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Park Bo Gum 박보검 ♥ 朴寶劍 ♥ パク・ボゴム | Upcoming Drama 2024: When Life Gives You Tangerines | Upcoming Drama 2024: Good Boy


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@Grace1003 Is there anyone bothering you? Tell me who.

We are more than grateful that you have taken your time, every day, every single day, to give us updates about Bo Gummie since some of us (well..me) can't always contribute due to work and stuff. So, if anyone asks you to stop, let me know.. coz I'll be doing tis


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@Grace1003 Who ? Who ? did they come to a wrong thread? They're such ungrateful brats. :vicx:
Please bear with them, dear... Its all thank to you and to the other contributors that keep updating this thread, that this thread is always active and full of updates..

If anyone messing with you again or with the others here, don't forget to tell @tiendoank , okay? B):D

Bogum-ah,  have a good rest, please.. The tiredness is there, even if he still smiles brightly and sincerely.. :(

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7 minutes ago, hoxx said:

Bogum with Kim Yuna for J. Estina







OMO!! Bogummy is a MAN here, no traces of his cute persona. :w00t:

Precious ... :wub: :

All this day's tiredness are falling through the window.. 

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Vstar Bogum with Yuna

18 minutes ago, soechysuci gummy said:

Bogum a half blood prince, the vampire?...its very..very..hot and cold...red pant and black shirt...just daebakkk.

Hii..chingu yaa..miss u so much...again..and again..i am with new account..forgotten the password.


lol how many accounts do you have. should have put your childrens name as password

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@heyfen thanks a million for translation the star magazine's interview


[TRANS] Interview for The Star May 2016 Issue - Park Bo Gum


Updated May 17th, 2016
Be Natural - Park Bo Gum.
Editor’s Note 
When others have heard that we will be working with Park Bo Gum for a photoshoot, the interest of the people around me have been pouring in. Is he handsome in person, is he kind natured in person too and etc, there isn’t just one or two things that they wanted to know about.  Actually the editor had done a photoshoot with Park Bo Gum when he was a rookie.  Even though I am only saying it now, but I was worried that Bo Gum whom have gave me a good impression back then if he, “Will he change by any chance?” when he becomes a top star. However, I was relieved when he did a self introduction to the staffs that he was meeting for the first time and said “Hello, I am actor Park Bo Gum, please take care of me.”  Park Bo Gum whom I have not met for a long time, had became more skilful for filming and was grateful for every moment. I want to tell everyone who are curious about the real side of Park Bo Gum. If you meet him in real life, he’s much better in person. 
You have did many photoshoots right?  I feel that you’re like a model now. 
Thank you. I’m glad that I’m able to view this side of myself that I have no idea about it too through the photoshoot. I am someone who will try to look for photoshoot drafts or photos myself. Therefore i think that models are amazing. Because they are able to showcase everything from clothes or minor details like accessories and etc.
Do you have a strong interest in fashion?
I can’t say that I have no interest. I like having a neat style.
You have rested for a short period after <Reply 1988> has ended. What have you been doing lately? 
Actually I have been doing a lot of filming for advertisements. I am very grateful. When will I be able to receive such an immense love.  When I have no schedule, I’m mostly at school (Currently majoring in Film and Musical Studies at Myongji University) 
I can’t leave out to talk about tvN <Reply 1988> which has concluded. Do you like the ending? 
I don’t know if it’s correct to express that I like it. With regards to what the writers had taken into consideration,  I should be cautious on the matter itself to say that I’m satisfied or dissatisfied. And it was a blessing that I was casted. The director and writer have once said that “All the roles are main characters and this is a drama for families", and that the part for guessing the husband was not the main focus. Through this drama, I have thought that “I have to learn a lot from the sunbaes.”.  Although it was a pity that I could not act opposite with sunbaes for many scenes, but I have learnt the way to put down myself and to act comfortably. To speak like I do usually without modifying. It’s a really valuable piece of work for me. 
After watching the <Reply> series, I had the thought that the characters match really well with the personality of the actors. Just like Bo Gum and Choi Taek. 
The director and writer have gave us the roles that suits us the most. I also think that out of the roles that I have done, Choi Taek is the role that resembles  Park Bo Gum in reality the most. 
What do you think was the famous scene of <Reply 1988>? 
There’s a lot, but if i were to choose one, it would be the last scene. It was the scene when as the time passed by, Deoksun walked past the alley and opened the door of Taek’s room, when her friends greeted her just like the past.  I like that narration of that scene. I have wrote it down personally. 
(Park Bo Gum have narrated Deoksun’s last voiceover with a serious gaze) 
[T/N : Voiceover translation taken from Dramabeans' recap
“The reason I miss that time and the reason I miss that street isn’t just because I miss my younger self. It’s because my dad’s youth, my mom’s youth, my friends’ youth—the youth of everything that I loved was in that place. I regret not having bid a final farewell to the surroundings of my youth that can never be brought back together again. To the things that are already gone, to the time I can’t return to… I say a belated farewell. Goodbye, my youth. Goodbye, Ssangmun-dong. A time so warm and innocent that I miss it painfully. Do you hear me? If you do, answer me, my ’88, my days of youth
Upon hearing Bo Gum narrating it himself personally, I feel like crying. 
The lines and its ambience. Because it has the warmness of the friends gathering together at Taek’s room even if Taek wasn’t around. And that’s why I like that scene. 
Although you’re just 24 years old, but if you were to look back, what was the moment that you wish to return to?
At that moment of the period, it was because it was beautiful at that period. I do not wish to return back and I want to lead a more fulfilling life now. 
On the contrary, when is the future that you want to go to? What kind of future do you dream of? 
It is during my 30s. I will not lose my core, and grow up in a upright manner. My experience will be more abundant. I want to know how I will use the experience that I have gained and apply it onto my acting, and I’m also curious about what kind of thoughts  I will have to lead on what kind of life.  I will probably have a new perspective? The perspective that I had shut would probably be opened up again. 
You have been to Africa through tvN <Youth Over Flowers>. Did you feel bad for the ratings? 
I do not regret it. Even though the ratings for the first episode was the highest, I am thankful even for that. When will i have (the opportunity again) to go all the way to Africa to store memories with the hyungs. I am more thankful for that and so I’m not concerned with the ratings. When I was filming the drama, most of my scenes are with Deoksun or when I was alone, I only met Jaehong hyung when I was filming the “guardian angel” scene, and therefore I like it that I got closer with the hyung through this trip. 
How about going on a trip together for the next time? 
Of course that’s great!  As long as everyone’s together, it doesn’t matter if it’s abroad or domestic. I will be attending the movie screening for Jaehong hyung’s movie <The Last Ride>.
Your outstanding (?) driving skills has generated a lot of talk, do you drive in South Korea? 
Yes, sometimes. I have became more cautious. Sometimes I drive to the venue instead of my manager, and he would definitely put on the safety belt (laughs). I guess I have to practice more. 
Didn’t you drove well after that.
That was because I was just driving straight ahead (laughs).  It seems like I’m the only one travelling comfortably and I am sorry about that.  Jaehong hyung was in charge of the meals,  Junyeol hyung was leading us like a tour guide, and Kyungpo hyung was spot on to calculate the expenses during the trip. All of them treated me well just like my biological hyung. 
What was the greatest thing that <Youth Over Flowers> has left for Bo Gum? 
If you were to view it from a different perspective, it’s like an extension of the drama. Wasn’t it an opportunity for me to be able to meet the hyungs and other great people? I’m able to be accquainted with a lot of people, it’s a piece of work that brought me the fortune to meet great people. 
Do you plan to travel solo? 
I want to try it. Didn’t <Youth Over Flowers> also has the idea of “Where should I go?” and plans on a trip right away. Probably because I went to the trip without any plans and only brought a bag with me, I am able to indulge in the beauty of travelling even more.  I realised that that I could even travel although I only have a camera, mobile phone and sunglasses with me. 
The public have shown an immense interest for your first lead role in KBS2 <Moonlight Drawn By Clouds>, are you mentally prepared for it? 
Thank you. My responsibility have became heavier.  The director and writer are outstanding, so i feel that it would be very interesting. My desire to show how I have progressed through a good piece of work is big.
You chose this drama right away after reading the script? 
Yes. I have mentioned in the past that I would like to act in a sageuk so I felt that what I have said have came true. (laughs). The phrase “Having a positive mindset will bring about good result.”  has a huge effect to me. I have read the webtoon before and I thought "it was interesting". I’m thankful that I have the chance to read the script (of the drama) and I thought that if it’s not now, I will not be able to do it.  I think it’s a drama that I’m able to do at the age of 24 now, and therefore I prefer it more. 
You have learned cello in <Tomorrow Cantabile> and also baduk in  <Reply 1988>, is there anything you’ve been preparing specifically for the upcoming drama? 
I am studying in depth for the character “Crown Prince Hyomyeong”.  I am reading many history books while studying about the dynasty and character. Please look forward to it. 
Park Bo Gum’s “kindness influence" has generated a lot of talk lately. It isn’t a common title so how do you feel about it? 
That’s great. I’m really thankful.  “kindness influence” is not an easy task.  Whenever i hear that there are fans  who have changed their way of thinking because of me, I’m thankful that i've helped them.  Because I have said that I want to be a “kind person”, and that’s the only thing that I think about.  I think that it has influenced me the most more than anything else. I want to be a kind person and actor in the future too. 
The more we chat, the more I think that you’re really a nice person 
I want to be a nice person.
What does the fans mean to Bo Gum?
They are really like my lifelong friends that gives me strength. How will I be able to receive such an immense love without them. On the other hand, I’m really sorry to them. Because i cannot do anything for them.  It’s just that I’m working on my work that I like.  They like that side of me without any cost, i am really thankful and also felt apologetic for it. That is why I do not want to receive any presents from the fans.  The presents from the fans is sufficient even if it’s conveyed through appreciation.  I understand it.  I presume that there are many fans who are middle school students too. I also receive pocket money in the past too. It’s like I have stolen their money.  I think that saving up the money for themselves or being filial to their parents is the right thing to do. I would like to take this opportunity to emphasis that, presents through appreciation is sufficient too! 
You have participated in <The 16th Top Chinese Music Awards> for the first time at Shenzhen, China not long ago. You’ve also received the prize for the "Best International Artist”. Congratulations!
Haha. Thank you. Although I have not promoted officially in China yet but it was all thanks to <Reply 1988>. They recognised me and I’m thankful that they were welcoming me. It mean a lot to me.
You have shown a “WGM level” of collaboration with Red Velvet Irene in KBS2 <Music Bank>. Is your dating style just like how you treat Irene warmly? 
I have gotten more natural with Irene as compared to the beginning. My dating style? I am the kind who falls in love deeply with one person. I’m not concerned about other things. I like someone whom I’m comfortable with like a friend whom I can learn from. 
Yoo Hee Yeol mentioned in his program that he’s a “Park Bo Gum doppelgänger”. Have you read the articles? 
I have watched the broadcast (laughs). I’m really a fan of him. Sunbae-nim said that I’ve a similar hairstyle as him. I want to make an appearance on <Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook> if there’s a chance in the future. I like all the Yoo Hee Yeol sunbae-nim songs. For e.g. <Good Person> and <At The Park>. I like sentimental songs. 
Although I’m saying it out of the sudden but you’re really “handsome”. Do you think you’ve any flaws on your face? 
Oh no. I can’t say this. (laughs) Actually I’m living while being satisfied. I’m thankful. 
You’re in the same management agency as Song Joongki. Are you watching the drama <Descendants of The Sun>? (It was the last day of broadcast on the day of interview) 
Of course! Wasn’t he alive yesterday? (laughs)
How do you feel about Song Joongki’s acting? If Bo Gum acted as Captain Yoo Si Jin, how would it be like? 
He’s cool! (in military style speech) I have a lot of to learn while watching from his acting too.  If i were to act in that role, I can’t do as well as Joongki hyung. I have not enlisted (in the army) yet so I cannot apply that emotion and feeling as much as hyung does.  Actually I have seek hyung to advice me for<Moonlight Drawn By Clouds>. Hyung said “If you don’t do it now, then you’ll not be able to do it (later) so it’s a must to take it up”. I was highly enlightened. 
If you can act together with Song Joongki, what is the genre or role that you would like to try?
How about (acting as) brothers with Joongki hyung? I want to act along with my company’s family members. Go Changsuk sunbaenim has made an special cameo appearance in <Reply 1988> and even though Son Seung Won hyung has also acted in <I Remember You> but I wasn’t able to act together with them. If there’s a chance in the future, I want to act along with Cha Taehyun sunbaenim. Ah, and I want to film a photo shoot with him too.
Personally, I had a very strong impression of your performance in <Coin Locker Girl>. Your innocent eyes was  unforgettable. (The editor was crying vigorously when she watched the moment that Bo Gum was killed  in <Coin Locker Girl>
It was really exhausting for me at that time to enact it.  When I was reading the script, I thought I would be able to act well as the character has a similar personality as me. However it was only when I was at the filming site when I realised that, I’m the only one who will be cheerful. "Is this correct? Will it turn out well" I have been constantly asking the director for opinion, and even though the director said that I've acted well, I was not convicted. If I barely act well, it will be too stand out, but if I suppressed my emotions, everything would be like glued together, and that degree would be very hard to adjust. Even when i watched it again, I've no idea if I have acted well. Actually if i looked back to watch my all my past works, I’m embarrassed about it.  Even so, but I feel that i may not be able to act even better if I've to enact now. Because the emotions at that moment was the most realistic one. I was looking at Kim Hye Soo's sunbaenim eyes as I tried to act and those emotions are still etched vividly in my mind.  <Coin Locker Girl> is a movie that I've learnt a lot from. 
It seems like you can use the expression in your eyes to convey many stories?
Thank you. I will take good care of my eyes and vision. (laughs) Everyone please do not look at your mobile phones throughout the night. 
Your emotions, how does it influence on your acting? 
I’m greatly influenced by the people I have met.  When I’m acting, I’m not myself but I’m living as a different person. I always observe people. I learn from what’s good and reject those that are bad. And that’s definitely useful helpful whenever I act.  
Do you like to listen to the stories of other people? 
Yes. I like to counsel and provide advice too. 
For every movement that you do, everything about Bo Gum is the interest of the public lately.
First of all, I’m really thankful. I always believe that “i cannot forget” all the love and interest that I received, and I  have to act cautiously. My family members have also told me to be “even more humble”, and I’m also very careful. During the <Reply 1988> fansign event which was held not long ago, I wore a ring that I endorsed and went there. I was agonised about wearing it on my right hand as it might slipped off when I was signing so I wore it on my left hand instead and the keyword “Park Bo Gum ring” was trending real-time on the search engine. I was really shocked. Everyone were meticulous even for the smallest details too. 
Even though many things have been exposed, there’ll also be something that you’ve gave up indefinitely. 
Yes. Everyone are curious about my personal affairs too so i felt a little bad about it.  Either it’s my campus life or the church that I go to, and also my family matters, these are all my private affairs.  It’s a bit upsetting and tough that people are curious about me other than my job as an actor. However I’m the one who chose the job which allows me to receive love from everyone. Other than my acting, everyone are curious about other things, so I’m still gauging “what’s exactly right”. 
Is there something that you won't give up for sure?
Public transportation! I’m still using it well as of now. I take a lot of subway and bus whenever I go to school too. I think everyone are still not aware of it yet. But if I were to think from another perspective, will there be people who will avoid (public transportation) because of me too.  If everyone starts to crowd out of the sudden, it would be very inconvenient. Ah, but the fares for public transportation has risen a lot lately, it would only cost 720 won when I was attending high school. 
Are you happy now?
Of course, I’m happy.  I have always been happy. And I’ve been thinking of becoming happier. I suddenly recalled  that you was asking me a question about “the moment I’ve missed”. I want to answer the question with the lyrics of <Don’t Worry> “All things past is in the past, they all have a meaning”. 
Lastly, with no one in particular , please talk about what you are grateful about at this moment. 
First of all, I’m happy to meet you (the reporter) after a long time. Thank you for welcoming me so much. You have took pictures of me well, and the concept suits well with the May issue. And also, I’m the on the magazine cover right? Its meaningful to me as it’s the first magazine cover in my life, and therefore I’m thankful. When will i be able to show the refreshing image of an 24 years old again? It was a really grateful day today. I’m always thankful!
translated by @heyfen





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