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[Drama 2014/2015] Love&Secret 달콤한 비밀 Sweet Secret Thank you For Watching..

Ldy Gmerm

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Does anyone else feel that we will soon see some additional characters or a focus on other characters soon?  It seems like ti will be hard to sustain 120 episodes without making HAR's brother's subplot more prominent or making the subplots of the aunt or the mess SW's stepmom is making for for HAR's and SW's father? 

In many ways SW's father may get in more trouble with an accusation of offering bribes etc which would put the company in his wife's hands.Could be fun

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AlanR said: Does anyone else feel that we will soon see some additional characters or a focus on other characters soon?  It seems like ti will be hard to sustain 120 episodes without making HAR's brother's subplot more prominent or making the subplots of the aunt or the mess SW's stepmom is making for for HAR's and SW's father? 

In many ways SW's father may get in more trouble with an accusation of offering bribes etc which would put the company in his wife's hands.Could be fun

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@Anne41 AR almost told him in the beginning of todays episode but she caught herself. I think he has a clue by now.
This is wiki-d.addicts synopsis for the drama: Ah Reum becomes a single mother while studying in the US and returns home. And here is a man named Sung Woon who is deeply hurt by his family. One day, Phillip, the biological father of Ah Reum's child shows up in front of them.

Sung Woon decides to take care of the child and protects her from Phillip who seems to be busy enjoying his life.

This drama features these three characters who challenge themselves to succeed in their career, love, and family business."

Well I wish SW would hurry up and get to saying he is the daddy lol.

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I don't think SW is going to say anything about the child at least not until ep 40-50 when Phillip begins to suspect something. Yes the episode makes it believe Phillip may have figured it out, but thats not how kdrama works. Previews are notoriously deceiving in that they show one thing, but mean something completely different.

SW though hasn't come to a firm decision about his growing feelings either so it's again highly unlikely he will make any move. I suspect it's going to be when the truth about AR child comes out that it hurts her dad that he will step up, but again it's still not time for that.

As far as SW stepmother is concerned...yes she's simply wanting to get SW out of the way so that her son can be the heir apparent. There will be an attempt by her to get the father to do just that.

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:-B @irilight although the dad made a horrendous decision to drop his granbaby off with someone...I feel for him in the sense that it seems as if he has worked very hard all of his life to provide for his family and on his own merit was given the higher position. It is terribly sad that through no fault of his own (if he has be upright and incorruptible) that he has a target on his back because of others' greed. Add to that, when people find out that his daughter is a single parent, he and his wife will look like they didn't know how to parent. (That's what they think not what I think.) with the subject of Phillip and SW, I also wonder if there will be any hope of co-parenting later on...and I mean later on there's still 99 eps to go. all societies, and all individuals think differently about this. I don't want to speak to soon, but I've been impressed with the Writer... I didn't expect Phillip to show up so soon, or all of AR's family to find find out about Tiffany. Nor did I expect AR to have such a strong character....ex. She immediately leaves her father's home.....there are plenty of dramas that have the lead crying for most of the drama, unable to make decisions and add to that slapped around by everyone...and that hasn't been the case with drama.....I have found the first 21 eps refreshing.

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@cattx, I feel similarly...
Regarding HAR's father, I think the position right now is not yet his but he is the most likely candidate, while they are forming the candidate list. So - the good news, even if a scandal removes him from the list he could potentially get back on the list, if /when his innocence is proven.
Also I like the fact that this is a drama that deals with single motherhood in Korea, and the ratings are supporting it.

BTW, I am watching now ep. 12 subbed...  At roughly 27 min. into the episode KYY is LSA, discussing the get together, and LSA tells KYY something to the effect that " her mother is living the good life..so lucky to have a daughter who is a lawyer, while she is traveling around the world..."

So KYY comes from money? or she only told LSA that and LSA believes her?

And if so, what did CSW's father mean when he said he supported KYY throughout college?

And then - in the preview to next episode CSW said that if he wants to keep his job, he needs to obey his father and marry KYY... so - here we have it..

But - when the father walked out of the office late at night seeing HAR working he said "this girl is growing on me..."

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@irilight  I think YY is an orphan. I do believe she knows her mother but I think in an earlier ep they said she lives with her aunt. IMO I don't think she comes from money as seen by the chairman having to support her education. I was thinking daughter of the maid or family friend lol. However, she did grow up with SW and even knew his mom (but she still could have been the child of a domestic helper in the house). Wish they would explain more of her connection to SW, but I do know they were not lovers. He told her because of this marriage and forced engagement he feels as if he has lost his best friend. But friends was the extent of their relationship which does relieve me.

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So Philip is trying to do the math but maybe doubting himself? (Yeah you know thats your kid lol). 
Ar father gets home and ask wife where is AR, wife tells him she took her baby and left. Did he expect her to stay after what he did. I think he says it may be for the best??? 
Next morning at work SW finds a box of chocolate on his desk and thinks back to when AR tried to give him chocolates before and he gets sooooo happy thinking its from her. Then assistant comes in and says they are from him so SW throws them back at him lol. (There not from his sweetie so he doesn't want them lol).  AR then comes in and SW yells at her and makes her go eat with him. As they leave the building the green-eyed jealous monster sees them and begins to fume. SW and AR look so good together just talking and fixing each other food.
AR friend takes Tiffany and meets with her mom. Mom once again ask who the father is but when the friend doesnt answer mom says nevermind. Then the friend say says AR has seen him????? (OK why does OHM look so happy to see Tiffany and hold her? She wasn't that happy about the child in the days before this, and kept dropping her off at the aunt and uncle). 
Back at work AR is the bathroom washing up when the monster accost her and goes off on her. AR then goes to the roof to shout out her frustration and determines to put Tiffany first?
Ar mom has taken Tiffany to aunts house and they talk... I think she ask about the money and aunt was evasive????? Then she say something about Tiffany and aunt says you just gave her a bottle dont you remember (really not clear on that part)??
SW is having tea with his dad and stepmom, they want him to hurry up and get engaged/married. He thinks LSA is behind this and gets upset and leaves. LSA then plays on his fathers emotions I think father would be glad to have AR as a DIL instead on YY lol.  Grandma is as bad as LSA...she watches SW leave then bad mouths him to little brother. Think she asks did he really like he really like going to SW apartment and he says yes. She says something else and SH looks confused (more bad mouthing maybe?).
Uncle is on the phone with someone, I think he is getting involved in another scam. AR father is at his friends bar drunk again. I think that reporter followed him and is trying to get dirt on him, but the waiter guy is in his way from clearly seeing. Finally waiter leaves and reporter can see him in all his glorious drunkenness.
Back at her friends house AR kisses and talks to Tiffany. Wait...how baby get back here??? Anyway, next day at work she is having coffee with someone and they are giving her the lowdown on someone Philip or SW or YY???? 
SW gets a text from stepmom about YY and rescheduling the family meeting because her mom is back or something like that. Then Philip walks up wanting to talk to him and then tells him that he wants AR there since she the project team leader. SW doesn't like it but calls her down to them. YY walks up to them then AR comes and sees that not only is Philip there but that crazy YY too. SW knows AR is uncomfortable about it but he is stuck. They go to lunch and AR looks as comfortable as a deer dining with lions. No one is talking and YY keeps staring at AR like she did this on purpose. Then she (YY) tries steering the conversation, finally getting Philip to congratulate them on their engagement. SW is unhappy and uncomfortable too. Then Philip tells AR to congratulate them (just what YY wanted) but AR doesn't do it and gets up and goes to the bathroom. SW and YY are walking back to offices and he ask her why she did that? I think she stake her claim to him.  Meanwhile Philip is still trying to cozy up to AR who does not want his azz! She doesnt want to listen to anything he has to say and gets up to leave, so he ask if that baby she has is his.   END

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@yamiyugi As far as the chairman and his wife goes, I think he truly loves that snake and is and does put high value on her feelings and words. As seen by him constantly choosing to go with her suggestions. I don't believe he is neglectful or inconsiderate of her feelings at all. He shows more love and affection for her than AR father shows her mother. 
Now regarding the memorial to the first wife, it should be held it has nothing to do with him moving on and putting away his feelings for the 1st wife. However once he remarried her memorial should have no longer been held in that house. SW was wise to finally say enough is enough. Plus he had already warned LSA NOT to have anything to do with his mothers memorial. The father may have been angry but he too realized his mistake and later told SW that from now on his mother's memorial will be be held at a Temple. 
Frankly I think LSA sees a bit of herself in YY which is why she is helping her. But I agree she definitely has an agenda.

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