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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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Thanks for translating the preview text

@Ldy Gmerm

There are just no words for SBG's blindness and his even having a rational thought when it comes to CYK. He has actually become just like her father and has placed her on a pedestal. To them she's this delicate piece of porcelain that will break if touched. Everyone around her is to fall into place according to CYK's wants and needs. In SBG's mind he's decided he'll make a sacrifice for the woman he loves. It doesn't matter what anyone else wants and needs only CYK matters. GSR is to move out of the way so CYK can have what she wants. SBG doesn't have a clue it's not GSR that turned PCW away from CYK. He can only see CYK's pain and not the pain they have caused to PCW and GSR..

What SBG and CYK don't know and yet to understand is because of them their actions brought together two caring, loving, unselfish people. PCW and GSR have formed an unbreakable bond. They have developed this sense of when something is wrong with the other one.  



GSR handed over two gifts in one day. She tried to open both these women's eyes to what is right vs what is morally and selfishly wrong. GSR handed over her work and a gift showing the team leader this is who she is. She then gave SBH the USB to make the choice of shielding herself and her life style over Yuna. What they choose to do with the information she gave them was their choice. She would still be who she is no matter what they do. 





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Guest ina111

@zaabu You ask the million dollar question. Lol, I admit that the fact that neither of the divorces is complete this far into the drama has made me wonder if the writer wants to end it with the two original couples staying together. I probably shouldn't even joke about that. That would be hands down the craziest ending I could think of. I'd prefer the ending where CYG loses it completely and kills everyone, the final scene showing her laughing maniacally while delivering @awsparkle's "favorite" line "나 최이경이야!"
Fortunately, this writer hasn't shown any signs of being crazy. :D

@Ldy Gmerm I agree, SBG has zero right to ask for anything at this point. Same goes for CYG, but it won't stop her from asking PCW to help again. Shameless.
Anyway, GSR and PCW won't hesitate to let go of each other if they feel that it would be better for the other person. Breaking up wouldn't change how they feel, nor would it stop them from trying to help each other. It might even be better for them to be apart for a while. Their relationship seems so burdened by everything that's happening, and they're the type of people who can't be happy while others around them are miserable. If they are meant to be together as a couple, they can always get together later, after this great big mess is over. 

@Ldy Gmerm , @valsava (Great weekend to you too!) I was also surprised by the USB handover. GSR must have felt that it was ok to give it to SBH because SBH is not intending to make that video public. She advised SBH to tell her in-laws about Yuna anyway, and use that USB to protect herself. I think SBH replied that someone like GSR who doesn't have much may think that's easy, but it's very difficult for someone like her who has so much to lose, and to stop acting like she's morally superior to her. GSR told her that wasn't the case, that she was saying that for SBH's sake, so that she wouldn't have regrets about Yuna. (More details from that conversation here if anyone's interested.)

I think that PCW's phone conversation was with the person who helped GSR with the computer work for her portfolio. Perhaps they'd be able to help GSR later if she is accused of plagiarism by testifying about what was originally included in her files. 

@awsparkle What you wrote was simply perfect. I couldn't agree more. 

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SBH still does not get what GSR was trying to tell her. She was a. telling her to come clean to be free and not allow someone else to control her that there is nothing to be ashamed of. and b. to stop hiding and worrying about what she could loose if the truth came out. and c. to finally own the fact she is Yuna's bio mom and to not have any regrets about the fact that she gave her up! But SBH is thick headed just like SBG. She places more value on her station in life with the rich people then doing what is right for her daughter and her family. She basically told her that she should be the one to let the truth out and that way she can control the fall out.(Because there will be fall out since she married under the pretense of being childless and not having had a lover prolly and that her daughter was being raised so close to her and she never said..)  But SBH did not see it that way.. So because she did not listen to the lesson that GSR tried to give her and took it the wrong way things will go badly when the truth comes out for her. 

@awsparkle and @ina111

The Team Leader has time and time again experienced GSR's Kindness and friendship and she has disregarded that lesson as well. I hope that her hesitation to put those stolen designs in GSR's portfolio helped her to remember the type of caring, hardworking, honest person GSR is and she did not do it. What I feel will happen if she continued with this plan to discredit GSR and make her new found demand and fame go down is that the person who did her portfolio on the PC like you suspect will end up coming forward and the Team Leader will go down hard for it possibly finally loosing her job over it if it gets out to the public and brings bad press to the company.(You know that CDG will blame it all on her to save his own skin!) I have a good feeling that PCW is not going to stand for it and will have the person that did those computerized designs for her come forward to verify that GSR could not have put a stolen design in there and that all of those designs are her originals. It will be then found out that the only person who could have added a another design would have been the team leader and I am sure when she finally sees that writing on the wall she will try to squeal and say CDG put her up to it.


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@Ldy Gmerm@valsava@ina111@tinatrix236,

According to this article if I'm understanding it correctly CYK is being called A Flower Snake. 

The article is here: http://reviewstar.heraldcorp.com/Article/ArticleView.php?WEB_GSNO=10257904

So from this it's my understanding that CYK is as pretty as a flower, but is as slimy and dangerous as a snake. 


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@Ldy Gmerm@valsava@ina111@tinatrix236,

According to this article if I'm understanding it correctly CYK is being called A Flower Snake. 

The article is here: http://reviewstar.heraldcorp.com/Article/ArticleView.php?WEB_GSNO=10257904

So from this it's my understanding that CYK is as pretty as a flower, but is as slimy and dangerous as a snake. 



That pretty much fits her.. she has men thinking she is so sweet and beautiful like a flower but she is deadly and scandalous like a snake!  Boy Toy has generated enough interest and questions with that interview to have people rethinking she is such a sweet innocent victim of a molester. Once they see that she has done this before they will realize that the article her husband put out was prolly true. Then all we need is for that black box video and audio to get out to confirm it.


SBG is taking on the roll of guilty because crazy has put it all on him for ruining her life. What he fails to see is she made her own choices he did not force her. He did not make her constantly call him afterwards or continue to lie and lie and lie about everything. He did not make her sleep with him or get pregnant. He is so besotted with that crazy twit he does not see she is again manipulating him. He thinks he is making a sacrifice for his love by wanting to talk to GSR to let PCW go. He nor CYK realize that PCW nor GSR are holding on to one another. That is how those two crazy people work. These to kind and caring people to do not operate that way.  He feels he is making a grand sacrifice for this woman in going to GSR to tell her to let PCW go because CYK needs him. First of all why does she need him? If she had not made the decisions she made she would not have lost him in the first place! If she had tried to even feel guilt or take responsibility for her actions he would at least not hate her guts? If she had not continuously tried to hold on to him, hurt GSR , lie and give him the divorce when he asked a few times he would not want to run her over with a truck. But no not this twit everything she has done has been at her own hands so his going to GSR saying that CYK needs PCW is a big fat stupid LIE! What she needs is medical attention and a few years stay in a hospital with constant supervision and a magic drip of happy drugs! Not a man that does not love her anymore and does not need to be made responsible for her sanity. SBG saw how truly mental she was and could not handle it so he called PCW to do it. Now he feels that she is better with PCW to keep her sane. I am sorry to say this but the BY*** will never be SANE! She will always be nuts and making someone else responsible for her mental issues is wrong and he is not performing the ultimate sacrifice he is still stupid. As we can see in the preview for this week.. CYK is sane enough to come to PCW to possibly plead for his help with her father. She created all of the mess that hurt her father and her father did to by covering up her crap and using that company to create mores issues at her whim. He frankly does not deserve to be in that seat anymore.

I guess CDG thinks now is the time with PCW gone and CYK having done so much crap her father can be pushed out. It should be interesting to see how this works out.

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Guest ina111

@awsparkle I think you are right about that. When I was translating the written preview, I had used the definition for 꽃뱀 at Naver dictionary, which translates flower snake as "female con artist who exploits the confidence of men with sex appeal." I had thought that it might refer to MJ herself. :)
So when the preview says that CDG wants MJ to testify about CIS's flower snake scandal, does it mean that he wants her to testify about CYG's scandal(s) and CIS's cover-ups?  I'm surprised that CDG would declare war on CIS in such a public way, and that he would choose to drag the family name through the mud. 

@valsava I don't think SBG has any more hope that CYG would go the the States with him. I think he is just trying to help her and save her from hurting herself at this point. I like what @Ldy Gmerm wrote above about him imagining that he's making some big sacrifice for love, when in reality he's asking others to take responsibility and deal with the mess he and CYG made.

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@valsava  I think that the cousin and LJA got married before SB was born. I say that because I think that they have a child (or two) old enough to be studying abroad. I believe LJA mentioned her son in ep. 81 when she was telling CDG that CYG's treatment of SBG gave her goosebumps, saying that she worries that their Jin Hyeok would meet a woman like agassi. I think she also said something about CYG having a bad effect on men she dated in while she was a student. (I got that from this article, if anyone's interested.) 
My understanding of Korean is minimal, so I could easily be wrong about the above.

I guess it's also possible that CIS managed to cover up CYG's escapade(s) without LJA's knowledge.


i think SB was their child and LJA and CDG would have known if the child wasn't PCW. Theses people have been Conspirirng against CSI for a long time and monitoring them from afar. If they new about it PCW would have been known about SB not being his. From the flashbacks CUak looked like she reallllg loved PCW at the time they were dating. Don't forget they all think LJA and CDG areoyal to them. SMH SMSH 

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 86

Opening Scene PCW pulls up with that twit in the car outside her house and gets out and opens her door and looks at her feet and says something and she replies and he sighs and bends in to take off her seat belt and pick her azz up and she cries as she holds on around his neck and he closes the door.

PCW brings her in and puts her down and she leans down and LJA comes in to ask her something and CYK replies and LJA says something about the interview and CYK replies and LJA tells her something else and CYK replies and LJA cuts her eyes at PCW and says something to CYK and CYK says something else to her and LJA says something about SBG to her and PCW says goodbye or he will take his leave and CYK turns to him saying thank you as she cries and he removes her hands off him and leaves.

PCW comes out and sees SBG leaning against his car and he walks over and SBG asks about CYK and how is she and PCW nods and SBG says something else to him and PCW replies back and SBG moves from his car and PCW just looks at him and then turns his head.

OHD is at the flat and SBG comes in and sits and takes his bowl of noodles and OHD says something to him  (did he move in with GSR too?) and SBG looks up and asks something and OHD says something else to him and thinks and SBG drops his spoon saying something back to him.

CYK is in bed and CIS comes in and puts a ticket in her lap telling her to leave and CYK says something back to him and CYK replies and CIS says something else to her and CYK replies and CIS says something and CYK continues her tearful dialogue and CIS looks at her as she tells him something else and CIS says something to her and CYK replies back crying.

GSR is in bed and her phone is ringing and she is sleep and JES comes in and turns on the light saying something to her and GSR sits up and replies and JES says something and puts the bag of snacks she bought with her on the bed and gives GSR a fork and something to eat and GSR taste it and says it is good and JES says something else to her and GSR replies back and JES says something else and her phone rings again and she answers and it is PCW calling and he says something to her and she replies and he says something to her about her Oppa and she replies and PCW says something else to her and GSR replies about giving her portfolio to the team leader and PCW says something and GSR replies and PCW says something and they hang up.

GSR is in the office the next morning cleaning up and the other girls come in and greet her all nice and they talk about coffee and ice cream and then the team leader comes in and says something and the other girls reply and she looks at GSR saying something but not able to look her in the face.

The team leader is with CDG and he asks if she took care of everything and she said yes but she does not look happy to have done it and looks guilty.

GSR gets a text from PCW to meet for coffee.

GSR and PCW are walking in the park talking and sit down on a bench and PCW says something to her and GSR replies back and PCW asks something and GSR replies and they laugh together.

SBH and LJA are meeting again and LJA says something and SBH says something about the black box video and LJA says something and SBH says something else and LJA says something about SBG and SBH replies back and LJA says something to her and SBH shows it to her and puts a copy of it on the table saying it is a copy for her to verify and LJA picks it up giving her a nasty look and SBH gives her one back.

LJA goes to see CDG and puts the copy of the USB disk on the table and he asks what is it and LJA tells him that it is a copy of the video and audio and LJA says something about SBG and CDG looks shocked and LJA says something else about SBH and CDG says something and LJA asks something and CDG suggest maybe using it for their own benefit perhaps.

GMJ is cooking chicken at the shop and NJB says something and he replies and NJB says something else and JES comes in to say something and NJB fusses back.

JES comes out to give some customers their order and IYO is sighing and JES says something to her and IYO replies back and JES says something else and IYO replies.


GSR is working  at JES's closet (flat) and her phone rings and she sees it is SBG and does not answer and SBG comes into the unlocked door with his phone on his ear and sees her and sits on the bed and opens a beer and spills some and hold it out to her and GSR turns back around to work and SBG starts in saying something about PCW to her and he continues on talking about her needing to let him go and something else about PCW and GSR says something and SBG says something and GSR says what and SBG says something else about PCW and then about Yuna and something else about PCW and GSR says something to him about PCW and something else and he looks at her and GSR continues and SBG says something else about PCW being the one that CYK needs and GSR turns around to get back to work.

CYK is taking a pill in her room and hands the cup back to LJA who says something and she lays down as LJA looks at her and turns around and CYK calls out to her saying something and LJA looks at her and CYK says something else asking her to sit with her and LJA’s eyes go wide and she says ok and sits on the bed and CYK says something to her and closes her eyes.

GSR is working and SBG is being a nuisance and finishes his beer and says something crushing the can in his hand and throwing it at her back and GSR turns around and looks at him and then the can and stands up like she is about to him with it and SBG puts his hands up to block but GSR lowers her hand and starts in letting him have it and SBG says something and GSR fires back at him and SBG says something and GSR says something else to him and sits down and starts working again and SBG says yah to her and GSR replies and SBG says something and GSR fires back some more at him as a tear falls and SBG is mad that she is letting him have it and GSR turns around and lets him have it and says he needs to leave before she does something and she starts counting and SBG gets up and scurries off like the rat he is and GSR cries.

The next day they are having a meeting and the Team leader says something to GSR and she nods and the team leader says something else and they break up the meeting and the team leader goes to sit down and the other girls and GSR are talking and the short haired girl asks the team leader something and she replies and she says something else and the team leader replies and then she looks at her pc and exclaims looking at GSR.


JES is at the chicken shop and GSG and Yuna come in and they say something in greeting and Yuna is smiling then PCW comes in and he is greeted and Yuna says something to them about PCW being there maybe.

PCW and Yuna are talking and he is showing Yuna something on the tablet and she asks a question and he replies explaining and Yuna nods saying yes and PCW tells her something else as JES comes in with something to drink looking at them. (He is such a good man and father figure.)

PCW and GSR are on the phone and she thanks him for what he did and PCW replies smiling and GSR says something else and PCW replies back and GSR hangs up thinking. (they need to be together) and GSR sends him a text.PCW is thinking in his room and gets a text from GSR and smiles touching the screen.

LJA is sitting with MJ telling her something and MJ replies and LJA replies and gets a call from CDG and gets up and goes into her room to take it and MJ looks worried and hurriedly sends a text message to CIS to notify him what is going on and CIS reads it in his office and calls in SJ to tell her to do something.

CDG is having a board meeting and tells the room something and one of the directors says something and CDG replies back to him and another one asks something and CDG says something else about PCW and maybe blaming him for something and about GSR’s designs and the directors look at one another and then CIS comes in and they stand and CDG stands shocked looking at the directors and the director says something about how the chairman is there and CIS says something to them and they reply and then CIS says something else looking at a document of GSR’s designs and he nods saying something and CDG is shocked as is the room and CIS tells SJ to have them hand out something and CDG thumbs through it and is shocked that his dirty deeds were caught by CIS and the director says something and CIS replies back about the scandals that were fabricated and started by CDG and we see MJ walking down the hall to the meeting room fluffing her hair smiling and a the directors says something else to CIS and he fires back and CDG looks up at him mad that he has been caught.

The End.



MJ comes upstairs where LJA is and smirks at her as LJA calls out Ahjumma mad that MJ has helped CIS perhaps and MJ just smiles and tells her to come closer moving her finger. CDG is on the phone yelling at someone.SBG and LJA are together in her office with sunglasses on and she reaches up to take them off and shows a black eye and she shows the USB and gets up to go out and LJA laughs to herself. OHD and SBH are on the laptop and SBH clicks on something as OHD exclaims behind her. GSR has come to SBH’s office and is saying something to her. CDG is in his office smirking. PCW is at his flat and opens the door to see CYK walk in and he gives her a looks as she turns to give him one. GSR is moving a rack of clothing in the hallway. CDG is with CIS and CIS says something and CDG replies back and CIS turns to look at him and CDG looks at CIS.

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Written Preview Ep 87

대경은 미자의 예기치 못한 발언으로 위기에 몰리게 되자 정아에게 봉희를 도발시켜 블랙박스를 언론에 공개하라고 말한다. 한편, 이경은 찬우를 찾아가 새봄이에 대한 그리움을 채워주겠다며 사고 전으로 돌아가달라고 하지만 찬우는 분노하며 이경을 내쫓는데... 


Daqing is doeja rushes to the crisis with unexpected remarks of mija to provoke jeongah bonghui to say to release the black boxes to the media. On the other hand, yigyeongeun visit the chanwoo fill the longing for him to return to the accident saebom this getdamyeo chanwoo ago, but I was furious and kicked the reducers ...


Taching expectation of Mi-Ja's a crisis be pursued with the remark which could not and, to Jeong-a to provoke Bong-hui says disclose the black box to the press. On the other hand, will seek Lee Kyung-eun Chan-wu about early spring yearning, before will fill accident to go back, but as for Chan-wu become angry, expels Lee Kyung…

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Guest ina111

I'm so happy that team leader Go listened to her conscience this time. I didn't understand what went on behind the scenes, so I read through a couple of articles (links here and here). Apparently, the team leader went to CIS directly to tell him that she can't do what he instructed (or, to be correct, what CDG told her that CIS instructed), thereby alerting CIS to CDG's scheme. GSR's portfolio was sent without a problem, and it looks like GSR might participate in a collaboration with a famous Italian clothing company. :D

@awsparkle - after seeing the end of this episode, I'm back to thinking that the "flower snake" mentioned in the preview refers to MJ, because at the very end, after that issue with the Italy partnership was cleared up, I think the directors were asking CIS to explain his scandal, the fact that he gave the "flower snake" money from Vietnam slush funds. (I wonder if I heard that right.) Anyway, I'm excited to watch MJ's performance at the board meeting in tomorrow's episode. 

The previews have me shaking my head. I can't believe that CYG still has the gall to show up at PCW's place. I would love for her to run into IYO and NJB while she's visiting, lol! :)

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CYK and MJ are both snakes so whichever one they are referring too because the shoe fits them both.

CYK cannot be given an inch because she will take a yard. She actually believes she can work her magic and PCW will come back.. Now she wants to play act the weak damsel in distress of my beloved daughter is dead.  This witch has no idea the depth of PCW's pain and lost because it doesn't compute in her crazy self absorbed mind. She still refuses to take responsibility of her part in SB's death. Her cheating has been hidden, so she thinks, so it's not so. She has no idea PCW now knows about the other guy too. CYK should have taken her father's advice and that ticket and left the country. Her and her father's world is about to come crashing down. 

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@Ldy Gmerm, @ina111

Maybe one of you can correct me if I'm reading and understanding  this part of the written preview correctly. 

CYK seeks out PCW telling him he can fill her longing for SB if they go back to the time before the accident happen. PCW becomes angry and kicks CYK out. 

SBG and CYK's sense of logic is really twisted.  SBG tells GSR the logical thing to do is for her to give up PCW. She is the obstacle that is preventing PCW from going back to CYK. Now CYK comes up with this hair brain idea thinking SB's death is the key to getting this man back. CYK took PCW's kindness for weakness when he found her and took her crazy azz home. The thought never even crossed her mind that the man didn't want another senseless selfish thoughtless death to occur. Once again this woman is trying to use this child's death to her advantage. She hasn't even realized the fact that every time she tries to use this child the fallout that comes back is worst then the one before. 



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Guest ina111

@awsparkle I think that your understanding is correct. It's not clear to me whose longing she's talking about. I think it might be saying that she would appease PCW's longing for SB, asking him to return to the time before the accident. I'm not sure though - my two months of studying Korean is inadequate for this. Either way you put it, it's crazy talk. 

I have such mixed feelings about those previews. I'm happy that SBH's relatives will finally find out about Yuna, and that the black box video will come out, but I'm very annoyed that SBH will betray GSR's trust and play right into CDG's hands. If the video is published, the twit will probably do something drastic again, and PCW and GSR will be left feeling guilty and have to deal with the fallout. 

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@awsparkle I think that your understanding is correct. It's not clear to me whose longing she's talking about. I think it might be saying that she would appease PCW's longing for SB, asking him to return to the time before the accident. I'm not sure though - my two months of studying Korean is inadequate for this. Either way you put it, it's crazy talk. 

I have such mixed feelings about those previews. I'm happy that SBH's relatives will finally find out about Yuna, and that the black box video will come out, but I'm very annoyed that SBH will betray GSR's trust and play right into CDG's hands. If the video is published, the twit will probably do something drastic again, and PCW and GSR will be left feeling guilty and have to deal with the fallout. 

​Even if this is what she's saying she's still being her self centered self.   No wonder the man get's angry and throws her out. What an egotisical self absorbed twit this woman is. Something drastic is going to have to happen to stomp and squash this twit's ego. CYK is a drama queen and her doing something stupid again to gain pity is expected. 

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I'm so happy that team leader Go listened to her conscience this time. I didn't understand what went on behind the scenes, so I read through a couple of articles (links here and here). Apparently, the team leader went to CIS directly to tell him that she can't do what he instructed (or, to be correct, what CDG told her that CIS instructed), thereby alerting CIS to CDG's scheme. GSR's portfolio was sent without a problem, and it looks like GSR might participate in a collaboration with a famous Italian clothing company. :D

@awsparkle - after seeing the end of this episode, I'm back to thinking that the "flower snake" mentioned in the preview refers to MJ, because at the very end, after that issue with the Italy partnership was cleared up, I think the directors were asking CIS to explain his scandal, the fact that he gave the "flower snake" money from Vietnam slush funds. (I wonder if I heard that right.) Anyway, I'm excited to watch MJ's performance at the board meeting in tomorrow's episode. 

The previews have me shaking my head. I can't believe that CYG still has the gall to show up at PCW's place. I would love for her to run into IYO and NJB while she's visiting, lol! :)

​@ina111,  Hi,   That snake wouldn't care remember she's privilege she's CYK.. LMAO but NJB will tell her so what you still a privilege skank.. SM Just thinking of a scene like that.. She still not taking her father advice and leaving the country for a while so lets see what more crazy CYK got in store for us..     

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Enchanting Neighbors

Scene Recap Episode 87


Opening Scene The board member runs his mouth at CIS and CIS hits the desk and says something back and hits the desk and the Board member replies and hands him an envelope of pictures of him meeting with MJ and he says something and they reply as CDG smirks and they have MJ come in and the board member asks her if she is involved with CIS and she says no and CDG is shocked and the board asks something else and MJ says no she is not and CIS says something and CDG is not happy and shakes his head at the board member who is scared and CIS leaves the meeting with the board member coming over to CDG who is pissed off.


MJ comes in and looks at LJA who yells at her and MJ says something else to her and LJA replies and MJ tells her to lean in and LJA calls her Ahjumma and MJ says something and LJA yells Ahjumma to her again and MJ says something else to her and LJA replies and MJ tells her something and walks off.


CDG is on the phone with LJA asking her about the black box and LJA says something and CDG yells out at her angry that CIS caught him at his game and wants that black box video released to get back at CIS.

The team leader gets a call about GSR’s portfolio and her being selected to work with the Italian designer possibly and she hangs up and calls out to GSR to tell her and the other girls are surprised and happy for her congratulating her and GSR says really and the team leader replies back telling her she can step out for  a min or do something congratulating her as well.


GSR is outside and takes a picture of herself to send to PCW and we see PCW on the phone and he gets off and reads her text and sees her picture and calls her and GSR says something to him and he replies and they are smiling.

LJA is sitting in SBH’s office as she comes in with sunglasses and sits down and LJA says something about her brother and SBH replies taking off her glasses and shows a black eye and says something about her brother and the video and LJA replies back and SBH says something about going ahead to release the video and pulls out the usb and shows it and LJA fakes like she wants to stop her calling her Unnie and SBH jerks away and leaves with LJA smirking at her plan having worked.

OHD is at GSR’s flat on the PC and SBH comes ot the door and he opens it and says something and SBH replies back and sits down and pulls out the USB and he asks what is it and she tells him it is the black box video of CYK and SBG and OHD says something and SBH tells him to put that video on the web and OHD looks at her apprehensive.

The team leader is in the office and GSR comes in and says something and the Team Leader replies and GSR replies back smiling (finally seeing them act like co workers.)


OHD sets up something on the web and says something to SBH and then gets the USB and plugs it in and he says something else to SBH prolly did she really want to do something that would hurt her brother and she replies back to him then she pushes him out the way and uploads the video and he says something fretting and SBH looks up as SBG comes in but she hurries and leaves before SBG finds out what she did and SBG looks at OHD and he tells him something.

SBG is with CYK talking to her at her house and SBG tells her something about the black box video being loaded and CYK replies and SBG says something else and then goes and calls CDG to try to get his help to stop it and CDG is smirking saying something and they hang up. CYK says something to SBG and SBG replies back and CYK asks something and SBG sys something else still stuck on this woman and CYK looks at him calling his name not believing this idiot still professing his love or something for her.

PCW and GSR are walking home arm and arm and he walks her to the door of JES building and says something and GSR turns and says something else now and PCW replies back to her.

PCW is eating dinner with NJB, GSG and GMJ and he is chucking at something on the web he is looking at on the phone and GSG asks something and NJB says something and then GMJ looks over smiles and PCW looks up surprised to see them looking at him and NJB says something to him and he looks bashful and says something and GMJ replies and PCW replies and gets a text message and smiles as NJB says something.

GSR is walking in talking on the phone and smiling and laughing and runs into CDG at the elevator and her mood changes as she hangs up and CDG looks at her and smirks and greets her and congratulating her and GSR says thank you to him and CDG says something else.

PCW is smiling at home and looks on his phone to see reviews on something and his smile falls and he starts thinking.

The female staff is at work and they are all talking about the video and about the issue and GSR comes in and greets them and they all scatter to their desk and GSR sits down and wonders what is it and the short haired girl shows her and GSR is shocked.

GSR comes into SBH’s office and gets on her about her releasing that video that could hurt Yuna and SBH runs her mouth and GSR says something else to her and SBH takes off her sunglasses to show her black eye and GSR calls out to her shocked and SBH says something else to her and GSR replies and then SBH’s assistant comes in to tell her something about the black lash and SBH says what and goes running out leaving GSR standing there upset.

LAA is on the phone with CDG and says something about CYK and LJA replies and then we see LJA go to CYK’s room to bring her a drink but she is gone and LJA makes a comment to herself not really caring.

PCW is working at home reading and the bell rings and he calls out who is it and CYK says me open the door and PCW does and she comes in mad like she has done nothing wrong and she tosses her bag on the couch and picks up his book he was reading and says something to him and PCW replies and she starts going on and on about him having the usb of the black box and why did he release it or try to ruin her and PCW is just looking at her and CYK runs her mouth some more and PCW says something to her and CYK replies and PCW replies back to her letting her have it getting angry at her nerve and what she has done and CYK says something and PCW looks at her (she has no room to argue about anything!) and she tries to go into her pleas touching her chest saying nonsense like she is the one really hurt and PCW says something else and tells her to get out.

SJ brings CIS a cup of tea and says something and CDG comes in to sit and says something and CIS replies and CDG says something else and CIS replies back to him and CDG says something and CIS replies back looking at him and CDG looks away thinking and CIS says something about PCW a couple of times and something and CDG asks him something and CIS nods and CDG says something else and CIS looks at him and CDG turns to look at him too.

JES has made food for her and Yuna at the flat and she calls out for her to come out to eat and Yuna does and JES says something as she sits down and IYO comes in and JES calls out to her and IYO comes in and sits down and JES says something else and IYO replies and gets angry at JES  and JES offers her the food she made and IYO says something and JES replies back and IYO finally huffs and puffs and leaves the room and JES turns to say something to Yuna and Yuna asks something and JES replies.

IYO is in her room fretting about the issue (whatever.. who cares!)

GSR is moving a rack of clothing in the company and the employees are looking at her as she walks by but she ignores it.

The other female employees are talking about it in the office as well and shut up when GSR comes in and tries to look busy and she looks at them and says she is going back out for a bit.

GSR comes out to the break area and sees PCW sitting there and she calls out to him and PCW says something and GSR sits down and says something about the black box and what happen and PCW says something back to her and GSR replies back and PCW says something and GSR gets a text from someone (and reads it and looks upset and PCW asks what is it and GSR says nothing turning  her phone over and PCW looks at her knowing she is hiding something and GSR thinks looking at him.

The End.



The short haired girl is talking to GSR in the hallway of the company. GSR is sitting at the desk working and she gets a nose bleed. CYK is on the phone running her mouth to someone. SBG and OHD are meeting a reporter for an interview. SBG says something to the reporter. CYK is in a baseball cap saying something to someone. SBG gets up and walks away from the table. CYK says something. CIS grabs his head as he strokes out from finding out something as CDG grabs him as he goes down. CYK comes out of her room and says something angrily to CDG who looks upset. LJA is at CIS’s bedside and LJA has a nerve to be there touching her shoulder. CYK is sitting in the hall crying on PCWs’ shoulder and saying something as he consoles her.  (not sure why she is crying her actions helped to put her father where he is!)

**Video Credit DramaSBS Channel on YouTube.


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Written Preview Ep 88

인섭은 이사회에서 개인적인 일로 회사에 누를 끼쳤다며 사과를 하고 결국에는 대표 이사 자리에 물러나게 된다. 한편,수래는 간 기능 수치가 높아 따로 ct검사를 받게 되고, 판독 결과를 직접 들어야 한다는 연락을 받고 불안하게만 느껴지는데... 


Inseop is a personal thing and the apple he had pressed the company has retired from the Board of Directors is ultimately the CEO spot. On the other hand, surae is subject to a separate ct liver function test increases the value, but the readings that anxiety to get in touch directly neukkyeojineunde listen ...


In-seop will be personal from the board of director and with will press to the company, caused, withdraw finally to make an apology to the representative director place. On the other hand, as for several lay the functional number prosecutor get ct highly, separately become, must listen an interpretation result directly to only the fire overlook to get a contact feels…

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