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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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@awsparkle @Ldy Gmerm ...... Thank you for the recap and preview.

It's time for SBG to inform the rest of the family about GSR's condition. She is obviously prepared to die without getting the necessary treatment she requires and if her condition worsens, he will be blamed. This woman is fooling herself if she thinks keeping PCW and everyone else in the dark is for the best. The hurt and anger they will feel if they find out too late may destroy them all especially Yuna. That poor child deserves to know the truth and be allowed to be by GSR's side. If GSR has the love and support she needs during this difficult time, there may be some improvement in her condition. She is just withering away and has given up on life. It's ridiculous considering she has friends and family who will stand by her.

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@@awsparkle - you may be right - SBG is probably beginning to realize it is not him who can save GSR; no matter how much he shows concern over GSR, she won't budge; she is suffering more now that PCW is not next to her.  Who knows, SBG might voluntarily tell PCW about GSR condition.  He can redeem himself a little if he ends up doing this.

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 97

Opening Scene SBG tells PCW that he and GSR are going on a honeymoon and PCW says something to her and GSR confirms it is a honeymoon and PCW says something to her and SBG runs his mouth at PCW as GSR can’t even look at him in the face.  GSR goes to walk off and PCW grabs her arm and sees their bracelets and looks at her and SBG says something and GSR says let go and takes off the bracelet and puts it in PCW’s hand and walks off leaving PCW looking at it in his hand with SBG running after her.

GSR is walking down the street crying and SBG calls out to her saying something catching up to her about what she is doing and GSR replies back and GSR says something else and snatches her bag from him and SBG says something else to her and GSR replies and SBG says something back and SBG grabs the bag back from her pointing and fussing at her and he grabs her hand dragging her to the curb calling out taxi and GSR says something and SBG replies looking at her.

PCW is at JES’s and she is running off at the mouth with some lie not able to look at him in the face as PCW looks down and JES continues to lie to this man not telling him the truth and PCW looks down again and JES tells him something and he looks at her as JES says something and PCW turns away and leaves and JES has the nerve to be upset and at her lie to this man.


SBG has GSR at a café and he takes a sip of his drink and says something to her and GSR replies not looking at him and SBG is fussing at her saying something and GSR replies back and SBG says something else and GSR replies and SBG looks at her saying something and GSR fires back at him about his mother and everyone else and SBG says something else to her about PCW and something and GSR asks him something and SBG looks down and is crying and he wipes his tears telling her something and he takes her hand shaking it saying something as GSR cries and SBG wipes his tears and he says something about Yuna and GSR says something back and SBG tells her something else with tears and he is fussing at her about getting the treatment and doing what she needs to and he gets up taking her bag and walks away with GSR getting up to follow.

LJA has brought CDG some hang over help in bed and he takes it and she says something and CDG asks something and LJA tells him something and CDG says something else to her and LJA replies and then tells him something and CDG says something back to her and she asks something and LJA replies back to him telling him something and CDG replies and LJA says something else to him about PCW and something and CDG says something back to her and LJA replies with CDG saying something else and LJA replying.

CYK is in the living room with CIS and says something as MJ is checking his blood pressure and CIS says something and MJ replies back and CIS repeats it and MJ has a look and goes upstairs.

CIS says something to CYK and CYK replies back and she asks him something and CIS replies thinking and CYK says something else and CIS replies back with CYK saying Appa.

IYO is trying to call someone as NJB brings out the order for OHD to deliver and OHD says something and JES replies back and GMJ says something and OHD replies back and GMJ say something else and OHD chuckles replying and IYO ask something about where SBG could be maybe and OHD replies and leaves and JES says something to IYO and IYO turns to asks her something and JES turns away mumbling and NJB says something and JES replies and NJB says something else and JES replies and NJB says something and JES says something and IYO runs her mouth a bit and JES asks her something.

GSG is home with Yuna and gives her a snack for lunch saying something and she replies and he says something and goes to get up and GSG gets a call from JES and she is whispering telling him something from the post it and GSG says something and Yuna laughs and GSG sends her out the room for a min to talk to JES who is telling him something and they hang up.

JES calls SBG to tell him something and SBG is in the hall and he says something to JE S and fusses and hangs up on her with JES fussing about him.  OHD walks over and says something and JES is fussing about SBG and OHD says something about SBG and JES is fussing and OHD says something about his mother maybe and JES replies and goes stomping off leaving the post it on the table with OHD talking to himself not noticing it yet.

GSR comes out in her hospital gear with her IV and SBG asks if she is ok trying to check her and GSR pushes him off and SBG says something else and GSR replies back and SBG says something and tries to hug her to walk down the hall and GSR pushes him off and goes off on her own with SBG running his mouth watching her go alone.

CDG is in his office and looks at a document that SJ showed him and is told that the new President drafted it and CDG gets up mad hitting the desk with the folder and goes storming out with SJ following him.

CDG storms into the New Presidents office and is yelling about something and the President tells him something and CDG say something else and the President say something about PCW and CDG is pissed off about it and says something and the man yells back going back to work.

PCW is walking out side thinking about PCW talking to himself and thinking about GSR.

CYK has SJ at the house and is asking her about GSR and SJ says she is taking a sick leave and CYK asks something else.

CYK calls SBG and he answers her and she asks if GSR is ok and then SBG gets the call to settle the bill and the girl say something and CYK calls out asking him something and the phone hangs up. CYK thinks and gets up to go try and pump PCW.

PCW has brought coffee drinks to the flat and is talking to PCW as he looks at her and she asks something and PCW replies and asks about her father and CYK says  something else and PCW replies and CYK asks something and PCW says something about SBG and CYK is asking something and PCW looks down and CYK says something about being ex wife or something and PCW says something about her father and CYK says something answering smiling and she asks something and PCW looks down and CYK says something else and PCW looks away.


CYK is going to her car and IYO comes up saying something to her and CYK nods her head at her and IYO says something and CYK goes to go to her car and IYO says something to her and CYK replies back and IYO says something else and CYK replies back to IYO and IYO says something about her coming to see PCW maybe and then she tells her something and CYK asks something and IYO tells her something and CYK asks something and IYO says something about PCW and CYK replies back after thinking and IYO says something else about PCW and CYK replies and IYO tells her that SBG and GSR got back together for Yuna and CYK is shocked and asks something and IYO continues to run her mouth telling her understood and CYK is thinking.


SBG and GSR are in the hospital lobby and SBG turns to say something and GSR replies back and SBG says something and leaves and GSR sits down and thinks about PCW and we see people walk around her as she sits alone.

A bit of time later GSR comes back into work and greets the women and they are surprised and happy to see her and GSR says something and Team leader come sin happy to see her as well and says something and GSR replies and the Team leader says something about getting coffee and the girls do and the team leader holds out her card to pay for the coffee and they all smiling and laughing.

SBG is at home looking at something on the pc about liver cancer and IYO brings out something and wants to know what he is looking at and SBG slams the lid closed on what he was doing and IYO asks something but he plays it off and takes something she has and sighs saying something and IYO says something and she turns to asks him something and SBG replies and IYO says something else and SBG says something and IYO replies and SBG says something and IYO says what and hits his shoulder and then calls Yuna to come out and SBH comes in with a suitcase and IYO is asking about it and SBH says something and then SBG gets a call from the hospital and he looks at it and goes into his room to take it and IYO says something to SBH and she replies.

SBG takes the call from the hospital and is told something and he asks something looking surprised.

The End




SBG is at the chicken shack and GSG comes in calling his name fussing at him mad and SBG says something back to him. NJB is trying to get at him maybe with OHD holding her back. SBG is meeting JES and tells her something and JES looks at him. JES meets with GSR to tell her something. GSR is in PCW’s flat as he is sick in bed sweating and she touches his head crying at the state he is in. (WHY cry GSR you did this to the man..)

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Written Preview Ep 98

봉국과 수거의 간이식 검사 결과가 둘 다 부적합 판정이 나오고, 봉국은 찬우밖에 방법이 없다고 하지만 은실은 수래를 생각하라며 봉국을 말린다. 한편, 정분에게 찬우가 아프다는 말을 들은 수래는 걱정돼 찬우를 찾아가고 아픈 찬우를 보며 마음 아파하는데...


Both transplanted liver test results of the collection is suitable decision bongguk out, bongguk is no way out but Eun Sil chanwoo think the surae haramyeo dry the bongguk. On the other hand, it chanwoo the sick horses are watching surae is worried sick chanwoo visiting the sick in mind chanwoo to jeongbun


The liver transplant testing result of Bong-guk and collecting comes out both incongruent decision, and Bong-guk that only Chan-wu a method say there is not Eunsil think several lay, stops Bong-guk. On the other hand, Chan-wu is sick as for possibility lay which listened a speech to worry to cordial friendship, Chan-wu go, sick Chan-wu see and mind hurts


Hopefully you will have time to unscramble this one

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle - thank you, I was just about to go looking for the preview.

Here's my best guess:

SBG and GSG's liver transplant exam results come out and rule them both incompatible, and SBG says that PCW is the only way, but JES stops him, telling him to think of GSR. On the other hand, GSR hears from NJB that PCW is sick, gets worried and comes to visit him. Her heart hurts seeing PCW in pain...

Arrrgh. I had every faith that JES would be the more reasonable one of the two of them. So much for that.

I wonder why GSG is yelling at SBG in the preview. Did he find out that SBG had him tested for donor compatibility and misunderstood the reason why? I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

@Ldy Gmerm - thank you for the recap!

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Thank you for the translation

I had hope in JES also but she turned out to be a dud.  She is not what one would call a true friend. How can she even be around GSR's parents and brother and even look them in the face knowing what she knows and not say anything. She even went as far as going along with SBG in making sure GSG had those test done without him even knowing why. GSR is not thinking straight and someone has to be the voice of reason. This is GSR's life here they are playing undercover cloak and dagger with. GSR needs all the help she can get and stopping SBG is not thinking of GSR at all. She thinks she's being her friend by helping her die which is wrong on so many levels. 

NBJ already doesn't think of JES as a good mate for GSG and this is only going to make it worst in getting this woman's approval. Especially if something happens to GSR her parents and brother would never forgive her for keeping this from them. 

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@awsparkle and @ina111 thanks for the translations of the preview..

It is just what I thought. The test results have come back and GSG and SBG are not a match for her (am I the only one wondering why we have not heard of JES going to get tested???) I knew that neither would be and I expect that none of her family would be. (The surprise could be that SBH maybe but then she would have to know and care and this would be the perfect opportunity for her to remove the mother that Yuna loves..)

JES is a dud as a friend and I don't like her character. The only thing she had going for her in the beginning is her willingness to let SBG have it. But now she has fallen down. How can she tell him to think of GSR.. by not telling PCW and have him perhaps get tested. NOW is not the time to be trying to spare her feelings about the man she loves knowing she is gravely ill and could die. Now is the time to find ways to try to help her even if it means going against what the woman wants. She has done nothing but hurt the man anyway so telling him the truth to get tested will only give him the reasons things have gone down the way they have.

At least SBG is smart enough to know that PCW may be they key.. he also knows that there is no way he could approach this man or anyone and suggest having blood work done because that man will figure out it is for GSR. SBG should have never talked to JES she does not have her best interest at heart. He should have gone to PCW on his own to ask him and tell him the truth.

I hope NJB lets JES know in uncertain terms she is not good enough for her son and is too old as well. That witch needs a wake up call. I want to see GSG find out she knew his sister was that ill and hid it. She needs a good dose of anger from that family for what she did.  Selfish woman only worrying about GSG how would giving blood have hurt him.. idiot!!!

CYK is going to be the next one to figure it out.. She has the scent now wait and see.

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle, @Ldy Gmerm I agree with you 100%. Going against GSR's wishes to increase her chances of survival would be the right thing to do even if it destroyed their friendship. (We know that GSR would forgive her anyway.)

I think JES did ask to get tested in this episode. She researched what tests she needed (that post it note she had, I think it said "donor 1st examination", then a list of tests, blood, urine, ct...) and she double-checked with GSG if that's what he had done too. She then called SBG who was at the hospital at the time and told him she wants to do it, but he was kind of gruff with her, told her to hold on, that there's no need for her now, that if the two of them aren't a match, he'll get her tested then even if she says she doesn't like it.

Given how freaked out SBG is about GSR running out of time, he should want to test everyone and their dog asap. I'm guessing money might be a part of the problem here, I believe they're paying out of pocket for these tests. Another reason why it would be nice to have PCW on board. 

I'm really annoyed with the lot of them. At this point I actually want CYG to be the one to figure everything out and tell PCW. I might be wrong, but I don't think she would use this to try to get back with him. She might consider it for a minute, but I think she knows that the ship has sailed. She will definitely want to help PCW, and that could mean very different things. She may end up agreeing with GSR that telling PCW would hurt him too much, so she may keep quiet and encourage him to leave town. Or she may feel that after everything she's done, she owes that man the honest truth. Helping to save GSR, the one last person PCW wants to protect, would be a way for her to pay back some of the immense debt she has with him. 

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@Ldy Gmerm, @ina111,

The thing is SBG is not realizing is they don't have the convenience of time waiting on one at a time test results. The more people tested the better chances of finding a match. GSR and SBG have put more energy and effort into keeping this lie going then in finding a donor. 

As for JES like SBG with CYK what if the shoe was on the other foot and it was GSG. She would also move mountains to help save him. If JES really wanted  to do it she would have just gotten the test done after she checked with GSG that they were the right test. 

I still think PCW will be the match. He will be the one GSR needed from the beginning in order to survive.  SBG had at one time tried to get GSR to let go of PCW because he thought CYK needed PCW in order for her to survive. 

As was mentioned in chat GSR and PCW's connection goes deep. These two have tried many times to break up but something always brings them back together. Their very existence is and will be because of each other. 

What CYK will do when she finds out one never knows what crazy will come up with or will do. CYK has to first own up to what she has done. She has blamed every one she could. Tried to pretend it didn't happen and now she's trying to drink it away. 

The title of one of the articles for eps 98 is PCW  sick and GSR sobbing asking "Why is like this, me as what"

As some of us has mentioned GSR just didn't know what she actually means to PCW. 

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 98


Opening Scene  SBG is sitting in his room and he answers the call from the hospital and he asks them something and he is told by the nurse that he and GSG are not a match for GSR. He asks the nurse something else and she replies back and he says something else to her asking her to hurry and do something and the nurse replies but hangs up and SBG calls out hello, hello and then he makes another call.

GSG is at the grocery store on his phone talking to someone and SBG is at home mad that he is unable to reach him.  He gets his jacket fussing to go out.

GSG is at the checkout in the store and he gets a call from the hospital as well and may have been told he is not a match and the nurse hangs up and GSG says something about SBG and goes running off to find him.

IYO is crying at the house about SBH and her being kicked out and has lost everything with SBH just looking and IYO wipes her face and says something else and GSG comes busting in looking for SBG and goes to his room .

GSG is calling SBG on the phone and IYO comes busting in saying something and GSG fires back at her and then SBG answers and he starts fussing but then looks at IYO and pauses.

GSR is walking in with the team and they are talking and laughing and CDG walks up and the team leader and she nods and is about to walk off and CDG says he wants to talk to GSR.


GSR and CDG are having a drink and CDG asks her something and GSR says yes and CDG says something else and GSR says yes and CDG says something about PCW and GSR asks something and CDG replies back and tells her something and GSR replies and CDG says something else to her and GSR is about to get up and CDG says something to her and GSR replies and starts coughing and when she removes her hand it is bloody with it on her clothing and CDG is surprised and says something to her and GSR is looking down and sees the blood on her hand and CDG says something to her about going to the hospital or getting her to the hospital getting out his phone maybe.

SBG is pacing in the chicken shack and GSG comes in calling out fussing at him about the blood test he did and SBG wants to take him out to talk and GSG does not want to go and NJB says something and buts in to fuss and GSG tells her what he did and SBG again tries to take him out and NJB is fussing and she is fussing at him and SBG can’t say anything and NJB gets some menu’s and starts hitting him upset and OHD runs in to stop her and say something to her holding her back and NJB says something and OHD replies and SBG gets fed up and leaves with OHD holding NJB back as she carries on.

NJB is in the kitchen drinking water and she says something to GMJ and GMJ replies and NJB thinks.

IYO comes in and wants to fuss no one is out front and NJB walks out the back and says something to IYO about SBG and IYO replies and NJB is mumbling and IYO asks something and NJB says something about SBG and tells her about the test or something and IYO is shocked NJB says something else and IYO yells out HEY and NJB is still fussing.

GSG and JES are in the back seating area listening to them fuss and GSG says something about SBG and JES replies.

SBG is nervously waiting for JES and she comes in and sits down and SBG says something and JES replies and SBG says something else and JES replies and SBG says something else and looks at JES and says that PCW is the only choice now and JES says something about GSR not wanting him to know and SBG says something else and he gets a call from CYK perhaps to meet.

GSR is sitting in the lobby of the hospital and she replays what the doctor said to her and she looks down at her shirt and looks at it and gets her phone out.

CYK is meeting with SBG and she says something to SBG and SBG replies back and CYK says something else and SBG asks about PCW and CYK says something and SBG replies back and CYK says something and SBG replies and looks troubled and CYK looks at him.


JES comes to the hospital with a top for her to change into and calls out her name as she walks up and sits down saying something and GSR replies and JES says something else to her and GSR replies and JES goes to tell her something and GSR replies back and JES says something about going to change her shirt with JES saying something to herself (useless twit).

GSR and JES are sitting on the bench in the park and JES says something and GSR replies back and JES says something else and GSR replies and goes to get up and JES says something and GSR says something about Yuna and JES says something and GSR replies.

NJB comes into PCW’s flat and calls out and puts on her slippers and fusses a bit but turns around and wonders if he is taking care of himself and she is surprised at how clean it is and she touches the sink and says it is clean and she says something.

NJB peeks in on PCW in his bed room and then goes in standing near the bed saying something at how still he is.

SJ is a the house and is talking to CIS as she looks over documents and CIS says something else to her and SJ replies back and CIS tells him something as MJ is listening.

LJA is on the phone with her mother and is told something and LJS is surprised as she asks something and she is really surprised at what her mother said and she hangs up thinking and MJ comes in to say something and LJA replies and MJ holds out her phone where she was recording the convo with SJ and CIS and she starts it and LJA looks at it for a min but stops it and MJ says something about her doing it for her hubby and LJA says something and MJ replies and LJA say something else and MJ leaves the room.

GSR is with Yuna at JES’s and they are talking in bed and GSR says something and Yuna replies and GSR says something else and Yuna replies back and GSR says something else and Yuan replies and GSR tells her something and Yuna says something smiling about PCW and GSR says something and GSR says something about SBG and Yuna replies and GSR says something else and Yuna replies and GSR smiles laying her head next to Yuna’s.

GSR walks Yuna to the outside of the flat and Yuna says something and GSR replies and GSR takes her hand saying something and Yuna replies and GSR says something else and Yuna replies back and GSR smiles telling her to go in and waving.

GSR turns to walk away and sees PCW’s car and she touches it thinking of him when he got out and had her driving it and when he was going to kill himself and she sits up in the backseat (she did not know that of course) and other times with them together. NJB comes out calling her name and GSR wipes her tears and NJB says something to her about PCW and GSR denies it and NJB says something else and GSR says something about her shoes maybe and NJB tells her that PCW is upstairs in bed and he does not look like he is well and GSR is looking at her and NJB tells her that he is ill and GSR looks towards the building and NJB cuts her eyes putting it on thick and GSR goes running off to PCW’s and NJB laughs.


GSR comes into PCW’s room and walks over to the bed and sees him ill and she touches his head and feels he is burning up and she is crying as she calls Ahjussi and come to your senses how did you end up this way and PCW opens his eyes and says something and GSR says something and PCW calls her name taking her hand and GSR says something crying and PCW does to sit up and GSR says she will get him something and PCW will not let her hand go as he looks at her.

GSR is in his kitchen fixing him some porridge and she puts the top on it.

GSR brings the food to his room and puts it on the desk and walks over to him where he is in bed with a cloth on his head and she removes it and goes to get up and he pulls her back down and holds her to him and GSR says something and PCW says something to her and GSR replies to him and goes to get up again and he pulls her to him and again and she says something not looking at him and PCW replies back and asks something and GSR nods and PCW says something else and GSR is trying not to cry nodding and PCW says something else to her and GSR looks at him crying.

The End



SBH is at her office and LJA comes in running her mouth to her. SBH stops LJA from thing to hit her and pushes her bag at her shocking LJA who looks like she is crying. LJA is at home in bed mad and upset about what SBH has done and tells CDG what is going on now about SBH or SBG. CDG meets with SBG in his office and suggest that SBG steal GSR's designs and he will pay for her surgery and SBG is shocked by the offer. (SBG DO NOT DO IT!!) SBG Is on the phone in the flat and Yuna comes in having over heard something he was saying on the phone and comes in asking about it as SBG looks at her surprised. PCW is in his flat looking at the tickets he brought for him and GSR thinking.

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Written Preview EP 99

찬우는 자신이 떠나주길 바란다는 수래의 마지막 확답을 듣고, 서둘러 상해 출국 날짜를 앞당긴다. 한편, 대경은 봉국에게 가을 디자인 도안을 넘겨주면 수래의 수술비를 입금해주겠다고 제안하는데


Chanwoo heard the last of the surae definite answer, please leave me to myself, hurried departure date apdangginda injury. On the other hand, diameter was used to deposit the surgery offered to surae Passing the fall of design drawings to bongguk


Chan-wu to leave, or oneself, wish several lay last to listen a definite answer, haste, damages advances a departure from a country date. On the other hand, Taching will pass over the autumn design design to Bong-guk, possibility lay operation charges that will pay, proposes

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@awsparkle Thanks for the preview and translation:

So after PCW hears GSR's definite answers in his flat about not coming back to him or being with SBG he decides to push up the date for his trip to Shanghai looking at the tickets he brought for him and GSR to take a trip together and saying goodby to her.  CDG suggest to SBG to steal GSR's designs and he will give him the money to pay for her surgery. (How do you have surgery with no donor???)

This makes me think that Yuna either hears something about her mothers illness when SBG is on the phone or she over hears him talking to someone about taking her work. Either way I hope whatever she hears she is smart enough to go and asks PCW about it alerting him that something is going on.

What I would like to see happen is if he can't find her work at JES's SBG goes to the office to look and is caught by PCW and makes SBG tell him what he is doing trying to take her work and SBG breaks down and tells him the truth of what has been going on and how ill she is.

I can see PCW getting tested and being the donor and having SBG not tell GSR and paying for the surgery as well.

One of the saddest things is everyone can see that PCW and GSR love one another and have a deep connection and none of these people have helped keep them together SBG, JES, CYK, CDG. They all deep down would rather ruin or hurt that love then help to nurture it. (I kinda of feel it is a why should they have the ultimate love story and no one else has been fortunate to or can be together type of mindset.) I will say SBG for whatever his real reasons maybe ( a bit of selfishness at always having GSR somewhere around and not wanting her gone and not having to raise Yuna) knows that PCW is the best bet but he was shot down by JES.  He should have over ruled that. He never listened to anyone before not sure why he is listening to GSR and JES now.

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle - thank you for the preview

@Ldy Gmerm - thank you for the recap. So true - where is SBG's bullheadedness when we need it? And why on earth would he still trust CDG after everything that's happened?
CDG is such a creep. Threatening GSR that he'd reveal the truth to PCW if she doesn't give him the designs?! There's a special place in hell for that. Instead of learning his lesson and keeping his head down, he wants to cause trouble again. All of this while CIS is telling sect. J to help him out. The idiot refuses to see that CIS just wants him to wisen up so that he can be fit to run the company some day. SMH. He should have been fired or demoted to an intern. 
After that blood coughing episode, I think the doctor told GSR that her chance of dying increases to 20% within the next 6 weeks. Of course she won't share this with anyone.
I am starting to lose hope that this lying-to-PCW-and-family business would be resolved this week. Add to that the fact that two of my spring season Japanese dramas just ended (of course it had to be my favorite two), and I'm feeling a bit bummed out drama-wise.
The highlight of this episode for me was GSG finding out that he got tested for organ donor compatibility and concluding that SBG was planning to sell his organs to pay off debt. LOL! :lol:

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@Ldy Gmerm

I think it just might be Yuna that alerts PCW. (out of the mouths of babes) This child knows how her mother was treated by SBG.. She even questioned GSR as to why she even reunited with SBG. In her times of confustion and troubles she has always turned to PCW. Yuna might not know all the facts but what she does overhears is enough to send her straight to PCW. 

SBG and JES don't like each other so why would he call her and discuss telling PCW. He didn't even want to talk to JES about the test needed. SBG really didn't want to tell PCW and needed JES to validate his reasoning in keeping quiet. If she was in agreement in telling PCW he didn't want to be the one to spill the beans so he would not be the one to go against GSR's wishes. 

What's so bad about this is SBG and CDG's jealousy of PCW has them messing around with GSR's life. Each one has their own agenda as to why they want to keep this secret from PCW. 


I don't think they can drag this on for much longer. PCW is pushing up his leave date and if he leaves GSR's life is doomed. If SBG makes the deal with CDG they still don't have a donor. What good is having the money for the operation if there's no donor. Plus the fact that the clock is ticking down on GSR's chances of survival. 

When PCW does find out the truth he's going to be one ticked off man. Not only at GSR but at the one's who knew and let things progress this far. . 



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Just as I thought GSG made the wrong assumptions about the testing. Can we have any more idiots in this drama?? JES should have told that man why he was tested and not let him think it was to have his organs harvested to pay a debt. I really hope when he finds out he lets JES have it for not telling him. Her GSR did not want it known should not fly with this woman's family.

I also thought that CDG had the nerve to threaten her about her designs. It is just a shame that this man is still jealous over PCW who is not even really working in that company full time. I think CDG is concerned that GSR will leave her designs to PCW and he will not be able to get his hands on them. He prolly made the same deal to her give him her designs and he will pay for her care and surgery and she turned him down. Frankly she should not have been meeting him anyway.  He got slick and cornered her and the Team Leader as they were coming in.  His going to SBG next to try and get him to steal those designs playing on the need for money for GSR is smart but I would like SBG to wake up as well and not deal with this man after all this man has pulled. Why deal with someone after the way CDG has treated him? CDG help to ruin his career (he deserved it though). SBG is foolish and desperate and will take this offer he will not think of the repercussions if her designs are stolen and given to someone else and she survives.   


CDG just does not see that he has caused this mess in his jealousy over PCW. CIS is not without fault because he did not have to start that rivalry to try and shape up CDG. Frankly his actions before and after CYK's BS still shows he is not ready.  He should realize if CDG could he would stab him and leave him lying there stepping over his dying body to get what he wants. The man is mad that he has been foiled in his plans to take over and kick CIS and PCW out of the company no way is he going to see reason and forgive CIS for what he feels is his.

His using something like this to hurt PCW and steal from GSR just shows that he SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE CONTROL! He wants it all and he is going to do anything to make CIS and PCW look bad. The new president is also stopping him and he hates it. He thinks if he can get his hands on her selling designs he would be able to control that money maker taking credit.

SBG is going to find out some how that PCW is leaving.. as you say what use is getting money for something he stole (if GSR finds out she would never want that money!) when you do not have a compatible person to be the donor. Something or someone is going to have to alert PCW that something is going on or is funny and he will have to find out. I look to him to be a match (i hope) and pay for that surgery and all GSR is told is that anonymous donor did it. GSR would never think it was PCW because he is supposedly left the country for business.

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@Ldy Gmerm,

The problem is no one in CIS's household and him included owns up and learns from their mistakes and wrong doings. They place blame on everyone else but themselves.  CIS is the root cause of CYK and CDG being as they are. They will never own up to their mistakes until he owns up to his and stop putting band aides on the problems and the messes they make. 

MJ recorded that conversation between CIS and SJ and tried to get LJA to listen to it but she didn't want to hear it. She's ticked off she's getting no where in her quest of being Madame.  

Looking at the preview again CDG has a cut on his lip when talking to LJA in their bedroom.  It's probably due to SBG getting ticked off that he would suggest something like that. 

I agree SBG in his desperation will go back and accept the deal with CDG. SBG is not a reasonable and logical thinker and rushes forward before all the ducks are in line. He's going to end creating more of a mess then being of any help to save GSR's life. NBJ and GSG already think he only got back together with GSR to pay off his debt. This is going to really put his butt in a sling with them. 

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 99


Opening Scene PCW tells GSR possibly that if she leaves the room then it is really over as she sits beside him crying and he says something else and turns away from her showing her his back and she gets up and runs out crying with him thinking sadly.

GSR goes outside upset and then walks away.

PCW looks at the tickets and then makes a call to someone moving up his departure date perhaps for his trip to Shanghai.

GSR writes something in a journal and thinks about what PCW said to her and then she puts her books from the school work in a box and says she is doing the right thing maybe and sits down again to look at the calendar where she has the date circled and she cries (no sympathy for her).

CIS is in the living room and CYK comes in with drinks and says something to him and he replies and he asks her about PCW and CYK tells him something about SBG and something and CIS asks something and CYK says something else and CIS replies back about PCW and CYK says something and CIS tells her something about PCW maybe going out of the country maybe and CYK looks surprised and hurt that he is leaving maybe and she did not know and CIS says something to her and CYK replies and CIS says something else and CYK looks around thinking.

SBH is in her office (with the red tags) and LJA walks in saying something and SBH says something back and LJA says something else to her and SBH replies back and LJA says something and SBH says something else to her and LJA replies and SBH says something about her MIL and FIL and LJA replies and SBH replies and LJA says something and SBH gets up and goes over to LJA says something to LJA and LJA looks away saying something and SBH replies back and LJA says WHAT and something else and SBH tells her something and LJA replies back about her father and SBH smirks and says something about her FIL and something else crossing her arms and LJA says something and gets angry and tries to hit her and SBH grabs the bag and says something to her holding it up and SBH tells her something about her FIL and LJA looks at her and SBH pushes the bag at her telling her to leave.

SBG is with CDG in his office and says something and CDG replies and SBG says something else and CDG replies back maybe about how GSR got sick and SBG looks at him wide eyed and says something and CDG replies and SBG fires back and CDG gets GSR’s medical report out and shows it to SBG and he says something and CDG replies and SBG says something and CDG says he will pay for her surgery if he can get her designs and SBG is yelling at him about to leave and CDG tells him and SBG says what sitting down.


CYK is meeting with GSR and asks her something and GSR replies and CYK asks her about her relationship with PCW and this idiot tells her that she is back with SBG and CYK says something and GSR replies and CYK asks something else and GSR replies not looking at her and CYK asks her if she is sick and GSR replies back and CYK says something else and GSR replies back and CYK says something and GSR goes to leave and she turns back and tells her that PCW is sick and gets up and leaves with CYK looking upset.

CYK is at PCW’s and she is pats his head and says something as he wakes up and she says something and he turns away from her and she watches him worriedly.

SBG is at JES’s and thinks about what CDG said about paying for the surgery and SBG starts looking around the desks for her designs and GSR comes in and sits on the bed and SBG says something about PCW and GSR replies and SBG says something else about PCW and GSR replies back and SBG is fussing and GSR looks at him and SBG says something and GSR replies and goes to lay down and SBG says something else and GSR replies and he gets up and touches the blanket and looks at her standing over her and he slaps his face.

CYK has fallen asleep next to PCW and he wakes up and she calls him Yoebo and says something and PCW replies calling him Yoebo again and PCW says something to her and she replies pointing and then leaving the room with PCW turning his head. (Why is she still calling him Yoebo they are divorced!! You will never have him again lady!)

CYK comes out and runs into SBG in the hall and he asks her something and CYK replies and maybe says PCW is unwell and SBG looks thoughtful and she turns to go and SBG goes out after her.


SBG and CYK are at the store sitting talking and CYK says something and SBG and SBG replies and CYK says something else and SBG replies and CYK says something and SBG replies about to go and CYK says something stopping him and SBG replies and CYK says something and SBG replies and gets up with CYK thinking.

CDG comes into the bedroom to see LJA resting and he says what is she doing and LJA replies and CDG says something else fussing and LJA replies sitting up and CDG say something and LJA tells him about her father and something else about SBH and CDG is thinking and LJA says something else as CDG is shocked and LJA says something about SBH and SBG and CDG looks worried.

GSG is barring JES’s way to not leave the chicken shack and JES says something and GSG replies wanting to know what is going on and JES says something and GSG replies and JES starts to tell him and GSG says tell him and JES looks at him.

GSR is resting and GSG comes running in and gets on the floor waking GSR up calling out Noona and GSR sits up and JES comes in saying sorry for telling him and GSR says something and JES replies and this idiot GSR says something and GSG replies crying and GSG says something about SBG and GSR looks away and JES says something about SBG and GSR says something and JES replies.

SJ is at the house again with papers for CIS and CIS looks over them and says something and SJ replies back and CIS asks something and SJ replies and gets up to leave just as MJ is coming in asking something and CIS replies and MJ says something else and CIS replies back with MJ having her lips poked out pouting.

NJB comes out with a delivery and looks around for OHD and calls him and he comes from the back manning the grill and NJB says something and OHD snaps his tongs and says something and NJB replies and JES takes the bag from her saying something and NJB replies and GMJ comes in saying something and NJB replies back and GMJ asks about the delivery and JES says this is ok and she will do it.

JES is walking down the street with the delivery and meets PCW coming out from the realty office perhaps and she greets him and says something and PCW replies and she asks about him maybe selling his flat or going on a trip and he says yes nods and walks off with her watching him go and sighing.

IYO is in the chicken place with NJB and GMJ and NJB and GMJ says something and IYO replies back and JES comes in wondering what is wrong and NJB says something about SBG doing something and she is shocked and GMJ and NJB and GMJ say something and JES leaves to call GSR to tell her what SBG is now doing.

GSR is at work and gets the call from JES telling her what SBG is doing and she hangs up to call him.

SBG is at home and gets the call and GSR starts in on him about what he is doing and SBG fires back and GSR say something else and SBG replies back and we see Yuna come in and hear him and GSR says something else and SBG replies back and hangs up and Yuna says was that mom and SBG asks her about being there and makes up something and Yuna replies back and SBG looks guilty.

GSR is with the doctor looking at her ultrasound again and she says something to him and the doctor replies back and she says something else and the doctor looks worried and GSR says something else looking at the screen asking him something.

The End



SBG is at JES place heading to the desk. SBG is on her computer. SBG is at home making the call to CDG to say he got them possibly. SBG is holding up a USB stick. CDG is looking at the designs in his office. CDG is smirking as he looks at the pc thinking he got the goods. GSR is outside on the phone with someone about her designs perhaps. SBG announces to everyone that GSR has cancer maybe and are shocked. GSR goes to SBH to tell her she is ill or to have her look after Yuna and SBH is shocked by the news. PCW is coming out of his flat with his luggage about to leave with SBH comes out to the hall and says something to him about GSR and her illness maybe if he knew and PCW asks her what is she talking about or tells him that GSR has cancer and he looks at her..(about time someone gives him something to start thinking on!)

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Written Preview Ep 100

수래는 봉희를 찾아가 간암이라는 사실을 밝히고, 유나를 데리고 어디든 떠나달라고 부탁한다. 한편, 봉국은 대경의 수술비 제안에 갈등하다가 결국에는 수래의 노트북을 뒤지고, 대경에게 디자인 도안을 유출하고 마는데...


Surae reveals the fact that the liver go to bonghui, Yuna will be asked to take away anywhere. On the other hand, while the conflict in surgery bongguk is proposed large-diameter end, falling behind the laptop surae, Daqing to spill the design drawings and t ...


Several lay seek Bong-hui Yuna, they disclose they bring they hold where, to leave, they request the fact which is a liver cancer. On the other hand, Bong-guk has conflicts to operation charges proposal of Taching finally several lay notebooks to search, to Taching the design design does not stop to flow out

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Thanks for the recap for epi 99 @‌Ldy Gmerm - finally PCW is made aware of what is happening with GSR.  I guess SBH is feeling the guilt now - considering this woman took care of her child when she, the bio mother cannot.

I felt like my heart is racing real fast just reading this latest episode.

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