys and he says something else and then tries to check her eyes and GSR shakes him off and walks off with him looking stupid.

PCW is walking and gets a call from the Team Leader..

PCW meets the team leader at the company and tells him about what she has done before or what CDG wants her to do now and PCW asks her something and the TL replies and PCW asks her something else and the Team Leader tells him something and PCW says something else and the Team Leader tells him upset and PCW is shocked saying what did you say.

LJA is home putting on lotion and CDG walks in taking his tie off and LJA stands up saying something and CDG replies back and LJA says what and fusses about what the President said to him and CDG says something else and LJA picks up her phone to call and it rings from her mother to tell her that SBH is either getting out or cleared and LJA is shocked as CDG’s eyes go wide as well and LJA hangs up and tells CDG what is going and CDG says something in a panic (so their mess is falling apart).

GSR is at the house laying down and watching Yuna and Yuna asks something and GSR replies back to her and then they hear them yell out about SBH and they go out to see.

SBH is out and GSR and Yuna come in and SBH tells Yuna something and IYO says something about getting food or drink for her and SBH replies and GSR goes to get up and SBG grabs her arm telling her to sit and tells his mother to cook or get drinks and IYO looks at her and SBH says something and GSR goes to get up again and SBG grabs her wrist telling her to sit and yells at IYO to get up and do it and IYO says understood reluctantly. Yuna says she is going to her room and SBH says that is find and Yuna leaves.

GSR asks something about what is going on and SBH replies back telling them and SBG says something and SBH tells them something else and GSR is surprised and SBG is as well and looks away.

PCW is meeting with CIS and says something and PCW replies and CDG comes in running his mouth and PCW says something to him and PCW calls him Hyung-nim and CDG continues to run his mouth at him and PCW stands up and calls him again pissed he has a nerve to say what he did about GSR maybe..

The End



GSR is walking in the company and CDG sees her. GSR fires back at CDG for something he said to her. SBG says something to SBG. SBG and SBH are sitting together. GSR is upset by something she is told. GMJ is in the kitchen at the chicken place and SBG is there and takes out and white money envelope to hand to him. GMJ wants to know what it is for or where it came from as he takes the money out looking at the amount surprised. A man comes into a café to meet GMJ and he stands to wave at him. OHD grabs SBG;s hands at the chicken shop and SBG is surprised. SBG says something to PCW being a butt maybe.(. honestly 2 steps forward with this man, 5 steps backwards. ). PCW is at the doctors and is concerned about the news that his levels are going up and there is going to be a problem with him donating.  


**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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I still can't get over that fact that CYK thinks she still have the rights to be involved in PCW life.. Also IYO beg for her daughter to be released now her son will end up taking the fall for it all which I think he so deserve because he had no business stealing GSR work in the first place.. 

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Written Preview Ep 112

찬우의 검사 결과 수치는 좀처럼 나아지지 않고, 의사는 찬우에게 다른 공여자를 찾아보라고 말한다. 한편, 수래와 봉국은 디자인 유출 건으로 검찰 조사를 받게 될 위기에 처하고, 봉국은 마중에게 수래의 수술비를 맡기는데....


Numerical test results of chanwoo does not come readily, the doctor says to look for another donor chanwoo. On the other hand, surae and bongguk is in a crisis and be given a design prosecutors leaked cases, bongguk I leave the surgery is the transfer to surae


The Chan-wu testing result number does not improve rarely, and doctor says about different public affairs to seek character to Chan-wu try. On the other hand, several lay and Bong-guk a criminal investigation get with design outflow case, to the crisis, several lay operation charges are placed Bong-guk to meeting they entrust


This drama get's more frustrating with each ep. 

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From the written preview

I hope I'm not reading this correctly. SBG entrust GSR's operation charges to her father GMJ. In the preview SBG does give GMJ a stake of money. This man can't be trusted with a tooth pick and that money is as good as gone. 

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From the written preview

I hope I'm not reading this correctly. SBG entrust GSR's operation charges to her father GMJ. In the preview SBG does give GMJ a stake of money. This man can't be trusted with a tooth pick and that money is as good as gone. 

​@awsparkle,  OMG wait now he's not no longer her husband why is he still playing guardian and also he entrusted PCW with everything else concerning her why stop when it comes to the money and just where did he get it from is it the money CDG gave to him for her design and SBG still sitting on the money that PCW gave to her this witch is going to be selfish to the end all she knows is GSR is dying why spend the money on her when it was given for a sick person SMH

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@awsparkle thanks for the preview translation..

@valsava CYK is crazy that is enough right there for her to be jeaaous and trying to block GSR and PCW spending time together pacing like they are still married when that man is divorced from her.. I don't blame him in turning off his phone..

I am not even going to address why Dumb (SBG) gave Dumber (GMJ) money and what it could even be for or where he got it. One thing I am going to say is I hope SBG ends up in jail for stealing those designs.

I feel bad for PCW who is worried for GSR and her health and now has to deal with this mess of CDG's.

CDG all I can say about this man is he has used situations for his own gain that were awful (i.e. SB's death and now GSR's illness.) this woman should not be trying to fight his lies about the design theft. I think CDG always wanted to use GSR as the scape goat to get back at PCW. I do not think this is a new thing. I think because of that disciplinary committee he is trying one last effort to take some of the heat off of himself and this is it.

I really hope he is busted good and ruined at the end of this.

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@awsparkle thanks for the preview translation..

@valsava CYK is crazy that is enough right there for her to be jeaaous and trying to block GSR and PCW spending time together pacing like they are still married when that man is divorced from her.. I don't blame him in turning off his phone..

I am not even going to address why Dumb (SBG) gave Dumber (GMJ) money and what it could even be for or where he got it. One thing I am going to say is I hope SBG ends up in jail for stealing those designs.

I feel bad for PCW who is worried for GSR and her health and now has to deal with this mess of CDG's.

CDG all I can say about this man is he has used situations for his own gain that were awful (i.e. SB's death and now GSR's illness.) this woman should not be trying to fight his lies about the design theft. I think CDG always wanted to use GSR as the scape goat to get back at PCW. I do not think this is a new thing. I think because of that disciplinary committee he is trying one last effort to take some of the heat off of himself and this is it.

I really hope he is busted good and ruined at the end of this.

​  Morning @ldy-gmerm, I thought it was hilarious CYK was going nuts because she couldn't get in contact with the man I don;t know why she thinks she still has a chance with this man after she has caused two deaths that was way to close for comfort.. 

I have to agree with you about CDG he always planned to use GSR some kind if away to get back at PCW

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle Thank you for the preview and translations. I think you did read that right. I came up with the same thing: 
The levels on PCW's test results aren't improving, and the doctor tells him to try looking for another donor. Because of the design leak issue, SBG and GSR face a crisis of coming under investigation by the prosecution, and SBG entrusts GMJ with GSR's surgery money...

I agree with @valsava 100%, why couldn't SBG just give the money to PCW? SBG an idiot, and he still doesn't know that his sister took PCW's money and spent it on herself. I really want NJB to find out about that somehow and give SBH a piece of her mind. (Not sure how she would find out, since the only people who know are PCW and GSR, and neither of them would want to badmouth SBH.)

The preview makes it look like GMJ is up to something. My first thought was that he got the bright idea to grow the money by gambling again, but then I played the preview a few times (@Ldy Gmerm - thank you for the recap and videos!), and I think he says "Stem cells?" at 0:11. (I could be wrong, I'm terrible at looking up Korean words.) Perhaps the guy he's meeting tells him about some new treatment for cancer. I really hope he doesn't end up blowing that money on some kind of a medical scam...

I'm curious to see how CYG will end up being the donor and whether SBH ends up getting tested this time around. SBG will probably be the one to bring up the issue with CYG, telling her that she has messed up GSR's chance for surgery, and that she now needs to put her money (or, should I say liver) where her mouth is.

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@Ldy Gmerm, @ina111, Thank you for the translation. 

After thinking about this some more  That money SBG gives to GMJ is GSR's operation cost it could be just as we discussed in chat that SBG needs to get rid of that money.. Who better to make a large amount of money disappear without a trace but GSR's worthless father. Wasn't he the one who lost their house. Look what he did with all that money PCW gave him for papering that apartment. GSR helped do the work along with her other jobs and GMJ didn't offer GSR a dime of that money The first thing this man does is buy IYO a pair of boots and kept buying her stuff to drink and eat. GMJ hid that money from everyone and went gambling and ended up arrested. The only ones who know about that incident is PCW and GSR. 

The problem here with CYK and SBG is PCW and GSR have not completely cut their ties with these people. Even with them being divorced they still think they have a say in their lives because of it. GSR and PCW are going to remain entangled with those two until they completely cut them off. As we all know PCW and GSR are too nice, helpful and giving to do that. Also as we discussed in chat PCW and GSR should go off and get married. That would surely put a stop to all the interference in them trying to block them from being together. 

SBG does need to go to jail for what he did. He needs to man up and admit what he did so not to have GSR involved in the mess that he made. 

After looking at the ep again CIS was sitting there not saying anything but he was shaking his head at the things CDG was saying. He knows he has to stop him but how he goes about it is the question. He created this monster and he needs to be the one to smash him. CDG is banking on his uncle not to take him out because he is his uncle. That's why he was so confident in what he was saying to PCW right in front of CIS. He doesn't think CIS will do anything because this is GSR and SBG. They are the low class people that caused trouble in his daughter's life. What CDG doesn't know is CIS has been awakened to his daughter's selfish crazy whims.. He knows there's no hope for CYK to ever get PCW back and PCW being there asking for his help is more proof. 


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As we talked about in chat, we are going to be trolled for the next week and a half with this finding GSR a donor and her and SBG having to fight the fake charges about her leaking her own designs. In my view they should have cleared up this cancer plot line first before trying to drag her into this lie CDG is spouting.

Now we have SBG giving money to GMJ who has been a useless character the whole drama.. just how awful is this man to his daughter and now he has money that is suppose to go to her surgery. I do not understand it either. SBG is well aware of why SBH went to jail and he did not come forward. He is not man enough to step forward to help GSR and take the blame for the theft of the designs but not the leak.  All he has to do is come and tell them that GSR told him to not deal with CDG and to not mess with her work but he did it anyway.  Of course that does not stop CDG from pulling out evidence that he has to implicate SBG and to fake evidence to implicate GSR. But at least he would have done something right. His continued jealousy over PCW is tiring. He and CYK need to let these two people go.

Like we talked about I would have liked for PCW and GSR to get married it would have snapped the connection to SBG and CYK that they think they still have to their ex's and let them see they will not have them again. Although I think PCW would be all for it. GSR would not want to do that to him. (she is tiring too.. silly woman).

Now she has to deal with this. SBG and SBH continue to bring problems to this woman. Some one needs to get SBH's butt to that hospital to be tested to and OHD now that CYK has messed up PCW's chances to donate. The only way I can even accept CYK is a donor is if she is dead.. Sorry that is just my point of view and she has driven me crazy for over 100+ episodes.

So I see by monday or tuesday of next week we will be getting ready for the final blows and then we will prolly be left with a cliff hanger of GSR passing out and having to be rushed to surgery maybe not knowing who the next matched turned out to be. We may be led to believe things did not go well only to see a small time jump and GSR is well and has her own store selling her designs. Lets hope by that time she is married to PCW and we get our happy ending.

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Guest zaabu

Oh my gosh what a tiring show. The thing is the show does not annoy me as much as other dailys, I have enjoyed most it (the parts I have watched) thanks to @Ldy Gmerm and @awsparkle and all the lovely folks who recap the show. But I must say the show makes me nervous because it has prolonged the connections between the divorced couples! The ending can't be good if they continue to meddle and the meddling is just too old it does not make sense. Why divorce at all if people are going to remain that meddlesome to a point they think they can dictate the lives of the people they have already left. So do agree with the forum--PCW and GSR really need to set boundaries and I still wonder why this has not been achieved. A while back we talked about it here thinking that PCW did not want to mess with a crazy person for fear she would be like his mother. But in a way both he and GSR are enablers. Sometimes tough love is what people need and kindness does very little to help messed up people. My opinion is that CYK and SBG really need to be put in their place and that information needs to be reinforced in every interaction. Yes I know some effort towards that has been made but the same behavior every episode is simply exhausting. I could tolerate it for. Few episodes but frankly this is way overdone. Having said that, I still think this is one of the better dailys from what has been on the menu lately. am hanging in there

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 112


Opening Scene CDG is running his mouth to PCW and CIS just sits there and PCW stands up yelling out Hyung-nim and CIS yells at them and CYK comes down the stairs along with MJ and LJA come out and CYK says something to her father and CIS replies and CYK asks PCW something and LJA runs her mouth at PCW about SBG and GSR maybe and SB (when is SB's death GSR's fault?) CIS yells at her  telling everyone he does not want to hear GSR's name in the house again or he will be pissed off and CIS stands up and almost stumbles and CYK calls out and tries to help him and he shakes her off and MJ helps him to his room and CYK says something about her father and CDG runs his mouth to PCW again and PCW looks at them and goes to leave and CYK has the nerve to grab his wrist and PCW looks at her walking off and CYK turns to say something to CDG and CDG fires back at her going upstairs with CYK standing there.


PCW is meeting with SBG and SBG is running his mouth at PCW about the surgery delays and PCW replies and SBG says something else blaming PCW and PCW fires back at him about what is going on and what he did and SBG says something else and PCW replies back and SBG runs his mouth some more to PCW nasty and PCW face gets tight as SBG continues to run his mouth trying to shift blame about the surgery and delays on PCW (this is not PCW's fault his health is at risk as well so selfish and had SBG not told CYK where PCW was the surgery would have gone on because she would not have told GSR! When will someone tell SBG and CYK the harsh hard truth of their actions!) and has the nerve to talk about stress for GSR maybe and then gets up and walks away and PCW sits forward and puts his hands together and thinks about when he hugged GSR and what he said to her and what she said to him way back when and he thinks.

GSR is home writing in her journal and she gets her phone out and calls someone.

PCW is with the doctor and tells him something and PCW asks him something else and the doctor makes another comment and PCW says something else and the doctor replies and PCW asks something else and the doctor goes to tell him perhaps sighing that they need to look for another donor that his levels have gone up and he is not a good risk.

The Team Leader is meeting with GSR and says something and GSR replies and the Team Leader says something to her about PCW and what is going on and GSR wonders what she is talking about and the Team Leader covers and GSR says something and the Team Leader says something else and GSR replies and the Team leader looks worried.

The other girls come in to the café and greet her and GSR replies and GSR says something about wanting to make a wedding dress maybe and the Team Leader is happy wondering who is getting married and the other girls jump on it wondering if it is for her and GSR says no and GSR replies about something and the Team leader says something and then one of the other girls and GSR replies and the Team leader talks to her about the wedding dress she wants to make and GSR replies and the Team Leader says something else and GSR replies and one of the girls says something as well.

GSR Is walking out and CDG walks in and says something to her and GSR turns to say something back to him and CDG replies back and GSR says something else to him and CDG says something about PCW to her and GSR says something else and CDG replies back and has the nerve to say something about CCTV and about SBG and GSR fires back and CDG say something about the designs and something and GSR is shocked.

GSR is at the flat with SBH and SBG and SBH asks her about it and SBG says something and GSR looks at him and SBG says something and GSR asks him something about maybe taking money and SBG says no to something and SBH replies telling them something about CDG and what he is doing and SBG say something and SBH tells him something else that this is CDG trying to get them and keep himself clean and SBG looks worried.

GMJ is working in the kitchen at the chicken shop and SBG comes in with an envelope of the money he got for stealing those designs and gives it to GMJ to get rid of it telling him it is for the surgery maybe and GMJ looks at it and is surprised by the amount and says something and SBG replies back and he gets a call from someone about something and answers and seems surprised and GMJ say something to him and SBG replies back and then SBG goes out.

SBG comes out to the sitting area and looks around and OHD comes I and SBG takes his hands saying something and OHD replies and SBG says something else and OHD asks about PCW and SBG say something and OHD makes a comment maybe about not getting tested maybe and OHD offers up SBH and SBG goes running off.

SBH tells SBG Something and SBG replies back and SBH say something and SBG says something else to her and SBH replies and SBH says something else and SBG replies back to her sighing and fussing.

GMJ is on the phone with someone and NJB comes in and says something and GMJ replies and NJB says something back and GMJ seems surprised.

PCW is at the house cooking for GSR and GSR is resting on the couch and he picks up her journal and goes to put it down but ends up reading all the things she listed she wanted to do before she may die and he looks at her and GSR wakes up and sits up and smiles saying something and PCW replies back to her and GSR says something else and PCW replies and GSR sees the food and says something and PCW replies and GSR says something else and PCW hands her a fork to eat with maybe and GSR says something and PCW pushes the tray over for her to try and GSR taste it and says it is good and something and PCW taste it and says the same and NJB comes in and says something and they stand as she sees that PCW cooked for GSR and she says something and PCW replies back and NJB says something else and PCW takes out something from his pocket and gives it to her saying something and NJB wonders about it and GSR says something and NJB replies and reads it and PCW and GSR look at one another.

GMJ has that money and tries to find a place to hide it and puts it under a box in the kitchen as IYO comes in and says something and he pushes her out of the kitchen and sees OHD, SBG, GSG and JES sitting there and he pauses looking and says something and goes out with IYO calling out after him leaving too.

SBG says something to GSG and GSG replies and JES says something and SBG has the nerve to be mad that PCW can’t do the donation anymore and runs his mouth and OHD Says something and JES replies and SBG runs his mouth some more and JES says something else to SBG and SBG continues to run his mouth at them and OHD says something and SBH is yelling at him and GSG and JES just looks at this idiot.


PCW and GSR are sitting in the park talking and PCW says something and GSR replies and PCW says something about Yuna and GSR replies and PCW chuckles and says something and GSR says something about making a wedding dress and something PCW says something else about the wedding dress and GSR replies back to him smiling and PCW smiles and says something to her and GSR replies back and sneezes and PCW tells her that she need to go in and GSR says it is ok and PCW stands up and says it is cool and then he hugs GSR and we see GSG and SBG come up and SBG is fussing and GSG says something about his noona happy for her a bit and SBG runs his mouth and GSG replies and GSG just looks at them and we see GSR and PCW walk off together with SBG grumbling and GSG says something to SBG and SBG replies and SBG gets mad.(I am really sick of SBG's spoiled brat behavior over a woman he hated and never loved!)

SJ is meeting with CDG at home and tells him something and CIS asks her something and SJ tells him something else as CYK comes in saying something and CIS replies and CYK sits down and says something about SBG and PCW and CIS replies and CYK says something else and CIS replies and CYK says something else running her mouth and CIS replies back and CYK says something and CIS replies and CYK says something else and CIS turns to look at her telling her something and CYK says no not listening to him.

IYO brings out food the next morning saying something and Yuna asks something and SBG replies and IYO says something and SBH replies and Yuna says something about GSR and SBG raises his voice at her and SBH says something and IYO and Yuna says something else and SBG replies and they all just look uncomfy as SBG is fuming. (idiot, his jealousy is getting to him..)

GSR is sitting in the living room of PCW’s flat and GSG and NJB come in with food and sit and NJB says something and GSG replies back and NJB says something and GSG tells GSR something and GSR replies and GSG tells her something about SBG and GSR says SBG And GSG says something else about SBG and GSR chuckles and NJB says something else to GSR and GSG asks something and NJB replies and GSG says something and NJB replies and GSR say something.

GMJ is at a café to meet a friend and he waves the guy over and they take hands and are happy.

GSR is eating and gets a text from SBG about something related to her father and GSR asks her mother about her father and NJB has no clue as she is replies and GSR replies back brushing it off and thinks..  

The End




GMJ is talking to his friend at the café falling for whatever scam the man has going on amazed at what the man tells him. GMJ is talking to PCW and GSR at the flat and they are looking at him.SBG has the last of the money he gave to GMJ in his hand and is in shock that GMJ used it for whatever reason when it was for GSR's surgery. (Frankly that is what SBG gets for trying to use money he got from stealing those designs and not tell GSR!) NJB is firing up at GMJ with SBG beside her at finding out he has blown that money on a scam. GMJ calls the guy and is shocked to find out perhaps he has been taken for that money as his eyes go wide. GSR and PCW are hugging in the bedroom as she breaks down. SBG is meeting with CYK and she asks something and SBG replies and CYK looks upset. MJ is in the bedroom with CYK and asks CYK about the bandage on her arm and CYK replies back removing it thinking as she hides where it came from (so she went to get tested and I bet she is a match.. I am sure she will think of using it to try and get PCW back. Let’s hope I am wrong.)

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Guest zaabu

Thank you @LdyGmerm. That's the part that had me in knots. CYK being a possible donor and yes you are right, it's a negotiating chip for her. That's why this writer has kept these relationships going way beyond the divorce. SBG being jealous really? To what end??

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Let's address a few issues here:

The writer is obviously setting it up so that CYK can become a potential donor for GSR and try to make some type of deal with him or seek his forgiveness for what she did in hopes of his wanting her again. Why else continue to let ex spouses get in the middle of their ex's new love life and cause problems meddling in things that have nothing to do with them.

There is no reason to keep SBG and CYK around if this is not some way for them to try to get redemption for the death of SB and PCW's mother. SBG wanting to be the hero to save GSR in order to make up for what he has said and did to her and CYK wanting to continue to hope that PCW will forgive her and turn to her again is just stupid and foolish.

Both of these people should not expect anything from PCW and GSR and should have worked on forgiveness by just letting them be to live their lives. If you truly cared about that person you would want them happy even if it meant with out you around. But SBG and CYK have not taken ownership of what they did and they continue to cause additional issues in PCW and GSR"s lives. Neither of them want PCW and GSR to be that close even though they can see they are and in love with one another.

SBG jealous because everyone looks to PCW and sees him more capable well what did you think.. SBG has not done one thing successful for himself or GSR. Also now he has gotten her involved in theft of her own designs even when she told him not to deal with CDG or touch her work. He has gotten money for it and has not told her he did when she has asked. Instead of manning up and facing up to what he done to keep GSR out of it and keeping it quiet he continues to sit there like he did nothing wrong and lie to GSR who already knows the truth except for the money.

CYK continuing to delude herself and hold out hope that PCW would want her back let alone forgive her is ridiculous considering all she has said and did since the death of SB. She still refuses to see she is the reason why things have turned out this way and wants to blame others one of which who had nothing to do with it for why her life is the way it is now.

I am not sure why she thinks that even forcing PCW yet again to be with her will make him want her but this is normal behavior for the crazy, obsessed K-drama bad girls in these things. They would rather have a man by force even if he does not love, never will love or hates their guts then let him be happy with the woman he truly loves and they see as a rival who stole his love from them (really?)

Every time I see CYK and SBG I want to kick them in the head to fall off a cliff. They have been in the way for far too long and have created numerous issues that GSR and PCW have had to get out of. SBG had involved GSR in theft and dares to try and use money stolen to pay for her surgery. SBH his own sister stole money from PCW that should have been from that surgery and yet she refuses to tell her brother about it and come clean but yet does nothing to try to help GSR.

The next few episodes leading into the middle of next week are going to be fillers and we will be trolled as we try to find another donor, save GSR from being implicated in something she did not do and have CDG, LJA go down for what they have done and are trying to do.

Now, CDG is doing all of this to get back at CIS who he sees as having over looked him and treated him unfairly over PCW. he also sees that he has been mistreated over CYK as well. He is especially out to get PCW because he sees PCW as always winning against him and PCW was not part of this plan of CIS to start a rivalry but CDG has always lost when PCW got involved. He is after GSR because PCW always helped her and got her out of whatever plan CDG had to get her out of that company and because she refused to give up her designs to him figuring he was up to no good and because she managed to get a new line out and his theft and leak became useless as it was squashed.

His pushing CIS to go public about the design theft again is a way to try to hurt GSR and PCW but what it will ulitmately do is for PCW to out him for good and he will be in ruins.  @awsparkle Just like we talked about CDG pushing for this to be made public will end up with him and LJA in disgrace and ruin. NO way will PCW allow GSR to go down for something she did not do and have her reputation messed up ruining her chances of success with her designs. Had CDG just sat down and shut up then CIS could continue to cover up his crap and he would be out of that company (or not) and still have some form of respect. But as it stands with his pushing for them to leak it out (not sure why he wants to leak something like that that could hurt the company image but as we can see he cares nothing for that company anyway.) to call for an investigation. All this is going to do is bring the heat to him and LJA in the end. Both of them as I stated before have used situations for their own gain and need to be punished servilely for it.

So CIS does not want to hear GSR's name in that house again. Well whoopty freaking doo.. he is still just like his crazy spoiled brat of a daughter blaming a woman who had nothing to do with it for CYK's troubles in her cheating and her husband hating her guts.I see he has forgotten his part in hiding the truth from PCW only for him to find out and for him protecting his daughter when PCW wanted to kill her and make her pay and his trying to keep the truth from CYK and keep PCW near her or when he went along with every other plan she had to hurt GSR and in trying to use PCW's mother as well when he knew that woman was sick. Then his daughter does kill the woman with her lies and he does not even say sorry to the man and still needed him to hold off CDG. So yeah I am waiting for him to have a stoke and die.. sorry but he needs to go to. Perhaps then CYK will wake up to what she did to herself, her father, SB, PCW and GSR.

So SBH stole 50,000 Won from PCW for medical expenses and never told SBG nor GSR and used that money. The only person who knows about that is PCW. She needs to be made to give that money back and go to jail for it. End of story.. she and her thieving brother should share a jail cell.

SBG gives the money to GMJ thinking he would do right with that money.. I can see how he made that mistake because a. he was not around really when GMJ got into trouble gambling and went to jail that PCW had to get him out of. b. SBG was way too busy trying to be a musical actor to bother with that and c. he did not care anything about that family knowing really he had cheated and killed that child. He did not want to listen to her parents either let alone respect them.  We all say the same thing he should have given that money to PCW and told him the truth of where it came from but of course that would mean that he would have to face the man and let him know he is a thief and he already has an inferiority complex over PCW and he can not let PCW look better than him by admitting he took money for it when PCW already knows he stole those designs.

GMJ never once doing anything right to help his daughter and not cause more issues. I honestly do not blame NJB for going at him in the preview.

Honestly how do so many adults who work in a chicken shop not have any FREAKING money to help with anything. Why is it that everything that GMJ and NJB may have comes from GSR and PCW!!??? Why the hell can these grown people not do something right to help PCW and GSR?? I am so irritated with this drama it is not funny. I stopped being amused by episode 50 and got rid of the entertainment factor by episode 80 and I have been irritated since episode 81 over how much screen time the ex's have gotten and how long it has taken for the OTP to get their divorces only to have to be dealing with a serious disease and constant breaks up and plots on the outside to hurt them by others.

So here we are having to endure a week and 3 days of torture only for things to be rushed and cleared up by the middle of next week.

Please feel free lol to ignore my mumblings.. I am just having a rant.. but to me the above is completely crazy.. Sure we expect some of this but REALLY we have had too much of CYK and SBG in this drama.. smdh.

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@Ldy Gmerm, @zaabu,

It will be very disappointing if it turns out CYK is the donor match for GSR. Out of all the people besides PCW and even GSR's family she's the only other match. Her offering to donate her liver didn't come from the goodness of her heart or her showing her love for PCW either. Where was all that love when she cheated on this man not once but twice.  She hasn't even shown any regret or remorse for the death of their child that she was responsible for. Not even for his mother's death and the miscarriage of the baby she tried to put on him. CYK coming up the donor will not wash with me as this being her redemption after all the things this woman has done and not paid for. With all the suffering and heartache she has cause how does this even equal to the lives that were lost because of this crazy woman. 

This writer built a character in CYK with mental health issues not just some rich spoiled selfish brat. Now that we're at the end the writer wants to romanticize her character to show this great love she has for PCW. She gets to save the woman he loves as this big sacrifice to prove her love for this man. Where's her heartache and suffering she gets back for all that she has caused. Not getting the man back just will not do it for me.

SBG and SBH's characters have slowly realized their faults and treatment of GSR and PCW. They are not completely there yet but they are changing. They both still have some things they need to realize and pay for. CYK just doing a 360 turn for the good would be so unrealistic and down right wrong to finish off this story. 

​Actually I would love if CYK was a donor match for GSR...the woman CYK was trying to kill turned around to save her! What an oxymoron!? I love it!

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Sorry that the written preview is late. My internet connection was lost due to some thunder and lighting last night. 

Written Preview Ep 113

미자는 이경의 팔뚝에 붙은 거즈를 발견하고, 이경에게 피검사를 받았냐고 묻지만 이경은 아니라며 시치미를 뗀다. 한편, 마중은 수래에게 줄기세포 주사를 맞히기 위해 봉국에게 받은 수래 수술비를 장씨에게 주는데.


Mija found a gauze attached to the forearm of reducers and reducers nyago got a blood test to ask yigyeongeun ahniramyeo only then release the pretentious. On the other hand, pick up the open profound surae surgery to Zhang received a guessing game bongguk for stem cell injections to surae.


Mi-Ja prosecutor blood to Lee Kyung, discovered the gauze which stuck to the Lee Gyeong-eui forearm, got although asks, not to be Lee Kyung-eun and pretends the ignorance. On the other hand, meeting to several lay got in order to hit a stem cell injection to Bong-guk gives the possibility lay operation charges which to the market.

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The irony of CYK being a match and a donor is not lost on me LOL.. for exactly the reasons you stated above would only be a small payment in the large Karma debt that CYK owes. It would be even better if it was done against her will or knowledge because at least then she would not be used to seek forgiveness for what she has done to GSR and PCW, SB and his mother.  If she had realized her faults and volunteered on her own as a way to make it up to SB and his mother for their deaths and GSR and PCW for all the hurt, blame and nasty deeds she threw at them all the better never asking for anything in return except to see the woman her ex-hubby now loves able to live a life with him loving her and their being happy together. For me her being the donor would be awesome.. But then again I would take her the other way too.. against her will or knowledge and GSR living and being happy with PCW with CYK having to watch on the sidelines or just somewhere oblivious to the what is going on.


Thanks for the preview translations.. let me see if I got it..

MJ sees the gauze on CYK's arm and questions her about it and CYK fakes no knowledge or blows off her questions removing the gauze (oh yeah, like that was not suspicious behavior to nosy MJ!) On the other hand (in stupidville) GMJ meets with someone about stem cell injections to help GSR and uses some of the money that SBG gave him for the surgery and is scammed out of the money leaving next to nothing to pay for he surgery perhaps. (sorry to say I am glad because that money was dirty money gotten by theft! At least now it will not be led back to GSR as having used it for her surgery although SBG took that money from CDG for his crime.)

Of course someone else could interpret it better.

One of the things that concerns me is PCW stepping in to provide additional funding. Not that he would not if he has the means , no way will he allow her not to be able to have what she needs due to money, but come on he has already given up money that did not be used for what he intended it for and was stolen. (SBH needs to GIVE IT BACK)

Also I wonder if SBG says something to CYK about needing another donor for GSR and that is why she gets tested (for selfish reasons of course) because we know his mouth is like a sifter and can't hold anything in when with her which is why things are like they are now and she has been allowed to interfere in something that had nothing to do with her or he goes to asks for money or cries about money (admitting what he did to GSR with those designs and what has happen with the money.). Who knows he is so distasteful to me.. geez..

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Guest zaabu

Thanks @awsparkle i think perhaps we are all due a break from the cyclic interferences of the Exes.  To be honest I am not really looking forward to the next few episodes if they are just going to keep trolling us and giving us more of the annoying second leads. Soccer sounds like a nice break!!

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