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[Drama 2015] Shine or Go Crazy 빛나거나 미치거나


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However depressing this week's episode was, it showcased the finest acting from its' actors. They may not be my favorite episodes but I know I have something to rewatch when I need a good cry (or just want to remind myself why I love JH, lol). I couldn't stop my tears from the time SY woke up and hugged WS until their farewell kiss. I felt the sadness during the dissolution of their blood brothers relationship and the despair of not wanting to let go of each other, especially on SY's part. So sad but our OTP has this strong sense of duty. I don't think the wedding would happen. Maybe I'm in denial or I'm just staying positive? I played with the idea of WW and SY marrying but their passionate kiss kept interrupting. How could they live as brother/sister in law when they feel something like that for each other? (My pervy mind just replied, "that's what affairs are for..." Hahaha...) Arrrgh...How do you let go of someone as bright and wonderful as SY? Or a man as admirable and outstanding (and delicious) as WS? :\"> :P Kidding aside, how does one let go of a love this beautiful??? :\"> ;;)

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haymochi said: WHAAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!!! The viewers love this ep!!!!! Ep 20 got a 13.9 % rating!!!!!! Should i be happy or sad?? X(
AGB Nationwide 
MBC SOGC:13.9%(+2.5)
KBS2 Blood:not in top 20
SBS Grapevie:10.5%(-0.2)

AGB Seoul
MBC SOGC:15.3%(+3)
KBS2 Blood:not in top 20
SBS Grapevine:12.2%(-0.8 )

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WS knew about SY's illness and about her dying at anytime and he still accept her being taken away by force tp marry  like that??  X(i miss the usual strong, happy, spunky, and healthy looking Gaebong. The recent eps which her health has deteriorated badly along with Chunghae snatched away  really hurt my heart.If the wedding ever happen, i'm gonna really give up.

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Guest pixiee

After reading the recaps here for ep 20 I dont I will watch it. I just skip it n ep 21 too. I just read it fr here. If ep 21 is happy ending, then I watch 20 n 21. As for now its too heart wrenching. I dont think I can take it. Reading it already makes me cry

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Guest gemini3105

Two people: YeoWon and WangWok ... not good ... (I think so)Because ... YeoWon know WangSo not love herWangWok know ShinYool not love himBut the two sisters and save WangSo and ShinYool from danger ... aims to achieve its intensive attentionI despiseYeoWon not give the opportunity to the QueenWangWoK not abandoned the idea of appropriating ShinYoolBoth want to divide WangSo and ShinYool because selfishnessI still say this ... but do not wantShinYool, eventually she will die. She will never be a wife WangSo, even for a day ...She will die and bring the wife of WangWok identity ...This makes me "go to CRAZY" before WangSo "go to CRAZY"   X( X( X(

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Naaah i'm skipping ep 20 too. It's too painful to watch. Maybe gonna watch it if ep 21 is happier and if not i will wait till ep 24. Just one wish, please never let the wedding happen. Seriously ehat Ww foing right now is exactly the same as what his father did to the woman that he loved. The writer is killing our hearts :((

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Personal thoughts..I actually loving the melo part for yesterday episode..even though it was soooo heartbreaking seeing our OTP suffered..=(( but it was actually WS idea to be completely unrelated to SY..but then WW interfered with the marriage idea..even WS didn't aspect that..and the king really can't make a quick and better decision.. what I hated most in yesterday episode is that WS have to work under Poong that chikopek son!!!! X( X( ~X( It was WSR idea and the king just go with it..
Really..no one can make a quick and best decision beside our WS..I just hope SY collapsed on the wedding day..all this while she has been enduring her sickness is because of the thought of she would wake up to see WS everyday..so what would happen to her if the strength and hope that keeps her alive is no longer there..WS need to know this..he thought that this marriage and separation can save her while it was the opposite.. I'm being positive that they are going to have a happy ending..I'm remembered the FTLY drama..the writer give us 3 final episode full of OTP sweetness..lets just hope this drama will to.. [-O< [-O<  [-O< 
By the way..I'm curious to see WS hairstyle next week :)>- ;;)

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The ending of ep 19 already made me cry a lot and feel very depressing. So, skip ep 20 for sure... too heartbreaking!!! Wait for the happy time in the next eps, if not, wait for the ending of this drama.
I cannot stand for the painful scenes in ep 20... their acting (especially JH and OJS) are so daebak... their combination and chemistry are wonderful... the storyline really drive the viewers from shine to crazy (and hope it back to shine again). Is there really no way to save SY and WS except force her to marry WW? SY knows she cannot live long, is she gonna kill herself like WW's ex had done in the past?
The higher rating doesn't mean the Korean viewers love the panic scenes yesterday, I think because the storyline causes too much curiousness, many things happened in this ep. Hope the rating will rocket next week and hope there is a way to save SY out of this royal marriage... poor her and WS
SOGC fighting...

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WW is the absolute trash here. Why can't a horse kick him or something X( for the first time i feel like it's better for the otp to just die together rather than foing through this super painful phase. Maybe the way WS can go back to SY is him becoming the king. No way he would let Sy marries WW right????? WW can redeem himself by kidnaping WS and put him as the groom instead of him as a surprise gift for SY.... WS is sent away to work for WSR is just like how he was sent away in the novel right? Siiigh.... How will SY be able to get out of this and how will the geumkang mountain occurs.

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